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Realistic or Modern Sorcery- OCC

So your character looked at a lizard and thought, "yeah, I wanna fuck that thing."


He was going to fuck the witch first, but she took too long. He had a little to drink, and the mutant lizard pet was all up in his personal space.

He looked at it, took one more swig of his drink and said "fuck it, I'm an adventurous guy"
Considering my character can gain memories from the souls that he captures, if he were to kill you and obtain your character's memory..

Please lord, have mercy.
Considering my character can gain memories from the souls that he captures, if he were to kill you and obtain your character's memory..

Please lord, have mercy.

Your character would become an alcoholic, trying to drink away the memories he gained . . .
My character's defense: "Did I say lizard? Noooo, I meant wizard, I fucked a wizard! Not a lizard, geez . . ."
*humanoid lizard abomination getting a blanket thrown over them*

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