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Fantasy Soul Mates

Thomas didn't respond at all to Eddie's actions. Thomas was unable to be seen by her when she looked back. He had phased through the ground and came up slowly, resting on the swing set. He remained there, still in the park but not on the bench anymore. Thomas hummed softly, the melody seeming to bring a certain peace into the park. He watched the girl while he hummed, almost to the point of singing now. Thomas stopped and continued to watch everyone. "What an odd ghost... Quite cute...." He spoke aloud to himself. Thomas' eyes teared up as he looked at one of the many children. A little girl playing with a ball, a ways away from the group. Thomas felt her death, the image running through his head. She would trip, drop her ball, and run over to get it. A car would be the cause of her death, and it wouldn't be a fast one.

Thomas glided over to the girl and knelt beside her, smiling softly. He looked over at Eddie, wishing she wouldn't be here when it happened. He began to sing softly to the little girl, putting his hand on her head as the lullaby went on. Thomas stood up once he finished and simply waited there as the girl went back to playing. Just as he had saw it, it happened. The fall, the ball rolling away, the chase after it, the car.... Once it had all happened he went over to the little girl. He sat beside her as the car skidded away, singing some more. They were far enough away so that the rest of the little kids couldn't see, but Eddie could, and a few other people who seemed to be calling for an ambulance. Thomas' song seemed to flow smoothly, giving the dying girl a proper send away. No one could hear the singing, if they did then they would simply write it off as the wind. Eddie though, due to her being a ghost, could hear it just fine.

"What's his name?" She asked, unsure if wanted to meet this guy. She didn't have many guys as friends, mostly because she didn't want to date or anything. She glanced over at the clock. Only 24 minutes of class left. @lonecoyote
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Eddie at first didn't notice what Thomas was, or what he was doing, simply because when she started hearing the song faintly in the wind, a kid would grab her attention away. Then she saw the little girl run into the street, she had ran to stop her but couldn't even get halfway their before everything went down. Unfortunately, instead of going to the little girl, she kept the other kids company and far from the accident site. All of them were crying and clinging onto her while their parents were helping the dying girl.

However a face stuck out to her. The guy she had sat on was by the girl, and the singing began again. The tune left an unpleasant feeling reside within her from how it was familiar to her. Not what she remembered, but similar. Thus it dawned on her, he was like her. Only he in a way was what caused her death. Not him specifically, but another Banshee. As mad as she wanted to get, she couldn't since the details were extremely fuzzy and he wasn't the same one. Yet he did allow that girl to die. That girl was just a kid. With her mind racing, Eddie hushed the crying children around her and hummed to them a happier song.

@The Master
Thomas finished his song and stood, wiping his tears away. He held his head in his hands as he gave a loud shriek of blood curdling proportion. It was a mixture of sorrow, despair and anguish. It was loud, scary, and filled with more emotion than anything. Humans couldn't hear it, but Eddie could. He finished shrieking, giving a soft pant. Thomas walked back over to he bench and rested there. He looked stoic as ever, not really saying or doing much of anything. He looked at Eddie and wondered why she was humming. Thomas knew little about children so he didn't know that humming soothed them. He only sang because it was in his nature to do so out of respect for the dead and dying. He continued staring at her, seeing that look in her eyes. Thomas knew she most likely blamed him for the child's death, but he didn't hate her for it. He wanted to explain what banshees did and what their purpose was but decided that if she wanted to know then she would ask. Thomas did get a feeling whenever he looked at her, almost like he was fond of her in a romantic way.


The screech was enough to make her want to stop humming and cover her ears and scream as well. However, she persevered and continued to comfort the children until all the panic died down and their parents took them from her to go home. All of which she had to accept with a sad smile and wave to each and everyone when they turned away to leave. With the kids gone, it seemed that people began to either ignore her, or she just became invisible to them. Unfortunately, she could still feel his eyes on her. She stood rooted to her spot for a few more minutes before she phased into the ground before popping back up behind the bench where he sat. Her arms leaning against the top of the bench as she stared at Thomas with narrowed eyes.

