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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E


Sara MiddletonBeach Texas.jpg
Date: September 9 -> 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Zosar, Eva, Nadia, Wes
Mentions: Gauss, Annika
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

Luckily, Sara was able to get back Zosar's necklace. Whether Eva actually listened to Kenny or tried running or swimming away (the latter being the likelier option), they got it back, even if Sara had to tackle her dear weapon to the ground.

The rest of the day was spent with Zosar and Eva, hanging out wherever she could with them until they got tired, and even then Sara just couldn't keep herself away from her two dear friends. She even distanced herself from socializing too much with others to show her happiness at hanging out with both of them.

Then, the next day came, the morning went, and the Lū'au was right there. Coming in and getting a gift bag, she immediately had her eyes set on the dancing despite the smell of pork beckoning her, her carnivorous desires being stamped out for something much more pressing. But… if Zosar wasn't with her, then what's the point? She didn't know where Noah went, or other people for that matter. She noticed Feng and Aki together, Maria and Ark sitting away from the others, Adrian was at the food, Gauss dancing with Annika seemingly wanting to join, and noticed three people throwing shit at trees. Zosar, Nadia, and that Wes guy.

Smiling wide, she skipped on over to the three, waving her hand jubilantly. "Hiya, Nadia, Wes, aaaaand Zosar~." She went to give Zosar a quick hug before looking up at him. "I wanna learn how to dance like those girls, you wanna join or just watch?" It seemed like she didn't even need that much practice with how her hips swayed to the beat of the drums. Even her tail swung in time with her sway.

She realized there were other people here and looked over at Wes and Nadia. "Oh, you two coming along, as well? Come on, it'll be such a blast!" She exclaimed, already jumping on her toes as she looked between the three of them with childlike glee in her yellow eyes.


Noah WileyBeach Noah.png
Date: September 9 -> 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Gauss, Annika, Gav, Sara, Zosar, Nadia, Wes, Aki, Feng, Adrian, Maria, Ark

Noah did what he could to relax with his meister and weapon partner before going about his day, either with Arkayis at his side or not. He spent the day getting a massage and sitting out by the pool to sunbathe, seeing a funny interaction in Aki getting thrown into the pool by Nadia before finding Gav and spending time with him.

The night came and went, then it was the next day, which he spent sleeping in, not even daring to get up until it was well past the afternoon. When he finally awoke, he realized he might get there late. Still, he got up, put on a comically stereotypical tourist polo shirt that was left unbuttoned, and made his way to the area. He got himself a gift bag, but the dance caught him by surprise and left him wondering…

Could he dance with them and would anyone know it was him?

He was starting to wonder if Gav was a bad influence on him.

He did have a tendency to dress like a femboy for his livestreams and he had a plan to take up pole dancing in the near future. Why not fit more into the stereotype for views while he's live gaming?

Sneaking around the back, he quietly noted everyone here. Sara with Zosar, Nadia, and Wes who were throwing sharp stuff at trees (a horrible idea given there was even drugs here), Aki and Feng talking, Adrian at the food, Maria and Ark talking, and… oh, Gauss and Annika were near the dancers…

Fuck, just when he thought no one would notice him, Gauss very well might.

That still didn't stop him. He had the guilty pleasure of wondering if Gav would see or if he'd even recognize him at all up there. Regardless, he hid behind a tree, pulled out a dark green form-fitting crop top, a black wig with bangs long enough to hide his face, and set aside his polo shirt. He went to the girls to get a lei, and wore those grass skirts.

Hoping no one recognized him, he studied how they moved and began dancing with them. It took him a moment to get it down, but it didn't take him long to figure it out, usually having a strange knack for easily learning dance moves despite not really liking to dance at all.


Raphael ValeriasChara12.jpg
Date: September 9 -> 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Maria, Ark
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Unfortunately for Raph, Aki confiscated the drink, even as Feng said it was okay. Nadia's seemingly rude rebuttal had him inching away, and then he was off to find someone else who would let him drink. And with Ark making sure he didn't absolutely destroy himself, he blacked out and found himself in his hotel room the next day at five in the morning.

To say that he spent some time "recuperating" from his hangover was an understatement. It wasn't until it was noon before he finally got over his dry heaving and massive migraine with something spicy, water, and some soda.

Of course, like the stereotypical English man he was, he was going to go back for more.

He had accumulated a bit of a buzz when six rolled around and he found himself at the Lū'au. The vibe was infectious but there was one place that piqued his interest.


Now, his therapist told him he could use the pipe anymore, but it looked oh-so tempting, and he hadn't had a high while drunk in a long while. Getting some hooka puffs in, and he was feeling absolutely giddy, the hallucinogenic properties not setting in yet.

No, instead he found Maria and Ark, all by their lonesome. He sat down with them with a rather rough thump, but the lack of a response on his face and the doped look in his eyes probably led one to believe he didn't feel that. "Heyyyyy, why you look so lonely? This ain't ya jam, Maria, I understaaa- heyyy, you're not wearing your bikini anymore. To be honest, seeing you in anything else but a dress looks weiiiiird…" He then looked over at Ark with a big dopey smile. "Ahhh, Ifechiiiii, how's things? Miss running after me to make sure I'm not getting into any trouble? Because you might be needing to do that again for me today… I had the worst morning, hangover's a biiiitch…" His speech was rather slow.

Then he began staring off into space.

"The vibe of the drums is… colorful…"

Oh boy.

Feng Long - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds

Glancing over to her partner, Feng gave a single nod in reply, chuckling a little at mention of Alcohol and its bad taste. "Fair enough, though I should let you try some of my wise wine, or some sparkling Sake. I think you might like those. Not sure how these pouches would taste with it though... Never really heard of anyone flavoring... Ah, there are wine coolers, people that use them ruin the wine, or just bought cheap swill." With that said, her attention turned back towards the food and the dancers. "Let's worry about drinks later, I don't think you would much like anything others brought here. For now, we got a lot of food to go over! Though save some room, the main course still isn't done."

