~ Soulmates ~


Senior Member
This will be a romantic Role Play. It's set in a Boarding sschool, so i will post your dorms below. Also, i will decide your character's soulmate, which i will also post below.


1. No God modding etc.

2. Your character can be any supernatural creature (or human)

3. Post at least 2 sentences

4. no serious harming or killing off anyones characters without consent.










My Character:

Name: Shelby Kantby

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks: Short, has ash-blonde curly hair down to her waist. Pale, has startingly vivid emerald eyes. Wears a cute black dress and black high-heels. Also always has black make-up on.

Personality: Popular, sly. Fun to be with if she likes you but can be evil if not.

Second Part To My Post.

Looks: (add on)
Has jet black swirly wings.

Race: Fae

Other: n/a




{May I join?}

Name: Jasper Carlenne

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Due to the contrast between his untidy black hair, pale (almost pure white) skin and fiery blue eyes, his features often appear quite intense.

Sometimes, his eyes may seem un-natural as a result of their intensity, but depending on his mood, they often fade to a more gentle tone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_miet8rQooL1rov997o1_500.png.08cd1d0651ee9d9b9bf9edad38301324.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_miet8rQooL1rov997o1_500.png.08cd1d0651ee9d9b9bf9edad38301324.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Although his exterior appears mysterious, flirtatious and sometimes even dark, he can be extremely sweet, caring and loyal once you get to know him. He is neither good nor evil; he is placed somewhere between the two. You'll sometimes find he shall commit very good or generous deeds, while on other occasions, he can be quite troublesome. Towards his enemies, he is known for being sarcastic and harsh towards them. In relationships, he is very romantic, but adventurous and fun at the same time. He is extremely protective and defensive of those he loves.

Race: Vampire

Other: N/A



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Name: Monica Watson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks: She is about 5" 6' with icy blue eyes and black hair. Her pale skin really makes her eyes and hair stand out in a crowd.

Personality: Monica is bubbly, happy, friendly and all around a pleasant to be around. She typically flirts whenever she truly likes someone and is the most reliable girl you'll ever meet.

Race: Werewolf

Other: She has a little puppy named Sam.
Name: Brady Harris

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: He has long (for a guy) hair that is a dark shade of purple and cat eyes that glow luminous purple and white(white for the pupil and purple iris). He is a little taller than average height and of average weight. He likes to wear his favorite purple and white sweater with blue jeans. He has ears that are also a luminous purple and a tail that is luminous white and purple striped.

Personality: He is very slap happy and enjoys it when other people become confused. He talks in rhyme and riddle that sometimes doesnt make sense but he is a good friend once you get to know him.

Race: Cheshire Cat

Other: Can change into cat form and has "evaporation" abilities.
Okay, a one Brady Harris accepted, and one Monica Watson.

@Punkkat Accepted :D

@anonymous92 Accepted

Feel free to start, i'll post in the morning.Soulmates will be posted in the morning, so carry on for now :D
Name: Hazel Pyre

Age: Unknown. Looks about 14 or 15.

Gender: Female.




Personality: Can either be extremely easy going and bubbly, or serious and on task. She tends to be mischievous in nature.

Race: Phoenix.

Other: Power over fire, and flight in her Phoenix form.


Name: Kyo

Age: Unknown, but looks about 14 or 15

Gender: Male.




Personality: Dark, mysterious, and quiet, but also very kind. He hates causing trouble, and hates fights. If a fight starts though, he is determined to win.

Race: Kitsune

Other: Just normal Kitsune powers.
Name: Grace Sky

Age: Looks 16, real age is unknown.

Gender: Female

Looks: She has bright green eyes, light brown wavy hair, skin color is like a white rose.

Personality: Out going, friendly, sarcastic.

Race: Angel


Name:Justin Smith

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: He had blonde hair in a fox hawk, hazel colored eyes, skin is light brown.

Personality: quiet at first, fun to be around, cool.

Race: Sorcerer

(Can I make another form?)

Name: Anastasia A'mere

Age: 21

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8d57870_mybeautifulgirl.jpg.d84ef057bd8093850a85d646e5357003.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8d57870_mybeautifulgirl.jpg.d84ef057bd8093850a85d646e5357003.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Anastasia is a generally sweet person with a caring, affectionate and loyal nature. She has never been a "herded sheep following the crowds" and has always been both intelligent and intuitive - to the point where she could even be considered psychic. If there's a problem, she knows not to respond to anger with anger and to remain both calm and civilised. She is usually fairly quiet, although she can be very friendly and flirtatious also. She can become quite vulnerable when faced by her fears (she suffers from claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces, and has been known to black out at the sight of blood). With both a sense of humour and a positive personality, she has learned to appreciate the small things in her life; more than anything, she wants to find her soulmate.

