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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga

Orion said:
Sora sat down a bit and looked at him. "Grandpa Underpants." he said to him. "Why do you look so lame as a god. But, the guy you claim is bad looks amazing?" Sora meant that question as a joke in a sense but was kind of curious on it. But, then decided to stay serious. "Um, my friends want to fight..but I was wondering...can they die? What happens if they die?"
Mr. Crown stared at the boy with no expression whatsoever at the straight forward and plainly rude first question. Then suddenly burst out with laughter.

"Teenagers these days never cease to amaze me. Back in my day I would have hit you with a lightning bolt for such disrespect." He said wiping tears of laughter away.

"As for my godly attire? Gods have a hard time with change. That's the main reason why we left this world to the humans. Drake in my opinion, doesn't look cool at all but your entitled to your on feeble human opinion, I guess..." He said putting away a stack of papers and grabbing another.

"As for your second question, souls cannot die. They are already dead. But their material bodies can be harmed to the point where they revert back to their base essence. In that form they are trapped in the app until their powers recover. The higher the rank of the summoned soul the longer it takes to recover to full power, so be careful. If they are still recovering during some sort of crisis, they wont be able to be summoned."
Sora looked at Mr. Crown for a long time. "You're really fun to be around, Grandpa Underpants you know that? But, I'm glad to hear my friends won't die...at least...not forever anyway." he sighed a bit of relief but then turned to a shocked expression. "Th-Thunderbolt?! Wait...wouldn't that kill me? ...Oh, that's right...feeble human opinion? Then, that makes a gods opinion even worse since they don't know anything." Sora remarked back trying to pick on Mr. Crown but you couldn't see any bad intent in his eyes it was all in good fun to him. "So, ...uh...which side is which?"

[QUOTE="wizard justin]"Who the heck even are you?! And don't pinch the girl's butt she's not a toy you know!" He said to him.

Garth stared back with a look of anger.

"Who are you talking to? You telling me what to do? No body tells me what to do!" He says taking out his cell phone and opening the app.

He presses a button on the app and soul comes out.




Size: Average


Abilities: Expert swordsman. Can increase the size of his shield at will.

Garth laughs with a feeling of triumph.

"I bet you've never seen anything like this in your life huh Justin?! Lets see you tell me what to do now!"

Garth looks back at his friends.

"He's probably peeing his pants right now
Mr. Crown leaned back as he seemed to focus on Sora's question.

"History itself has already answered that question. Mankind has chosen it path. Look at the world around you. Your race has created this world. The fallen gods goal is to change that. They want to be worshipped to the point where man will be slaving for them. In a sense, there will be peace, but only because there will be no choices. The fallen gods will rule with a brutal, dark, iron, fist. I am simply here to give children like you, a fighting chance. That's why we are creating the champions of the gods.
Sora started laughing a bit. "Let me guess...back in your day you'd toss a lightning bolt and be done with this mess?" Sora really like talking to Mr. Crow. "So, how come we are able to only summon one spirit at a time? I'm curious on that.." Sora asked Mr. Crow.

"Hmph, I'm warning you to lay off" he says to him smirking as he take out his phone and he summons his Hydra.

"Now let's see who will win my hydra or that warrior." He smirks at him.
Orion said:
"So, how come we are able to only summon one spirit at a time? I'm curious on that.." Sora asked Mr. Crow.
Mr.Crown finished the last of his papers at put them away finally giving Sora his full attention.

"Its because of your power level. Eventually you will grow stronger as a summoner, then you will be able to summon multiple souls at once. But for now. One is your limit." Mr. Crown said putting it simply.
Sora got up and walked over really close to Mr. Crown. "So, Grandpa Underpants, tell me something...how am I suppose to know you aren't the bad guy....well I mean..other than not killing me I guess." Sora wanted an answer. He was probably more than likely to join Mr. Crown's side. But, he asked this question as a test. A simple answer like 'You aren't.' or any other variant definitely wouldn't cut it for him.

Garths eyes went bug eyed at the sight of the Hydra.

"You-You? Your a summoner too?" Then a huge evil grin came over his face.

"This is even better than I thought! Drake never said anything about you being a summoner when I joined the Chosen!

Now I can take your girlfriend and your summoning power away from you. All I have to do is kick your ass!

Guardsman! Kill that ugly bag of worms!"

With that Guardsman ran at the Hydra shield up in defense and slashing his sword in a wide deadly arc.
Justin just smirked as he watched this guy attack my hydra and my hydra started attacking with his fire breathing skills and tail. "So, this Drake guy. Tell me about him, I want to know more before I blow you summon to smitherines." He said to him. This information that he could give him would be useful to see whose side is right or not.
Olivia stood next to Justin and let out a whistle. "Nice summon..." She said to Justin. "Is it just like the one from Greek mythology?"
"Probably is but who knows, I picked Savy for a reason, a beast and warrior the warrior will most likely end up winning. But since this is no ordinary beast it's gonna go the other way. I planned it all along" he smirked at her and whispered the information to her so Garth couldn't hear. "Hey what ever you do don't cut my Hydra's Head off!" He said in a scared tone to him.
Garth laughed at Justins question.

"Man you don't know anything do you? Well since I'm gonna take your summoning power away from you anyways, I might as well tell ya.

