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Fantasy Soul Mates

Looking at the mark, shock took her. They were exactly alike, but how can that be. "How?...." She said in a whisper slightly to her self.
Grinning she looked from her tattoo , to his tattoo a couple of times to compare. "Same..uh I mean well ya I was born with it too". She looked up slightly confused. "Why do we have the same mark?"
"i don't know but i don't care, our makes us uniqe and kinda binds us together, like we'll be really good friends in the future" ivan said smiling warmly
Looking back at the tattoo on her hand, she focused on the simple detail that made is so unique. Then looked back up, sure about her decision. With a warm smile, she gave a soft nod, a blush accompanied by he act. "I hope so".
ThunderDire said:
Looking back at the tattoo on her hand, she focused on the simple detail that made is so unique. Then looked back up, sure about her decision. With a warm smile, she gave a soft nod, a blush accompanied by he act. "I hope so".
(sorry i didn't get a notification)

"so want do you want to do, school is over for the weekend"
Lizzy said:
(The roleplay has already started,so i'm afraid not. Sorry. @Unknown bloodrose )
"A tree?" She mused. Rosaleen examined the marking on his arm, and realized it was exactly like what was on the back of her neck. How was that even possible? She had been born with hers as well, so it wasn't like she just tattooed it on for fun.

"U-uh thats cool." She said before an awkward silence came across them. She didn't feel like sharing about her own tattoo; what if it meant something?
Sorry I've been gone for so long :/ ))

Jax looked at his birthmark/tattoo and looked at Rosalee.

"Thanks." he smiled at her, noting the hint of uncertainty in her voice. He may seem like one of those guys who never paid the least bit of attention to detail, but that was quite the opposite. He was very observant and since he was an extrovert, he could pick up someone's emotions from what they said. Call it a rather strange party trick, if you will.
Suddenly the bell rang and Rosaleen stood up. "Well, nice meeting you, Jax." She said, gathering up her things. She was hoping he hadn't noticed the change in her tone or anything and get suspicious. She had always thought most guys were clueless to basically everything anyway, so maybe he wouldn't start asking her any questions or anything like that.
Jax was about to say something until the bell rang. He raised an eyebrow and looked up, sighing and grabbing his backpack before standing up.

"It was nice to meet you too, Rosaleen." he smiled at her before walking out of class. He wanted to ask her if something was wrong, but he decided against it. He sighed and turned to go to his next class. Math. On the way to his class, he had a girl grab his arm and ask him about his summer. He sighed and let it go, walking and talking with her.
Rosaleen made her way to her block period, ELA. She plopped down in a seat, a girl sitting next to her. She talked with her, Kate, during class, though didn't get in trouble and still wrote down some notes. The rest of the day, in general, went by pretty sluggishly.
The rest of the day went by smoothly for Jax and Levy. Both of them seeing each other in the hallway and sitting with each other at break and lunch. Levy made some new friends and saw some old ones, her ears were like satellites, picking up other people's conversations. Jax on the other hand, was still wondering about that girl in art. Of course, she was just another girl whom he met upon Levy's request. There was something about her though. Something, how should he put it, different.

At the end of the day, Levy and Jax met at Jax the front of the school.
When the bell finally rang Rosa grabbed her bag and began heading outside, a couple of her friends flocking at her sides and chattering about their day and such with her. She was so caught up in talking she didn't notice Jax and Levy as she and the 4 other girls walked past.
Levy looked at Jax and smiled brightly, her normal state when she saw her best friend. Levy hit him on the shoulder and tilted her head to the side a bit.

"How was school?" Levy asked with a grin.

Jax only smirked and put an arm around Levy.

"We go to the same school, idiot. You know how it went." he chuckled a bit.

Levy rolled her eyes and put her hand on top of Jax's, lacing their fingers together. It was not strange for the two to do such things since they were both the touchy feely type and best friends. The two continued to talk, walking as they went. That is, until Levy picked up on Rosa's voice. Levy smirked and watched as she and some others passed them. Levy looked at Jax who was listening to whatever the rules were to the game they were playing on the way home but was not looking at Levy like he usually did. He was looking at Rosa. Levy decided to end the rules and clear her throat. At which point, Jax blinked and looked at her.

"Sorry, I zoned out. What'd you say?" he asked her and looked at her. Levy rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Hey, Rosa!" Levy called after her new friend. Jax on the other hand only looked from his best friend to the red head.
Rosaleen paused, her little cluster of friends pausing and turning around to face Levy. "Go on without me," Rosaleen said, walking over to Levy with a smile. "Hey," She greeted, sending a short glance over at Jax. The group she had left exchanged looks and then begun walking away to their cars and whatnot.
Levy only smiled when Rosa looked at her.

"Are you hungry? Jax and I are gonna go grab a bite to eat if you wanna come." Levy offered and looked at her taller companion. Jax looked at Levy then back to Rosaleen. He knew what Levy was up to. She was trying to get him to talk to her more. She was also trying to get him to pay for her food. When Rosaleen glanced at him Jax shot her a smile. He reached in his pocket for his wallet and opened it.

"I've got $30, so I'll be paying. That is, if you want to join us." he offered and looked at her with a grin.
"You sure you don't mind?" Rosaleen asked warily, not wanting to be a drag. She shifted her bag on her shoulders, switching her gaze from Levy to Jax.
Levy smiled while Jax only shrugged.

"Not a problem at all. Where do you want to go?" Jax asked and looked at Rosa.

"I want Taco Bell!" Levy whined and pulled on Jax's arm. Jax sighed and looked at her.

"Lev, we eat Taco Bell 364 days a year. Let's go somewhere else."
She gave a light grin at Jax's comment about Taco Bell.

"I'm up for anything," Rosaleen said with a shrug. She didn't eat out very much..or at all, so she didn't really have a favorite spot.
Levy frowned and puffed her cheeks out. That was a sign of defeat for her.

"How about Wendy's? Or maybe Sonic?" Jax asked and blew on Levy's face. He then turned to Rosaleen.

"You game?" he asked her with a smile. Even though she already said that she didn't care, he still wanted her input.

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