"She was just a kid." The brunette's tone was bitter, but still a lot softer than she had imagined. Normally she would have torn him a new one, and boy did she want to. Yet something was keeping her anger at bay, for now at least.​

@The Master
"It was her time...." Thomas responded plainly. Thomas looked the girl in the eyes, "You never did give me your name... I'm Thomas..." He cracked a very small smile. His voice was extremely enchanting and charismatic. Many people, creatures, in the past have mistaken it for charm speak. The difference between Thomas' voice and charm speak was that charm speaking was a form of control and could be resisted and blocked out. Thomas' voice was just as effecting but it couldn't be blocked out as if it were a spell since that is just how he was. It didn't have any controlling properties either, but he could convince someone rather easily.

ivan kept to himself for most of the day, going to the spot where he rested in the morning when he could, and every time he couldn't help but think about the girl he saw there
Levy glanced at the clock and looked around the room, her hearing picking up on some of the people's conversations around her.

"His name is Jax Brandy. He's a senior this year." she smiled rather proudly, like a mother bird. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Hey, for the rest of class, wanna play a game?" Levy loved playing games, they often kept her mind fixed on one thing.

Jax sighed, he was truly and utterly bored. He had written down the problem on the board and solved it already, his teacher on the other hand was trying to figure out what she had done wrong to get the wrong answer. He looked at the door, watching as people walked by. His brown eyes staring at his paper.

"Psssst....Jax." a girl beside him whispered. Jax's eyebrows went up to tell her that he had her attention.

"What class do you have next?" she asked with a small smile.

Jax furrowed his brows, he wasn't sure what class he had next. He opened his backpack and grabbed his schedule, pulling it out and looking at it.

"Art." He said and put the schedule back. The girl giggled and shook her head.

"How come you didn't take that last year?"

Jax shrugged with a smirk.

"My friend refused to take it with me. I have no choice this year."

"Jax, what's the answer to this one?" The teacher asked, causing Jax to look at the board at the new problem.

"I haven't done it yet." he replied, causing a light laughter to erupt in the room.

"Because you've been talking." she reminded him and Jax only lowered his head and wrote down the problem.
"Please dad! Please!" Begged Simba. Her father promised her when she was 17 she would be able to go to human school. Her sister lived on land so Simba was able to move in with her. After hours of begging her father, her father finally told her yes and gave her a blue and silver sparkly necklace, that would help her turn from her mermaid fin to her humans legs. After giving her father a big hug she swam to the surface and onto the beach, where her fin turned into human legs. She was really wobbly on her legs but she slowly started to be able to walk on them. Her sister, Nerissa, was already on land with towel to wrap around her. For the fact she didn't have any pants from changing. "Nerissa!" Simba exclaimed while giving her sister a big hug. "You are so lucky, I love you, It's 5;30 in the morning," Her sister complained, "I never wake up this early, now let's get you home and ready for school."

School! Human school! Simba was super excited but the clothes are sister put on her would be something she would have to get used to. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt with ruffly black skirt. Her sister put her hair into a side braid and once Simba was ready to go, her sister sent her to school. Once at school she stared at everything in amazed, this was so different than what she read in books. She found her locker and schedule where she also found out where her classes were. She ran into her classroom and took a seat in a desk. Playing with her necklace that was around her neck, she thought of all things she could do now that she was human!
I saw a beautiful looking girl sit infront of me but somethinf was off. She was too excited on the first day of school no one is that excited. i stares at her before realizing what i was doing and looked away 'what was that' i thought listening to the teacher.
"Jax?" She paused. "Isn't he that one dude every girl drools over?" She asked, giving a small, uninterested frown. She did want to seem rude... but she wasn't fond of people who had everyone in school wrapped around their fingers. She hadn't ever seen the guy, only heard vaguely of him, partly because she hadn't put 'meet Jax Brandy' on her list of things to do in life.
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I ran into my first class just before it started. There was only one open seat left and it was next to a girl who looked of Asian decent. I walked over and asked her "Is it okay if I sit here?" nodding towards the empty seat next to her


"Time has a horrible way of choosing who to kill off." Her response was immediate and bitter before she fell to silent, where she seethed. Her lips pressed into a thin line, his smooth voice doing little to ease her rising anger. "Not that you have much say do you. Despite seeing right?" After that she let the subject drop, as much as she didn't want too. Her stubbornness telling her to continue berating him about it, as if it her opinion would change anything.

