
"While you too are having a wonderful chat, they are closing in on us." Rye said pointing to the left as they walked up the street. Rye knew they all the felt ones to their backs closing on in them aswell, they jumped rooftops and slide in the sewers and walked the streets. The stood a few feet in front of them stinking of Death and anger and pain. The stench of an oldbod. Rye could feel the tension from everyone
Nick bit her lip as she watched the Old bods come toward them, she tried not to really let how nervous she was show, but this was her first fight and she was starting to wonder just how everything would work out. Then she sighed some, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again, seeming to have calmed down, her eyes were a haunted dark sapphire, any trace of the light of innocence was gone from those eyes, she would do what she had to in order to survive. She moved into a simple stance, seeming to be as ready as was possible.
As one, Kitten and Bellious charge into the group giving a war cry (or roar) that they were known for before jumping into the closest group of Old bods. Kitten slices away at the enemies around her, using her claws, teeth, and tail with either the sword she kept her tail wrapped around, or the scythe that her magic had hidden until the fight had started. Bellious grits his teeth each time his sword made contact with an old bod, but kept attacking at each old bod that got near him. The siblings moved as one, each avoiding the other's path but able to keep in sync with one another, always keeping any opening blocked or guarded without getting in the other's way. Every so often, on one of Kitten's paw steps downward the ground around them would shudder, making the old bods stumble a bit, helping them earn a couple of extra attacks. Flashes of light could be seen as Kitten let out a blast of fire at some old bods who would try and sneak up on her or her brother, or as she'd summon water to push them away, or turn the random wave of water to ice to try and spear them through. Kitten hunkers down in a crouch as a group of Old bods swarm on top of her. She forces antlers to merge from her head, calling on a brothers usual form, and spears them from underneath and sending them flying with a hard toss of her head. Kitten curls her tail around her before swiftly turning in the opposite direction, sending her tail out, knocking the old bods back in an attack she had decided to call "Destiny Strike." Bellious dodges his sister's favorite attack and shakes his head as he senses her different moves as she fought the old bods. He kept attacking, making sure never to let to many enemies get between him and his sister. Until the rest of their clan game to join them, he had to make sure they lasted. Bellious watched Kitten as she jumped on a new group and sighs, running after her to keep the other old bods from taking advantage of the empty space she had left behind. He looked upwards for a second as he hopes her battle craze was strong enough to last her through the fight, he didnt care if he had to carry her to California, so long as she didnt collapse from over exerting herself.
Terrace jumped into the air and flipped landing on an Oldbod's shoulder She sliced her hand donward and the sai punctured the skull and the oldbod dropped in a heap of ashes. She smirked as she ran and flipped slashing at the enemies as she soared upside down. Keeping most of the enemies away from the younger ones. "Keep back!" She told them sternly at least rye was smart enough not to get in the way of her powers. Terrace spread her arms and a wave of black shadows came crashing around her and a dozen oldbod, trapping them in blackness an empty void. When the wave subsided terrace was on a knee crouched breathing hard but smirking. " A thousand years of their most horrible dreams and nightmares." She stated simply and walked up to the others in the moment the Oldbods seem scared she laid a hand on rye and looked to the others. "If you were to get caught in that i couldn't stop it from taking you." Terrace turned back to the battle and raise a sia blocking an attack. Terrace ran off to rejoin the battle. Rye glanced at the others before ducking an attack and hitting the guy in the chest stopping his heart with her powers he burst into ashes. "We have to finish this quick.. The ashes will reform into Oldbods." She shouted to the others over the fighting. Rye jumped landed on ones shoulders and then leapt from his to hit one in the face breaking his neck. One of the female oldbod grabbed her around the stomach and squeezed Rye screamed as a few ribs cracked. The Blonde haired oldbod threw her to the ground her head cracking against concrete. Rye couldn't breath at first but slowly the air came back. She heard Victor yell some profanity and then Luke was in her vision leaves swirled in a tornado around them keeping the oldbods at bay as they were sliced and gash as the little bladed leaves made contact with them. She looked around and saw Terrace rip a oldbods head off from the top jaw, Victor eyes glowed white as the oldbods started acting funny, and killing their selves off. Victor was using his mind-control but it still left plenty of enemies. "victor." rye gasped out as he focused on the enemies. "You have to get Victor to stop it will kill him." She grabbed Luke's arm and hauled herself up. He motioned for her to stay down but she shook her head no and stood up.
