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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E




"Dark Star"

Species Death Golem
Partner Eloise Keegan
Rank Two-Star

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Vexxed


"It's not... terribly concerning..." Midori shamefully admitted at the inquiry Maria had about the party behind them. Midori, honestly, couldn't care less. What could any of them do in the light of Maria? This perfect crafter, this beautiful damsel. A sorceress that enchanted without an ounce of magic. Even Elly paled in comparison. Someone could be getting shanked out there, and Midori wouldn't be able to pry himself from the conversation.

"If there were some kind of real danger, there are some safeguards to prevent any real damage from occurring," Midori explained to her, his smile somewhat fading as he confirmed the existed of some type of security at this place. It was a secret he wasn't exactly intended to share, but if it gave Maria even an ounce more faith, he wouldn't withhold it. He would use anything at his disposal to acquire her attention, and say whatever words--honeyed or otherwise--that he could conjure. He wasn't normally one to show his hand, but these were hardly normal circumstances.

"To be honest, Dall Island and what Rand saw there is why I thought he might have mentioned me--at least a little more," Midori told her, quickly shifting his cadence and the direction of the conversation.

"Rand was witness to my transformation, for one. I doubt you'd be too interested in the rest," Midori told her. He shrugged, then looked up and to the left, recalling those events. "They separated us as best they could so that we would be pit against an opponent best suited to shut us down. Rand took on the mana-consuming spiders summoned by Orb Weaver... but there a few of us, like Gav over there, that fought Shihan. She toyed with us, really. Mocked us. Imagine a Meister with the lifespan of a Witch and all that time to grow in power. Once she got serious, it was over. We were out cold in a split second. My speed and Gav's tricks amounted to nothing," he explained, really narrating the event with some flowery language to draw her in.

"You see, I'm not exactly human," Midori told her, trying to twist his state of being into a point of intrigue for her. "In a way, I was the ultimate puppet. Not much different than your dolls," he told her, keeping this point quite vague in hopes to inspire questions from her.



Thaddeus Thales


Species Human
Partner Noah Wiley, Arkayis Misonuka
Rank Fate Agent

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Vexxed


Wes gave Gauss everything he needed to make it happen.

And, oh boy, was Gauss gonna make shit happen.

To Wes, Gauss only said one thing in their shared soul space, communicating with him telepathically to keep things going smooth. It was an impromptu pairing, but their shared desire for Sara brought them close enough to skip a few steps. That, or Gauss and his natural status as a Utility Meister. Perhaps a combination of both.

'Use low frequencies, Wes. Anything high pitch will hurt her ears,' Gauss instructed, simply wanting to avoid upsetting her canine senses any more than they had to.

The same could not be said for the black haired guy that was harassing Sara. Gauss allowed his wavelength to pour through him, and with it, amplified himself to no small extent. With all of the natural advantages of Wes on his side and their shared ambition for Sara, everything was flowing in their favor. The black haired guy was sent flying, skittering across the ground like the insignificant side character he was. The force truly wasn't necessary. Gauss could have just shoved him and it would have been enough. But, this was no spar. This wasn't a duel. They had to make a point. Gauss would fight for Sara, and he hit that agent with the same force he would if this truly was a fight.

Now close, Gauss looked over at Arkayis. He still had some spite against his own weapon for how he stole the attention of Sara, but seeing that Annika was there trying to pry him away, his mind factored in just how advantageous Annika could be in this situation. With Arkayis gone, that was one less suitor for Sara. He could punish Arkayis later.

"Arky, go with Annika right now, he said, rudely barking orders at his weapon in a tone that he never even carried during training. "Leave now, and I'll forgive all your transgressions in flirting with Sara. Annika will take care of you; she's a good person," he added, though the threat within his statement was hardly veiled.

As for the other two, they were getting ready to fight. It seemed they were just as primed to defend their adoration of the werewolf as Gauss and Wes were.

There was a key difference. Gauss and Wes were effectively a weapon duo. Gauss was a utility Meister, Wes had a distinctively high control over his wavelength, and both of them shared a strong ambition. There truly wasn't a recipe for a better impromptu pairing.

Gauss poured his wavelength into Wes and pointed the gong at the group, Sara included. He hated that she would get caught in this, but he could make it up to her in a thousand ways later. A million ways. Money, time, promises, attention--whatever it took.

Wes was a talented weapon. Regardless, even in their current state, the two weren't pulling off first-time Resonance. However, there was a technique Nadia had used once with Dani. False Resonance. If they could accomplish that, they would make any actual combat here moot. Wes provided the perfect storm in terms of traits to make it happen.

With his wavelength amplified inside of Wes, Gauss relied on the weapon to control it. Its pitch. Its direction. Its stability. All Gauss needed to do was ring the gong, and with a Soul Force strike planted firmly into the back of the Weapon, he did exactly that.

The cacophony that erupted from the site was thunderous. Nowhere near as destructive as what Annika could pull off, nor as powerful as the real thing, but Gauss had a unique trait Annika didn't in that he was better suited to helping to sculpt this soundwave. Split right down the middle to hit the brown haired fuckers on either side of Annika, both were blasted with the sonic force of their infatuated power. Sara would still get hit, but more annoyingly so than hurtful. Regardless, everyone in the vicinity would hear the explosive eruption that was Gauss, as always, taking things too far.



Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Confused, angry


What the absolute fuck.

Adrian was madly confused by what was going on. The sudden shift in everyone. Their behavior. Who and what they were focusing on. Who and what they were ignoring. In a word, it was overwhelming. It was a complicated network of interactions that Adrian had not the ability to unravel.

And, in reality, Adrian was alone for a moment. Dani had darted off to deal with whoever the fuck it was she was dealing with, and that was a whole separate problem in and of itself. Nadia, Maria, Midori, Zosar--they were all fucking off doing their own thing for the moment. Adrian could really only try to process this himself. He had to prioritize. To figure out what mattered most at the moment and more so who he could anchor himself to.

That person, by default, had become Dani. Except, as mentioned earlier, Dani was over there talking to Ark, blushing for some reason, and it seemed like making various threats to some other girl. There was a rational side to him here. Something that echoed in the back of his mind that he should probably try to figure out what the fuck was going on. That was unlike Dani. He felt he knew he quite well. In six months, the two had become incredibly close. Intimately close, even. Probably as close as she was with Nadia, albeit in a massively different way. Something here was definitely off.

Then, there was the more characteristic side of Adrian. The rage. It wasn't necessarily just jealousy. It was anger. It was directed at all of them, even Dani. Adrian was quite upset. He may have been dense, but he wasn't blind. Dani only blushed like that around him, and now she was blushing for... Ark? It was sudden. Abrupt. But, it was there. The fact alone it existed was enough to summon forth greater furies than that of a wronged God, and this was old testament style.

This was a whole different type of anger and pain than he experienced with Zari and Jarvis, too, so there was no comparison. This was new.

Adrian could not help but become filled with that anger. That being inside of him that was separate, yet the same. That pushed him to the darkest reaches of his being to do things he would never alone. This was his breaking point. Not of succumbing to the anger, but of self-realization. This was the moment that he was told about time and time again. In therapy, in his madness rehabilitation, in calm mind training, in different more esoteric words from Reiko. This was where he chose whether or not that anger defined him.

Whether or not that voice was given life.

In that moment, Adrian fought relentlessly inside of himself.

His soul was in turmoil. His soar roared and rocked like the ocean in a tropical storm. The crown of spikes and even new spikes off his shoulders and elbows protruded out, giving him that dark, demonic appearance. Madness, however, did not break out from him. The rage was not quelled, but it was controlled, and he stepped forward.

He approached the girls around Ark and had every bit of malice pouring off him, his soul read like an open book. Yet, he refrained from striking. The curled, angry face he sported did nothing to hide his emotions, but he at least remained in control.

"Someone..." he said in a low voice, nearly a growl at this point. "Is gonna tell me what the fuck is going on..." he added.

He inhaled deeply, then exhaled, this time more calmly, his voice lightening, but still as serious as a moment before. "Or, we're gonna do a little experiment and find out how much pain everyone can handle before they pass out," he told them in a nonchalant tone. It was a simple, matter-of-fact threat that he intended to pull off. He wouldn't actually hurt them. Especially Dani. But, he was more than willing to make some of them wish they were dead.


Gav | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

All he wanted was the agreement of a drink, now that he had that there was no time to waste.

He moved, searching first for Adrian, only to find that the AW had already found his own way to the scene before he could debrief him on what exactly was going on.

Rage was not something he was unfamiliar with. He had savored it like an alcoholic savored their favored liquid poison. Just as a person forcing themselves to withdraw craved the sweet ecstacy and comfort that came with the rush of a shot of their personal happy drug. It had been his comfort in insecurity, his drive to keep him going forward through years and years and years, of constant little, petty reminders that in a family of Witches, powerful Witches, no matter how good of a meister he thought he was- he would never be good enough to face a Witch alone.

And he even compared to Rand, a male Witch, not as powerful but certainly far better given his bloodline, he was less than Maba's favorite grandchild.

In the face of Adrian's fury Gav stood back in the distance, waiting. Watching. Not disturbed or bothered even by the fact he knew what the Weapon was capable of with that pain wavelength. His soul, abnormally tranquil, as an assassin ought to. Nowhere near that of a Hoshi or Midori, but it was steady in its strong thumps. There but not about to be easily spotted in a large crowd where it would be far easier to see if he weren't exercising a form of weaker suppression tactic.

He watched as Adrian moved forward, working to control himself with every step, spikes protruding from his body and he waited, ready to strike the AW down immediately if he thought for even a second, he would allow some teenage moment of hormonal fury to prove Nadia right or even worse, allow her to get hurt or those she had gone to take charge of.

Luckily for Adrian, he had wrestled control before either one of them had moved to act.

"No," Gav's voice cut in at the end of Adrian's declaration. Even and firm. "You won't." Those words, just as matter of fact as Adrian's.

He wasn't about to allow him to go full throttle even if he were in a somewhat controlled state of anger. Nadia might step into that, and if she was going to do that he needed to diminish the threat to her for her to do what she needed.