Race: Anastasia is quite human - she is an Empath. These people can sense, feel and understand the emotions, feelings, hopes, dreams, desires and fears of others. Some Empaths can manipulate the emotions of others and the majority can read emotional imprints left into environments or objects.

Other: The abilities of an Empath include the following; however, most are rare and only some experienced Empaths receive these abilities: Empathic Healing - This is the power to take away emotional pain from others. When related to physical wounds, the Empath does not heal the wound, but rather removes the pain and takes it into himself/herself. Lie Detection - The reason an Empath is talented in interrogating is because they can detect lies. Even low level Empaths can do this. Telempathy - This is when an Empath can not only sense others' emotions, but they can send their emotions to others and images relating these emotions (Eg.; Memories of your childhood or the death of a loved one). Clairvoyance - When an Empath forms an emotional connection with another being, they are able to sense when that person is in danger and to sense them by their "emotional scent".



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Name: Rosalie Remoro

Age: 17




Personality: She is a sweet, outgoing girl. She seems nice, but really can stab you in the back. She is sly and sneaky. She can make you thing she loves you, but not really. She can cheat on you just like that. She is a beautiful devil. Be careful, your eyes may deceive you...

Race: Vampire

Other: She loves drama and romance. Roses and hearts.


Name: Brain Miller

Age: Forgotten

Gender: Male


Were-wolf Form:

Personality: He is a mysterious kid. He doesn't remember much of his child-hood. Being the were-wolf he is, he lost tons of his memories when he was turned. He also seems to zone in and out sometimes. He loves adventure and even some romance. He is buff and strong, one type all the ladies like...

Race: Were-wolf

Other: He sometimes 'forgets' to put his shirt on when he turns into a were-wolf and back to human. LOL

Name: Riley Baker

16 1/2


Medium honey brown hair. Is normal hight and weight for her age. Has hazel eyes that almost seem to glow when her emotions get out of control.

Is very clumsy but smart. She knows there's something different about her but she doesn't know what or why.


She never wants to date and likes to distance herself from people.
Name: Ryleanna Morton Nickname: Ryla or Rylie

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Personality: Ryla is fun and outgoing, but she likes to keep to a small group of friends. She is considered a clutz but very smart, she loves to sing and read and live life to the fullest, concidering she will live forever

Race: Vampire

Other: Seeks a love that will last for ever, wants a man who willingly will change for her or is already a vampire. Can hide her fangs and discolored eyes but only for an hour or so.
Name: Blossom Eclipse



Looks: Blossom has long dark brown hair and glowing green eyes as well as cat ears and a lush, fluffy tail that match her hair color and is 5'2". She usually wears cute skirts and girly tops as well as bows in her hair.

Personality: Blossom is playful, mischievous and is very understanding and loyal to all her friends. She can be a bit noisy at times but she listens well and likes almost everyone she meets unless they are rude or mean.

Race: Neko

Other: She has the power to understand peoples feelings and other things such as their motives as well as turn invisible.
name: Clara Bennett

age: 19

gender: female

looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/clara.jpg.46948629cd8fed44ab0f91c0c83a3ccc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/clara.jpg.46948629cd8fed44ab0f91c0c83a3ccc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

persona: Clara is quite detached,she's been treated like a freak for most of her life, she's kind hearted, but e a get on her bad side, and she can be a very malicious person,she dosent mean to be, bu she has anger issues that she find difficult to control

race: human (but possesses the gift of telepathy)

other: dosent really believe in love, as she has had her heart broken too many times, looking for somebody that will stay faithful



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Kinadra accepted 
theprophet and xxrachaelxx accepted 
Ok, everyone who has signed up is accepted xD will post soulmates
Something's going spaz, so imma post the Soulmates and Dorms here:


Clara - Brian

Shelby - Kyo

Rosalie- Justin

Ryleanna- Brady

Blossom- Jasper

Riley - Lucius

Anastasia -

Grace -

Monica -


Sorry if you havn't been assigned a soulmate, however you can still take past until i find you one.


1. Hazel, Clara, Brian, Monica, Grace.

2. Shelby, Jasper, Blossom, Kyo, Anastasia

3. Riley, Ryleanna, Brady, Rosalie, Justin

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