Nick stayed away from the others, any time something came at her she used wind to force it back, making the old bods slam into walls with gale force winds, doing this was a little much for the young girl though, as she tired quickly. An old bod walked toward her, reaching out to grab her as she just looked up at it with her sapphire eyes, she was breathing heavily, then she moved quickly, darting between it's legs and making a fast sweeping motion with her arms, finding the strength to push it against the wall. She closed her eyes, trying to get her breathing to calm, though she moved quickly when she heard something approaching and she forced herself to react, taking a few very quick steps backward, she found herself near a water hydrant and tilted her head, then she smiled. She called to the water with her energy, pulling it with enough strength for it to break free and come spewing from the hydrant, she used her energy to control it, calling some of the water toward her, she held her hand out and blew on it, sending spikes of ice toward the old bod that was coming at her.

She knew that she was going to be exhausted once this was over, but at least she was trying, she just had to make sure that she didn't pass out before the battle ended. She tilted her head as she noticed that some of the old bods were committing suicide, she blinked, but didn't have much time to think about it as an old bod attacked, during the fight she had moved around enough to be close to Rye, she looked at her sharply as she heard what she said, she quickly sent some ice spikes toward the old bod that was coming toward her, then ran off toward the other boy. Once she reached him she reached out with one pale hand and slapped him across the face, "What are you, stupid? You aren't going to be any use to us if you get yourself killed!" she said, then she instantly turned her back on him as she heard something coming up behind her, she called on the wind, but nothing came, she watched with wide eyes as the Old bod's fist came toward her, catching her in the stomach, she doubled over, feeling the air rush from her lungs with the force of the impact. "So, this is what it's like to be hit." she thought, her small body trembling, she looked up at the Old bod, trying to call on enough strength to move.
Bellious turns his head as he hears someone get hurt. He lets out a yell as he jumps in the way of the next attack that swung down at Nickkie, cutting deep from his shoulder into his stomach. Kitten's sense of smell makes her panic as she rushes to her brother in a terrified screech. She curls over him, moaning in pain before her eyes turn black and she rips the old bod into pieces. Kitten continues to attack sporatically at any enemy she happens to come across while every so often hunching over the body of her brother protectively, refusing to let anyone or anything near it. She lifts Bellious's body onto her back, forcing her wings to come out and over it, holding it in place while also protecting it from any more damage. "I'll make you pay, for what you've done!" She screeches in pain and anger, forcing her body to get bigger as she swats groups of old bods away from her. "You killed my brother!!" Kitten roars, crying as she lunges onto and through old bods, losing herself in her rage and sadness.
Terrace stands in shock for only a moment before spinning around with her sais out slashing through the oldbods circling. She dancing in between the enemies slashing and dicing them to pieces. Rye screams silently as she limps to kittens aid her head pounding in waves of pain. Tears sting her eyes as she watches the light of ring around her finger fade to a black color. "Dammit." She calls out to know one and forces her hand through an oldbod's heart rotting it from the inside. Luke reached his hand into the ground turning Pebbles into Knives and letting them release through the air slicing Oldbods in the main arteries. Victors had let his powers go after the slap from nickkie awoke him but as he watched the scene unfold his eyes went purple, only a secondary power but enough to knock many of the enemies into a daze so they didn't move as The others slashed them to pieces. Rye jumped over the back of a Oldbod Terrace sliced in the stomach so she could kick one in the face and knock him away from Kittens behind. "There are to many." She called to her friends as she felt herself backing away towards a building being bullied to cower against the side. Rye growled under her breath and screamed releasing pent up Energy as it bowled into the oldbods like a wall they nearly toppled as her heart blossom into a Rose and allowed the thrones to attach to the oldbods hearts pumping a poisonous light into their blood. The young girl nearly toppled over in pain as the release and wound took its toll on her body. As she slumped against the wall to catch her breath she glanced at the rings, her breath hitching at the sight of the black ring that was Bellious, but the specs of silver swirling inside the dark. "what?" Terrace cut her off by hitting the wall with her back. "These guys are really Ticking me off." she growled at her and cut ones head of with her sai.
