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Fantasy snowblind | ooc

oh! no worries at all! and if you're busy, there's no divine law about reply length. just dash something off if you have to!

tomorrow is good by me! i'll try to get something up as early as i can!
I will probably edit it later to make it sound better because it is a bit rushed xD
But other than that she is good to go
oh wow, we're almost a whole day apart! how are you enjoying saturday? here it is only friday evening!

aaaaaaaaAAA@@@@@ me too!!!!!
Yeah it makes things a bit difficult xD
Well, I'm off uni at the moment so every day is the weekend. It is good :3
Ooh, a New Zealander? I was starting to think you were just a myth!

EEST/UTC+3 over here! Yes, it's two in the morning. I work nights! Don't judge my horribly self-destructive sleeping schedule ;-;
i won't judge yours if you don't judge mine! the day ends at 4 am and begins at 1 pm, yes?

maree, what are you studying in school? i'm a creative writing major/history minor. so essentially i am going to have a good amount of fun until it turns out that nobody will hire me.
We are a myth
don't come here
we don't exist
We were just made up by the government I swear.

I study veterinary medicine
So it's like animal physiology and anatomy, biology. And so many other things I don't have time to name. Just all the sciences all of them
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I haven't really participated here - for some reason I didn't get any notifs for this thread until now even though I was watching it >o<

My timezone is GMT. I'm about to pass out for the night, but hopefully I can catch up on everything tomorrow. I hope you all have a great one!

The first post is looking amazing by the way! I'm actually a little intimidated because I'm not that good a writer ._.
Wait, if it's just open ocean down there, where did they film the Lord of The Rings?
The lies just keep coming!

Just about! As far as I'm concerned, the day ends at 6 am and begins at like 5 pm!
...I'm a sleepy guy, alright? And a huge insomniac. Falling asleep is usually a four hour process.

Have a lovely night Suya <3
Everyone was just on their own little boat and they used CGI to create the land around them

Sweet dreams Suya
Oh god why am I still awake?

I think it's because the main RP page doesn't link directly to the character page.
Please, Van, mi amor, fix that.
It's driving me mental.
o SHIT you did? that is a markedly unpleasant experience my friend.

if it makes you feel better, here is a nice video i encountered--it is a live dramatic reading of a brief correspondence between the ottoman sultan and.... some eastern european folks the name of whose organization i dont feel like spelling. it is only like three minutes and i promise you will enjoy it. there are however a good many bad words so if there are children around i would suggest not.

Thank you! I really can't explain just how much that annoyed me. I'm petty like that.

And yeah, that maintenance was a bit of a kick in the teeth. Damn shame you lost some work M, you have my sympathies, for whatever that's worth.

Loved the video by the way. Thanks for sharing! The second guy (Peter, right?) reminds me of someone, can't quite place who though.
That's going to bug me for the rest of my life.
It was quite a good video.
On the bright side, I'll have the first post up in a moment.
Ahh, first posts always feel kind of shitty-
oh well it's goddamn good enough for my second attempt xD

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