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Fantasy Soul Mates

"Oh!" Simba exclaimed. She took a big bite and her eyes grew big. "This is delicious!" She said with a mouth full of food. The teacher glared at her and she quietly turned back to the front of the class. The teacher explained to them that for the rest of the period they could chat with their neighbors. Simba turned around, "The name's Simba," she then stuck her hand out at him.
"Myles" i said shaking her hand. "you musr be new around here after school want me to show you around" i said but before she could answer a couple of girls came up to me and started talking to me. I tried to get them to go away but they stayed i looked towards Simb and mouthed 'later'.
"I'm Una, nice to meet you Ivan". Beginning to put away her schedule, she looked down for a brief second to make sure it was in the right place before looking back up at Ivan. Her light blue eyes holding a good amount of curiosity in them. "So, uh if you don't mind asking, your not a human right?" Obviously she knew but she did just arrive to a school full of other being besides humans and didn't want to seem dumb by just asking what "kind" he was.

@blood wolf
"half human to be exact, the other half is wolf" ivan said as he slightly swung his tail to a gentle breeze ruffling his hair and fur up a little
Eddie shrugged while crossing her arms. "You're certainly not a living human being. So I take it that you are part of the supernatural. Most likely something dealing with souls or deaths. Which means you might be a Reaper or something along those lines." She rationalized out loud what her thoughts were, though she was no expert. "I was Animation Major, so knowing about all the myths and legends wasn't a priority." The woman added bitterly while doing her best not to look over at the staring male. Normally, being noticed was a good thing, but his staring was making her feel awkward. No, not awkward. She felt shy, which was new to her.

@The Master
"I am a banshee. We are not really reapers, since we don't kill people. We simply see people off who die. We can also warn others about there demise. But we just shriek when someone we are watching over dies. I honestly have no idea why..." Thomas blinked and thought to himself. He looked back at Eddie and scooted closer to her, taking her hand. "I don't know why, but I like you...." He spoke bluntly. Thomas continued staring at Eddie, his face as stoic as always, as well as his voice.

"That's nice..." Eddie says sarcastically while looking over at Thomas for the first time to see him scoot closer to her and grabbed her hand. Her pale face being to burn red as she tried her best not to panic. "That escalated quickly, I just met you and now you like me. " The brunette responds as her brain tried to rationalize this. This was not some kind of romantic comedy or movie, so the confession was out there. Plus he was attractive, and possible the only guy she could be with considering she was a ghost... A ghost.. The reminder was sobering and caused the flush that had onced colored her cheeks to disappear rather quickly. His hand was warm in her cold one. "And why would you like a ghost?" The question was not supposed to leave her brain, but it came out anyway, it's answer was an important one to her.

@The Master
"I am a ghost too..." Thomas responded. "You know you can make yourself warm. You don't always have to be cold." He made himself cold again like her but then back to warm just to show her. "I don't really ever think about love. But it comes to mind whenever I am near you, or looking at you, or touching you." Thomas smiled lightly. It was a very very tiny smile and it was something he seldom did. "You make me smile...." His smile grew slightly. Despite his smile, his voice was still extremely stoic. Somehow it was also able to hold a beautiful and soothing flow to it as well.

Simba nodded at Myles and gave him two thumbs up. She got up from her desk and headed to the bathrooms. The faucet turned on and she stuck her hands under the water. Her legs turned back into fins, "I completely forgot!" She groaned to herself while padding her fin with paper towels before her fin turned back into legs. That was something she needed to remember.
"Oh really, I thought you were a robot with how emotionless you are." Eddie replies sarcastically while rolling her eyes, before shrugging her shoulders. "I've tried. I still stay cold to the touch, not I can tell." She added as her gaze shifted to the side. Her cheeks became a little pink from his words about love, and she could feel her stomach twisting in knots from it. However it only got worse when she looked back to face him to see his smile. If she had still been alive, her heart would have skipped a beat. "You need to hold your horses pretty boy. We just met. Love shouldn't be on your mind or coming out of your mouth towards me." The fact she was trying to rationalize something as irrational as love was funny coming from a woman who had thought ghosts weren't real before she became one. Granted all of the new (and strange) things she had to deal with, wanting to keep at least her romance normal was understandable.