Nick stared as the Old bod was about attack her again, when suddenly Bellious was in the way, she watched with wide sapphire eyes as he fell to the ground. She stayed where she was, just staring in disbelief, before she knew it Kitten was picking him up onto her back, "Wait..." she said, she thought that she might be able to help heal him, but Kitten said he was dead, she would rather have a closer look. She stood, ignoring the pain in her own body, she didn't know Bellious well, but from what she had seen of him he was a good person, and those that did know and care for him did not deserve this pain, especially not over someone like her. She growled, keeping her head down, her energy had been flagging before, but now she felt anger at getting someone else hurt and possibly killed because of her stupidity. She hadn't even seemed to notice as Oldbods started to surround her before suddenly lifting her head, her eyes seeming to glow, a look of anger and hurt on her young face, wind tearing at her hair and dress, suddenly all the oldbods that were around her went flying into the surrounding buildings with enough force to crack the bricks.

In the same moment she reached toward the water that was still spewing from the hydrant and covered the ones that were near her, freezing them in place. Her breath came in quick, short bursts, she continued her onslaught, not even thinking about how long she could keep this up, only that she had to keep going.
Kitten turns her head as her sense of smell leads her over to the diner, leading a couple of enemies over to her. she rears onto her hind paws as she slashes with her front paws but sits down heavily as she hears sounds on the roof. "Oy! up here!" Cam cries from the roof, dumping a bucket of hot oil on the Oldbod's heads. Kitten yowls in thanks before racing off to slaughter more oldbods. Every so often, Kitten would make a dash to the diner, either leading enemies or bringing some wrapped in her tail for Cam to dump oil on. Kitten's tail and ears start to droop as she gets more and more tired, but she was damned if she let them kill her like they had done to her brother. "How many more are there?!" Kitten roars as she swats a group of them away and then ducks her head around, sending some that had tried to jump on her flying into a nearby building.
Rye looked at the rest of them as the last of the oldbods turned to dust. "We should maybe leave before they rise from the ashes.. Oldbods are hard to kill, easy to destroy the bodies but hard to kill them completely." She muttered slightly feeling awkward that she had gotten these people caught up in this battle. Luke looked at the ashes of one and kicked them spreading the black dust into the wind. Before looking to rye with an annoyed face and sighed. Victor limped over to Nickkie and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We should go inside and get banages and hot water to clean the wounds." He didn't wait for her to reply instead started to walk in, they were the most able bodied at the moment, Rye with her head injury, Terrace with a deep cut on her stomach and Luke nearly passed out from his usage of power and the fact he was bleeding from a cut on his forhead when where he got hit by a sharp ended pipe, and kitten with grief of her dead brother. Luke was already trying to nurse his head with a already blood soaked shirt.
Nick looked around as the rest of the old bods collapsed into ash, she tilted her head as Rye said that they would come back, she closed her eyes, "Well, let's make sure that it happens far away from here, shall we?" she asked, she slowly bowed her head, a light wind began to play with her hair, slowly spreading outward to blow the ashes away, though she didn't allow the wind to become strong enough to knock anyone over. She opened her eyes and looked at Victor as he placed a hand on her shoulder and mentioned getting bandages. She watched him start to walk away, then shook her head, "I can heal.... at least the worst of it..." she said, she wanted to at least be helpful.