"Eddie. My name is Eddie." The brunette answered after a few more minutes of silence, allowing for her temper to cool. Which helped with her tone, for this time it was warmer than the icy words she had used before. "I take it that you already know that I'm a ghost?" Changing the subject, she went through the bench and sat down on it with relative ease. Her arms crossing defiantly as her clear blue eyes remained on the scenery before her, choosing not to look at Thomas at the moment.​
Simba grabbed her pencil and notebook out of her bag when she noticed a conch shell. She wasn't gone from the sea for more the 5 hours and her dad was already trying to spy on her. She made sure to note to herself that she needed to take it out of her bag when she got home. Simba's tummy started to growl, she was too excited for school that she forgot to eat her seaweed rolls this morning. "Shh tummy," she whispered to her stomach before going back to paying attention to the teacher.

I heard the girl i front of me stumach growl. I had a sudden urge to help her foe some reason. I reached into my bag and pulled out a rice ball and silently handed it to her. "Try it" i whispered still lookong at the teacher. For some reason i felt reallt good for doing that but i can think about that later gotta keep my grades up to play football.
He merely shrugged at what Eddie had said, not responding with words. Thomas scratched his chin and nodded at Eddie's last question, "Yes, that was obvious to me. You don't really know what I am though, or... you at least don't know what I do... do you?" He blinked, looking at her. Thomas continued staring at Eddie, simply looking at her.

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Some person behind Simba offer her a black and white circular thing. She took it and observing it with a questioning look. What is this? "Thank you for this," she stopped for a moment still trying to figure it out, "this white ball." She realized she was probably way off and was hoping he would explain it to her.
"Um hi, lovely day today right?"

Hearing a voice, she looked up, slightly shocked due to intense observing over her schedule. Next to her stood a boy, and immediately she took in every detail. He was tall, handsome, and had a wolf like tail and ears. The first two she welcomed whole heartedly, however, she had never seen anything other than a human her self and a wave of curiosity ran through her mind like the breeze itself. Yet she felt a sense of caution for what she didn't know as well. Realizing she hadn't said anything back, and possibly gave such a awkward stare that most would probably labeled her as a "weirdo" just from that act, she gave a warm yet small smile and said "yes, I mean.. I guess it really depends on the person but in my opinion, it's a lovely day..".

@blood wolf

"Eat it" i whispered when i saw her looking at it weird. "its really good" i sat back in my as the teacher lookes at me. He must have heard me or something.
Fireheart said:
I ran into my first class just before it started. There was only one open seat left and it was next to a girl who looked of Asian decent. I walked over and asked her "Is it okay if I sit here?" nodding towards the empty seat next to her

Rachel looked at Cody before nodding, she didn't really care. She started drawing roses and flowers all over her first page of her notebook out of boredom. After that she sighed, now watching the clock.

"thanks" I said before sitting down next to her. Taking out my notebook and pens, I waited for the teacher to get here, simply bored out of my mind. I looked up at the clock and saw that class was suppose to start now but the professor was no where to be seen.
Rachel felt a bit awkward as she started to spin her mechanical pencil about her fingers. She felt even more conscious with everyone near her, she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation behind her. Rachel actually wished the professor was here as she was awkwardly looking down at her paper.

After about five minutes of waiting I decided enough was enough "screw this" I said softly to myself.Gathering up my supplies, and my backpack I lef the classroom and headed towards the library. Hopefully I would find something better to do then to just sit in a classroom
Hearing Cody getting up, Rachel wondered where he was going. Though she couldn't afford to miss any of her classes as she spend her own money to buy the textbooks and the supplies. She thought,'Someone rebellious in college? That's rare, usually everyone is usually serious when entering a college.'
ThunderDire said:
"Um hi, lovely day today right?"
Hearing a voice, she looked up, slightly shocked due to intense observing over her schedule. Next to her stood a boy, and immediately she took in every detail. He was tall, handsome, and had a wolf like tail and ears. The first two she welcomed whole heartedly, however, she had never seen anything other than a human her self and a wave of curiosity ran through her mind like the breeze itself. Yet she felt a sense of caution for what she didn't know as well. Realizing she hadn't said anything back, and possibly gave such a awkward stare that most would probably labeled her as a "weirdo" just from that act, she gave a warm yet small smile and said "yes, I mean.. I guess it really depends on the person but in my opinion, it's a lovely day..".

@blood wolf
ivan smiled thinking this girl might actually like him, he decided to introduce him self "my name's ivan,what's your's"

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