Speaking of the pigs being roasted, there seemed to be other activities on hand, as she returned a wave to Zosar, pointing him out to Aki. "Let's get our food first, though seems he is playing with the axes and knives... I still don't see that ending well." With that said, Feng stepped confidently and quickly, stepping into the line, or rather disorganized mess that was a line, laying a hand on Aki's right shoulder, Feng pulled her into the space she made, chuckling a bit as she presented her partner with a plate. "In terms of non-alcoholic drinks, maybe they have some sort of punch here."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar)
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Nadia Semyonov - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds
Watching as Wes and Zosar joined in with the knife game, his own throw wasn't a bad one at all as he congratulated her, Wes however had a much more poor performance. Rather than make fun of him, she had another thought pop up in her mind. "It is possible these are simply heavier, were made to be used by a Meister. Though I cannot say for sure, no scales here and me and Zosar over there passively use a high amount of physical. Myself more so."

Looking at the target and his stance, he wasn't too far off on how to do it, if anything it was on point, though a more practiced thrower did not need to do such a wind up. "Try putting your whole body into it, shoulders more than arms, then into the wrist. If that doesn't work, just keep practicing as they say. Provided these weren't made for the use of Meisters of course, or maybe give the axe a try."

It was in the next few spans of seconds that Zosar would ask something, that Sara would immediately repeat with her own twist to it. To both of witch Nadia had the same response already in order. "I'd sooner bury myself in the sand than do that shit on stage, or in general. It is not becoming of a Warrior. Plus I am sure there are those who would like to see it. Spite is reason enough to refuse." For what bit Nadia had changed, there were others that would not. That Warrior's Pride and cold demeanor were stronger than the Tropical Sun. The Ice Giantese would not thaw for the whims of others.

Taking two knives in each hand, Nadia lowered her stance and kept her feet wide apart as flipped the blades into a reverse grip, quickly throwing one and then two with a flick of her wrist and swing of her arm, penetrating the targets a good deal near the center. "You all can go do such if you wish. I shall remain here till I wish for some food."

Interactions: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)
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Maria Mayer - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds

Her peace was quickly interrupted, though she was not angry about it, sure she wasn't happy to have it disturbed, but, it was what it was, as Ark made his presence known. His first question was met with a quick response. "Of course, I do. I am most at home in my workshop, the lab, or when making things with my hands. Things like this are not high on my, to do list. Witches and Sorcerers with skill sets akin to mine are most often like this. This is not my idea of fun." With that said, his second question prompted a bit of thought as she teared off a portion of fish, popping it into her mouth as she chewed on the question, and of course, the fish. "Hmm..."

It did not take her long to speak up, and it was as to the point and utilitarian as always. "Yes and no. The Natural History Museum and what few industries are on the island proved to be a good way to escape the crowds. Most were not interested in either of these places and were not seen. However, I did get in trouble with the State Park services as you seemingly aren't allowed to just take resources from the Island, so I had to strike business deals and exports with those who had the licenses to go about this. The small dinner outing with a few of the others went well enough, Nadia seems to have a good eye...nose? For food."

"I need to get an actual workshop, my basement home may become too crowded eventually if I attempt mass production."
True to form she was more concerned with work than she was taking a break from it. Though she at least seemed to enjoy the island museum. When Raph suddenly arrived, looking very much worse for the wear and having a god-awful stench to him. How could anyone stand messing with that shit? As she was sure Nadia would say. She didn't seem bothered by Raph's earlier words at least, simply stating,

"Indeed. I feel much more at home with less skin showing, and the sweat it brings about helps with keeping me cool. there is a reason the people of North Africa and the Middle East wear the clothing they do, versus the British in Africa with shorts and short sleeved shirts. And I am not lonely. All of the activity here is too much to process, it overwhelms my mind and makes me hate it all the more. You two should go enjoy the festival, I'm fine, really."

Hoping the two would at least accept what she had to stay, she didn't want them missing out because she simply did not care for it.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Raph) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Ark)
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Daniella Ethalyn - Hawaii Beach Resort
As the day went on, Dani found herself quite enjoying surfing. Even if she started out flailing and getting tipped over by the waves, she did acquire a modicum of success with maintaining her balance. She got one particularly good wave that she stayed on board for, partly from balance and partly luck, but that was enough to get her hooked.

Aside from the surfing and quality time with Adrian, Dani also spent some time with Nadia, mainly looking at some of the shops and food later in the day. Despite her significant other's interest in seeing the woman surf, Dani knew that wasn't going to happen and, thankfully, she hasn't had to lie or make excuses yet.

The following day at the Lu'au, Dani had her bathing suit on underneath her normal clothes. She wasn't all that interested in the mass socializing or the hookah, but there was some alcohol and nice food. Spotting Adrian, Dani smiled and creeped over to him, surprise greeting him with a kiss on the cheek, followed by a hug from behind. Evidently, she already got some alcohol in her, hence the slight increase in clinginess. "Hey, babe. Whatcha' get?"

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul



Eloise Keegan - Hawaii Resort - Lu'au
The rest of the day was mostly unaccomplished. Elly spent some of her time relaxing on the beach with a nice book and a fruity drink, the epitome of a lavishly wasted date. Otherwise, she spent some time at the shops and taking a walk through some of the local flora., or socializing with several others of the program.

The day of the Lu'au, Elly was on the fence about going, but ultimately decided for at least a little bit. The more her perception increased, the less fond she found herself of crowds, particularly those filled with troubled souls like theirs. Still, she did want to see a Lu'au and the festivities, so she adorned a nice, light, sundress and decided to partake

Wandering through the group, Elly partook in some of the roasted seafood and meat before amusing herself with the other entertainment, such as the dancers. Even she could appreciate a nice view.

As she strolled through, she came upon some of the other sources of entertainment, such as the knife throwing with a few of the others, including Zosar, Sara, Nadia, and a boy she believed was paired with Annika now.

"Ah, yes, alcohol and knives, never was there a less problematic pair," She said in jest and in passing, though none of them looked particularly drunk at least, and from what she knew of Nadia, Elly was very worried about her. Though, that was a curious thought: What was a drunk Nadia like? Likely the answer was not worth the consequences.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

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September 9th, 2067

The Lūʻau ultimately went more smoothly than any event involving the agents of Fate had any right to be. In part due to how many agents self-segregated then cycled through some of the highlights of the event. What started as Nadia simply giving a brief piece of advice about knife throwing became a short lesson as a handful of others took interest, some not even from their initial portion of the program. Some were more competitive; it made sense in such a program that Nadia wouldn't be the only knife-thrower. Gauss danced with Annika and later Sara and Zosar, and in doing so smoothed over some of their bad blood from their first encounter as he showed Zosar for him to sway with Sara to.