The first one she walked toward was Kitten, she tried to keep a respectful distance, "Is there anything I can do?" she asked, she had heard Kitten say he was dead, but she wanted to be sure that she couldn't do anything, and since she didn't really know anything about them she had no idea that he was going to be able to heal and come back. All she knew was that it was her fault, and she wanted to help, if she said that there was nothing Nick could do, then she would see to the others.
Kitten bares her teeth in a snarl. "There is nothing you can do." she growls, hunched over the body of her brother. "There's nothing left to do for him now." Kitten mumbles, laying down on him, curling herself into a tight ball that constantly shuddered in pain as she licked her wounds and grieved. "What do we end up doing now?" She asks quietly as she pulls dirt out of her injuries and sniffing for any infection
Rye looked down and shrugs her shoulder. "Head to Cali and kill every one that's gets in our way." Luke nodded in agreement. Rye looked up and around.."Where is Terrace and Luke?" The pair had disappeared and she could not sense them at all. "Terrace?" She called out quickly and ran half way down the street with Luke on her heels. "Terrace?" She yelled before Luke clamped a hand over her mouth and dragged her back to the group making a slight shushing sound the best he could must up with out a voice box. "We have to find Terrace and Victor.. we cant leave with out them what are we going to do.. They just left." Rye pushed her hands through her hair never in her life had Terrace just left.. Well once or twice but only to show back up in the last fight and kill off the bad guy for rye.. She sighed tears burning her eyes.. Victor had left too.. She sank to her knees on the curb and curled into a tight ball. Luke laid a had on her shoulder and squeezed it Trying to let her know it would be ok.
Nick fought the urge to take a step back as Kitten bared her teeth and growled at her, she stood her ground, closing her eyes for a moment before continuing. "If there is nothing I can do for him, then will you allow me to heal your wounds?" she asked, it was easily seen on her face that she viewed what happened to Bellious as her fault, she thought that she should have been able to defend herself, not to have ended up getting other's hurt and killed.

She looked up as Rye started yelling for Terrace, "Well, isn't this just peachy..." she said quietly, she sounded exhausted, but she was still willing to do what she could, her work wasn't finished unless no one would offer healing, and she refused to rest until she took care of everyone.
Kitten looks up from washing as Rye starts calling for Terrace. She didn't know whether to howl or roar after everything that had happened during this battle. At Nickkie's question Kitten looks herself over, taking inventory of her injuries. "You dont need to waste your magic on me.. I will heal in time if it allows me." Kitten mutters quietly, shifting herself with a painful wince. Kitten curls up and buries her head in her fur. "It's not your fault you know... Brother knew what he was doing.." Kitten tells Nickkie quietly. "We must have faith in him that he wasn't being stupid.." She says to comfort them both. A gash spreads open as Kitten shifts again, trying to find a comfortable way to rest, making her grumble about finding another injury through ways she hadn't wanted to.
Rye sat on the curb with her eyes staring forward... "Why would they just leave." Luke stood up and shrugged Annoyance rolling off his body like waves. Rye started to complain but she started a Volkswagen pulled up a van from 1970 with a large flower on the side of it. They looked at each other and shrugged before standing up in a defensive stance. The window rolled down and terrace popped her head out and grinned. "Need a lift?" She asked with a wink. "How did you." Rye was a bout to asked but victor butted in from the passanger seat.. "All i had.." Terrace cut him off. "Well vicky here decided to go Jedi master on the owner of the van and they just gave it to us.". The boy looked upset. "I didnt go.."... "You even did the hand movements." Terrace snapped at him in a joking matter.."Well now we have a ride to Cali so we dont have to walk." Rye looked at the others with a questioning look. "Kitten, you should get cam so we can leave right away."
