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Fantasy Soul Mates

(srry im not used to doing long posts)

even though he could hear just about everyone in the school talk he just kept to him self kinda hopping someone would just ignore the fact that he's part wolf and say hi to him or something as long as it wasn't an insult
The teacher began to talk, writing some things on the board about what supplies they would need for the class. Jax played with his pencil, twirling it between his fingers as he listened. His light brown eyes glanced over at Rosaleen, him trying to match her face with a name. He usually always remembered names. He stuck his pencil to the tip of his mouth and furrowed his brows. He remembered that Levy told him about a girl she met in her last class that would be in here with him. He looked at the board and let out a breath.

"Hey, I don't think I've met you before. I'm Jax Brandy. Nice to meet you." he smiled.
Rosaleen had been listening to the teacher for the most part. Even though this was just art class, she had been working hard to get good grades since she had missed so many years and months of school with all the running she had done.

She still had yet to figure out who Jax Brandy was, but it seemed she didn't have to worry because he turner around and introduced himself.

"Oh. Hi. I'm Rosaleen, you can call me Rosa. I haven't been going to this school very long.." She said with a soft smile. She tried not to stare at him too much, some of because he might get creeper out, and because part of her didn't want to be one of the girls that followed him around like a dog. At least, by what she had heard. Then she told herself she shouldn't listen to what she had heard and find out for herself. He definitely was cute though.
Jax smiled at her and stuck his hand out to her.

"That explains it then. It's nice to meet you, Rosa. Just call me Jax." he looked at her, studying her features for a few moments. He didn't stare at her though because he didn't want her to think he was checking her out. He also didn't want her to think of him as a womanizer, which was what he had heard about himself. He knew the reputation he unfortunately had to his name. Womanizer, playboy, ladies man, the list went on and on. That wasn't it though. Jax respected women and just did whatever he could to make them happy. Plus, he could never turn a girl down, no matter who she was. This has also caused him to be used but his motto in life was, "People above self." Something he learned from his mother.

"I hope you enjoy it here. Everyone here is from all walks of life. I don't think it will be hard for you to make friends."
She shook his hand, smiling in a friendly way.

"Thanks," She said, before adding in the same tone "I've been here for about a year now, friends are probably the easiest."

Surprisingly the teacher didn't seen to notice two kids in the back talking, an she was mostly just rambling about art supplies and writing stuff on the board.
Jax retreated his hand and nodded, looking at the teacher but still carrying on the conversation.

"If you've been going here for a year, I wonder why I've never seen you around here. But I'm glad you have friends to talk to." he said, making eye contact with the teacher when she turned to look at the class. He then remembered what Levy had told him earlier in the hall.

"What grade are you in?"
Walking into her class, she mentally flicked her self for being late. Sadly she walked completely the opposite direction of the class and now was facing the consequences of complete and utter embarressment. Apologizing to the teacher, he nodded and smiled.

"Uh...let's see, oh ya, please Ms. ?

Looking at him she spoke quickly. "Una Himoko"

Nodding he spoke again before turning to countinue his lecture. "sit over there".

Turning to where the teacher was pointing, shock took hold of her as the same boy she met from earler was sitting the next seat over. Walking over she set her books down, sat down as quietly as she can,and gave the boy a smile.

"Hi again.."
ThunderDire said:
Walking into her class, she mentally flicked her self for being late. Sadly she walked completely the opposite direction of the class and now was facing the consequences of complete and utter embarressment. Apologizing to the teacher, he nodded and smiled.
"Uh...let's see, oh ya, please Ms. ?

Looking at him she spoke quickly. "Una Himoko"

Nodding he spoke again before turning to countinue his lecture. "sit over there".

Turning to where the teacher was pointing, shock took hold of her as the same boy she met from earler was sitting the next seat over. Walking over she set her books down, sat down as quietly as she can,and gave the boy a smile.

"Hi again.."
"Oh hey, nice running into you again" Ivan said trying hard to hide his rising blush
"Tenth." She replied with a nod. "I'm 16." She added softly, not wanting to get on bad terms with the teacher on the first day.

"What about you?" She inquired.
Jax smirked to himself. So she was a young one. Well two years younger but he considered everyone younger than him to be a baby. He even called Levy a baby even though she was a year younger than he was.

"I'm a senior. I just turned 18 two months ago." he stated and smiled at the teacher when she raised a brow at him.

Jax raised his hand and she called on him.

"All of this is due next Wednesday, right?" he asked and the teacher nodded, walking over to her desk and sitting down.

She announced that their first project was to be a painting and that that was all she had for today. Jax looked at the clock. 15 more minutes.

"Have you met Levy Lox? She's about 5ft 8, long legs, long dark hair, clear blue eyes, kinda childish?" he asked, still wondering if this was the girl Levy mentioned earlier to him.
"Yea. She actually told me to meet you," Rosaleen said. (Sorry for shortness.)
"She told me the same thing. Well, I'm glad to meet you." Jax smiled at her and heard some whispering. He turned his head to see some more underclassmen looking at them and whispering. Jax furrowed his brows and the girls were taken back, slouching a bit in their seats. Jax shook his head and cracked his knuckles.
hearing someone crack their knuckles ivan turned his attention to who he thought cracked his knuckles making eye contact with jax
Rosaleen didn't pay much attention to the other kids in the class, instead glancing at his upper arm. "What's that?" She asked, since his t-shirt covered some of the green markings.
Jax met eyes with a guy and only nodded to him, a small grin on his lips. He looked at Rosaleen before looking at his arm. He lifted his sleeve up and showed her what he had.

"It's a tree. It's a weird thing. I've always had it but it used to be just a dot. It's like it grew with me. Now, it has branches though." he remarked and recalled the birthmark like symbol.

"Levy has one too but it's a star on her right shoulder."
Setting her books on the side if her desk, she looked back at Ivan. Not even noticing he was blushing "So have I missed anything so far"? She referenced to the class and teacher.
"not that i know of" he said smiling at una " oh after class can i ask you something?"
Beginning to write in her spiral as the teacher lectured, she looked back at Ivan for only a second with a smile and nod. "Sure". Her wolf tattoo only slightly Visible yet the way she was writing, covered it almost completely.
ivan noticed the tattoo , fortunately he actually wanted to talk to una about that, but for now he would stay to sneaking a smile to una every once in a while
(The roleplay has already started,so i'm afraid not. Sorry. @Unknown bloodrose )

"A tree?" She mused. Rosaleen examined the marking on his arm, and realized it was exactly like what was on the back of her neck. How was that even possible? She had been born with hers as well, so it wasn't like she just tattooed it on for fun.

"U-uh thats cool." She said before an awkward silence came across them. She didn't feel like sharing about her own tattoo; what if it meant something?
after class ivan was walking with una "so um i noticed that had a type of tattoo, is it all right if i ask what it is?" he asked
Looking down at her hand, she was surprised that he noticed it. Why was she surprised? I guess because not many people ever really noticed and the people that do see it, wonder what it is."Oh...well...Its a tattoo of a wolf" yep that was what she said. However telling him that it was something she had her whole life might of been weird because how many baby do you know that have a tattoo. So like so many other awnsers to this question, that remained her awnser. Looking down at her hand, she looked over the mark in fascination.

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