He wasn't behind, nearby or anywhere near the AW, and that was intentional. Between him and Adrian, he knew he had the faster reflexes, agility and speed but that didn't mean he was about to let ego put him into a tight spot when he knew from the latter's file he could self resonate and gain a slight edge when that wavelength of his could slow him down with the right hit and touch at max use.

"Your girlfriend and half the people here are all under some kind of effect." Gav stated plainly to catch Adrian up before he could rationalize his statement into any form of goad. "According to Ice Queen, anyone who drank the wine they brought out is likely under the same effect. For some it's different, for others it's similar. If you think some of your friends aren't acting as they should, it's probably because they aren't. You don't want to jump in using that wavelength of yours to startle or set off any of the other people here who may or may not have their sights on them or have traits that would turn this whole scene into a bigger mess than it already is."

"What you can do is you can help us in another way by--"

The boom, drowned out whatever else he was going to say, dulling his words significantly. Gav did not turn to it or the body that flew behind them all by extension or the trailing yell. He was razor focused on Adrian, and Adrian alone.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Peckinou Peckinou RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Interactions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
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Eloise Keegan - Hawaii Resort - Lu'au
As Elly attempted to escape, suddenly the ice giantess was at her side, grabbing her arm with a smile. Her face never shifted from one of mild curiosity, however internally, this genuinely startled her as her first thought was that the worst possible person to deal with seemed to have caught the same bug everyone else. However, as the woman leaned down to whisper in her ear, Elly froze, turning her gaze to Nadia's eyes and soul, finding no dilation or obsession and recalling that ice blood was resistant to magic. This made her internally sigh in relief.

"Ah, thank you Nadia... I'd appreciate that dear..." She spoke aloud before turning to a whisper "I'm not much for alcohol... Magic, you say?" Elly asked rhetorically, leaning slightly against Nadia as if to play into the act. While Ark's harem seemed rather volatile, he seemed quite composed, and Elly doubted he would try to brawl Nadia. While doing this, she turned her gaze towards the group, not at their souls, but using the techniques she'd learned to trace magic. In doing so, she did find an unusual waft of sorcery amongst them. "Well, spot on. And how do you propose we break it?"

Wincing at the sudden boom, Elly glanced in its direction to see Gauss in the distance with Wes, seemingly jealous of poor Arkayis with Sara. As if to further emphasize how poor the situation was becoming, Adrian appeared within their own little mob along with various other suitors for the various girls, followed by Gav who was none too pleased either. Elly's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Anytime now... before the nuke goes off..." Elly urged the woman.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper


Daniella Ethalyn - Hawaii Beach Resort Lu'au - Aki Kiyoko
Watching as Feng made her gesture, the two of them had very different reactions. Dani's hair seemed to prick up, almost like a wild animal's. Her teeth clenched as her anger flared, appearing ready to lash out at any moment. Aki simply stared at the source of Feng's flaunting with a deadpanned expression, feeling slighted being even smaller than Dani. She had never really cared about such things or paid them mind. Yet, for some reason here, in front of Ark, Feng's beauty which she normally would have relented to was just a sore wound.

Luckily, before either could act, Noah appeared, pushing his healing wavelength into her. This caused her wavelength to simmer as her hair began to fall normally into place. However, she still appeared none-too-pleased. "The only person getting hurt is her! Am I supposed to let pepto bismall go?!" Dani questioned, seemingly complaining to Noah about being allowed to get angry.

<I don't know why, but I suddenly don't want to break her knees,> Aki commented in Mandarin before looking to Feng with a distrusting brow raise. <And how do I know you will share him, sis?>

However, then the masses came, a trio for Aki and a timid girl for Dani. In Aki's case, her visage lightened somewhat after Noah's wavelength calmed her down, though it didn't make the green-haired woman and her twin servants any less confusing. Particularly kneeling and dubbing her a queen. Aki merely tilted her head at this with a puzzled expression. "Huh...? I this some kind of game...?" She mumbled. All she wanted was to spend some time with Ark, but all these people kept getting in the way.

As for Dani, her attention was taken by a bespectacled girl who rambled off a lot of compliments in mumblings, or at least Dani thought they were compliments. She stepped back slightly, palms forward trying to get the girl to slow down and stop panicking. "W-What are you even saying? I didn't get half that..."

Then came Adrian, causing Dani's gaze to direct towards him momentarily. That's right, she had forgotten about Adrian. Usually she could stare at him plenty to amuse herself, however right now he wasn't that interesting. That was weird, wasn't it? She couldn't explain it, but she definitely needed to spend time with Ark right now. She needed all these other people out of the way. Then Gav showed up and proclaimed that something was amiss, causing Dani to raise a brow. "The fuck are you on about? I hardly feel buzzed," She said, folding her arms across her chest.

<Oi, I know I said you should all go to a farm and stay there. I didn't mean you should make here as crowded as one...> Aki remarked with a scowl and a pout.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Merciless Medic Merciless Medic The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Maria Mayer - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Observing Lūʻau - Palm Grove

Pausing her thoughts to listen to all that Midori had to say, she was more than slightly concerned by his lack of a response to all else happening, not really fearing him for the time being, Maria does not speak till after all he had said was done. Noting a couple of them with interest as she tilted her head to stare at Midori, extending a hand, see seemed to be trying to gauge him via her own sense of Mana, much as those with mage craft were given to do. To see how true his claims were chiefly.

"He may indeed have mentioned you, but I have the distinct feeling he does not like speaking of the place much, more so with how somber he was for the brief few instances when we found the bodies. Though curious on the spiders, we ran into the descendants of the attack. Much had changed in those years, and much changed after we left. And Gav? I recall the name but I've yet to have cause to speak with him. It was much as in the case of you. For one that can only learn magic and never have the durability of a weapon or the strength of a meister, there is precious little I can learn from most of you."

With that said, she turned her whole body to face him from the front, rather than craning her head to the side, scratching at her chin briefly. "You seem human, or at least human enough that I sense nothing odd with you being too out of the ordinary... Hmm, skill of the creation maybe? If you have another form, that show cases this with you being a weapon I would very much like to see it, mayhap it will help with my own projects."

For now the other problems could be ignored, well, till they no longer could be.

Interactions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Midori)
Feng Long - Nadia Semyonov - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds

As the new woman arrives, well multiple women, Noah, Adrian, Gav and others aside, Feng found herself cloaked by yet another annoyance, and the doubts of Aki, and other commotions and yet more people. "And what do you want?" She said short handedly, looking at the new arrival that went for her in clear annoyance, before shifting her attention to Aki. And to the simmering rage of Dani, the latter of which caused her to stare on in amusement. "Now, now, no need to be wild animals, and if you don't believe me Aki it still doesn't change that we both are here with others."

It was with Gav's words and how deep down that she didn't feel so right that Nadia, who was taking Elly away stopped dead in her tracks, with that knife she carried still in her hands. Cursing a string of expletives in her native Russian. There was no point hiding it now. The cat was out the bag. "Elly, I want you to use your power to find a woman named Maria, she is the only mage here I am sure did not take the drink. She's likely lingering, stalking us as she's given to do. Ignore her eccentrics, she has an indigo soul, rather close to that of a witch in color, its broken up like a kaleidoscope, bring her back to me. She may be our only hope at stopping it, depending on how the others that are entrapped react to it... Which unfortunately we are about to learn now."

With Dani's response, Nadia shows a surprising loss of patience as she takes her hand off Elly and rushes Dani at once, sliding the blade up into her right hand, ready for use, she sidestepped in, grabbing Dani from the side, showing the blade's edge to her eyes as she brought it across to reflect her own face back at her. A single hand resting upon her left shoulder in kind, akin to getting ready to slit someone's throat, but more gentle in the hold. Nadia speaks as events went even further out of control, pushing the trio of girls away.

"You damned fools, open your eyes and look into those of others, of yourself. Dani, why exactly are you here for Ark, why are any of you? More so to fight over him... Dani why are you just casually brushing off the people that meant a great deal to you?"

"What in the name of the Yangzi are you on about, there is nothing wr-" Taking the time to look at Aki, Ark himself and Dani, Feng was unnerved as her words trailed off, "-ong... Our eyes..." Disquieted by the revelation, Feng buried her face in the palm of her right hand, as if to struggle against what was here, to recall why she was here, why were they all after Ark, why their eyes were seemingly so hollow.

"Da. It is magic, and now that the spell is known, I cannot say what happens next, or that most of you can come to terms with the words, these feelings, desires, drives that you feel, well, they are not of you own choice. The only constant is the wine, though other things may have been spiked, this may be a joke or something more malicious, I know not." With the antics that Gauss was up to with Wes now literally drowning them all out.

"<Oh, for Saints and fucks sake.>" Nadia said in Russian as she released her hold on Dani, carefully watching to see what would happen, if she would doubt, if she would believe, if Nadia herself had flipped a kill switch or a hidden command to the spell, or if they all would simply ignore her words. "Adrian, with you I intend to get control of this mad house, my plan B should the spell need run out of time, is confining or knocking out those who are big problem. Like Gauss as an example if he continues on. We will bind those who have gone too far and hope a mentor or two are still with us... Or I'll be having to explain what it was necessary for me to fight several people. But first lets see what happens now."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
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Noah & Raphael1697071260704.png1697071264306.png
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Zosar, Dani
Mentions: Aki, Feng, Ark, Elly, Gav, Nadia, Gauss, Wes, Adrian
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

It was fascinating watching this new admirer help the mage so readily. Even after a few placating touches and sweet nothings, he fell right into his hands. But no, he wasn’t just going to use him and throw him away just like that. He took better care of his things than that.

The worrying part was Noah.

Noah noticed Dani didn’t seem to care about his presence. Just another annoyance, but she at least spoke to him. That had to account for something, right???

Then, Zosar - of all people - wrapped his arm around his shoulders. The second time tonight someone did that. He tried to shrug out of his grip, unaware of his rather aggressive admirer - Raph - who was circling the entire engagement with his sweeping, ever-observant gaze. His pace led him to the throwing range. Plucking a knife from a tree that took great strength to pull from, he then walked back to the group as he slipped it into his robes, hiding it from view.

Meanwhile, Noah scowled at Zosar. “Yo, buzz off, will ya? Why ya goin’ Spanish all of a sudden?”

He glared at both Zosar and Ark. Were they in on this with Raph, too? But he noticed that Ark was trying to diffuse the situation and tell off the girls who were after him.

