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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga

Sora peaked inside as well to see what would happen."...They seem to be heading towards us as well." he said grabbing her and pulling her away from the door as they busted through. Sora wasn't sure exactly what those things were but he wasn't about to be bested by weaklings. Though, he hoped he hadn't hurt the girl by pulling her like that.
Adwen was pulled out of the way, it did hurt her wrist a little, but she can handle it. "What—" her sentence was cut off by those beast bursted through the door. She was surprised by the sudden action, "it's coming for us?" Adwen mumbled, "you've got to be kidding me!"
(Ahh! Somebody summon something! Your characters should already have the apps in your phones.)

The Satyr's eyed the children with vicious grins and saliva dripping from their mouths.

They lunged at the two students standing in the narrow hallway with claws open and ready.
"I did not expect this on the first day of school..." Adwen took her phone out and went on the app. She tapped Kowai, the cursed warrior, which have ability to wield two blades. "Come on Kowai, don't let me down," Adwen smiled as Kowai appears in the hall way, in front of both of them, and crossed his blades, forming an X and block the attack.
The Saytr's jumped back in surprise at the sudden appearance of the big blue blade wielding demon. One of the satyr's opened it jaws wide and screamed with a high pitched "Shriek" attack that caused all who heard it to become slightly disoriented/stunned. All except the other Satyrs. The second satyr took advantage and swiftly dashed around behind Kowai leaping at him from behind as the glass windows down the hall began to shatter from the force of the Shriek.
The notice was giving Adwen a headache. She notices Kowai was a little unbalanced and another Saytr came behind him. "KOWAI!" She shouted as the Saytr leaped at him. Kowai moved one of his blade and slice the Saytr horizontally in the middle. He was forcing himself to fight at this stage, due to the high pinch sound that they all heard. "Cheeky," Adwen mumbled, "behind attack..."
Due to its high agility, the Satyr dodged to the side at the last second missing being cut in half but still attacked racking its claws across Kowai's face and neck leaving deep slashes but Kowai's attack did succeed as well, in cutting the Saytr's other arm off at the elbow.

The Satyr jumped back holding its injured arm and hissing at Adwen showing her his jagged sharp teeth.
Jericho walked into school eating a tuna and french fry sandwich on wheat. He had to get to dentition and was going to be late but he didn't care. On the left side was a Soul, His dead sister Sofia. " Maldición del Dios Jericho, Why didn't you go earlier instead to get that stupid sandwich at that dirty sandwich shop."

Jericho rolled his eyes and bit his sandwich. "You voice is so annoying when your bitching you know that?" He then started to speed up. "I'll cut through the Gym and I be in detention to serve my crime." Jericho did as he said and when he entered the Gym he saw a battle going on. "Wow, Satyr Vs some kind of Demon Soul."
Sora watched the fight unfold from a distance. It looked like she had everything under control. However, how long would have last? Sora decided to give her a helping hand and went through his phone and got the app. Then, summoned forth his favorite Infrit to join in the fray. Not knowing how much help he would be but it was the least he could attempt to do anyway.
Kawai roared loudly. "I don't like these thing," Adwen pouted then saw another creature appeared, realizing it was the boy who had summoned him. "Decided to join?" She smiled. There were only two of Saytr, which shouldn't take that long if there were two of them. Adwen looked at Saytr that had his arm cut off and grinned, "it's not a good idea picking on kids." Kawai attacked him again, this time aiming to cut off his legs and hopefully his other arm as well.
Infrit covered itself in flames alongside it's weapons and set it's eyes on the one Saytr that wasn't injured. Infrit moved in to slash at it horizontally. However, if it did miss it had three options for a quick counter. Release the flames from the sword creating flames in a horizontal slash if it dodged backwards, follow up with his second sword if the first missed or thirdly just kick it either way due to the spikes and blades on his footwear it would leave a mark. One way or the other Infrit was intent on killing it. Sora looked over at Adwen "Sure I'll lend you a hand for now."
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(Sorry I had to sleep)

Justin took out his phone and tapped on an app and he summoned Flame Barer. He used his fur powers to attack one of the Satyr.
Olivia pulled her phone out of her pocket. She taped on the app and selected Lilica. "Hey Lilica hurry up and finish this." She grinned and pointed at the Satyr.
Mr. Crown smiled at the ferociousness of the summoner before him. They were all talented beyond a doubt, and with enough time and training could become exactly what the defenders this world needed.


Mr.Crown snapped his fingers as he spoke sending the sound of his voice reverberating throughout the entire school. In an instant everything stopped as if frozen by time.