@The Master
Thomas laughed softly, doing something else that was completely rare and unheard of. "You wasted your last life with logic and missed opportunity. Don't waste this one too...." He pulled his hand away and began to dissipate into smoke, vanishing within moments. The smile on his face was completely gone after he laughed, giving her the same stoic and cold and unfeeling look he gave everyone else. Thomas reappeared a good distance away, still within the area though. He looked at Eddie before turning and walking away, blending in with the people as he made his way to the nearest cafe.
lonecoyote said:
Levy glanced at the clock and looked around the room, her hearing picking up on some of the people's conversations around her.
"His name is Jax Brandy. He's a senior this year." she smiled rather proudly, like a mother bird. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Hey, for the rest of class, wanna play a game?" Levy loved playing games, they often kept her mind fixed on one thing.

Jax sighed, he was truly and utterly bored. He had written down the problem on the board and solved it already, his teacher on the other hand was trying to figure out what she had done wrong to get the wrong answer. He looked at the door, watching as people walked by. His brown eyes staring at his paper.

"Psssst....Jax." a girl beside him whispered. Jax's eyebrows went up to tell her that he had her attention.

"What class do you have next?" she asked with a small smile.

Jax furrowed his brows, he wasn't sure what class he had next. He opened his backpack and grabbed his schedule, pulling it out and looking at it.

"Art." He said and put the schedule back. The girl giggled and shook her head.

"How come you didn't take that last year?"

Jax shrugged with a smirk.

"My friend refused to take it with me. I have no choice this year."

"Jax, what's the answer to this one?" The teacher asked, causing Jax to look at the board at the new problem.

"I haven't done it yet." he replied, causing a light laughter to erupt in the room.

"Because you've been talking." she reminded him and Jax only lowered his head and wrote down the problem.
"Jax?" She paused. "Isn't he that one dude every girl drools over?" She asked, giving a small, uninterested frown. She didn't want to seem rude... but she wasn't fond of people who had everyone in school wrapped around their fingers. She hadn't ever seen the guy, only heard vaguely of him, partly because she hadn't put 'meet Jax Brandy' on her list of things to do in life. @lonecoyote
Levy looked at her with a slight frown.

"Jax is a good guy. Don't let what you hear about him tell you otherwise." she smiled softly to Rosaleen. Sure Jax had a reputation but that didn't mean that he lived up to it. He wasn't the player or playboy everyone thought of him to be. He was actually just a really nice guy who never said no. Which has caused him both pain and happiness. Levy knew this too. She was always there for him, since the beginning of kindergarten.

"Plus, if he does anything that offends you, let me know. I'll handle it." Levy grinned.
"Sorry.." She said with a small shrug.

When she said the last sentence Rosaleen giggled. "How long have you two been friends?" She asked suddenly, tilting her head slightly in curiosity; a habit she had.
"Oh wow, um is there more like you here?" Naturally she took a peak at her watch, before quickly standing up.

Reaching down Una grabbed her books before standing back up. Raising her hand she ran her fingers through her long blossom white colored hair and gave another small smile. "
Well I have to go now, my class is starting soon" beginning to walk away, books in hand she turned around as if she forgot something only to meet Ivan's deep endless blue eyes, "I hope too see you around, Wolfie". Turning back around, she began walking off as another cool breeze went by.
I saw simba walk out of the room. The girls were still talking to me i stood up and waved to them and walked out of the class. I saw simba walk into the restroom so i sat infront of the classroom door waitinf for her.
Levy smiled softly. "It's alright, I understand. He's got a reputation." Levy knew good and well what people said about Jax. Usually, she stood up for him. Well, all the time. She felt that it was her obligation as his best friend, and as a girl who did not fall head over heels for him.