Until others arrived.

A woman stepped up to Zosar, trying to take him away, and then Raph was spun around as he found another woman after him, his cold gaze on this ‘Allura’. What a fucking horrible name. She wasn't even pretty.

He peered over to see his Noah being accosted by some other man, seeing the attempt at pleasantries as nothing more than something for Noah to stress over, and he was correct. Noah growled at the man, actually getting physical and pushing him back by the shoulders. “Leave me the fuck alone…!”

Noah tried to peel away, stepping a few steps back - right into Raph’s awaiting arm. He chuckled at Allura, a dark chuckle as he lifted a finger. "One moment while I tell my dear friend the horrible news." The mage quickly whispered derisive comments in a sweet tone, his arm wrapped around Noah’s waist to prevent him from going anywhere, even as he struggled. But his struggling died more and more as Raph’s words started to sink in.

“Dani never loved you, and never will. But I will~. I will never throw you away so haphazardly as Dani has done. She sees you as nothing more than an unimportant NPC, ready to abandon and forget you once she’s done here.”

That can’t be true! But Noah found his world rocked. He stood there, unable to fully process what was said or what was going on.

She was just going to abandon him? Leave him all alone like his parents and ex did?

His heart felt like it was breaking in two.

Raph let go of Noah, his words stunning the weapon. While Noah stood there in heartbroken shock in numb sorrow, Raph went about to save Zosar from his predicament. He had heard Adrian come around the corner, he had heard what Gav said, but he was too preoccupied.

He wouldn’t have gotten Noah without Zosar’s help, and for that he should be rewarded and show Noah just how sweet he could be despite his nasty demeanor.

A hand slipped into Raph's robes and the mage quickly pulled away from Allura, slipping the knife in the air against her stomach for a shallow, yet still painful cut to show his displeasure. In that same moment, he then zipped around to Zosar’s side in just a step, grabbed him from his familiar friend, and quickly pulled him into a kiss.

The sound of the gong did nothing to pry Raph away or wake up Noah in his sorrowful stupor, but they did hear the words of Nadia. They just couldn’t care less.

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Arkayis Misonuka - Hawaii Resort, Luʻau Grounds
Mentions: Gauss Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul , Noah/ Sara Merciless Medic Merciless Medic ,Gav The Regal Rper The Regal Rper , Wes Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Annika Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Arkayis listened in when Sara confronted the men and answered their questions, Arkayis himself also taking note of the information she gave them. Though with Gauss and Wes now working together against the intruders, Arkayis wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that, and made him wonder if that would land Gauss in trouble later on. Though his thoughts soon got interrupted as Sara turned their attention back to them in order to rectify the matter of not knowing each other all that well. Her words caused his body temperature to rise even further as he only gave a light nod and saying "O-Ok." before she then addressed the situation with Gauss, Wes and the other interlopers. Though that soon resulted in another person entering the scene someone who was Arkayis wasn't all too familiar with her but he knew her as Annika at the very least. Though her purposal to bail him out of the situation seemed to place him a bit into the spotlight, leading to stutter up a response "I uhm, I don't kno- ehhh?". He was soon cut short by Gauss and Wes who had apparently done in their dealings with the three strangers. Arkayis in truth had no idea what to expect, but it certainly wasn't Gauss demanding him to leave with Annika and then accuse him of flirting with Sara which elicited a instinctual response "B-but I didn't even - " Arkayis stopped himself from speaking any further mid-sentence, realizing that they didn't really feel like arguing it and instead just figured that it would be best to accept the situation as it was and just follow allow Annika to take the lead. So giving Sara a apologetic look he muttered out "S-Sorry." before turning their attention towards Aki and giving them a nod adding "O-ok" Arkayis was in all honesty confused and stunned with the whole situation and really didn't know who to follow but with all the pressure being mounted on him from this social situation he figured going with Annika would cause less of a up roar, and would give him a bit of time to recover from this ordeal anyhow.


Dani tensed up as she felt a cold presence from behind, Nadia’s knife showing a disjointed reflection in its face. She stared at it momentarily as Nadia spoke, but it all sounded like an overreaction. She was trying to talk to Ark and they were all freaking out about it. Just because she wanted some time to spend with someone specific wasn’t brushing people off. “That doesn’t make any sense… Magic wine? Really?” She asked with a scoff. Nadia’s statement of knocking people out or tying them up didn’t do well to deescalate the situation either. “The fuck you will!”

“Take a nap.” With that Nadia took the hilt of the blade and in lightning-fast reaction, she slammed it towards the Neck of Dani, connecting with a good solid hit as her wavelength flared and fired. This was not ideal, but she would not allow some pranksters to ruin Dani’s hard-earned struggles. How Adrian reacted to this was another matter, but he would likely understand what she was about, it was then the wave of sound swept over her, someone went flying through the air, and…. Raph stabbed someone to have his part in this farce, met.

Shifting her eyes, Nadia waited for the immediate reactions as she was already dialing friend from foe. This little joke was already going too far. It would have been nice to have Maria, but that was too late.

“A wha-” With a lurch, Dani felt her vision go dull before it went fully, her body crumpling against Nadia shortly after her hand made contact.

Noah’s somber stupor had finally been pushed aside when he heard Dani’s voice of frustration. But when he looked up, he saw Nadia had hit Dani with her knife. He didn’t know if it was the blade of her knife or the hilt but acted without much thought. His arm partially transformed to try and drive the end of his tonfa-like protrusion from his forearm into Nadia to let loose a blast of lightning, his soul and body crackling with his electricity. If he hit at all, of course.

Already ready for his attack, given his earlier actions towards Dani, Nadia is quick to step off her right foot, releasing Dani as she did so. Flipping the knife around in her hands, she held it in a reverse grip as she closed in before Dani had even hit the ground she was there, her right arm, knife in hand rose up. Though not in any manner that would stab or otherwise harm him, she impacted with the electricity flying past the black suited Nadia as she delivered a harsh and swift uppercut to his gut, a little zap would have to be felt, or perhaps more than a little as the Veteran Meister withdrew her fist, already looking for the next target as the knife was being flipped to go back into the sheath on her right thigh.

From the impact, Noah felt the air rush out of him, his diaphragm spasming as he fell and doubled over, threatening to dry heave from the pain. He was incapacitated, for now.

With his incapacitation, there was now a distance between the new arrivals and the familiar group within.

The bespectacled girl that had been nervously trying to express her interests in Dani, once Nadia had knocked out both Weapons, now had some distance between her, Adrian, and the rest. Guarded eyes watching them. She wasn't the only one though that had widened the gap since Adrian's appearance.

"Do you intend on doing the same to all of us here, if we drank this wine?" She asked, without the slightest stutter she'd been having before.

“Only if you plan to ruin your lives with these sudden feelings, or I sense you as a danger. Given you came here for Dani, are you also going to be a problem?” Nadia said in a terse reply.

At the end of that question her eyes rested on Dani's limp unconscious form.

When she made eye contact with Nadia again it was clear she had chosen the path of violence.

Neither of them got the chance to react though, as the ground swallowed them both whole when its solid foundation left the presence of their feet. Gravity pushed down and sand acted like a slippery surface that dragged them in.

The hole pulled like a sand based whirlpool and drew not just Nadia, the unconscious Noah, Dani whom she grasped and the spectacled girl were sucked in, and went as far to expand so rapidly it might have even threatened Adrian, already on the move against Raphael.

With the sudden turn and attack from Ark, Nadia bit by bit stomped her way from the center as she glared, her resistance to magic and pure physical power would slowly break this hold, of which Nadia was certain. Calling out to Ark in a way of taunting, she was to the point and sure; “You won’t Stop me. Ark. Adrian, do you wish to help me?”

Mini Collab with EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: (Dani) (Noah) (Ark) And Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian)
Last edited:

Sara MiddletonBeach Texas.jpg
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Gauss, Wes, Arkayis, Annika
Mentions: N/A
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Peckinou Peckinou Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Huh? Annika? Well, yeah, Sara knew she was making Arkayis uncomfortable, but she thought he was interested in her. And now she was taking him away from her?

She whirled her head around to see Wes had transformed and was in Gauss’s hand, then her entire body was rocked with the soundwave. Her ears were sensitive and she had to cover her ears as the soundwave did its best to avoid her with Gauss’s wavelength sculpting. Then, with Gauss telling Arkayis to leave with Annika. Sara was furious! Not only was she losing Arkayis to someone else, but these people who claimed they adored her hurt her ears and were acting for her! Thinking she knew what was best for her!

What was even worse was that Arkayis, Gauss’s weapon, was treated so horribly in those scathing words. She wanted to rip Gauss’s throat from his body, the feeling to tear flesh and rend came back to the forefront after months of not feeling this lupine thrill to desecrate a living body with her claws and teeth.

If Annika was trying to keep Arkayis safe, then who was she to put Arkayis in danger? She knew Annika would keep Arkayis safe at least, and her little Arky looked like he was about to turn into a vat of fire.

She turned her sites on Gauss and Wes, glaring at them with the fury of a scorned woman, walking towards them slowly as she spat at them with vitriol and the growling edge of her werewolf kin, her teeth bared. HE WASN’T EVEN FLIRTING WITH ME! You trying to take actions for me before you knew what I wanted??? I’m not fucking stupid! How DARE YOU HURT YOUR OWN! YOU TREATED HIM LIKE GUM ON YOUR BOOT!” She then sped forward with a surge of her wavelength, her fist clenched to ready an uppercut in his gut. However, given Gauss was having a false resonance with Wes, Sara had completely underestimated the duo’s abilities.


Ark | Hawaii, Outrigger Resort | Rings: 1/1

The only good thing about all the new faces that showed up, was that a majority of them weren't interested in interacting with him, and kept the heat of his earlier interactions from igniting further through their engagements.

It was better than watching a whole group of people devolve into a whirlwind of fists and legs over who liked someone else or got that other person's attention.

That was until Adrian showed up, pissed as all hell, and that's when it dawned on him that it could definitely be because of Dani.

He hadn't forgotten they were dating, but in the moment of her blushing babbling, he had forgotten entirely about Adrian himself.

This…was an embarrassing situation, even more so at the fact that Dani herself was arguing that she felt fine and that this was in fact not a big deal at all.