Nick watched Kitten with her sapphire eyes, she looked away when she began to talk about how her brother had known what he was doing. "The reason I regret it is because he has people that care about him, I don't. No one would miss me if I was gone." she said, to her it was a simple truth, one that she was used to living with. She looked up as Terrace pulled up with a van, she tilted her head slowly, then shrugged, she went inside quickly to grab Donnie and then went back outside. "If anyone wants to accept my offer of healing, it should be done before we get into the van." she said, she eyed the van with a frown, that thing was old, there would probably be iron in it, and that would make her weak; not that she wasn't already feeling weak.
"We would have." Kitten mutters, meaning her and her brother, as she tries to stand up on, now stiff, limbs. "He also would have regretted not trying to do all he could to make everyone safe." Kitten adds as she tries to stretch but falls as some of her injuries open up wider. "Bruno will have enough work set for him by the time we meet up with him.." Kitten says quietly.. "Nickie, I'll take a little bit of healing.." She says, hiding her face. Kitten glances at her tail, forcing it to grow to unnatural lengths to rap on the diner door as a signal for Cam to come out. Cam walks out, her arms bundled with many different containers holding different types of foods. "Wow.. Looks like I missed some bit of action." Cam says, looking around at everything. Cam puts down the foods she had brought out and goes back into the diner to get the rest of the dinners and meals she had made for the group. "Hopefully this will last a while." She says, wheeling out a couple of coolers and containers she used for bringing food places. "But I doubt it, looking at your group now.." Cam says with a laugh as she loads up the food in a corner of the Volkswagen.
Terrace shrugged and hopped out of the van and went to rye.. "Dont worry Nickkie, I heal by myself and Rye here isnt as hurt as she thinks.." That earned a look from Rye.."Well it is true, just some rest and plenty of water should help..." Terrace shrugged and went to help Cam with the food.."We will need lots of water.. Dont worry about space, thats the Nifty thing about magic." She winked at the woman and went into the Diner.

Rye rolled her eyes and stood up.." I hate when she does that.. but Newbods can heal as long as the wound isnt fatal if it is... "She went silent and the boys looked away. If the wound was fatal they would disappear and cease to exsist.. or if Rickshaw timed it right he could destroy the body and capture the soul. The three shuddered. "We need to hurry away, Rickshaw will know we defeated his mini army and come after us with even more this time... we need to find Henri and save the others..." She patted Victors head and looked at the others. Terrace nodded and pumped a fist in the air. "What are we waiting for then.. To get killed?" Rye gave her a look that said dont start, which made her Grin. The boys crawled in to the Volkswagen. "I Wanna Drive." Luke piped up from behind the wheel. Terrace grabbed the scruff of his neck with a "I dont think so." And tossed him into the back while getting behind the wheel herself. "But im the one who made them let us use their contraption." He whined as the others got in too. The rest in the back with luke the front passenger seat open freely.
Nick looked at Kitten, she listened to her with her head tilted slightly, then nodded and set Donnie aside, she walked to Kitten and very gently placed her very pale hands against her black fur, it looked as if she had never spent a day outside in her life, even though it wasn't true. She closed her eyes, reaching for an ability that she didn't use often, she was already tired as the adrenaline from the fight began to wear off, leaving her feeling hollow, but she would do what she could to help, even if it was just closing Kitten's wounds.

She kept her hands in Kitten's fur and her eyes closed as energy moved through Nick and into Kitten, flowing through her body to the various wounds that she had, they slowly began to close and scab over, though they didn't close completely, the pain did fade away and moving wouldn't open them anymore. She opened her eyes, moving away from Kitten and cutting the energy before the wounds could heal too much since Kitten had specifically said she only wanted a little healing. "They won't open... and I made sure they wouldn't get infected." she said, sounding exhausted as the fight finally really caught up to her as well as the healing that she just did. She picked up Donnie and slowly walked toward the van, she smiled a little at Terrace, "I'm actually glad that no one else is hurt too badly... I'm not sure I could have healed everyone." she said, though she probably would have tried with how stubborn she was. She pulled herself up into the van and picked a spot that looked comfortable, she curled up with Donnie, burying her face in the bear's fake fur and promptly fell asleep.
