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Realistic or Modern Sorcery- OCC

I have ADD so I take medicine to help me concentrate, but I only take one fourth of a pill because its crazy strong. I accidently cut the pill unevenly this time, but It was by such a small amount that I didn't think it would make a difference.

its also important to note that I do school online, and ive been three weeks behind for quite a while now.

In the course of the last two hours I have gotten caught up AND worked two lessons ahead, which is great!

the only problem is no one else can hear the voices... please send help
Oooo good job on getting caught up on stuffff I'm homeschooled so I know that feel

go listen to music or smthnnn bE SAFE
he means well. He doesn't know they are dead, he just knows that she wants to see them and they cant talk back. Fractured empathy is a mofo.
I keep trying to remind myself that they aren't real, but I am just a huge sap and I cant help but relate to them sometimes
I also cried when Dumbledore died, and Sirus, and Lupin, and pretty much any book character I liked (mostly harry potter tho)

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