Before things could go sour, Gauss and subsequently Annika joined in with the lesson Nadia taught, picking up some tips on dexterity; actively not cheating using his wavelength. Between the three of them, they were also able to determine the knives weren't gimmicked in any way using wavelength; some were simply crude and of a terrible balance. Wes potentially only got shafted due to bad luck.

Not that Wes had any reason to remain salty. Adrian soon found that the food here, simple though it may be, was incredible. Better than it had any right to be on these simple platters. It was almost addicting. Far more so than any substance Raph would have found in the Hooka. Their excitement in fact conjured both Raph and Wes to try said food, which only created more excitement around it.

Then the music started. The fire dancers ended their routine for the moment and the band proved to be quite talented. Between the food, booze, and knife-throwing, there didn't seem to be a fault in the evening.

With the food itself becoming a point of interest insofar that it reached even the ears of Nadia by the knives and Maria whom tried to remain calm, it only became more exciting. The first batch of Kalua pigs were being removed from their Imu huts. The smell that radiated from them and permeated the air of evening was nothing short of amazing. Even for those with a hatred of pork--be it flavor, texture, or just the animal--could not have denied the intense, alluring sensation that hit their noses. With the first batch, some portions were turned into pulled pork while others were carved. Some were placed on bananas leaves for presentation, those with a perfect, deep red skin only blackened by the smoke at the snout and around the legs. As it turned out, these kalua pigs were the real investment Kai was talking about. They imported in from the highest quality of farms and the traditional Polynesian cooking method had been altered to create an almost miraculous meeting of texture and flavor. Some were cooked longer for a more ham-like steak while others were fall-off-the-bone tender.

The only downside was that the first round of pigs were consumed so quickly by the relatively large group and other attendees. The demand for more was high, if only to try some of the other flavors or textures. Luckily, even more were on their way. A much larger portion and with them the other great treat of the night: a series of Hawaiian wines made on the island of Hawai'i. All fruity, and none made from actual grapes. Tropical in nature and apparently made in a special distillery, they were sweet in nature, far from dry, and apparently world class. They were to be served chilled with the next round of pork which was just now being brought out by the employees on massive wooden serving platforms. If possible, this second batch was even more enticing than the first with the intensity of the smell. Likely, due to the larger volume.

In the interim, Gauss had commented that even he hadn't tasted something like this at the other resort.

Adrian had said it blew away everything that had been served, and he had ate enough he should be stuffed--yet wasn't.

Midori even showed uncharacteristic interest, though notably in part due to just how different this was from the delicacies his home nation had for pork.

The wines being offered were also amazing, albeit a touch overly sweet. Their assorted fruit-flavorings came in the form of pineapple, mango, lychee, and papaya--all of which complimented the taste of the more savory kalua pigs that weren't themselves adorned with sweet fruit, as many came covered in coconut shavings and pineapples as decor.

The band played. The food was delicious. A centerpiece for all to enjoy. And, all occurring before most might even call it an early night, as the food was the intended main event and their hosts didn't want anyone to miss out if possible. These roasts were best enjoyed fresh, after all. Their earthen, smoky, savory flavors were an incredible, almost magical delight that even the most aristocratic elites would have envied, and now they were being eaten on leaves by the agents of this very lowly program.


Ark | Hawaii, Outrigger Resort | Rings: 1/1

Perhaps it was just because he thought getting the chance to socialize a bit more would be better, but, everyone had their own preferences and if Maria’s was one that preferred a bit of quietness then who was he to push her to interact more than she was comfortable with?

She did have a point too about these sorts of social gatherings being somewhat draining to a degree, at least that is how he took her statement earlier. Wasn’t like he didn’t understand the desire to focus on work more than other things like this, it was just given his upbringing he hadn’t been allowed to lock himself up in his study room that had been designed to allow him to test and experiment his magic when his grandmother had been tutoring him.

Letting the subject drop overall on the suggestions they join the others without her, Ark instead turned his attention to Raphael as he informed them that once again, he’d need an eye on him to keep him out of trouble.

The earth mage merely smiled in light amusement.

That was until he heard what he said about the drum, and then moving around him to get a better look he noticed his eyes.


He rolled his eyes at the mage’s current state.

I’ll make sure you don’t start anything, if you make sure you don’t go actively looking.” Was his sagely reply.

Moving to grab himself something to small to eat.

It wasn’t long till the pigs themselves came out and when they did Ark found himself greatly intrigued in not just their aroma but what their taste would be. He got himself at least one of the softer portions along with some of the wine and the moment he started eating he made a surprised sound of delight after taking the first bite.

Oh! Woah, that’s…” he took another bite- “mmmh, this is amazing!” At another agent’s suggestion, he added the wine to his palette and found the combo even better.

Pork wasn’t something he’d ever eaten while in Egypt. Given the majority of the Egyptian populace were Muslim, it wasn’t a favored dish. He’d never had much of it either when he’d been in the Western part of Africa too so this was way better than he’d expected, at best he’d thought it’d be just like bacon and chips that his father used to make when he was younger.

The wine was delicious, a bit sweet but not bad at all. By the time he’d finished his first plate he’d already finished the first drink and was going for another that he finished off with a smaller version of his first plate.

He had to admit he wasn’t much of a drinker anymore- but this was good, wine like this he might not mind getting for himself honestly. Though after finishing off the first and polishing off the second he decided not to take a third, and wouldn't want to end up floored.

Mentions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Zosar | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

This night had been genuinely nice.

Gauss chipping in to provide some tutelage on how to get in the flow of things along with Sara had been greatly appreciated just as well. It had, in a way, earned him a better outlook than the initial first impression had.

He hadn’t eaten anywhere near as much as most of the other agents, and that was more because he’d learned to never fill up in the evenings.

Lots of the work he used to do had been mostly done in the evenings. Having a full stomach when you were out and about, doing a lot of physical activity was counterintuitive- especially if fighting happened.

