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Lady Warlock

Anime RN
Soul Eater: Infectious Insanity

Normally, this would be the type of story that would begin with Lord Death shouting out, “Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy!” However, for this particular adventure, that will not be the case because there is no Lord Death. The grim reaper was miraculously overwhelmed by the madness that infected many of his own students and ultimately was defeated and demolished. The virus came without warning and managed to claim a majority of the souls housed within the once esteemed academy, turning them into kishin eggs unable to control their desire to feed on more souls. Given that it came about so quickly, no one knows how the virus came to be, but one thing is rather obvious. Death City is not safe anymore.

The remaining professors and other individuals of authority organized a mass exit. All the students were sent home if they had a home to return to and the remainder were planning to leave as a group and venture to another of Death’s organized locations. As many are aware, several exist within the world. It was a good plan.

It was a good plan… until now.

Seeing all the chaos that has consumed Death City, a group of witches seized their opportunity and led and attack on the DWMA directly which ended with a massive explosion and the entire city being left as a pile of unrecognizable ruins. Some survived, though, and our roleplay will follow those survivors as they try to navigate a world overrun by madness due to a virus that for some reason hasn’t touched them yet.

Maybe - just maybe - they can find somewhere safe.

Perhaps if they’re more ambitious, they’ll find a cure.

Notes from the GM
This roleplay will be a collaborative story written by a group of 6-7 individuals including myself.

Each player will start with one character, but after the roleplay gets moving, players will be able to create second characters if they wish.

Characters are going to be built to have a history with each other. This isn’t going to be one of those stories where all the characters are meeting for the first time as the story begins. After all, they’re all leftover DWMA students so they’ve met before.

Everyone involved will be able to contribute ideas to which direction the story goes in.

This will be a detailed roleplay with each post consisting of at least two paragraphs.

Everyone involved will be expected to post weekly or they will be removed and a new individual will be invited to join.
Directions for the Story
Based on the information provided, I can already see multiple directions the roleplay could head in.

Our characters could seek the source of the virus and destroy it. There’s probably a person who engineered it, after all.

They could seek to develop a cure to the virus.

Maybe there’s a sanctuary location where people untouched by the virus have created a safe haven and our characters will try to reach that location.

There’s also plenty of opportunities for conflicts with the group of witches who ultimately destroyed Death City. And they’re almost certain to turn up again once they realize that there are survivors.

One thing is for certain, though. They will without a doubt encounter more individuals infected with the virus given how rapidly it has been spreading and that’s going to create some moral issues. Will they kill to keep themselves safe, or should they try to just run with the hope of eventually saving everyone?

If any of this peaks your interest or if you have any questions, feel free to comment in this thread and discuss things as you wish. I’ll be around to help everyone out as I can and once I have enough interest garnered, I will work on creating a thread to get things started. I will not be determining who is accepted and who is not based on conversation in this thread, though. There will be an application created once a thread exists.
HUZAH! I am so many versions on in! I am curious on how you intend to handle the meister/weapon dynamic and ratio, though I would guess that would be part of the character application process.
Soul eater rps are rare but they are something im always up for as it leaves fond memories of my first rp. I'll be jumping in as interested as well.
HUZAH! I am so many versions on in! I am curious on how you intend to handle the meister/weapon dynamic and ratio, though I would guess that would be part of the character application process.
The thing that I actually like about the idea I'm working with is that not everyone needs a partner. In fact, it's quite likely that most characters will have had partners who were either killed in the destruction of the DWMA or who were infected and are no longer with them. Of course, it'll still be nice to not have a group of all weapons or all meisters and I'll take that into consideration with the application process.

On other notes, since there is definitely enough interest, I'll probably start working on putting things together tonight while I'm at work. I expect to have threads up within a couple of days. Although... holiday things might consume me first. Uhm... let's go with before the weekend after Christmas.
So does anyone wanna talk concepts?
I have a few ideas for my character so far. Or should I say a few different characters in mind?

Though before I mention them some are limited in age group for the ideas.

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock DWMA isn't quite obvious with its ages in all cases what are you going to consider an acceptable age range as its min and max? Since they're former students? are people outside former students considered?

Unless i misunderstood and lots were at the campus durring the explosions
I, too, am up for potential collaboration with anyone. It was mentioned that all our characters would have history together, so lets capitalize on that. (unless its better to wait for an ooc thread)
What Celtic said, I am down with setting up relationships, but truth be told I'd rather that be the case after I am done with my CS.
I agree with Servant. I'd rather make relationships and connections after I'm done with my CS and see others.
I was talking more concepts for our own characters not so much relationships but I’m up for that as well if anyone wants to.

For me it’s more that talking about my characters tends to help me pin down an idea.

I’m running around with the idea that my character will either be
1) a delinquent boy weapon (either a bat or hammer) who tends to be more reserved but very impatient
2) an aggressive girl Meister who is more used to blunted weapons she’d be loud but patient with a streak of insecurity disguised by her reckless actions.
3) a formal boy Meister with familiarity with bladed weapons a mean streak and quiet demeanor.
4) a hyper girl weapon a bit on the younger side she’s kind but dumb and still dealing heavily with fear that she’ll be one of the next to fall.

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