Kitten stares at the vehicle with wide eyes before grinning thankfully at Nickkie as she stretches her limbs again. Kitten's grin vanishes as she turns to view the body of her brother before carefully pulling it onto her back, wrapping her tail securely around them both to keep from dropping him. She hops into the back of the van and curls into a ball around Nickkie to give the exhausted girl some extra warmth and comfort, making sure to keep her tail tightly wound around her brother to make sure she never lost him. Cam climbed onto the passenger seat next to Terrace. "I think that counts for everyone." She says with a semi-sweet smile glancing at the rest of the group in their different stages of health after the fight with a sigh. "Onward!" Cam says with only a small bit of cheer.
"onward it is." Terrace mumbled and shifted the gear into D for drive.. "So which way should we take?" She looked back. "Scenic route or highway?" Rye squeezed in between the front seats. "the scenic route would take up alot of time, but it could save us innocence if we get attacked on the road, plus we might be able to bypass Rickshaws surveillance with no cameras around." She looked at the rest of the group. Kitten curled in a ball around nickkie, her semi dead brother on her back.. Who would be back alive with in a amount of time. Luke and victor sitting side by side leaning on each other. Rye sat back in the back with the others her legs pressed against her chest and her chin on her knees. Varying emotions rolled off the group as they sat in silence. She looked at them again and wonder how things could get any worse. "how long do you think Bellious will be out?" She glanced at Kitten and tilted her head to the side. terrace looked behind in the back.."Speaking off.. when will we meet up with you siblings?"
Kitten glances at Rye, wondering how she knew about what was going on with Bellious. "Not sure." She says, answering Terrace's question. "I'm hoping we run into Bruno soon." She tells them, pattering over to Bellious's body. She pulls the matted clothing aside and cleans the wound thoroughly. She bares her teeth and gently bites the skin, pulling it closer together. "Maybe it would be better though if we were all healed up by then... So we don't drain him too quickly." She adds quietly as she curls around Nickkie again, her hand holding onto Bellious's wrist as if she were afraid to lose him.
Terrace watched the road carefully There werent many enemies out right now and that made her nervous. She sighed and yawned hard. Night crept on slowly making Dawn approach. "Anyone else want to drive?" She half heartedly joked. "No but we need a bathroom break.. Im about to pee myself." Victor was not joking.. or maybe he was. "Anyone else need a bathroom break.?" Terrace asked as A sign came up on the road for a rest stop. "perfect place for us to be attack." Rye muttered darkly, her mood sour in the early morning as she fell sleep deprived. 
Rickshaw banged a fist against the solid oak table scaring his maid. He frowned deeply before letting a cold ivory mask took hold of his face. "Well now, This is a slight set back." He muttered, His pale lips barely moving as he spoke. "Lets see how this progress with the others." His sour mood lifted a little as he watched New bods being disposed of correctly or captured. Rickshaw watched the screens for a few minutes before flipping a clear lid and tapping a clear keyboard. A view from a cell holding a Few of the more powerful Newbods came onto the screens. He made sure they were perfectly secured before flipping back to View the Volkswagen. "Where are you going my pets." He purred and leaned forward, his view had been blocked but he would never admit that most of it was still block he could only make out slight blurred forms of the group and hear nothing of what they said. He pushed a button, first static on the other end then a small meek voice. " Make sure the Newbods are secured in all Factories.. I wont tolerate any fools who are slacking and so help them if any one gets passed them..." He growled into the phone and hung up. Looking back at the screen. "I dont trust you one bit." He muttered as he stood up. Patting the screen he leaves the room with a slight smirk

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