The only point where his interests had truly been piqued was when the pork came out. He’d never really been one to eat much of it himself growing up, but the smell of these cooked pigs was enough to get him to get something the moment the spread was served. Not just for himself, but for Eva and Sara as well and not just them but even going in for more before it was all gone and delivering a leaf-plated serving to Aki and Feng in offering as he passed.

The drinks served, though sweet, were a bit too much for his own palette. While it paired well with the meat, he ate the meat more than he partook in the wine itself.

For him, the sweetness was a bit more than what he personally preferred. While no stranger to the sweet mixtures or alcohols, he found once he’d satisfied himself with the one plate and wanted no more- his interest in continuing with the drink stopped at about a quarter of what it had started with. Overall though, he was satisfied to watch the others enjoy their meals and engage in whatever banter might arise, or any interesting engagements that might ensue.

Drunk fun was always fun, until of course it wasn’t and as Zosar swirled his drink and considered pouring it out or merely keeping a hold on it for a temporary period he had to admit- this night had definitely been nice. It would be one he’d remember in the future.

Mentions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Maria Mayer - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Observing Lūʻau - Palm Grove

With the festival progressing, Maria lingered at the back, content with observing, watching. She had plenty of food from the initial grab and take, so when the pigs came around, and the crowd swarmed, Maria took advantage of the gifts of Man, Gods and Death. She simply melted away, leaving her plate where she was seated now that there was no attention upon herself. With a low hum and a twirl of her hand to draw her doll away, the "Marionette" made the most of this opportunity to get some fresh air, the sounds of nature rather than those of man, and a clear view of the darkening horizon. She would make up ditching a few of them, somehow...

Yet, what to do now? She would not go for the Pigs, judging by what she seen, it was odd at how eager some were to go for it, then there was the wine collection, different colors and muted smells that did not reach her was passed around, taken with gusto, and things continued much as they were before. If it were alcohol as she suspected, then even less reason to go forward, she fully remembered her previous outing with Alcohol... Though if it were, didn't they tell them to bring their own? So, who was the generous supplier? This was something interesting. So, for her part, Maria took to the jungle like undergrowth of Maui, surprisingly, if not concerningly stealthy, as she had proven in more than a few situations, with her yellow eyes gazing out, she was much too far away to hear anything, or even to tell people apart, minus those in unique clothing.

For now she would put off going to the hotel room as she quietly kneeled in the thick underbrush.

Interactions: None
Nadia Semyonov - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds
Finding herself the center of attention, if not something of a small center, as she went on with the use of throwing knives, that partially branched off to knife fighting in general, as she showed stances and forms, even performing a few more throws, rapidly shifting through the knives one after the other before taking up a longer blade for close combat among the marked targets. It seemed she did like this much more than her earlier experiences with the party, or in "training" others in something as simple as this. In her typical hard-nosed fashion, she did not go into any serious details, wanting secrets to herself, only admitting her style was unique to herself rather than from anyone else.

Still, the brief amount of time flowed rather quickly as the festive mood seemed to explode, internally Nadia hated it all the more for it. It was much like the gathering at that club, Nadia made an appearance, waited for Dani to have her little dance, or rather two, then it was out the door. Such events were much too busy, chaotic and against her ascetics. Her annoyances aside, she eventually found her way over to the pigs, getting a haunch that she cut off with a knife she had either kept or had on her from the start and claimed it as her own, rather than making use of a plate as she took a bite. It was very good, but as time went on she did not seem to go back for more as she looked out upon the crowd with annoyance, upon being offered and encouraged to have some of the wine, Nadia snorted at that, reaching into her jacket pocket for the Vodka she had purchased before.

"I care not for sweet things, plus, I have Vodka, keep your fruit juice for adults and the French." She said dismissively, shooing them away. Watching how so many others were going back for seconds or thirds, Nadia started to make her way through the crowd, she didn't want more of the meat and still had an enemy to face while she was here. Though she would not be as abrupt or as successful as Maria at this given, she did have to talk to others as she took a swig from her bottle of Vodka. "Now let us see, where is Dani... Once I find her, I can say goodbye and piss off from here."

Interactions: Any/All
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Feng Long - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds

As the party went along, Feng's reaction and thoughts were a bit different than those of Nadia and Maria, she actually rather enjoyed the party, though there were some things she would change, and one she really did not like, of note. Still, Aki seemed happy and the meal seemed great, she could smell the pigs as soon as they were brought out, causing her to smile a bit as she gently elbowed Aki in the side. "Hey! Let's get some, before they all are gone! I want the more charred one though, what about you? And Wine huh? Seems someone is to be thanked." She then proceeded to switch to Mandarin to continue the conversation. "<Let's treat this like a snatch and grab, Nadia just took a chunk with a knife and the rest are being like vultures. Don't get greedy though. Wine should be fine for us.>"

With that, Feng stepped through the crowd deftly and silently as she secured a plate, as Zosar handed them what she was already going for. Thanking him with a nod and quickly getting out of the way, she tried it and grabbed a passing drink that seemed to be Mango. It was good. Too good in fact, she would use her discipline to not go for more. Still, it wasn't as good as some other foods she liked. "<Let's not be greedy, I want more, but rampant enjoyment of the material condemns the spiritual... Still, good Wine. What about you Aki?>"

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar)
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Aki Kiyoko - Hawaii Resort - Lu'au
Grinning a bit mischievously at that, Aki nodded vigorously. <I want the seared one!> She said, fully intending to in fact be greedy. However, upon preparing to raid the buffet, Zosar appeared with platters in hand, passing them out as if he were a waiter. Upon noticing it, the girl beamed and took the the platter. "You're the best, Zosar!" She cheered, and would have likely given him a hug were it not for the friction between their souls.

As she returned to Feng and seated with the platter. Digging in, she glanced over to Feng's drink, some type of wine, or so the woman said. Aki wasn't a fan of alcohol, and it didn't help most of what her mom and others drank was crap beer or hard liquor. However, Feng seemed to like it and it looked pretty. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Partaking in some of the of the drink, Aki seemed to turn giggly very quickly and her face grew an uncharacteristic blush. It seems that Aki was not very good at holding her booze, a fact she didn't know likely because of her aversion to alcohol in the first place.

