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Graded [Sootspire Village] A Spearheaded Encounter

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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth nodded along Janja's story, smiling. “I guess I am not the only one chasing dreams, huh? It gives me hope, really. Maybe someday I'll become strong too-” Before he had even finished speaking, a clopping sound caught his ear, and he turned… Just in time to see Ramminger charging at him full tilt, head lowered and ready to clobber him good! Unwilling to use a technique that would hurt the ram, but startled and too slow to dodge, Seth did the only thing that came to mind: He met the charge head on, planting his feet and raising his spear to try and to lock the horns in the weapon's shaft. (Fighting Style [Spear] E, Vitality D (or Strength D?), Equipment Spear E).

(OOC: I am not sure how this works, can Seth try to block with related skills even without a block technique? Otherwise, his other options are lethal and just lay there and take the hit. I threw in things I think could be relevant, but in any case, please let me know about any mistakes. I assume it's Vitality to block and not Strength, but in any case, both stats are D level.)
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Cayde Ramminger

[Ramminger's Ramming F] (Strength E, Natural Weapons Horns F, Ability F, Knock-back F).
Strength E = 2 Effectiveness.
Natural Weapons F = 1 Effectiveness.
Ability F = 1 Effectiveness. (Knock-back doesn't add additional effectiveness.)
Total = 4 Effectiveness.

Seth's counter-attack:
Strength D = 3 Effectiveness.
Fighting Style E = 2 Effectiveness + Accurate F = 3 Effectiveness
Equipment Spear E = 2 Effectiveness
Total = 8 Effectiveness (normally enough to make ram kebabs, but since he's using the shaft, it's easier to write off).

Alternative 1 could've been:
Vitality D = 3 Effectiveness.
Heavy Armour E = 2 Effectiveness.
No ability = 0 Effectiveness.
Total = 5 Effectiveness.

Alternative 2 could've been:
Speed F = 1 Effectiveness
Jumping F = 1 Effectiveness
Heavy Armour E = 2 Effectiveness (although it might differ per narrator, you don't always have to use light armour for dodging and heavy armour for blocking, they can mix and blend).
Total = 4 Effectiveness.

The ram was baffled when his valiant charge had once again ended in coming to a standstill, this time crashing into Seth's spear and (by power of narration) somehow only getting off with a mild dizziness. The ram, feeling defeated, decided to walk off as of nothing happened to go graze elsewhere.

Janja Berger


From: Anila

Having just witnessed it, she nodded, seemingly satisfied enough. “Seems like you've got some quick thinking going on~ When he did that to Ethel, she just stood there like a turtle hiding in its shell.”




Those words got an instant reaction from the girl in question. “Thou shalt neight shame mine name! Thou ram hath merely surpriseth me and I wisheth neigh to harm thy animal!”

“Of course, of course, for which I'm grateful~ Other than his ramming habits, he's been the best ram I've ever had around!” She looked back at Seth. “Come to think of it, where did you say you operated with that mercenary band of yours?” It was entirely unclear how she came to think of it, but the question remained either way.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Wrists sore from blocking the blow, Seth shook his hands and nodded in apology to Janja. “I am so sorry, Miss Berger, he took me by surprise!” He looked at the retreating ram, worried. “Will he be okay?” He slung the spear at his back. He'd have to check it for damage later!

After a pause, observing the teasing of Ethel with a smile, he answered Janja's question “We met up north, not far from the capital, and took a few local contracts around that area while they trained me up. We typically set camp nearby Riken, but rarely entered the city itself unless we were looking for new work.” He thought an instant about the day of their parting, “I believe Helena was considering returning to the Republic proper in search of new marks, so maybe they did that after I left. Oh, that would be her homeland, though I believe she is of mixed heritages.”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

She shook her head, making her long hair swirl around her horns a little. “No need to be sorry. He's got a thick enough skull and you held back well enough, he'll recover. It'll just be his pride that's dented.” Truth be told, she'd have interfered if it looked like serious harm would've been done to his ram. She needed him to keep breeding her ewes for a fair bit more, after all.

