Sorcery and the Yozis

That lady sounds like she knows what she's talking about... and she sure has a healthy set of lungs. I sure found out the other night.  :twisted:
Zaramis said:
I think it was the fact that someone else than me said something to Safim. Wordman tends to have a lot of respect around here.
You have much to learn, little one. I can assure you, that respect of wordman is not what holds me back.
Zaramis said:
I think it was the fact that someone else than me said something to Safim. Wordman tends to have a lot of respect around here.
But.. Your mother thinks that solars are just for fanboys who can't stand the thought of playing at the bottom! And she's not afraid to yell it, either!
well your momma chows down on deathlord semen to earn enough to feed your lazy ass..... (note, these are meant as jokes, any resemblance to mothers, living or dead, is purely conicidental)
Haku said:
That lady sounds like she knows what she's talking about... and she sure has a healthy set of lungs. I sure found out the other night.  :twisted:
let me guess, you said your pickup line and she yelled you out of the room?

presence charms baby!
Haku said:
That lady sounds like she knows what she's talking about... and she sure has a healthy set of lungs. I sure found out the other night.  :twisted:
let me guess, you said your pickup line and she yelled you out of the room?

presence charms baby!
Oh nothing like that... she likes to yell out during the throes of pleasure... money helps pave the way, is all. ^_^
One could hope that what holds you back is a respect for other people, a wish to be understanding and tolerant instead of looking to ridicule and rack down on others.

And I don't feel up to insulting people..
Again, I have apologized for the things I said and I regret them. I like to think that that should be enough between people.
Zaramis, give it up. Safim appologizing  to you would be like the sun rising in the west. :D

In theory, it COULD happen. But the odds of it happening...

And the more you try to get an appology is like asking for more abuse.

Sorry for ruining your entertainment Safim.  :twisted:

Now, back to the insults about people's mommas!
considering her jelous hubby' date=' and his gun... wouldn't wnna be you right now[/quote']
Given that her hubby hasn't loaded his gun. I got gooood odds. ^_^
Haku - I haven't exactly gotten abuse. Just insults tossed at me ;) It just detracts from the creative aspects of this forum for me, since I'm drawn to the stupid threads like a moth to the flame. Noooo, must stop reading useless junk..
Zaramis said:
Haku - I haven't exactly gotten abuse. Just insults tossed at me ;) It just detracts from the creative aspects of this forum for me, since I'm drawn to the stupid threads like a moth to the flame. Noooo, must stop reading useless junk..



This forum is creative? Are you sure we're in the same place.  :twisted:
Haku said:
This forum is creative? Are you sure we're in the same place.  :twisted:
It is creative - creatively absurd, perhaps, but still creative.

What the different schools of magickal theory had to say about sorcery in the First Age provide some interesting food for thought. The Salinians, for instance, conceived of sorcery as a form of communion with some kind of universal consciousness that both transcended and connected Gaia and all the critters living upon her...

As for the origins of sorcery: the theory that works best for me is the following. After the Primordial War, when the Solars started ruling the world and the gods started playing the Games, some enterprising Exalts took advantage of the terms of the Yozis' surrender to wrest the power of sorcery away from them. Sol Invictus - too busy trying to checkmate that slippery bitch Luna - didn't notice until the deed was done, at which point he couldn't gainsay the actions of his Chosen without implying fault in himself... and we all know that is impossible. So the Solars took sorcery from the Yozis, whether their patron god liked it or not.

A slight variant/ revision: the beginnings of sorcery were imparted to the Exalted during the war, probably by Autochthon and/ or Gaia. Unrefined at this point, "sorcery" was more of a combination of Primordial metaphysics lessons and raw Shaping power than an occult discipline, but it was still enough to give the Exalted the framework they needed to exact the Primordials' surrender. Once the surrender was in place, the Solars demanded the rest of the 'reality-shaping toolkit' from the Yozis... who slipped in some corrupted methods or actual spells that would subtly assist them in their eventual escape by playing to the Solars' hubris.

It occurs to me, though, that if you go by what's written in Autochtonians, there may have been sorcery of some kind before the war. They specify that Autochthon built backdoors in the Loom that would allow Alchemical weaving to work in Creation... Since the Alchemicals hadn't actually been built yet, weaving didn't exist in its present form, so this backdoor was built to accommodate the shaping of reality by Exalted, rather than particular weaving protocols. So Autochthon - who, let's not forget, designed Exalts and Exaltation itself - planned for the Exalted to someday gain the power to shape reality directly via some arcane discipline. One could even concoct a scenario in which Autochthon taught the Exalted how to enact protocols in the way that his design weavers do it: each one enacting/ powering a particular part of the protocol, such that they cast the magic collectively. This would also help explain why some weaving protocols and sorcery spells are functionally identical...
There's a key difference, metaphysically, between Sorcery and Weaving Protocols.

The former bends reality to the caster's will. The latter activates backdoors in the Pattern Spiders/Design Weavers and causes them to write the caster's desires directly into the Loom.

To restate that: Spells bypass the machinery of reality, Protocols alter the mechanism itself.
Actually do we really know?

If the primodials could bend reality itself, how did the solars win? I always thought of it that the primodials made creation, but had little control over reality itself, otherwise they could have just woven all the gods out of being so to say.
Safim said:
If the primodials could bend reality itself, how did the solars win?
It obviously has its limits. Even Third Circle sorcery, which is the highest level even suggested (to my knowledge) is a far cry from omnipotence.
Total mastery over reality maybe takes more time than it took the Solars to gut the Primordials. The spells and the circles could be routine actions that the Primordials repeated so much that reality processes them relatively instantaneously.
Safim said:
If the primodials could bend reality itself, how did the solars win?
Some other possibilities:

  1. All exalts and gods have a native understanding of "time". To primordials, "time" isn't any more of a real concept than anything else. The result is that, from the point of view of the exalts, primordials "think slowly" so were easily outflanked, similar to what RR said above.
  2. Primordials are to advanced to "fit" in Creation; their only choice to impose their will (and do reality bending) there is to send component souls. These souls, individually, are vulnerable to exalts.
  3. The solars didn't win. The primordials just let them think they did. Since the war about, what, 5000 years has passed? That's nothing to a primordial.
  4. A variant of the last: if you buy my puzzle box theory of the evolution of primordials, you could take it a step further and say that the whole point of the war, even Creation itself, was a plot by Malfeas to encase the other primordials within itself, as the next stage of his evolution. (That is, if seven second circles make a third, and many thirds make a primordial, what do many primordials make?)

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