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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga

"So I'm guessing you like the bad boy type" he said to her. "I'm going wherever you go. I can't go a day with out watching you, because your the only person who doesn't mind me doing this." He replied to her question as he watched her seem confused. It didn't bother him at all where he went long as he was with her and he would accepted it.
"Well I'm hungry want to go get something to eat? I can't make decisions on an empty stomach." She asked him letting her confusion show just a little.
"Sure why not, I'm hungry as well" he said to her. "So where do you want to eat?" He asked her as he was getting ready to go for a walk though he didn't want to.
Sora walked inside the gym from the hallway looking at his phone. "So, ...join Grandpa underpants, or take on the path of a guy with a wolf. Tough choice...not really..maybe. What do you ..my friends want?" Sora was talking to his phone...to his spirits...to his friends. "Help ....stop the chaos...or bring forth death and destruction." Sora took a moment and nodded. "Alright if that's what you want then well join his side."
"I have a Fire Wizard, Hydra, and a Robot." He says to her as he walked to the stand "I'm paying." He told her as her as he sighed and order just a normal hotdog.
Zues rubbed his forehead in deep thought. It was quite a shock that Drake was now working for the fallen gods, even if he couldn't prove it yet. But he had more important business to attend to with the rest of the students.

"I will not force you to join me, nor is it in my power to do so. The gods gave up manipulating the lives of humans a long long time ago. It was at the orders of Ra, Odin, and myself that all gods not interfere in the lives of the humans, and all gods respect that rule, or face our wrath. All except the fallen gods. They still want to enslave the man to their will."

He sighed and with a flash changed back into his human form of Mr. Crown.

"Should you have any questions, or want to learn more about the secret complexities of summoning, your welcome to ask. Come by my classroom. Anytime. Day or night. You will always find me there when you need me. Otherwise do as you see fit. I will let you decide for yourselves. You will all have to choose a side, eventually." And with that Mr.Crown walked away out the doors and down the hall.

(Check for update#2)
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Sora already had questions he wanted to ask Mr. Crown ...or rather...Zues. So, he followed him to where we was going, not even bothering to be secretive. If he was truly a god...he would know he was being followed, regardless whether or not he was sneaking or not.
"Thanks." She said before taking a bite out of the hotdog. "What do you do for fun around here?" She asked smiling at him happily.
Mr. Crown walked down the hallway in a nonchalant leisurely manner, then stopped suddenly, sneezed really hard, shook his head as if trying to get rid of it, then continued to sneeze again and again as he walked around the corner.

Suddenly his voice could be heard speaking from behind Sora.

"You really shouldn't sneak around spying on people. It's not nice. And your not good at it." Mr. Crown spoke standing behind Sora.
Sora looked at Mr. Crown. "I'm not good at it. Because I wasn't trying to hide. Grandpa underpants, if you really are a god. It would be no use hiding right?" Sora turned around and smiled. "But, you said come to you with questions right?"
"Absolutely! Time is of the essence. To be honest I want expecting anyone to come forward so early. Why don't we go the classroom first." Mr.Crown said leading him to his room.
Sora nodded at his suggestion to go to the classroom. He wasn't sure why though. So, he just followed Mr. Crown, not knowing who exactly was the good guy. He remained cautious of Mr. Crown but...it did feel as if he could trust him..
"If your wondering, I have wards placed around the class room. Even other gods can't spy on us now." He said sitting down at his desk and taking out a stack of papers that are in need if being graded.

"Ok! Ask away! Any questions you have I will do my best to answer."
Sora sat down a bit and looked at him. "Grandpa Underpants." he said to him. "Why do you look so lame as a god. But, the guy you claim is bad looks amazing?" Sora meant that question as a joke in a sense but was kind of curious on it. But, then decided to stay serious. "Um, my friends want to fight..but I was wondering...can they die? What happens if they die?"
LizzyBeth said:
"Thanks." She said before taking a bite out of the hotdog. "What do you do for fun around here?" She asked smiling at him happily.
"What I do is I usually check the girls out but it seems like I have a person who will allow me to check her out whenever I want to" he smirked at her. "But when I don't I usually go to find places for food."
"Wow so both of the things you do for fun we have accomplished." She said laughing and then taking another bite of her hotdog.

(Sorry about the short post... I'm in class right now.)
LizzyBeth said:
"(Sorry about the short post... I'm in class right now.)
(I don't care if it's short. When things get going you'll post lots! Just wait and see.)

A boy by the name of Garth was sitting near them hanging out with his friends. Garth held a grudge against Justin fir making jokes about him in front of girls but now that he had the power. He would make Justin pay.

He walked over pinched Olivia's but and smirked.

"Hanging out with a lame loser huh? Good thing I found you. Garth to rescue." He said trying to look cool in front of her. His friends hooting, hollering, and whistling.
Sora was watching Mr. Crown grade a bunch of papers. Then, he took out his phone and was flipping through it waiting for the answers to his questions. But, then noticed something new on his phone was it a new contact? He didn't remember adding it. Soon he remembered that it was the guy with the wolf... "Hmm...."
Olivia jumped a little in surprise to having her butt pinched. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at Garth. "I guess you have a weird definition of good." She said tilting her head and giving him a smile.

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