Part of the Earth mage felt inclined to agree, he didn't really think this was as bad as others were saying. He wasn't making out with her. They weren't flirting. At the same time, there was a part of him that recalled earlier that the girls must have been on something to suddenly gain an interest in him that they'd never had before.

Adrian however was the bigger issue and that needed fixing immediately, albeit from a distance. He opened his mouth to speak, smooth over this situation, and Gav's voice spoke out instead.

Being told the Wine was the cause of how odd some people were acting was, quite plainly, peculiar. He didn't feel like anything was off. In fact he felt perfectly fine. Not even a little buzzed but then again he had only drank two glasses. And Nadia mentioned magic, he hadn't sensed any at all and of his group outside of Rand, he had the highest sensitivity to it in general. Magic in food or drink that he didn't even pick up when it was in his mouth or close by? That sounded incredibly unlikely.

It sounded almost made up really.

It seemed Dani agreed, and then promptly, her lights were out.

She swayed and as the boom reached all of their ears, the scene changed.

Kill them.

Ark found himself rolling to the ground with the cacophony of the boom, landing on a crouch.

His fingers twitched, and nothing happened, but the ascent of enemies into the air, through spikes of stone, registered in his mind.

Muscles tensed. Heart Rate rose. Blood pressure eased. His eyes following, Dani, then Raph-- he caught sight of the glint of metal in his hand.

Ark felt his fingers twitch again, nothing formed but where he was, the stones of blistering heat took the damage meant for his arm, and a second twitch saw projectiles of magma rushing towards their target.

He blinked, and for a moment he thought he saw Nadia strike someone else, thought he saw sparks of electricity, and then Nadia vanished-- everything vanished, the register of the boom echoed in his mind--

Kill them.

--It was an older woman. Tall like Nadia, battlegear made of cloth and metal. Hair stuck to her forehead through the sweat and specks of blood.

She swatted away a grenade and sent it hurtling into the air with a deafening distant explosion and the sound of bullet fire neared as Ark approached as fast as she could.

She however was faster. And as she blitzed, her face, came into closer view.

Iceblood. She was tall, lean, burning teal eyes.

Throwing up defenses warded her but she just turned that to her advantage, leaping off them and targeting allies. The scar on the left side of her lip, running across her left cheekbone made that smile seem sadistic, right as she had raised her Weapon, that scar on her lip making the smile seem like a twisted snarl of delight-- and her eyes, a deadly teal, then viciously, she brought her Weapon down, through a soldier like he was paper--

--A blink and his eyes widened.

He was keenly aware of his disadvantages. All he had were his own martial arts and runes, and if he wanted to get out of this without a scratch, with Adrian right there, already armed like fucking Wolverine, and Nadia tensed and coiled to launch at anyone that seemed 'off' to her, it would be caution. Not sheer brute force that won.

His eyes shifted, taking note of his surroundings.

Feng wasn't paying attention, still shocked. Somewhere, there was a bigger commotion but he wasn't about to turn his immediate attention there. He needed support to stop this. To get rid of the threats to himself, that could harm Elly or all of them. There were bigger things than Nadia's paranoia.

The glasses wearing girl asked a simple question right then and there. Would they receive the same treatment as Dani if they had drank the wine?

Nadia's answer was reasonable, to Ark though, this situation had lost all reason.

His eyes shifted, looking around, and finally their eyes met, spotting Aki.

With a finger, as the bespectacled meister and Nadia faced off, Ark motioned for Aki to come.

He wasn't about to wait for Nadia to decide if he was a liability or not for him to be dealt with.

Cracking a knuckle with his thumb the ground caved inward immediately, pulling those towards it's center as it extended like a trench to pull others inside the pit trap. The sand did not act like a wave, rather it held on to anyone swept in. Keeping them afloat by sticking like mud to pull them downwards into the center of the growing pit.

The second it was active and the moment he caught Aki nearby, Ark spoke to her quickly. Still hearing traces of combat, both in the present in the past, on edge.

"Aki, I need you to protect me. You and Feng are the only two I can trust right now. If Nadia breaks free or Adrian approaches us, I need you to stop them." his bronze eyes stared at her with an intensity, "Cover me."

And without wasting any time, he moved swiftly to Feng.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he shook her once. "Snap out of it." His tone was urgent. Eyes, flicking, left and right. His grip on her was strong, not painful but firm, like he was almost scared to let go of her. "We need to stop them" he pointed at Gauss and Wes, who had only just finished dispatching their enemies, Arkayis leaving with Annika, and Sara who was more distracted by Annika and Arkayis than anything else.

"We need to stop them now," but he wasn't seeing Gauss and Wes or any single person there in front of him. In his eyes, things flickered. Back and forth. Present and past. Creating an image of his present allies in danger from his past enemies, and in that image, Gauss and Wes and various others standing there caught in their commotion over Sara were those exact enemies, were here, part of the havoc, maybe even part of the paranoia that had set Adrian off and caused Nadia to attack her teammates.

They were wasting time. Ark's eyes focused with an intensity and he leaned in dangerously towards Feng.

"You and Aki are the only ones I need right now. So get your shit together and help me and I'll repay you. Protect me and I will you." And without another word he was moving rapidly in Gauss and Wes direction, preparing a similar rune in mind.

It wasn't until he saw Sara turn to attack them that he shouted at Aki.

"Stun her!" Furious that his magic wasn't working. Even if it wasn't though, he could always have them captured and interrogated for how they broke in to this resort.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani, Aki) RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Feng)
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Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status He chose violence


The hard way it would be, then.

On one hand, the explanation from Gav, while wordy, put Adrian at ease in regards to Dani and her behavior. On the other hand, Adrian was still a man of anger and ego, and the words Raph spouted were beyond immediate forgiveness. Ultimately, Adrian was no less torn than when he first approached them. He walked the line, a fine line, between delving into his rage and remaining rational. Luckily, there did expect a rational action that involved some violence. Besides, Nadia wanted some help, didn't she?

Adrian allowed his wavelength to course through him and in that became to amplify it himself, preparing his Self-Resonance. He knew full well that even if he intended on causing some pain, a quick, clean attack prevented as much struggling as possible, and that path of least resistance coincided with the path of least harm.

Adrian didn't look over and acknowledge Gav. The Meister, had he been paying attention, would have easily been able to pick up on what Adrian was doing at this time. Self-Resonance wasn't exactly a technique that was easy to hide from a trained eye.

"You're wrong," Adrian said dryly, his only response to the man that explained the whole situation. "My wavelength is perfect for this," he added, giving no further explanation to it than that.

What Adrian lacked in words he made up for in demonstration.

What occurred in the moments following could only be described as a blitz. The thing all mages inherently feared from Agents of the DWMA. Raph was the target.

A blue blur was the only warning he might have received, but by that time, Adrian had his hand around the throat of the mage. Not just his hand, either. Small spikes no larger than the tip of a pen were protruding from the base of his palm, just enough to pierce the skin upon impact. His other hand proved he was well aware of the knife Raph held and his response to that was simply gripping the wrist of the sorcerer to prevent him from using it, with those same small spikes acting as small needles to his skin.

Then poured his pain wavelength into Raph at its maximum intensity. The tiny pin pricks that would normally have felt no worse than a bee sting erupted into searing daggers penetrating deep and even through the body. Nociceptors, the nerve cells responsible for sending pain signals, couldn't even truly register what this was. All they could do is scream at the brain that something was terribly, life-threateningly wrong. That pain was met by a dear friend. The cold, malicious stare of Adrian as he waited for the moment Raph would feel it all hit him. There was always a delay. A brief moment before the pain hit as it coursed through the body. Adrian waited longingly for that moment.

Adrian was well aware of what would happen next. Raph would want to scream, but the pressure on his windpipe and vocal chords wouldn't allow it. He doubted the mage had any sort of recourse for this type of attack, especially at this range. He delighted in knowing this cocky little fuck was about to have a powerful surge of adrenaline. The feeling of the heartbeat and pulse growing stronger each time it rebounded off of Adrian's hand, knowing that blood wasn't getting through to the brain, its intended target. Or, what little was would hardly have its intended effect. If he was lucky, he would get to see the terror in the eyes of this mouthy little bastard. Or, eye, given the other seemed so fucked up he doubted he would get any enjoyment from it rolling into his skill.

"I will impale anyone who tries to take this from me," Adrian announced, broadly warning everyone of what was to come to anyone that tried to defend Raph. Adrian intended on savoring this moment as he so frequently got to indulge in them.




"Dark Star"

Species Death Golem
Partner Eloise Keegan
Rank Two-Star

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Vexxed


"My dear, you can learn a lot from anyone," Midori responded in a pleasant tone, "I've known plenty of Witches... Magic is limited not just by skill or knowledge, but creativity."

He rubbed his hands together lightly, thinking over how to word what he meant. It truly had been some time since his encounters with those of the magical variety, but he had spent some time with them.

"Thinking about it, I do envy it... the Hoshi, our training is the same task performed thousands upon thousands of times to achieve perfection. We may be creative in how we use it, I suppose, but it's nothing compared to what you can do. Very few Meisters ever get to the point where their creativity begins to affect their abilities; most just struggle and strive to be better at the basics. As for weapons, we're bound by our forms. Maybe if we become a Death Scythe, that changes, but it's become rare and it's still nowhere near what you can do," Midori told her, speaking somewhat honestly here as an individual seeing the boundless options of magic in comparison to the repetitive training of his own upbringing.

"Really, Demon Weapons are just a product of humans trying to attain a fraction of your potential," he said, rewording his previous statement into a more shorthand one.

"I can't teach you magic, of course, but anything in this world that sparks your creativity can expand the mind behind your magic," he told her, going full circle to the first point he was making. "Perhaps I just mean to say that I wish I could be a spark for you," he added, trying to sneak in some level of flirtation here.

Then he stepped back and sighed. "But, on that note, I can show you what I mean," he admitted.

He did so hate this form, but for Maria, he would swallow his pride and deny that hatred to show her.

The transformation was quick. His body, including his clothing, took on a glossy appearance until they turned primarily white. His facial features smoothed over, as did most of the folds of his clothing, his hair, and most unique facets of his form until he appeared as little more than a mannequin or a doll. Once complete, the final appearance of this new form took on an ever-shifting mother of pearl pattern, and any semblance of magic or spiritual energy present in him had faded. In this form, he had no distinguishing features. He couldn't speak or vocalize. He was, in a way, just a mind stuck in a husk of stone. Little more than an intelligent doll.