<Hehe~ You were right, Feng~ Not all booze is that bad~> She replied with a delighted hum as she enjoyed the food.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Sara Middleton1696308994127.png
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Zosar, Nadia, Gauss
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

With Nadia denying the dance, Sara took it in stride and went with Zosar to dance anyway, learning not only how to dance their style with Gauss helping, but also showing Zosar her own people’s style of dancing, which focused solely on their legs and possibly dance moves that could work if you’re in a fight. Or Brazilian.

However, then the food came out. Sara noticed that Nadia had been surrounded by those wanting to learn how to knife throw and fight with knives, but then the food had taken her audience. She couldn’t deny why either. They all smelled so divine. Heavenly. She could eat an entire pig to herself, but she did what she could to keep herself from eating too much.

Of course, she went after portions of the pig’s head, ribs, and backside, taking huge chunks with her as she went to find Zosar and sat with him, having drank some of the good, sweet wine and looking over at the wine he was holding. She giggled, staring at his wine. “Hey, can I have some if you’re not gonna drink it? And the pig’s amaaaaazing~. I haven’t had this quality of meat since our last Werewolf Hunt.” She giggled, sitting rather comfortably beside Zosar as she took in the atmosphere and the buzz that was already hitting her. Wiping her face clean of the pig’s juices, she felt the wine hitting her a bit as she gave Zosar a side hug, wrapping her arm around his body. “I hope you’ve been having fun. How about we go to my room and talk for a bit~?” She smiled alluringly, chuckling as she realized just how forward that was. “And I mean a semi-serious talk to figure stuff out.”
She added, not wanting to give Zosar the wrong idea.

Then, Noah sat beside them, and she let out a squeal and hugged him around the neck with one arm, before introducing the two to each other, forgetting they might have met before.
"Zosar, this is Noah, my former weapon partner. Noah, this is Zosar~." She was oh-so cheerful, it was hard not to smile at how infectious her happiness was.


Noah Wiley1696309459816.png
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Gav, Zosar, Sara
Mentions: Gauss, Annika, Maria
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Fortunately, no one seemed to recognize him, but unfortunately he didn’t know if Gav saw or if he recognized him. Regardless, he hid away once again to get out of the wig and clothes before grabbing his pack and going back to the crowd to eat. The pork was a bit much for him, but he had at least a slice since it smelled and tasted so amazingly before finding a secluded spot away from the crowd to drink the wine and eat the pork in peace. Sighing, he looked at his phone again, texting to Gav a “You at the Lu’au?” and a “I’m outside the crowd, bit too much in there.”

He didn’t know if Gauss, Annika, Sara, or even Zosar saw him while they were learning how to dance, but that was okay. Although, he noticed the girl with yellow hair going off and hiding in the bushes. Raising an eyebrow, he shrugged his shoulders and continued to sit and vibe, only to realize Sara and Zosar were also sitting a little away from the crowd ravenously destroying the pigs. Chuckling, he decided to move his stuff and sat right beside Sara.


The happy surprise Sara had in seeing him made him smile a little, even accepting the hug that yanked him closer from around the neck before she let go, letting Sara introduce Zosar to him and vice-versa. He nodded towards Zosar, then sighed as he stared off at the group of rabid animals. “Didn’t think everyone’d like the pigs so mu-... Oh, lord.” He looked over at Sara’s plate and snorted in amusement, not even seeing how much pork was in front of her till now.


Raphael Valerias1696309929605.png
Date: September 10, 2067
Location: OUTRIGGER, Kāʻanapali Beach Resort, Hawaii
Interactions: Ark, Maria
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Raphael had appeared rather late to the conversation, so he didn’t get to hear Maria’s day. But he did get to hear her answer to quips and questions. Hearing it was a bit too much for her, he nodded, showing he understood despite his eyes not looking like they were focusing on much of anything. “If it’s too much, don’t feel like a bore if ya need to go somewhere.” He wouldn’t want her to get hurt or something because of her mental state. That would su-

Why was Ark looking at him like that?

He chuckled, smiling a bit too dopily as he watched Ark roll his eyes and replied to his snarky comment about Ark probably keeping an eye on him today, too.

Of course, that was the plan~.

Then the pigs came out. Raphael didn’t know what was so good about the pigs. He liked the smell, but honestly he wasn’t too hungry. He was starting to wonder if mixing drinks with drugs was a bad idea and he was feeling a little sick. Still, a bit of that sweet wine and maybe a bite of pork wouldn’t be too bad. He went to get a plate despite the movement of the crowd, took a bite and hummed in delight. Okay, it wasn’t so bad. Not exactly something he’d prefer, but something he wouldn’t mind too much of. Sweet meats were always weird to him, and the texture of pork wasn’t actually his favorite. Still, the wine was nice, and he sat next to Ark, wine in hand. “You good, dude? You look like you’re enjoying it all quite a bit.” He chuckled, noticing that this was his second wine refill. “Didn’t know you enjoyed wine this much.” He commented to tease him, giving him that snarky smirk.

Wes Kraven - Casual (Beachwear).jpg

Wes Kraven
Outrigger Resort, Lu'au

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Nadia) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Gauss) Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider (Annika)​

Wes let out a small grunt as he retrieved his knives once again, although they were different than the ones he was using before. Thanks to a combination of Gauss, Annika and the white haired girl that had offered him advice, he felt slightly better knowing that the knives were in fact causing some of the problems. He was still off in his throws, but they had improved considerably compared to his initial attempts. As he returned to the group, he noticed that there were a lot more agents crowding around than before.

They seemed to have drawn quite a crowd, and by they he meant the white haired agent that seemed quite skilled with the provided knives. What started as a lecture on things like proper form and gauging distance had slowly morphed into a general course on fighting with a blade. Not that Wes had paid much attention to it. With all eyes on the demonstration, It meant that few would be paying attention to him and his own throws. The first two still failed to hit the target, although they were a lot closer than his previous attempts. It was on his third attempt that the knife finally struck the target, burying itself into the wood with an audible thunk. It was on the outside edge, about as far away from the center as it could have been, but that was enough for him.