However, she perked up at the mention of where he was from. “Oh, she's from Kuridan? I have some family living there~ My cousin Maya is herding some sheep there, though she lives near the Paizu Mountains. I've told her to move to safer areas many times, but she's a stubborn one. Although she told me there's a woman running a ranch there as well, Nonni Soothwalker, or something, I think? I don't quite recall~ If you want some hand-on experience with dangerous life-or-death battles, that'd be the place to go.” She said, although it was more of a warning than a recommendation.




“Hah! If mine oath hath not bounded me to thee Stonewall, I wouldsn't haveth taken thy mountain giants and slain them like none hath slain them beforeth!” She proclaimed proudly. That's when she took note of another thing Seth had said just now, about Helena. “If she posseseth a tail, she wouldsn't be in good prosperity with our baroness!” She did not clarify what she meant by that, if anything at all.

Janja, however, took note of another point. “Kuridan is likely to always have marks left and right. It's a large area, after all. Although the Shogunates there might be vying for power, so mercenary work there is difficult. From what I've gathered, they'll try to use your for their own gain the moment you enter their territories. It's one of the reasons I prefer to stay here, in Ryke.”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth brought his hand to his chin in thought, committing to memory the names she gave him. “I appreciate your concern, miss Berger, but I'm not overly worried about my Captain. She's smart as a whip, and strong besides. Still, I was thinking of traveling north soon. I could check on your cousin and give her your regards, if you wish. And if the area is as perilous as you say, it might be a good opportunity for me. No one ever advanced from growing complacent, after all.” He was a bit troubled about the politics, however. Helena may have little to worry, but he didn't have a position at all, which made him easier to pressure. “I will keep in mind your advice, though. Try not to make more waves than I need to.”

He chuckled when he heard Ethel's comment, “I am fairly certain she does not have a tail, I am afraid. What little [Beast] blood she has is apparent only in her eyes. Is the baroness partial to tails, for some reason?” he asked, genuinely curious about the strange statement.
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Oh, that'd be great~ I do miss the dear, at times. I wonder how much she'll even remember of me.” She replied at the suggestion of Seth meeting up with her cousin. “Although if you go there, don't go too far in the mountains. The mountain giants will kill you. That's true for even the strongest of warriors if they're not with a strong and large team or in the possession of some near god-like power.” She added, wanting to double-check that she wasn't sending Seth off to his death.




Ethel wasn't one to gossip too much, but even she knew the rumours that were going around about the baroness. “It hath been rumoured indeed!” She replied positively. “I shan't judge her, but a shan't understand either! Hath thou any preferences that thou wouldst proclaim?” Was she... asking him he we liked in a romantic partner? Possible. Or perhaps she was too air-headed to consider the possible weight of her question.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

“Noted. I'll be sure to steer clear of the mountains then, but I'd be delighted to give her word from you, miss Berger. At least for now, who knows how strong I'll be in the distant future, eh? You may become famous as one who trained the famous Sir Seth Leventis!” He chuckled at his own attempt at humor, then coughed a bit. He hadn't had a drink all morning, and his throat was parched. Seth reached for his water skin, and brought it to his lips. He had taken the first swallow when Ethel spoke.

Water sprayed from his mouth as he coughed again, this time surprised by the knight's question. “Hrrk!” More cough. Water was not supposed to go in lungs! Did she just ask him… He looked at her. As he expected, she didn't seem to have thought twice about what she asked. “W-Well,” he started with a shaky tone, as Ethel had caught him flatfooted, and he was not the most experienced fellow. “I am— I think… I think I like women with big b-hearts!” Seth was pointedly not looking at Janja, her flowing locks, her beautiful golden eyes, her— “Ahem! Yeah, um, a kind woman, that's it. Yeah.” He finished. Valiantly. At least it was the truth, or part of it.

