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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga

Garth blinked in stunned confusion. "What kind of a stupid monster would cut its own heads off? That was an easy win?!" Then suddenly he noticed the necks starting to grow back.

"Guardsman, stab it! Its not dead! Kill it now!" Garth yelled.

The Guardsman grabbed his sword with both hands and leaped into the air coming down with his sword hoping to impale the regenerating hydra before it could finish growing back its heads.
With the hydra that had no heads it could still attack but not know where the enemy was. Justin thought through a simple plan hoping that it will work. "Savy turn 180 degrees and flung your tail up quickly!" He yelled to the hydra it turn 180 and flung the tail up as said and the tail was cut off but the hydra didn't need it to have support. At this rate I'm gonna lose and my hydra just keeps taking more hits in which will defiantly make me lose.
Olivia pulled out her phone. She opened the app and tap on Lilica. "Lilica protect the hydra until it's done regenerating." She snapped. Lilica nodded and went straight for Garth's summon.
Sora upon learning all he had decided to leave the school to go help Zeus's recruitment. The only thought that crossed his mind is he had to try to convince them. Then, he got a message on his phone, it was from a friend who knew nothing of his summoner side. 'Are you coming tonight for the games?' it read. Then, Sora typed in "Yes, let the games begin." Coincidentally he actually sent this to the man Zeus referred to as Drake as well. But, didn't realize it yet. So, hopefully that wouldn't cause many problems. Sora made his way down the street not even sure if everyone was still at the school or not.

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Lilica leaped at the Guardsman whom didn't see it coming at all and recieved a fatal blow from behind causing him to desperse into sparkling lights of nothingness.

"You little-" Garth said clenching his teeth. "Fine I can play that game to!" He said opening his app and calling forth another soul. This one a little smaller than the Guardsman but even more deadly.


Name: Leiban Greenwich

Class: Magical



Abilities: Carries a bottle of deadly poison. Can control plant life with the power of his staff.

Garth smiled "And thats not all. Trevor! Back me up! Reggie your on standby. I'll call you if I need you.

Reggie opened the app on his phone and tapped on his soul. As Trevor waited in anticipation.

Name: Harpy

Class: Beast

Size: Average


Abilities: Razor sharp claws on hands and feet, fast flight.
Olivia bit her lip and sent Lilica back and brought out Ryuma. The dragon bared its fangs at the others and purple acid dripped from his mouth.
He called back his hydra, then he summoned flame barer. "My hydra took too many hits in that fight and I'm not losing now especially with this guy." He smirked and turned to Olivia "You think we can take them down?" He asked still smirking.

@Vizriel @LizzyBeth
Garth laughed as both Lilica and the Hydra screamed in pain as they were dispersed into sparkling lights of nothingness, the same way that the guardsman had been defeated.

"Seriously!? Why would you sacrifice your summoned souls like that? Who trained you!?"

Trevor shook his head. "I dont think they realized what they were doing. You can tell they had no idea."

"No worries. Now we're just that much closer to winning this fight." Garth said feeling more confident now.

"Leiban! Take out the fire bearer!" With that the leprechaun striked his staff on the ground and large brown roots exploded from the concrete around the fire bearer.

Trevor called out to his Harpy. "Kill the dragon!"

The harpy flew up into the sky so the sun was behind her hoping to blind Ryuma as she dive bombed with claws spread open to attack.
Sora was walking along the street and after some time noticed something in the sky. "A battle?" Sora asked himself as he kept walking then noticed two people from the school before, battling against two new people. But, just watched at a distance. Sora knew he shouldn't involve himself in this. They wouldn't want him to as well. That much is clear.
Olivia actually laughed out loud. "Ryuma above you now!" She yelled as the dragon lifted it head up and let out a defining roar. Acid went straight up and came down like rain on the harpy.
Flame Barer jumped into the air and made a huge pool of fire aiming for the staff specifically knowing that will burn making the being weak. "I don't know about you but Olivia and I will crush your puny summons!" He said in hope with fire burning in his eyes. "Also if you haven't noticed fire is my type of attribute" he smirked
The roots began to burn going berserk, tearing the concrete from the ground, flipping cars and smashing holes into the sides of the building nearby. Leiban jumped up above the flames as well taking a big swig of his poison bottle and spraying a large wave of poison down below him using the green liquid to douse the flames.

The harpys speed during the dive as well as the blinding light of the sun made it very difficult to be hit by Ryumas spray which was slow as it arched into a mist of falling rain. But the spray was successful in changing the direction of the attack.

This wasn't working. Trevor was going to have to change his tactics.

"Harpy use the sewer pipe!" As her summoner said the harpy grabbed the sewer pipe from the road and flew up high in the air. Making sure to keep the sun at her back.

Garth, Trevor, and Reggie all suddenly received messages to their phones from Drake.

"If any of you see the new guy Sora around show him the true strength of the chosen. No mercy."