Eventually, the impromptu knife-show by the woman, named Nadia if the other agents were to be believed, ended as the smell of cooked pork overwhelmed the area. The assembled group quickly made it's way over to the pigs, eager to grab their portions and dig in. Having accomplish his goal of hitting the target, Wes joined them as they all gathered around one of the pigs.

As he grabbed his own plate filled with pulled pork, a cup was practically shoved into his hands by another agent. He cocked his head as the agent motioned for him to take a sip. With a slight shrug of his shoulders, Wes took a small sip of the liquid, instantly cringing at how sweet it was.

The agent laughed and motioned for him to try the wine after having a bite of the pork. He did so, and found the sweetness was much more bearable when combined with the mouth-watering pork on his plate. It was honestly the most delicious thing he had ever eaten, enough so that he found himself returning for a second plate. As well as a refill on his wine, which had disappeared just as fast as the pork.

One plate soon became two, two became three, all of which were washed down with a pairing of wine. Wes had only drunk once in his life, and it hadn’t left him with the greatest impression. The beer he had tasted horrible from start to finish. But this wine? He could see himself enjoying this again. His face was quickly growing flush as he took another drink.

The world around him was slowly becoming more and more distorted, the sounds of the music melding together with the sounds of everyone’s souls, making it difficult to distinguish where one began and the other ended.

Once again he brought his cup up to take a drink, only to pause when his cup came up empty. He stared into it for a few seconds, as if some miracle would cause it to magically fill up and let him enjoy more of the sweet wine. Alas, no such miracle occurred, leaving Wes to slowly shuffle his way around the beach in search of more to drink.

Eventually, he found himself staring at a bottle held by Nadia, his tipsy mind deciding that she had grabbed a bottle of wine for herself from the serving area. He approached her, a slight sway in his step as he held his cup out. When he got close enough, he spoke in slow and soft tone. “Refill.” He paused, slowly blinking before adding “Please.”

Zosar | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

Without any protest Zosar passed what was left of his drink to Sara. Having drank very little as a whole there was still a decent amount left that she could take.

"Careful now," he said to her, "don't want me carrying you all the way back now do you?" The hint of amusement in his tone lingering at the line.

It was interesting to note though that she used to have similar servings like this on 'Werewolf Hunts'. Made him wonder what sort of culinary culture her clan had when it came to food preparation. He felt like inquiring but frankly now didn't seem like the time to really be poking about her culture in the moment. He was sure she wouldn't mind regaling him with the details later but from what he knew of Sara so far, she likely would have preferred to revel in the merriment of the atmosphere then engage in an informative conversation on culinary arts or cultural differences.

Feeling her settle in more snuggle beside him Zosar couldn't help but shift his eyes slightly in her direction. A little glance from the corner of his eye told him she was enjoying this, a bit of staring told him she was enjoying the time with him specially even more. There was a mixture of emotions there he could feel without looking as he turned his sights away and surveyed everyone else.

Aki and Feng were having fun. Nadia was unwinding, the mages or most of them looked to be having a good time. Everyone was enjoying themselves, in a way it made him feel reminiscent of his old group in a way that stung. The feeling was fleeting though as he posted it away, not wanting to ruin this pleasant time for himself, or for Sara as he felt her arm embrace his side in a hug that he felt the need to reciprocate by placing a returning hand on her shoulder since she had initiated.

“I hope you’ve been having fun.

"I have been. The night's been pretty wonderful." Was the relaxed reply as he looked her way.

Then she followed up with.

"How about we go to my room and talk for a bit~?”

The answer to this was a stare. It wasn't a blank surprised stare one got from something outlandish nor was it a change from relaxed and elated to uneasy and annoyed, instead it was the subtleness of a change in his look that that gave away how he wasn't expecting that line to come out of Sara's mouth.

It was good to know though, that like his few werewolf friends from Lars group, members of the Ungu Clan, Sara was just as likely to be more brazen and blunt, albeit alcohol made a lot less subtle when you pulled enough of it into your system and he was an expert in that.

While more thrown off guard by the suddenness of the request than the request itself, Zosar didn't react immediately, but he didn't react negatively either. His body certainly didn't tense to display the surprise he felt, what did show was the subtle shift in his gaze the way his eyelids went up, the way his long eyelashes rose with them, how his brows ascended in a brief sign that he had heard her clearly, and how in a short second that brief look of surprise in his eyes was gone as his relaxed expression took on a more rictus grin that came from how astounded he was she had made the statement aloud and so forward.

Unfortunately all of that in this moment reminded him of Becky, and he felt a pang of regret thinking of how his ex.

She would have actually liked Sara, probably wouldn't even bat an eye like she normally would if he showed any interest in her had things been different.

Still though, he didn't think he would be getting laid tonight- the idea of anything serious with anyone in the program had never truly crossed his mind as a pursuit. Sure, he flirted, but to him it was baseless, messing around- it was why he'd been caught off guard with Eva before when she knew much of his teasing was never meant to be genuine. He knew Sara had been attracted, but that waned with time, he'd sort of taken it that like Adrian and Dani, like all the others really, she would have found someone already too. Given her nature it was almost odd to see she wasn't already spoken for even if she did still find him attractive. Being a skilled empath made it easier to pick up on the likes and dislikes of others after all, so there was no shame in admitting the sense he found her attractive just as much as he found Nadia, Elly, hell- even Gauss had some appeal even if that appeal had diminished from their first engagement.

Now that he knew the lust she felt was serious, it should have been more on his mind how to douse it or at least weaken the flame without completely extinguishing it for the future but what stopped him from doing that was how tamed her spirit felt even with the attraction he sensed directed at him.

You've got more to say don't you? he said with his eyes and a tilt of his head.

And he was right. She did. Though not in a way that clarified things.

What a semi-serious conversation even meant was beyond him. What was she implying there? Was she interested in dating?

Again, as he'd noticed more acutely since returning, there was a split inside of him.

He was certainly interested, he'd never truly been involved with a werewolf before, not even a mage from within his own former inner circle, at least not in the serious romantic sense. Those bridges had never fully completed construction before he'd taken the job that landed him in this program.

At the same time, beyond that interest and desire to try- was a sense of caution, a desire to restrain himself. That he was in no real position given his status to be going out on dates. That he had his own problems to work out first, a myriad of them really before dating, fucking even, crossed on the table.