Was his face red?

Desperate to deflect attention from himself, he changed his strategy. “Um, what about you, Dame Ethel?”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“If that happens, make sure to let everyone know that the famous Sir Seth Leventis recommends getting their wool and sheep's milk from none other than Janja Bergers~” She laughed at his joked when replying it with her own.




She didn't exactly understand what he was saying, between coughing and misspeaking. “Thou likest women whomst carrieth beards?” She asked in surprise. “Thou must be fondest of Dwarves.” She concluded, reaching her own conclusions. “I hath heard Dwarven women are kinder than their male kin.” She nodded, proud of her knowledge. As for the return question, she titled her head. “I likest all whom would oppose me in honourable duel!” She proclaimed proudly! Had she even meant this question to be about romance or anything of that nature to begin with? Possible not. Either way, her answer stood as it was.

That said, a certain someone had picked upon on some glances. “I'd be careful, Sir Leventis, or mister Ramminger might deem it fit to charge you again~” She'd speak to him with a wink. That said, as fun as this distraction had been, she could see the sun had already passed its midpoint. “I'll be moving further to Sootspire from here, so I'll need to pick up the pace soon. If there's anything you still want from me, you're free to join me, otherwise I'd suggest you and Ethel return to Stonewall. It gets pretty dark here at night.”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Quickly reaching his critical embarrassment point and deciding not to read to much into what Janja said, Seth decided to flee. Ahem. Tactically retreat. But even with a wounded dignity, he could still be properly polite.
"Thank you so much for your time and advice, miss Berger. I will put your teachings to good use, this I promise", he said, bowing deeply to the shepherd. "It truly was a pleasure."

As he made to leave, though, he had a sudden thought. Helena hadn't trained a coward. Turning his head one last time, he looked back at Janja. He wore a wider, more genuine smile than before. "And I believe facing a hundred of his charges would be worth it." Then, he glanced at his other travel companion. "Shall we, Dame Ethel?" Without expecting an answer, the mercenary power walked down the grassy hill, Stonewall-bound. If his face was boiling red, well... Baby steps.
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“That's alright! I'm looking forwards to seeing how much you'll have improved some day!” She replied to his thanks. She had a feeling he was the type to improve with leaps and bounds. In fact, there was one thing he had improved on already. His come-backs. She was taken a back a bit, just long enough for her not to get a reply in before he was heading off with Ethel in tow. That said, she'd keep this one in mind for the next time they might meet.




“Thou face areth reddish like a fiend.” Ethel noted casually, as they were heading back towards Stonewall, without really figuring out why. She figured he might've just gotten too much of her glorious presence to not get feverish from it.

Seth's short encounter with the sheep-girl and Ethel came to an end as he safely made it back into Stonewall. Whilst nothing major had happened, he'd picked up a few new tricks and made some new friends (and perhaps found himself a new rival in Ramminger).

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title: – [Professional Pole-arm Poker] – Character is talented at poking people with their pole-arm in a non-lethal manner.

Asset: – [Janja Berger's Acquaintance] - Character is acquainted with Caelia Barony's Sheep-girl Shepherd and Pole-arm Master, Janja Berger.

Skill: Fighting Style [Unnamed Style] [Spear] E
Non-Lethal E - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential. (14 points).
Accurate F => E (7 points).


Elvario - 10 Points to any character

Seth - 20 Points
Acquired Optional Title: – [Polearm Apprentice] – F grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose.
Acquired Asset: – [Janja Berger's Acquaintance] - Character is acquainted with Caelia Barony's Sheep-girl Shepherd and Pole-arm Master, Janja Berger.
Acquired SkillSkill: Fighting Style [Unnamed Style] [Spear] ENon-Lethal E - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential. (14 points to earned and spent).
Accurate F => E (7 points to earned and spent).

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale

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