Reggie looked up and stared straight at Sora. He took out his phone as began walking over towards were Sora stood. He had a seriously vicious look on his face.
Sora saw that they had noticed him, and then watched as the man walked before him. The look on his face was unsettling to Sora but only a little bit. "I see.. then you noticed me?" Sora said watching his movements very closely, not allowing him to get into close range with him. It never occurred to him but Sora was smiling..though the reason unknown. Was he excited about this? Knowing he might have to fight? Was it just because he was cheerful? It was unclear to him. Sora shouldn't bother with this guy.. he was here for recruitment a more important reason, rather than dancing around with a fool who can't even fight a one on one battle. But, either way he didn't ignore him. It was likely if he turned his back. Sora would absolutely be attacked.

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Flame barer use his fire fog to counteract he fire, it soon turned into fire and Justin smirked. "Flame Barer do not lose understand me!" He said to him as he then made white fire surround the summon and made a explosion of fire trying to hope to defeat the summon.
Leiban was enveloped in raging flames during the explosion causing him to shatter into a flurry of sparkling lights.

Suddenly Justin and Garth both recieved messages to their phones.

"Garth defeated. Justin is the Victor!"

A to tabs popped up on Justin's screen for him to choose from.

"Make your choice? [Recieve a reward?] or [Punish your foe?]"

(See the "rules/regulations" tab for more information)

@wizard justin

Reggie continued to stare at Sora with an intense grimace.

"You seem like an intelligent guy to me. Do yourself a favor. Join our cause.

I'm not as idiotic as Garth and Trevor. I dont fight for thrills. I fight for

stregnth and power. And i assure you i have gained it."

Reggie sent a challenge message to Sora's phone.

It read: Will you accept 1x1 challenge?

Reggie continued "That way no one can interrupt our fight like that girl just did. I suggest you decline."

He said waiting for Sora to make his choice.


The harpys speed during the dive as well as the blinding light of the sun made it very difficult to be hit by Ryumas spray which was slow as it arched into a mist of falling rain. But the spray was successful in changing the direction of the attack.

This wasn't working. Trevor was going to have to change his tactics.

"Harpy use the sewer pipe!" As her summoner said the harpy grabbed the sewer pipe from the road and flew up high in the air. Making sure to keep the sun at her back.

Sora listened to the words Reggie spoke. 'Join there cause? So, they are trying to recruit me eh?' he thought to himself almost laughing a bit. Then, got a notification on his phone and looked at it. 'One on One match hmm.' Sora thought about it a moment. He wasn't sure if he would win. However, he'd get an earful from his friends if he ran from battle. Sora sent him a message back. It Read: Sure I'll dance with you for a while.

Sora wasn't sure he'd join up with these guys. He did just swear loyalty to Mr. Crown. A betrayal of trust? No, Sora always kept his word, and had no intention of joining the other side. Yet they wanted to recruit him? In no way, did Sora know of their true power. But, he would play with them a while. However, there was no doubt in Sora's mind. He knew it was likely he would lose. It was his first battle between summoners after all.

Justin smirked at the person and he said "don't ever underestimate me again! I also find it funny when you attacked me and I wasn't on either side of the teams yet." He said to him. He decided to get the reward from winning the game. He would've punished him but it was his first big win for him so it was a challenge for him to win.
Reggie looked down at his phone. "Its your funeral" he says as he summoned his first soul.

@wizard justin
Sora was second guessing his decision to battle. "You sure don't mess around do you? It's like you aren't giving me much a choice." he said taking out his phone, going through the app, he made his first summon.


1st Summon

Name: Infrit

Class(s):Cursed, Magic, warrior

Size: Average

Rank: Uncommon

Abilities: high physical and magical combat capabilities, Good healing capabilities , controls flames, well armored, demonic.

"Alright!" He shouted as he smirked with a win then he went over to Garth and grabbed him by the shirt. "Alright your gonna tell me a few bit of details before I punch your face in, got it!?" He said to him wanting some answers knowing some won't be answered.
Kauro smiled and scratched his head awkwardly as he walked into the principles office, he look aound and noticed a women in a pant suit sitting at the desk "H-hello im looking for Mr.Crown. Im being enrolled here."

Mr. Crown walked in right behind Kauro.

"Ah. Perfect timing. I was waiting for you. Come with me to my class room." Mr. Crown said walking to his class. 
Garth gave Justin a scared look. "Ch-chill man! OK just don't hit me!"

Trevor freaked out seeing Garth lose and called back his harpy. Then forfeited the match running away.

Olivia also received the same message.

"Victor. Reward or Punish." Was her options.
Justin smirked at the person "Alright, First where is this Drake person. And Second why did you attack me when I'm not on anyone's side!?" He said to him
Kauro smiled and ran up following along behind Mr.Crown trying to make casul conversation. "So i heard there's soul summoners here"

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