There was also that nagging reminder on the back of his head, about just how he had ended things with the Enlighteners. Big decisions, sometimes were his kryptonite. He could have a logical thought process going for a choice and then make a 360 to veer off in another direction. Kenny had made that point in regards to Aki's nature, and while he had always tried to restrain himself, the point Kenny had made articulated the idea to him now, what if he did something similar to Sara?

He'd known Becky for years, and they hadn't even started liking each other before they began dating, ironically just like his parents had. He hadn't ever thought she would conceive the idea to be his girlfriend, and he'd never pictured himself as her lover till they got to DWMA and things just…clicked. Yet despite their history he still had left her and all his closet friends behind for people that ultimately distanced themselves from him- if things hadn't worked out with Midori after the incident, he would have been just another notch to the belt.

What was the chance he didn't toss Sara aside for his own personal goal whatever it may be in the moment, and did he want to put her or anyone else through whatever he had put Becky, and even Alan, through after ditching them and their friends to save his own ego for people that inevitably abandoned him once things got too tough.

He was ambivalent: wary, concerned that she had no idea what she was getting mixed up with, far from the fact he had his own engagements with several old buddies and peers in the last several weeks since coming back-- but he was also interested.

He DID like Sara, and this vacation had him warming up to her more, the question was, would she be able to tolerate the baggage on top of her own stuff while they were in this program?

He intended to ask her a question, at least till Noah came around and Sara introduced them.

Bad timing but he wasn't about to gripe about it. He liked Noah, and shook his hand, welcoming the distraction, pulling him into a one armed hug, he leaned and whispered, "You looked good in that wig by the way" he said with a pat on the back.

And that's when someone else walked in. Gav in particular.

While Gav drew Noah away, Zosar caught Sara's attention.

"When you say a 'semi-serious' conversation what do you mean?" Jumping right back into business once Noah's attention had been arrested. Leaning in a bit he whispered, "You're not talking about foreplay are you?" His eyes shifting around as if other gossipers might be listening. "Because I am fluent in French, for the record" the subtle joke in there hopefully catching on, and even if it didn't he didn't mind.

"I guess it was silly to think you and Eva were…" he trailed off, slipping his arm over her back and guiding her by the hand on her shoulder a bit further away from the festivities but not too far away from the vicinity itself, just enough space for a bit more privacy from the gathered agents, "well I'm not sure really." He had sensed something there, but frankly it was mostly him filling in vague gaps. Eva and Sara were close but not in love with each other, just close-- but even closeness could have layers that would take more than Perception to observe.

"Anyway" his voice still easy going but now a touch serious, "you should know that if you are interested in me, I don't do the whole monogamy thing. Polyamory has been my go to since I became interested in dating."

It just never worked out with most of the people I was with. And when it did, I blew that up on my own.

Though he never said those thoughts aloud.

"As much as it bites to admit, I'm in no place to be hooking up with anyone right now," he said it casually but there was a lot of gentleness in his voice, "I like you though," blunt as he stated it, eyes casting to her when he did, "you hit marks I like and honestly I am certain a part of me would have been disappointed by what could have been if you were spoken for too."

That was the truth, and he hadn't even been certain as he said it.

"We could take it slow, or skip a few steps, head upstairs, break a bed and hope the hotel isn't too mad at us for wrecking your room."

All jokes to ease off some of the tension. Just to follow with, "Of course now that you know I'm poly, my absolute rule is you must be okay with that for anything long term." Said like a contractor making a deal, polite yet firm. "It's a part of who I am, and if someone interested in me, has no interest in that part of me that's fine, I don't care, as long as no one gives me grief for being that way, but it does mean romance is off the table if someone isn't fine with that aspect of who I am. It's not something I'll change."

And it's unlikely I could.

Though he didn't want to end it on that ultimatum condition he had learned over the years, he had to. It was the easiest way to cut through the illusion of 'needing a good partner to tame that adventurous side', and though he highly doubted Sara was the sort, he had thought similar about others he knew longer than her- wouldn't be the first time or last someone's expression changed learning he was poly with all the stereotypes and opinions it created of someone of that type anyway. And given his status and what he had heard about himself through rumors, it didn't help to make friends any better than Gauss Casanova streak could be forgotten like nothing had happened.

Mentions: Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Gav | Outrigger Resort, Hawaii

"He's right you know you did look good", Gavs reply came seconds after Zosar's compliment and he stood back as Zosar completed the greeting with Noah, only to lock the shorter asian male in his one armed headlock and shift that into a one arm sided hug as he pulled Noah's attention away from Sara and Zosar, whom Gav had noticed were in a conversation of their own before the introduction and took now to retrieve his boyfriend now that the greetings were done.

"You looked so good in fact I think I'll ask if I can stay a bit longer in Hawaii, something about some stranger catching my eye, acting suspicious." His breathe the scent of mango mixed with the wine.

While Zosar got Sara's attention once more, Gav pulled Noah into a kiss just as Zosar asked Sara his question.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic



Daniella Ethalyn - Hawaii Beach Resort Lu'au
Dani partook in the food before the vultures ripped it a part, stabbing a few others with a glare who got a bit too aggressive whilst trying to get their food, or who were too drunk for courtesy to be in their mind. However, Dani was able to get some nourishment without physically stabbing anyone else. With a plate in hand and a fruity-looking drink as well, she aimed to get the hell away from the mob of looters. The food was delectable, Dani had to admit, though it didn't make her want to run anyone over. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was hard to be mad with food this good, except that those morons got in the way of getting it.

Still partially contemplating sticking some of the other beachgoers like the pigs that were being served, she spotted Nadia and smirked. "Well, well, look who's being social," Dani remarked, knowing this was severely outside the woman's preference. Even more amusing, she was being approached by a guy trying to proposition her for a refill, though she wondered if he knew it wasn't wine given he was holding a wine glass.

Shrugging mentally, Dani returned her focus to her meal and the nice drink she had to go with it.


Eloise Keegan - Hawaii Resort - Lu'au
Elly enjoyed the company of some of the others at the gathering. Honestly, at times she looked as though this were a networking event, going around engaging in small-talk, hitting up the other program inductees, even those that weren't in her "pod". To her it sort of was a networking event, except there were more than a few people tipsier than a sunken barge.