Drake is the leader of the Chosen. He recruits talented summoners like me to help him create a brand new world full of freedom. Now that I have this app I'm free to do whatever I want! Whenever I want! Teachers, my parents, the police, my child psychologist! Not even the military can stop me now! I'm a king! And my first action as king, is to execute you!"

The guardsman used his shield to block the hydra's flame while deflecting the tail attack with his sword. Suddenly the shield began to grow as the guardsman held it eventually growing as big as a round bank vault. He swung his sword to cut through the pole of a no parking sign, then snatched it out of the air and threw it like a spear at one of the hydra's heads aiming for its open mouth as it spewed flames.
The Hydra saw the sign going towards one of the two heads he already has and the second head intercepted the sign hurting the Hydra's head. The hydra's flames turned from Orange to Blue and he blast a hot flame at the shield trying to make the shield to eventually melt off. As the hydra keeps fighting he then starts to use his claws because they both knew the Swords man can hand two things but when you add a third attack he can't defend that.
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Mr. Crown stared back at Sora with focused determination. He knew this was the moment of truth, his words now would have to make the difference.

"As a god, I have been existing for thousands of years watching mankind grow, prosper, learn, and sometimes fail. As an instructor, I've been teaching now for nearly thirteen years, but I didn't become a teacher in order to find Champions that would defend the world from fallen gods bent on ruling mankind. I became a teacher...to find students, and teach them." Mr. Crown got up from his chair and walked over to the window peering out of it.

"As the Greek God of the Storm Zues, King of the Olympians, I led the world with what I thought was vast unparalleled knowledge. But alas the world moved on without me and my kind. Mankind proved that it could do something that we simply could not. They could adapt to life. And so I and the other kings of the gods made a decree that no god was allowed to interfere with the progress of mankind ever again. So I became a teacher. It isn't quite as glamorous as being a divine ruler, but I feel that in some small way I'm still helping to lead mankind." Mr. Crown said turning around and smiling genuinely. "Well that's my story. Did I pass? Or did I flunk?" He said throwing a little teacher humor into the mix.
Sora looked at him for a while. "I understand I think.. But, I'm a little surprised.. you're allowing people to choose which side they want. But, I guess you pass." Sora thought a moment. "Hey...can I ask a ...small favor from you? I mean...I know I haven't done much to really... help you..or anything yet. But, I was wondering if I could get your help." Sora asked Mr. Crown, he didn't know whether or not he would do this but it was worth a shot right?

Mr. Crown suddenly went back to his strict teacher mode as he gave Sora a "what are you trying to pull now?" look.

"Depends on what it is. As a teacher and a god, I have my limitations on what I'm allowed to do. Tell me and I will consider it."
Sora was a little surprised at this sudden change but didn't let it get to him. "Well...I was wondering...as a teacher...if you could teach me how to be a better summoner..even if it's just a little advice and not just harsh training." Sora wanted to be able to actually help his friends when the going got rough...always relying on them. It didn't feel good to feel so powerless as to not being able to help them at all.

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As the hulking slow Hydra reared up into the air to use its claws the shield began to grow red hot. The Guardsman ran backwards dragging his big shield with little to no effort. Although it had grown large the weight itself had not changed at all. He shrunk the shield back to its original size as he dashed behind a large pick up truck.

The guardsman jumped up from behind the safety of the truck and quickly spinning threw his shield at the Hydras legs as it traveled fast through the air spinning likd a thick metal frisbee. Then in an instant it grew to ten times its original size to spinning like a huge flying saucer as it hurtled towards the big hulking hydra's front legs. The impact would cripple the hydra bringing it down.
He saw the metal sheild going towards my hydra, maybe I can use that to my advantage maybe just maybe... He just smirked at a plan he just thought of "Savy!" He hydra knew what I was thinking and it put it's head infront of the shield to both stop and make him cut his two heads off. This wasn't any summoner battle is isn't gonna lose, especially since he pinched Olivia's butt and he didn't like anyone do it to her.
Mr. Crown smiled. "Well that Sora. Is something that I could do. As both a teacher and a god. I also need a small favor from you. If you get a chance. Talk to the other summoners for me. See if you could "motivate" them to join our side." Mr. Crown said. "No fight. Just recruiting."

(All right I'm going to bed. I'll post "catching up: updates" in the morning. At least I'll try to.)
Sora nodded at Mr. Crown. "I'll certainly do my best to help you." If this was something that needed to be done. Sora would give it his all. But, then took a long look at Mr. Crown. "I...make no promises...that I can convince anyone though. But, I swear I'll do my best." Sora was happy Mr. Crown accepted his offer. While it would be unknown to him which side the others took. Sora was going to follow Mr. Crown. "I guess..I'll be one of your champions...though..saying that feels weird."

Mr. Crown smirked. " Hercules, Theseus, Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus. It took all of them a while to get used to it as well." He said reaching into his desk and grabbing a stack of more homework.

"Now get out. I got more homework to grade. Including yours." He said changing his tone completely and going back to grading the papers.
Sora was completely shocked. "Whoa...my first day and I'm being graded on homework I don't remember even doing..." Was this some sort of joke? Or was he actually serious. Had Sora forgotten that he did work? "Good grief.." he said walking out of the room slowly leaning on the wall. Then, he began laughing a bit. "This will be so much fun."


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