The Regal Rper
Mad Scientist
- Group
Zosar & Wren | Czechia, Castle, Duo Trouble
Go time.
With all things said and done, the gates being blasted open, Elly's report on not being able to see anything ahead, Kisei's information on what might likely be the cause and the general stuff Zosar personally knew with how Obsidian could impact the magical and supernatural senses, he had to admit he was slightly surprised that Elly’s SSP hadn't been able to pierce through it even a little. Which, again, suggested all of what Kisei might have been thinking.
Mentally he was totally set, all the doubt his initial vague sensation had brought up was gone. There was no room for it when business had to be handled.
What Wren noticed now, was that her partner’s wavelength felt slightly different. Nothing disorienting that could ever ruin resonance because that just wasn't possible with her natural talent, but the aura, the sensation she felt, seemed somewhat…different, a reflection, a loose one, of Zosar's deeper reserves. He didn't have doubts on the success but something hidden was gnawing at him, he didn't know what. For Wren, it was easy to ignore but that also meant given the nature of his soul and their growing rapport, she would notice these things too. Faster than even Elly or Sara could detect it. Even as events unfolded around them with mobilized forces and activity, that difference in his aura to her, as his partner, was palpable like cold water during a burning hot day.
Albeit the sensation wasn't about to fuck up her ability to do her job successfully in empowering him as they moved.
Zosar would’ve felt nothing too dissimilar from his own uncertainty coming from Wren’s wavelength, it was reciprocated, an echo bouncing back in a cavern. It wasn’t fear or, understandably, anxiety for waltzing into the stereotypical Castlevania evil manor without a proper layout from Elly’s SSP. No, it was just plain acknowledgment of how stupid and reckless the plan was, same acknowledgment a daredevil has after doing a backflip off the face of a hill, mid-air, mid-way between the peak and the bed of jagged rocks at the bottom. It was a 50/50 chance of something they didn’t account for showing up, of things going horribly wrong. Those odds sounded fair enough to her ears, truth be told.
The chainblade’s engine was kept dead as, unsurprisingly, it was much, much harder to sneak around a castle with a roaring chainsaw in your hands. Wren would just have to focus on amping wavelength through Zosar’s body for now, keep a pair of watchful eyes behind him for good measure as they went around the back.
There were a couple of moments were she’d slip in her focus and let her eyes wander off, humming to herself as she scanned the grand, regal innards of the castle, before she’d snap back into the mission, clear her throat ”Y’ think Elly’s got her eyes back yet?”
‘ Probably not. Let's just keep an eye out for anything Sara or her shares.’