That all said, this transformation suddenly sobered his mind. This form was so heavily resistant to magic or toxins that the alcohol and spell were all but moot. Furthermore, without a physical brain, the effects of the ritual began fading. He was suddenly ashamed of his current form. Confused as to why he was confessing all of this to Maria and providing her this demonstration. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions hit him, but like the assassin he was, he tried to remain composed. One problem at a time. For now, he might as well see this out. Maria might be one of the few people alive not to judge him by this form or his secret.



Thaddeus Thales


Species Human
Partner Noah Wiley, Arkayis Misonuka
Rank Fate Agent

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Vexxed


"Any rational person wouldn't want that filth touching them..." Gauss muttered under his breath. Wes could hear these same words in his brain being on repeat, their connection strong enough to allow that.

"Arky was clearly interested, he didn't say otherwise..." he went on, with it stirring his emotions just that much more, "Wes and I saw how he acted when you showed him that perfect, fluffy tail of yours..."

It was a maelstrom inside of his soul, only further empowered by holding Wes and just how efficient the weapon was with wavelength control.

"We protected you..." he said, though by this time, he was interrupted. Interrupted by the punch to the gut Sara had thrown. He simply stood there and took it, grunting from the impact but ultimately not impeded by it. Even though their Resonance was false, Wes was a powerful weapon indeed, and the increased fortitude from their faux resonance made such a petty strike half-pointless.

"...and this is how you repay us?" he uttered.

Gauss grabbed Sara by her top and quickly poured his wavelength directly into her chest, polarizing that part of her body with that unique wavelength of his that had become so annoying and notorious for this very application.

With that, he relaxed that same hand and pushed Sara back with a magnetic pulse, then lifted her up. Not quite into the air, but enough she hardly had traction.

"You are being so ungrateful... Wes and I adore you. You are our goddess, Sara," Gauss told her, "You should love us for guarding you from the filth on this beach. We saw past our differences for your sake and you are ignoring that like a bratty child..."

Gauss was both infuriated, fixated, and astonished by Sara. How she spoke to him. Struck him. Insulted him. Yet, how even now she was astonishingly beautiful while being magnetized.

"Isn't that right, Wes?" Gauss said, his eyes only flickering down to his impromptu partner for a moment.

"She should love us."


Raphael ValeriasChara12.jpg
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Adrian, Zosar
Mentions: N/A
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

The kiss on Zosar’s lips was ripped away, and Raphael’s stunned shock showed that he didn’t see this coming.

He didn’t think Adrian would react to him slashing an unknown girl, nor did he think he was so fast. He didn’t even know it was Adrian until he felt the spikes in his skin and then-

Immediate pain. Like lava flowing through his veins, firing off every neuron in his body.

For a moment, he forgot all about Noah, all about Zosar. All he saw was pain, and this blue, spiky-haired fuck giving it to him.

Oh shit, that was Dani’s boy, wasn’t he?

He wanted to scream, but the hand around his neck made it difficult to do so as he choked on his own screams, bits of air gurgling out in a futile attempt to make anything more than a spittle of agony.

It was one way to sober him up, as the realization that something wasn’t right with him had set in, and for a moment he was actually grateful for Adrian to do this to him, as masochistic as it was, as terrifying as this pain that fired every part of him was. His hand with the knife gripped the handle harshly, then it slipped out of his grasp as he tried flexing his hands and trying to move. The pain tunneled his vision, darkness consumed him, and all that his existence became was torture.

His face turned a pale blue from the lack of oxygen before he finally collapsed. The look in his eyes that Adrian got to see went from anger and shock to grateful terror.

He was going to be out of commission for a while.



Aki Kiyoko - Hawaii Beach Resort Lu'au
Suddenly, all hell seemed to break loose, they were saying something about magic wine. Aki tilted her head curiously, not quite understanding. She watched on as Nadia and Dani seemed to get into an argument before the former knocked out the latter. Then there whatever the hell Raph was doing, Zosar, as well as a very angry Sara, Gauss and Wes, the latter two making quite a bit of racket that the former mercenary didn't really care about, at least not to the degree Ark obviously did.

Suddenly, there were mudslides, quite literally, attempting to disrupt the others' movements. This didn't seem to affect Adrian all that much, who went after Raph. At first, this seemed great! Ark said she would have to wait for him to speak with Dani and the Irish girl, but now there was more time for her!

However, as she looked at Ark, he almost appeared in shock. Aki's paused, concerned if he was okay, when he suddenly began barking orders. Looking at whom he was referring to, Sara was currently in an altercation with Gauss and Wes. Maybe that was the commotion. Ark didn't like people getting hurt, he was nice like that. Obviously all that racket was stressing him out.

Aki's gaze lost some of the light it usually held as she lifted her hand with two fingers extended toward the trio, her index and middle finger turning into a gun barrel. Focusing her wavelength, she created a bullet and fired with a loud crack, not directly at them, but into the sand in front of him, kicking up sand in front of Gauss and Wes. "Oi, you morons are stressing Ark out!"

After saying that, she looked over to Feng, seemingly having no issues with her any longer or at least setting any said issues aside. <Sis, we have to stop them!> She spoke in Mandarin before shifting into her weapon form in Feng's hand.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin


Eloise Keegan - Hawaii Resort - Lu'au
As the cat was out of the bag and Nadia began speaking more blatantly, Elly listened and nodded. "I don't know if it's connected, but I do see traces of magic, seemingly with the affected parties here. Do you believe in coincidences?" She inquired rhetorically. As she turned her gaze outward, Elly began focusing her Soul Perception towards the outer area of the festivities. It couldn't be that hard to find a sorceress of that description unless the girl was using soul protect, but one problem at a time.

Thankfully, it didn't take time for Elly to find a match. Unfortunately, what followed her deduction was all hell breaking loose. Logic didn't seem to work on those intoxicated and some were more belligerent than others, such as the heir and his new partner.

"Whatever this is, it's safe to say that reasoning with them won't work..." At least, the affected parties didn't appear to be reasonable with any person other than the target of their adoration. In this case, Elly thought about consoling Ark. However, she wasn't sure what kind of response that was going to elicit from the pair from China.

"I'll get the sorceress. I'm not a Hoshi, but I think I'm fairly quick nonetheless training with one, and she isn't that far," Elly announced to Nadia, not giving much time for a response before she channeled wavelength into her legs and dashed off, in part out of eagerness to leave the situation. However, if Maria could indeed help, she much preferred that to Nadia's backup plan.

Making her way through the chaos and out of the area, Elly followed the soul signature that seemed to be Maria up the beach and to the treeline. There, she found not only the sorceress, but Midori in his doll form as well. Thankfully, if he was in his doll form, she hoped that meant he had detoxed himself of the alcohol and any of the alternate effects as well.

"...I was wondering where you disappeared to," Elly remarked before looking to Maria. "I'll keep this short. Something is wrong with the wine. It's making people who ingested it obsessed with one person in particular. We don't know how, however from what I can see, there's some sort of magic signature amongst those affected by the wine, and unfortunately, you're the only sorcerer or sorceress who isn't under the influence. Nadia thought you may know something or have an idea how to break it... She is currently participating in her backup plan of incapacitating the more belligerent victims."

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Maria Mayer - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Observing Lūʻau - Palm Grove

Listening to the words that she was now being told, Maria did not disagree with what he was saying, in regard to learning from observing, or rather the potential of it. This was why she had considered asking for some studies in regard to her swordsmanship, or co-ordination of her own constructs. While it was said she could never near the physical power of a Meister, her kit was built around close combat, or at least medium range combat. Still, he was right more or less about the potential of magic. "It really depends, but you are mostly correct. The use of the spell depends on one's ability to perceive. However, many witches have some limits around a Theme, which is core to their soul."

With his transformation, Maria studied him a bit, stepping around him now that he was at ground level. Tilting her head to the side as she traced out with a single finger. "How interesting, a Golem that can take on the traits of the living, though I put that down to your soul. Still, the craftsmanship is remarkable, not a style I would have went with."

Pausing at that she stared at him. "I do not think I could or would have built such a thing. Immortality in its own ways can be a curse, I do not condemn or begrudge your existence. However, I do imagine it is a very difficult thing. I can see why Rand did not mention much on this. Though it would not be the first secret I have been entrusted with. Though at least through this you can likely see life alongside a few of us. The mana I sensed from you has changed... How curious. With how you found me and how you are now... Magic Suppression? Now, isn't that most interesting, a golem shell that is able to stand up to a witch, and one not robbed of free will. I may need to reconsider my initial appraisal, while I would have given form over function, to make something able to purge the effects of a spell... That is a bit beyond my own creations."

Neither afraid nor overly obsessed with it, her reaction did not seem to betray thinking of him any different, for better or worse. It was soon thereafter that Elly arrived. Maria had not met this one. Was she here for him? Normal, or that lingering essence she had felt from him? She was quick to speak, offering words that came from Nadia and her general demeanor, Maria grabbed her skirt from the sides, dipping in a curtsey. It seemed when others sought her out, that she could handle a normal introduction. "Though Midori knows me, I shall still introduce myself, I am Maria Mayer, the Marionette."

With the loud noises emitting from Gauss and Wes, plus the spiritual nature gunshots of Aki, Maria was quick to wave them forward, back into the clearing. "I had assumed as much, and now given they are fighting one another, the spell is hardly a practical joke. Be it by design or incompetence I know not." Biting onto her right thumb, Maria eyes one of the wine bottles that had served the agents.

"It is likely a compound spell as I term it, Alchemic and a Spell Circle, but I need study it. This sort of magic is not my specialization, though there is mana being focused around us all. What is it you would have me do? I can detect the type and nature of the spell but breaking it, I do not promise anything more till I learn that." She said to the two of them.

Interactions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Midori) EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly)
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Feng Long - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds

Hearing the words of Ark, and still feeling the sting of the words of Nadia, it was then that Ark leaned in closely, the look of pure panic upon his face. All of this was just madness, but Ark needed them... Before he had mostly seemed interested in someone else, now he was singing a much different tune, one that suited what she wanted... Or did she want it? What if Nadia had spoken true? Still, with Aki having shot at the pair, there was little else she could do, a battle was on hand, and she could not just kill them... Injuring or knocking out was fine. But his orders were clearly aimed at Sara.