Every student and staff member were frozen in time and even the satyr froze in the middle of their attacks.

All except the young summoners and their summons.

"That app that each of you have and those souls you control are more than just a toy or a game. They are the key to saving your entire world from the forces of evil and darkness. All around the world are children like yourselves. But they use the app for selfish means and destructive entertainment. If mot stopped tjis world will fall into chaos. You have all proven that you are indeed worthy of holding the mantle. I ask you to use that app and become champions of the first kings. Champions of the gods that once protected this world. Champions of me, the Greek God Zues." And with a flash of lightning and the crack of thunder Mr. Crown changed into his godly form.

None could deny it as some sort of joke. They were standing before a divine being and now they realized the app was more than a virtual reality holographics game. It was all real.

"Will you become join our ranks and become "Champions of the kings? The choice is yours."
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"I'm going crazy now, if I think Mr. Crown was Zeus then that would mean I'm 100% dreaming." He said not sure what to even think. He just kept on thinking on what to do. "Well to be honest I like the Title Champion, so I'm in." He smirked as he leaned back against a wall. Then he went back to checking Olivia's body out.
"What the... " Jericho jumped and shielded his eyes from the flash with his arm. He then listen to Crown ramble on and one about them being the saviors of this world. How the spirits, His sisters soul is the key to saving earth from some evil. He then was further surprised as Crown became another man. Zeus, God of the thunder and skies.

He then heard a class mate talk as if he couldn't believe he was speaking with Zeus. "You not going crazy bro, We play with monster so this isn't hard to believe. It is hard to believe we are face to face with a myth. Looks like the Greeks had it right." He then turned back to Zeus. "So your Zeus, The king of the gods, The cheating husband who can't keep his hands of other woman. Why choose some kids to fight your battle? That's a dumb plan all together." Jericho was coming off disrespectful but he never liked Zeus, He heard the stories thought Zeus was a over grown child that can throw bolts of lighting. Plus he had Sofia and his others summons as back up.

Sofia only looked at him with pure disbelief, His disrespected a being of god like power and is not shaking.
Olivia crossed her arms and glared at the god. "So who made these apps then?" She asked. "Because I have a feeling a feeling we are going to be fighting more than just a bunch of idiotic kids."
Adwen listen to all the people around her talk, and asking questions. She called out to Kowai to come back in her phone and wait for Zeus to reply. She was shocked at the news, but she knew that this wasn't some joke, so she believed him.

(Sorry it's short...I'm a little tired)
"Or if you want to have some real fun, you can join me!?" A loud voice suddenly yelled as a guy walked out of the shadows from a corner of the gymnasium. It was like he had been there the whole time but no one had even noticed. Not only that, but behind him was a huge monster wolf with blue flames wafting from its mouth and a venomous snake as its tail.


"This wonderous app was created by the true rulers of this world. The ones that want to create order, balance, and peace under their divine rulership. But the gods of old, ones like Zues here, dont want to give up their reign. The old gods want to continue to worshipped by mankind. But in truth, mankind doesn't need them anymore! They need us! Thats why he's coming to you for help!"

The boys eyes stared at Zues with a sense of hatred. Almost as if he knew from a time long ago.

"Drake!?" Zues said with awe and surprise. "I should have known...your working with the fallen gods?" Zues spoke with a sense of pain and betrayal in his voice.

"I work for no one. I am taking things into my own hands. I am creating an army of summoners that will free this world from the grasp of the old gods. Whether you like it or not." He said smirking.

Drake took his phone out and sent a message which caused each of the other students phones to beep.

"I've just sent all of you my summoner ID through the app. You can send me messages now. Contact me if you want fight on the winning side." And with that he backed into the shadows and disappeared into the darkness.
Winning side... Champion this is too much whose side should I be on is the question. I might just go with either side as he liked the possible ways he can go. What should he do he didn't know but he is gonna think about it before he agrees with his choice.
Olivia looked over to Justin. "So what do you think pretty boy?" She asked as she sent Lilica back. "Who do you think is in the right here?"
He looked at Olivia "How can you even stand me when some girls would hate for guys to be like this to them?" He a asked her wondering. Then he thought through Olivia's question, "Well, to be honest I like the title Champion but yet I like to always win." He replied to her question
Olivia shrugged. "Would you rather I hit you and scream or something?" She slid her phone away. "I like winning too." She muttered to herself and started to pace.
"If you didn't want me to act like this just start hitting me." He said to her he also put his phone away as he watched her pace alittle. He found it cute when she paced like that.
"So drake...Who are the fallen gods?" he asked wanting to learn more about this war. "What is it we gain."

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