Regardless, she spent her time floating around here and there. When there was break between mobs grabbing the food, Elly went and got a small plate. She had to admit that it was astoundingly good, and given she was drinking mocktails and non-alcoholic drinks, she couldn't just attribute it to drunken tastebuds.

Elly took up a position more on the outskirts of the majority of the group as she ate, enjoying a little bit of appealing solace before she would likely say some goodbyes and depart.

Nadia Semyonov - Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii - Lūʻau Grounds
Upon finding Dani, Nadia just snickered and shooed the man away, turning her attention squarely upon Dani, as a smile appeared upon her face. Well, more of a bemused and conniving smirk. Taking a few steps and moving some people out of the way, the FATE agent simply went where she wanted and as she wanted. Offering her bottle of Vodka to the other she took the time to speak, nodding her head in greeting. "Honestly, I was coming to find you, then I'm leaving. There is something I would like to attempt coming to terms with while you all are here being distracted. I figure you know what."

Watching Dani enjoying her meal, the Meister did not wish to upset her, or drag her away from here. Not unless the later willingly wished to go. "I see you are enjoying yourself; I'll be fine on my own. Or maybe I'll track down Maria and have her watch over me. Not like she's anywhere near this, knowing her at least. The food is good, too good, and all of this..."

A pause and sweep of her right hand, bottle in the left, Nadia gave a shrug.

"...is all a bit too much for me. I've done what is expected of a leader, now I wish to go spend time as I want. You want my Vodka? I'll save it for later otherwise, better than that fruit punch shit wine."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani)


Arkayis Misonuka - Hawaii Resort, Luʻau Grounds
Mentions: Gauss Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul , Noah Merciless Medic Merciless Medic ,Gav The Regal Rper The Regal Rper , Annika Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider , Wes Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

Arkayis had typically spent their day doing their usual routine of Shadowing Noah, though now with the Lu'au event now being in progress, they had opted to split away from them for once. It was pretty uncommon for Arkayis to be outside and not be near either Gauss or Noah, typically he had always been near someone he was close with when going outside, though back then that person used to be his sister, now it's mostly whoever he knows. Though that could of possibly been one of the reasons why Arkayis was able to quickly find Noah in the crowd of dancers. Being around someone so much practically made it easier to identify them in bigger crowds, though he did admit that he didn't exactly expect Noah to partake in dancing. Arkayis wasn't all that interested in joining him either and while he wanted to join in and gather some food for himself, he really didn't want to join in the mob of people storming in for food. It was a nuisance of a predicament that he eventually settled on when he saw Gav approach Noah, Arkayis had no real visible reaction to it, until he saw Gav kiss him. That quickly annoyed Arkayis who opted to just join in the food line instead of watching that little show. However, they had to admit joining in the food line quickly got annoying as well as they were definitely not fond of waiting in long lines.

But they eventually were able to get their own plate of food and a few sodas, though Arkayis didn't immediately partake in it, he instead partially transformed his hand in order to slightly roast his food some more before opting to eat it. They had to admit that the food did taste good though, and he also did enjoy the soda as well, but he didn't even touch the alcohol as he wasn't really much of a drinker.

September 9th, 2067

"I never change, except in my affections."
— Gwendolen Fairfax, The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde)

Love is but dopamine in its purest form.

If it were but that simple, the greatest achievements mankind has ever conceived would not have graced the annuls of history. It is said that the ancient Greeks had seven words for love as not a single word could truly define it in its entirety. Humanity would love to claim that love is a beautiful thing in all forms, yet we know certainly by the moniker of Eros that is hardly true. Love is capable of bringing out both the best and worst parts in all of us. Love can beautiful, love can be ugly. It can be a perfect, white white picket-fence, or it can be a mangled mess of chaos and pain. Love, like dopamine, is neither good or evil. What matters is how it is achieved, and what it results in.

That is the question of the evening. What happens when an assortment of unruly, potentially unstable agents of Fate are fed overwhelming amounts of dopamine and fixated on a single individual?

Those that consumed the wine of the evening were soon hit by an usual, potent effect. That rush of dopamine. Serotonin elevating the mood and providing astounding new levels of energy and ambition. Norepinephrine causing alertness, blood to flow faster and harder, arousal even in some; pupils dilated, cheeks flushed, warmth all throughout the body. Even elevated oxytocin, causing feelings of trust so powerful they dissolved inhibition and social constraints. These chemicals in the brain rushed to redistribute in powerful, synergistic ways to cause those intense feelings of love and attraction.

And, a single fixation on an individual in their vicinity. Not of their choice, but within the realms of possibility. A fixation that could not be shaken or ignored. Bodies that began to misbehave and act not of their own accord, but of the accord they would have in the given situation.

The agents that consumed the wine were vexed with a such a singular focus they cared not to notice. Instead, what they had was an unnatural and powerful urge to act. The desire for attention and affection, validation from their fixation. It was not sexual in nature, not with this inherent cocktail. No, this was different. Hyper-fixation demanding above all else that their feelings be validated. They needed, as if their lives depended on it, the object of their desires to simply... love them back.

For them, that type of reciprocation would be dopamine... in its purest form.

Note: I made a wheel to spin for this so it would be random... and I have absolutely no idea how to genuinely share those results in an easy way, so just trust me on this. The chart will read as described: the name on the left will be the individual affected, the right will be their object of affection.

Zosar ♥ Rapheal
Gav ♥ Nadia
Ark ♥ Elly
Midori ♥ Maria
Gauss ♥ Sara
Sara ♥ Arkayis
Noah ♥ Dani
Raphael ♥ Noah
Annika ♥ Arkayis
Wes ♥ Sara
Dani ♥ Ark
Aki ♥ Ark
Feng ♥ Ark

Elly* ♥ Adrian
Maria* ♥ Arkayis
Nadia* ♥ Wes
Adrian* ♥ Sara
Arkayis* ♥ Elly

*Denotes anyone that either didn't drink or I am unsure of, but this would be their results.
**There will also be some vexxed NPC's, but I didn't assign any single player character an NPC per the wheel.
***I am aware the results are lopsided, like no one falling for Gauss or Ark having a small army after him. Blame the wheel, not me.


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