Shooting an ally, for a maddening feeling, she hated it and in truth wanted to shoot Nadia for giving her so much pain... But she had felt wrong about all of this from the start, hadn't she? Still, the die had been cast. Sweeping Aki at the weapon and Meister, as well as the werewolf, she debated on where to shoot them, when and how. All of this conflicted with who and how she was. "A-Aki, let's adjust power, sorta, rubber bullet them, I'm going to aim center mass on both... We don't need to kill them. They all are close enough..." With that she squeezed the trigger in a one-handed stance as she took a knee. Sending off what should be non-lethal rounds of fire into the trio.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki, Dani) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Ark) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Gauss) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)
Nadia Semyonov - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds
"<Fucking idiot!>" She spat out at Ark as his obsession somehow shifted to the look, she seen in the eyes of many a shellshocked survivor as he pleaded with the others to defend him, well, Feng and Aki, those other idiots were caught in the trap more than she was, though she needed to end that before Dani and Noah both suffocated. Cursing all of this, the shaky earth beneath her was easy enough for that hot head Adrian to escape, she would be damned if she let him show her up. Ingrate.

Seemed he was dealing with Raph, who had stabbed someone. She would worry about that later. As she clawed her way up, Nadia laid on her stomach mimicking the same motions that would allow one to escape quicksand, or to swim, mixed in with used of her single knife to stab into solid earth below the disturbance. The quickest way to save them and to disrupt what was now happening, would be in dealing with Ark. Thankfully he didn't seem to have any of his usual tools with him. His magic would be rather minor. Souring at that thought, she just hoped that Maria had brought her own Grimoire.

It was then she hurt the frantic words of Ark progressing more and more, coupled with the yelling that was clearly Gauss and Sara that she sighed heavily as a gunshot rang out. It seemed Gauss had found a weapon given he was overpowering the werewolf, and that Feng and Aki were now working together. For now, she would have them fight one another, hopefully they both would take on another out without death being involved. What a shit show this was. It would be absolutely the last holiday or vacation she took with the backing of the DWMA. She needed help and soon, or someone would end up dead. This was not her fault; Gauss was the first to go apeshit.

Reaching the rim while Aki and Feng were distracted, Nadia throws herself with a leap, right at Ark, burning through her wavelength as she aims to grapple, then to pummel him into compliance, given no way in hell Maria would be able to solve this so quickly, and hopefully it would calm Feng and Aki down, or at least rob them of direction. "Think you fool! Look at what you are doing!"

Interactions: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Ark) Various Mentions.
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Zosar | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

He was vaguely aware of Adrian demanding answers to this complex situation, but in the moment Zosar didn't really care about Adrian's desire to get answers even if he could feel the fury rolling off him like heat from an engine.

"Dia…." Spoken like a gentle whisper.

His intruder's bright eyes glinted with mischievous red delight as much as her grin. "Good to see after all this time, you still remember my name."

"It's only been two years…" he replied, as if it hadn't been that long at all, but when her expression didn't change and she remained silent, when he could tell even without Perception that she did not like what he had just said from how the glint in her red eyes turned almost brighter with the slightest narrowing, he felt something overpower the feeling for Raph or the sense of annoyance at having been pulled away from his task to retrieve Noah.

He felt embarrassed more than he had felt initially annoyed.

Two years and all he had to say was it hadn't been that long?

It was time to change topics.

"I didn't know you were in FATE. It seems I'm meeting a few people I used to know here now."

"I didn't know you were still alive." she countered, releasing her iron grip on his shirt and stepping back with that same smile, tattooed arms going behind her back as she backpedaled and he followed. "Guess we both have some surprises to deal with."

Her eyes shifted from him, to what was behind him, and the boom that followed, set off the signal for multiple things to follow a chain of reactions as he activated his perception to see that the cause of the noise was Gauss and Wes, and the source of each reaction was all around him.

With an outstretched hand, Darya grabbed Zosar by the the sleeve of his shirt and jerked him towards herself in the same instant that Raph grabbed Noah, tugging him further away.

Allura leaped backwards at Raph's sudden movement, a jump that carried her five feet away to land gracefully on the ground, the light brown, tanned female, snickering with laughter as she rose to her full height once more, about to tell Raph off for his pathetic attempt to ward her, only to feel a sharp sting above her navel. Her eyes widened for a moment and she looked down seeing nothing, confusion crossing her face.

All it took was a touch for her to see the faint traces of blood grace her fingers, staring in surprise.

And right behind her, two of her friends, watched her mood shift, with confused expressions as they approached her.

The meister however didn't notice, because as Darya released him once more with nothing but that same, self-pleased smile, watching the engagement between Adrian and Raph herself, he was busy eyeballing everything around him. Noah's attack, Nadia's reaction, Dani unconscious, Elly on the move, the ground shifting and pulling all of them towards its epicenter--

"We should make some space between us and them." She advised, having heard Nadia's advice about the wine, but seeing no point in trying to rouse sense into someone under magical effects when it was pointless.

He didn't though, not as he finally recognized the situation between Raph and Adrian.

Zosar froze, Darya beside him, watching with a thinner smile, less prevalent than before with an observing eye on him. Waiting to see what he would do.

"Adrian" he began, his voice steady and calm, eyes flicking to how Raph struggled, could visibly see how he wanted to scream. Could see the pain flaring in his soul like it had with the Shuumei on their mission. "Let him go, please", trying to reason with him. "Whatever he did he doesn't deserve that."

However, if Adrian knew Zosar at all, he would have known were positions switched, he would have knocked Raph out for what he had done to Allura himself.

Yet as soon as those words left his mouth Zosar knew there would be no reasoning with him.

Adrian was committed and he couldn't tell if this was because of Raph's checkered past with Dani or about something else entirely.

He knew Raph had been the one to insult Dani's late brother and goad both her and Nadia to near madness. Knew it because those parts hadn't been cut from the recordings. And it only now hit him, at how odd it was he didn't feel any anger at all towards Raph for his actions that day. Putting them both through something like that.

All he felt was a desperate sense of concern, an unshakable desire to help the mage, and a disturbing yet tasteful interest in inflicting pain on Adrian.

Yet out of all these feelings, it was the path of logic that won and stopped him from blitzing Adrian outright.

Adrian's Pain Wavelength, since seeing it in action, was not something he wanted making contact with him. As much as he felt a boiling anger at the scene in front of him, what rational part of his brain wanted more than his obsession, was to not be immediately knocked out by Adrian or anyone else for acting brashly.

Foolhardy charges was how you died, and he wasn't about to end up on the receiving end of one of Adrian's cursed spikes, not even for someone he felt for as strongly as Raphael and a lot of that was caution at play overpowered the strength of the wine's magic and it's emotional impact, forcing every muscle in his body to tense at the ready for any moment the AW could make towards him.


Zosar's eyes narrowed as he studied the exchange between their souls. The growing sense of pain in Raph, something in Adrian had caught his attention.

Was that joy?

Sadistic glee?

And that warning, it might have been because it was Raph, but that warning made the appeasing expression fade from Zosar's face as his expression became grim.

It was hypocritical given his own past, but he couldn't help the feeling of disgust and revulsion he felt towards his friend, only strengthened by the wine's effects.

Maybe it was the fact it was Raph he was hurting as he savored in the act that pissed Zosar off more. Maybe it was the fact he didn't get why Adrian had went right after him. Maybe Raph had done something that deserved punishment. Whichever the two, Zosar made a decision when it became clear words weren't reaching Adrian.

One, then two limiters came off immediately, yet still Zosar didn't rush in to move.

"Zoozoo" the sing song voice of Darya called not far away by his side. He barely detected the pulse. Wasn't even aware she had shifted slightly, entering one of her chimeric like states. "Don't make any decisions you'll regret. I wanted our reunion to be nice after all this time but it looks like you won't even give me the time with all your attention on that scrawny twig in the blue one's grasp."

He was about to give her a cutting reply, when someone else aside from Adrian stole his attention.

A loud "FUCK," echoed, and Allura's eyes, brightened with the flow of magic as arcs of electricity flew off her body and coiled around her arms made their presence known. On either side of her, two other mages glared daggers at Raph and extended those looks to Zosar and Darya, ignoring Adrian completely.

"That asshole fucking cut me because of you!" her fingers touching where the knife had sliced her, her fingers lightly coated in small drops of blood.

Under her breath, Darya sighed with a single expletive.

Her eyes focused on Adrian and Raph just as he passed out, and Allura watched him drop to the ground with a breathless thump.

Feline ears sprouted from her head, her pupils became feline slits. Electricity arced angrily off her arms as she crouched low. A murderous look in her eyes, shifting from Adrian to their target, Raph.

In an instant, Allura rushed forward in a burst of sudden speed. Slinging an arm out that released two bolts of electrical energy in the form of a condensed ball towards two targets: Adrian and Raph.

For Adrian the voltage was weaker than what Raph would be receiving. Where his would cause muscles in his body to seize up if it made contact, stunning him for a short period, Raphael's were intended to be painful. Painful enough to wake him up so she could be the one to throttle him for not only insulting her with a spurn but outright attacking her when a simple 'leave me alone' might have been enough to get the message across, of only for a moment.

Now, all she wanted was the favor to give him back what he had given her.

Yet before she could make another move to close the gap, a projectile shot past Adrian, twisted in movement and landed a kick that Darya blocked with both arms, knocking her off course.

Twisting on her hands to get back to her feet, beach short skirt settling, Darya rose with a grimace, her skin changed to hardened scales at the legs and her body, gaining the same scaled pattern as she frowned at her fellow mage.

"Allura don't be stupid. You know you can't--"

A fanged, Venus fly trap snatched Darya up in its maw from the ground, closing it's maw to trap her inside.

Allura grinned. "Nice assist Silva!"

Silva, black haired, bright green eyes Witch, that had checked on Allura turned their ire on the group Adrian and Zosar were with. Having not even been paying attention till Allura informed them in a colored lense what had happened, they ignored everyone else and focused their attention on Adrian and Zosar who remained.