"I met Jax in Kindergarten. I was playing with a bunch of girls and we were playing a some game I hated when I saw Jax throwing mud at a wall and then a whole bunch of others did it too. I don't know really, I just thought he would be fun to have as a friend and I guess it went on from there." Levy smiled brightly, uncrossing her legs and resting her head on her hand.
She smiled. "Cool." She herself had never had a friend for over a few months, since she ran away from foster homes and orphanages all the time when she was younger.

Suddenly the bell rang. All the science teacher had done was ramble about some rules, hand out a paper with her info and what they would be doing in class, and science books.

"Cya later Levy," Rosaleen called as she walked out of the room and to the art room for 2nd period.
Levy nodded and was about to say something when the bell rang. She jumped a bit but laughed at herself, grabbing her things and standing up.

"Bye, Rosaleen!" she said cheerily and walked out of the room with her things from science class and onto 2nd period.

Jax grabbed his things and walked out of the room in a hurry, trying to avoid the teacher calling for him to stay longer since he was talking during class. He grinned when he made it, breathing a sigh of relief before heading to art. As he went he saw Levy, since it was easy to see her since she was so tall, and grinned bigger.


Levy looked up from her phone and waved to him. Jax jogged over to her, dodging many people and a teacher, giving Levy a pat on the back.

"Where ya heading to?" he asked and looked down at her phone.

"History with Coach Mo."

Jax nodded and looked ahead.

"His class is pretty fun. I'm going to art."

"Oh! That reminds me, there's a girl I was talking to in my science class and I told her about you. She's kinda iffy about ya but you better be nice to her." Levy warned him.

"I'm always nice! I've never been mean to anyone, like ever." Jax defended, putting a hand over his chest to feign being hurt.

"You better be. I'm going to class, bye." Levy waved to him and kicked him in the leg.

"Hey!" Jax yelled out and made his way to class.
Rosaleen made it to art about a minute after first bell. The teacher said they could sit where ever they wanted today, so she sat near the back, like usual. The desks were set up in pods of twos or threes, and Rosa was guessing she'd be alone probably, unless Levy had specifically told her friend Jax to sit next to her and talk to her and stuff. She had a feeling he might forget and sit with some of his friends, if any of them were in here.

The redhead took out a pencil and piece of paper as the teacher had written on the board, and just stared forward with a bored expression.
ThunderDire said:
"Oh wow, um is there more like you here?" Naturally she took a peak at her watch, before quickly standing up.
Reaching down Una grabbed her books before standing back up. Raising her hand she ran her fingers through her long blossom white colored hair and gave another small smile. "
Well I have to go now, my class is starting soon" beginning to walk away, books in hand she turned around as if she forgot something only to meet Ivan's deep endless blue eyes, "I hope too see you around, Wolfie". Turning back around, she began walking off as another cool breeze went by.
ivan was stunned to the bone "see ya" then headed to class

(srry for the late response )
The bell rang shortly after Jax had told Levy he was getting to class and it wasn't until then that he realized he was on the other end of the hallway. Jax let out a sigh and jogged to class, getting told by some teachers to slow down and that he was going to get a tardy. Jax only nodded to them with a smile, it was all he could do. When he reached the art room, the dorr was closed so he hung his head. He knocked and looked up to see someone coming to the door to let him in.

"Thanks." he said and looked at the teacher who was writing on the door.

"Jax, you're late." she said and Jax only flashed her a smile.

"My bad, I was talking to Levy and forgot I had five minutes to get to class. Sorry." he said and the teacher only smiled a bit.

"It's alway's Levy's fault, isn't it?" she asked and looked at him.

Jax looked arond the room and saw an open seat in front of a girl whom he had never seen before. He shrugged it off and took the seat, setting his things down and smiling at her.

"Always." he commented back to his conversation with the teached.


Levy made it to her history on time, taking a seat by her friends in the back. She sat down and began to talk to them, telling them about Rosaleen and how they would like her.
Rosaleen watched someone walk in late. He was kind of cute, even though she'd never say anything about it out loud. She kept watching him, and returned the small smile to him when given one. After a few minutes she wondered where Jax Brady was. Levy hadn't described his appearance, and she herself had never seen him before.
ivan walked into class late not making eye contact with any one, he sat own and started to work

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