Silva said something to her peer, a Witch with streaks of gold in her hair and what almost looked like feathers on her shoulders, like a plumage around her neck. She made a hand gesture, feathers from her coat rising in the air and glowing-- at least until Silva winced suddenly and she was distracted as the plant mage collapsed to a knee when the Venus fly trap container shuddered and shook. Two scaled claws tore open a hole in the magical construct and the Witch called Darya jumped out of her cage, covered in more scales than she had been before, her eyes draconic slits, hair turned to a a shade of red, dripping with green sticky liquid that cling to her even when she tries to shake it off her body, her red eyes gleaming with anger as she looked up with disgust.

There was a brief pause, and then multiple things happened all at once.

Allura blurred towards Raph, speed enhanced by the electrical current running through her nervous system, as Darya moved after her with a furious snarl.

Zosar's soul, spiked, anger radiating off his spirit for a half a second with the powerful pulse as he shot off towards the Witches supporting Allura whom one divided her attention on between Darya and anyone approaching them, while Silva utilized the tattoos of vines and plants on her body to release ranged attacks that would or could keep anyone at a distance.

More angry now that he knew Raph had actually done something warranting this and still slightly pissed at Adrian in a way that only slightly confused him, the meister, yelled at Adrian, "Do your thing!"

Mentions: n/a

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
"Wherefore with thee came not all hell broke loose?"
— John Milton, Paradise Lost

Chaos Ensues
When all Hell breaks loose

Between the explanations provided by Elly and Maria, Midori had a pretty solid idea of what was occurring. He had his own insights, too. The counter measures put into place to prevent this exact type of thing. Every single individual there from staff to bystander had been vetted. There was constant security and active facial recognition systems that worked together to seek out any individual or suspicious activity. None of it, to his knowledge, had been triggered. The resort itself was prepared only a day in advance of their arrival and had been under security for days prior, so planting someone or something here was incredibly unlikely. There were redundancies in the security to catch a failure of another, a lesson learned by the golems being hacked during the April 1st attack.

Whatever this was, it made the most sense that it was caused internally. And, knowing the assortment that were present, such wasn't exactly unlikely.

In the moment, the why and how didn't matter. It seemed the situation was escalating.

The hit to his pride and ego about baring his golem form in front of Maria, regardless of her relatively positive opinion, would have to wait, too. Reverting back to his human form essentially the exact opposite the process of turning into the golem. Until that occurred, he couldn't speak. A plan for how to proceed couldn't be made without communication. And, in the time those two took to explain what they knew or thought of the situation, more and more new faces only arrived to complicate it.

. . .​

Magic was a dangerous thing. Not only was it the likely cause of this whole situation, it had the potential to escalate it even further. The Pull of Magic was present in Witches and Sorcerers alike, and giving them a target now to fixate on brought out their worst traits. Even then, these were Fate Agents. Had they some means of avoiding the spell, it didn't mean they were immune to doing something incredibly stupid.

Such seemed to be the case.

Fortunately, magic in most its forms had direct answers. Witches were of course the enemies of mankind for thousands of years. A few peaceful decades did not wash away all those efforts to counteract such a large threat. If one were to believe that this entire event was setup without any means of counteracting magic or even that Agents in general lacked those means, they were about to be proven wrong.

The first of these counters came in the form of another set of Fate Agents. One in particular, a weapon by the name of Rudeus Constantine, possessed a particularly spectacular Anti-Magic Wavelength. Not only did it leave it him unaffected, his weapon form and abilities made him perfect for this type of mass clean-up of chaotic magic. Paired with his Meister, an androgynous individual by the name of Noelle, the two made their way to the scene not unlike those others, and their presence was hard to ignore. In part because vacuum cleaners are loud, but also in part because Rudeus while resonating with his Meister had the unique ability to suck up mana and magic at an alarming rate, so long as Noelle could maintain it. And, maintain it, she did it.

In an almost cartoonish effect, the electricity shot at Adrian and Raphael was sucked straight out the air, leaving the two only a moment of being fried by it.

Darya only freshly out of the venus fly trap found that her scales began to fall right off, her pupils reverting to normal, her form and strengthen weakening as she was now solely inside a pile of pointless plant mucous.

That same venus fly trap would soon wither and die, though that would take time. For now, it simply became dormant.

The electricity flowing through Allura came to an absolute and grinding halt and without it, she lacked the ability to maintain said momentum, causing her to trip up and skid across the ground.

Without all that magic fueling their abilities and with Rudeus still capable of consuming more, these once fierce and intimidating mages appeared more like clowns on the battlefield in ridiculous make-up and performing failed stunts.

The magic that had once ingrained itself in the majority of the individuals in the vicinity was now weakening as well. However, that would still take some time to fade. The magic may have been gone, but the rewiring to the brain lingered, at least for the moment. Something would need to bring these insane souls back to their right minds.

Not that it mattered for poor Raph whom remained out cold even when Adrian dropped him to the ground.

Rudeus and Noelle were not alone, either. Their fighting style was stationary and lacked any real finesse. Another set of individuals stood back guarding them, knowing full well that an Anti-Magic user like them were a key solution to problem at hand, but that particular duo could have easily been overpowered if the situation continued to arise. Their guardians were two more agents, one a short Chinese girl wielding bulwark of a shield that towered over her. Those two were slight more trivial. Jia and Aiden, with the latter only being notable as a volunteer for the class. He had a single, simple rule of do no harm. As a shield, he intended to only protect those around him. Gifted with a Grigori Soul and a charming attitude, he made for a great fit into the volunteer part of the program. More so, he kept the violent tendencies of Jia and her Murderous Wavelength in check.

The problem now arose that Adrian was no longer satisfied with his work on Raph. He warned them. He fucking warned them what would happen if someone interfered. It seemed the stupid mother fuckers just couldn't let him have his moment.

The rage now did in fact overtake him and the self-resonance that was coursing through his body with the malice pumping through him aimed keenly on Allura was comparable to a Neon billboard.

. . .​

Midori saw how Rudeus and Noelle had diffused the situation, but they couldn't maintain that for long. That ability was dangerous. Unlike Magebane, Noelle wasn't a prodigy with that anti-Magic and Rudeus strongly lacked control. For as powerful of an anti-magic ability as it was, the feedkback had the potential to literally be lethal. Not only that, those mages could likely overpower it simply by working together. There was a limit to how much he could absorb at once, and once hit that limited, skilled Mages could cast right through it with only minor penalties to their spell potency.

In short, this situation was only temporarily deescalated. They needed a more permanent solution.

The black star marking over Midori's left eye emerged and his own wavelength poured out of him.

"You two, go to Nadia and group up. Safety in numbers, then focus on Gauss and Sara," Midori instructed. There was little room for debate given the urgency of the situation and the fact he was gone in one of his trademark afterimages just a moment later.

. . .​

Self-Resonance. A stop-gap technique for autonomous weapons. Considerably weaker than regular Resonance with far fewer applications. It was a technique no Meister ever bothered to learn because of just how inferior it was. This moment provided one of the rare instances where it was quite the opposite. When disarmed or ungrouped, the ability to rely only on oneself was more valuable than the raw power of teamwork. What did that power mean if it could not be harnessed?

In a rare instance, two feats of Self-Resonance collided. Adrian had made a mad dash at Allura with full intents to impale her, though not lethally. The leg or an arm, perhaps. Nothing to kill her, but definitely something to leave a scar. A lesson. A reminder that threats should be heeded. Midori made a mad dash to stop that exact lesson from being taught. And, in this instance, it was a damn good thing Midori happened to be the fastest person there. None more so than for Allura.

A shockwave shot out when the two weapons collided. The iron spike of Adrian rammed into Midori at full speed, causing him to be pressed back against the ground as its tip pressed into the flat edge of Midori's bladed arm. Adrian might have actually been physically stronger here, but that wasn't necessarily why Midori was being pressed back. Midori had the disadvantage of coming from the same direction as Adrian and needing to intercept. Adrian had every advantage here. The fact Midori could do anything at all was the real accomplishment.

The screeching of iron on steel was loud and the impact kicked up the dust that had just settled. Their indestructible nature ultimately made this a moot match regardless of how temporarily impressive it was.

"Dumbshit, you have two choices here," Midori said, grunting as he continued to hold back the enraged Adrian.

"Calm down and go help Nadia, or I activate that pretty little collar you wear," Midori explained, reminding Adrian of the fact he did have to answer to someone.

Adrian paused for a moment. The others couldn't tell, but the force he was pushing Midori with dropped dramatically. As angry as he was, he did not yet lack rationale. The Madness had not taken over. No, this was just his regular temper. He was angry, but he wasn't stupid. Or, at least not that stupid.

"Fine," Adrian spat, clearly unhappy at this outcome. Those piercing blue eyes of his looked over at Allura. "But this shit isn't over. I warned her," Adrian added, though now content to leave the impact zone of their attack and make a quick walk over to Nadia. It seemed most of the group had been congregating around her anyway. Likely to come up with some plan to deal with Gauss.

Oh yeah... Gauss. Adrian was already thinking of ways to take that cocky fuck down.

Midori scanned the area for immediate threats, but really just saw the broken field. For the moment, the only potential issue that could arise was Aki and Feng, but hopefully Nadia would have that under control. Regardless, due to Ark, they were about to butt heads with Gauss.

"And dumbshit, tell Nadia not to let Aki and Feng near Gauss. Two resonating duos fighting is more dangerous than dealing with them separately," Midori instructed, being quite certain that regardless of how pissed off Adrian was, he would in fact follow direct instructions. "Remind Feng she has a collar, too, and I'll fuckin' use it," he tacked on, arming Adrian and subsequently Nadia with at least something to disarm the situation beyond mere words.

Then Midori turned back around to the mess that surrounded him. He held his hand up to Rudeus and Noelle, wanting them to stop their efforts for the moment. He didn't know their exact limits, but their current value was high enough he didn't want to test it. Rudeus alone could resolve this spell for the most part with just a touch of his wavelength, so long as he remained in good shape.

The duo obliged.

Midori glared at Zosar. "You don't have a collar, but if your ass doesn't start behaving right fuckin' now like we're back home, I'll knock your dumb ass out myself," Midori threatened, and much like Adrian, he would have followed up on it. Except this time, unfortunately for Zosar, there wasn't anyone there fast enough to stop him.

He then looked to the assortment of petty spellcasters that were littered around. "You dumbshits need to think before you act. Adrian would have legitimately fucking killed you had I not intervened, magic or not. His self-resonance is on a different level than any of your parlor tricks," Midori told them, informing them of just how shitty a decision was made.

"And, if you're thinking of getting back up with your bruised egos and stupid ass vendettas, go ahead. I'll deal with you myself," Midori threatened, "I trained the spike boy."



Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location OUTRIGGER Resort, Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
Mission A Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Status Angry, humiliated


Adrian would do explicitly as told. In part because it came from his former mentor, Midori, but also in part because he was like a beaten dog put into his place. The alpha gave an order, and he had little choice but to obey. Chances are, even without the threat of the collar, Adrian would have still done exactly this, just with more bitching.

But, no, he wasn't happy about it. He had that brief moment of satisfaction in seeing the pain poured into Raph before it was stolen from him. He had hardly a moment to really bask it in. To take pride in his work. To get to do the one thing his weapon form was made for: inflict pain. It's not that like this was some core part of himself, but he had been exploring who he really was in his time with Dani. It gave him greater confidence. Perhaps this was a leap in the wrong direction, but he couldn't just be ashamed of that part of himself. He didn't actually hurt anyone. He was still being productive. And, that pain was still oh so glorious...

...maybe if he was lucky, it wouldn't be the last time.

Adrian caught up to Nadia pretty quick, probably around the time Elly and Maria would have as well. He wasn't sure what a Meister without her weapon and Maria without her dolls were going to do, but he didn't question it. Midori himself had done enough. Chances were, Midori was likely trying to divide up the danger and just hold the scene there. In the brief moments it took Adrian to catch up, he could only rationalize that putting Nadia in charge of this half of the clean up was the least of all evils. Unless, that was, more random Fate fucks showed up.

Problem was, Nadia was already grappling Ark. It wasn't exactly the perfect situation to give her a debriefing. So, Adrian intended to take some liberties.

Anger still boiling inside him, the crown of spikes still across his forehead, and a body still pumping adrenaline from that collision with Midori, Adrian did what he could to remain calm.

"If you're wearing a collar and about to do something stupid, Midori is about to activate it," Adrian told them, staring coldly as he resisted the urge to start a fight with these ladies.

"Aki, I'm pretty damn sure if you fire another shot, Feng is going to get knocked out so you two can't resonate," Adrian told them all flatly.

"Ark, before you go getting all pissy, please do take a look at Raphael way over there," Adrian pointed, noting the collapsed body of Raph on the sand-covered ground near Midori. "He was pumped full of so much pain that an elephant dose of morphine wouldn't help, and unless you want the same, you're gonna calm the fuck down," Adrian said, pointing out the facts in front of them.

Unfortunately, Rudeus had yet to make it this far and cleanse the group, so convincing them might have been a more difficult task than anticipated.

"Nadia, I'm pretty fuckin' sure that Midori wants you to keep Gauss and Feng separate since they're the only ones that can resonate," Adrian explained, though there was a clear amount of sass and distaste in his voice as he explained all of this. To everyone, actually. Adrian wore his heart on his sleeve and his raw frustration was out for the world to see like this was a French fashion walk.

"Really though, I don't give a fuck. If I have to do what I did to Raph to all of you one by one, make my fuckin' day," Adrian spouted, just letting loose how he really felt about the situation.

"Nadia, go ahead. Give the order," Adrian said, almost as if he was requesting she tell him to hurt them all.

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Zosar | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

"Fucking DWMA and their fucking dumb bullshit", Allura groaned in nothing but a string of expletives where she lay, cuts and scrapes, decorating her skin with her halt. Feeling physically drained as well as sore from having the magic pulled out of her.

Though she didn't get up.

Honestly, with the manga drain helping clear her mind only slightly, she just now felt pissed at Raph for harming her. Even then, not enough to go at him again. Didn't even look Adrian's way despite hearing the tongue lashing Midori gave most of them.

Darya's shadow crossed her and she looked down up at her. "I told your dumbass not to try it."

Allura just scowled as Darya reached over to help her up, taking the hand offered.

The rest of the mages were cowed. Not replying. They said nothing even if their expressions were a tad heated.

Darya herself didn't rightly care, between Allura's friends she looked ultimately neutral considering she was acting to stop any greater acts of foolishness.

Zosar however, already standing down by the time Midori had spoken to him directly, having been within the range of the vacuum, felt the fog in his head and his anger over Raph fading. It was slow, but it calmed the irritation he felt and he did the rest by bottling up his feelings per Midori's demand.

With it clearing, the bells in his head went off once more. And when they went off, he blinked, as if coming out of a daze.

The urge however towards Raph, was still faintly there. Just not overbearing. He didn't desire to be with him, his kiss or his touch, but he did desire to be with him and see how he was doing.

The faintest feeling of anger towards Adrian he had suppressed, was also still there but all these feelings were lower than the slow sense in him that he felt something was off as the fog left his brain.

When he looked at the mage it was a mixture of emotions. A sense of irritation for Adrian, a disheartening feeling for Raph, but most of all he felt sympathetic for him in his state.

There was a compulsion, less intense than it had been that still lingered and it pushed him to follow the urge to check up on him. So he moved to do just that, until he gave pause.

Why did he feel so strongly towards Raph, when he had never known him till today?

He felt bad for him if only because he was on the receiving end of Adrian's wavelength, but he did not feel as bad as he had initially now knowing that Allura had been injured because of Raph. Even then, he had never interacted with him till today. Why all these feelings?

The bells in his head rang loud, and he remembered the last sensible thought he had that was his own, was that this whole situation wasn't normal. Nothing about anything that had happened had been normal. Not Sara's switch, not Noah's interest in Dani, certainly not Dani or her fellow simps, pinning for Ark.

Nadia's proclamations about tampered alcohol made a lot more sense.

Alcohol that tampered with the mind and stoked feelings of interest and desire. Ripping out your self control and overriding common sense.

Swirling with different feelings, the meister tried to process it as he again moved to check on Raph. Feeling at the very least, despite the urge to hold him, an urge that now made him feel disgusted, he merely checked up on him to see his condition.

On the whole, aside from whatever Adrian had put him through, he was fine. His thoughts wanted to linger longer on Raph, but with the growing clarity and loss of obsession, he had full control to ignore that as he continued replaying everything he had seen, everything he had personally done, and what was still going on.

As he rose from Raphael's side and turned to see the remnants of chaos that had yet to be doused, he felt the bottled up control slip, and felt nothing but a surge of anger, disgust and hatred roll through him that made him stumble as it hit him, they had all been entertainment for someone to test out some mind altering wine.

The feelings of abject disgust and fury he had felt towards Adrian came flooding back, and with it a keen sense of shame that he had felt like harming his friend for doing what he hadn't been in the right mind to even understand. So many emotions, so many things to turn and look at in anew light.

Paranoia was such a terrible thing and in this instance it was bad.

There was a small piece of him that thought negatively of Adrian for what he had done to Raph, and what he had allowed himself to feel while doing it. He couldn't help that and he hates it. Hated having the one thing he truly had under his power, his self-control, stripped away in all its entirety.

It wasn't like he had made this decision on his own like those few instances of rashness, he hadn't had the choice to do anything at all under the influence.

What was more upsetting though was how he felt towards Adrian, taking joy in inflicting harm on another, a person that he had erroneously felt something for, and found a horrifying sense of disgust with the AW.

What was even more horrifying though was the realization that someone had sneaked drinks in here that could arrest the control of almost all of them that drank it. Make them act in ways abnormal without a concern.

Midori would have been right to knock him out just as Nadia had been right to neutralize Dani and Noah when they could both be dangers to everyone as much as anyone else here. He knew logically they were right, but he couldn't find comfort in it against the complicated feelings going through him as he pieced things together.

There was a small hate towards Raph bubbling too, pushing back against the adoration that lingered, for indulging him when he had approached him, and he knew that was wrong but he didn't quite care. He even felt irritation at Midori slightly for admonishing him when he knew he shouldn't.

It wasn't just anger or frustration though he felt, it was shame. Shame that he had allowed himself to feel relaxed when not long ago hits had been put on his head.

There was a small sense of relief though, that he hadn't done what Raph done to anyone, relief that some fraction of his mind had been preserved. Though the feeling was paltry. He should have known if he was being targeted than anyone here might as well have been too. This affected all of them. Could change relationships, to which his mind flashed in particular to Dani and Adrian, could ruin friendships, make team dynamics in the future tense and cause complications for the members within this program.

If that had been the goal, it had likely succeeded.

The damage there was done and nothing could ever change that. He could practically see it as Nadia made it to Ark. The complications or awkwardness would take time to fix, not logic or reason.

It was just another set back, and he was starting to get tired of seeing those. The pull out from the program because of Eustice's half baked plan, the unnecessary deaths as a result, the solitary confinement, the severing with the Enlighteners, the end of his partnership with Adra, Fool's Event, now this?

When would it end? When? How much more did he or the others have to go through to get a single day of downtime?

He wanted to hit something, just like that day that he had wanted to hit his old partner who had successfully goaded a reaction out of him.

Exhaustion ran through him in a way he hadn't felt in a long time.

Not since they had brought news back about his father's last and final mission and all the damages Ramirez had caused in his state of Madness before being put down with his partners.

Now that he knew their feelings had been played like an instrument, he couldn't trust anything that had happened tonight was of their own volition.

Sara, even having always had as he knew it a sexual attraction or a general attraction to him, now he couldn't be sure. Now he wasn't even sure if her feelings tonight were all her own or if they would be hers in the future or the byproduct of magical flavoring raising guilt or concern.

His mother had been right. He should have studied magic more. Now it was biting him in the ass.

His hands shook and it all felt almost too much, but like when Lars and the others had been killed, conditioning improved by Hoshi training kicked in.

He bottled it, sealed it up tight and let out a slow exhale as he focused on the situation with Gauss and Sara and Wes. Adrian and Nadia could take care of keeping Feng and Aki separate.

There would be time to truly process all of this later, alone, for now, he needed to help.

Approaching Midori, he inquired, "Midori, what do you need me to do help?"

Mentions: n/a

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