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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Ymir "And how would you be of help with my equipment, purple-streaks?" Ymir muttered while she tried to, somehow, fix her equipment. She could't do it, no matter how hard she tried. This wasn't like a bike that you could fix in a rush; this was a 3DMG. Suddenly, a new guy appeared standing on the roof. She watched as these two talked and asked: "Do you two know each other? And who are you?" Well, she wasn't used to meeting so many people.
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Jean Jean huffed at what she said. He veered off to the right, hoping that they would be near the last place he saw them. The actual buildings on the ground weren't very big so finding them shouldn't be too difficult. If they wandered any farther - well, that would be the problem. Looking down from the high height, Jean saw a mop of brown hair; he could recognize that hair from anywhere, that was Eren. He turned his direction to head to the boy. He laughed to himself, "Looks like I won Kit-Kat," he said to himself.

@Brianna Ackerman
Shady grins, looking closely at the two people before remembering about the little competition going on. She says to the man, "Watch Ymir for me. I'm going to find eren." She says, launching off the second she finished her sentence, laughing. She spots Eren and sees Jean getting closer. "Oh no you don't!" She cries, gaining speed
Katelle Ackerman

She rolled her eyes playfully and laughed as she landed, before landing next to Eren. Looking up at Jean, she smiled. "I guess so. What's your desired prize, horse face?" She joked, watching as he landed.

{Sorry it's short. I'm busy
@ScoutHeather }

Shady lands right behind Kat. "Damn." She says, nodding at Eren. She looks at the others. She's fought side by side with them quite a few times, but it's hard for Them to remember
Daniel Almas he smiles "well I just saw miss Shady like 10 minutes ago. I am a member of the Survey Corps. Soldier Daniel Almas!" he bows to her "I am part of the rookie people so you can say I am not very good. However I do want to get out of this place and meet the real world, also fight for the King and the humanity!" he keeps his smile. Eh... Hope it didn't look too fake. The true reason is just a selfish one. I want to know more about the world... However I do have to keep smiling, lying and do what people order me to so they won't make me stay here. Ah... I am hopeless

he salutes to her "It will be an honor to fight by your side. I promisse I will try to not stay in your way and that I won't treat you both different from the rest of the soldiers just because you are girls!"
Ymir "For... the King? Now you sure have made yourself to seem like an idiot. I hate the King, who wouldn't hate the King?" she stated furiously. "And the King... is gonna dieeeee". she laughed playfully.

"What are you insinuating?" she frowned. "Don't clarify what doesn't need to be clarified. Our bests soldiers are girls; your reasoning is archaic, and you sure are idiotic!" she acknowledged he was trying to be nice, but he failed at it, and honestly, she had a low-tolerance for bullshit. She smirked, she didn't care what people think, anyways.

She then saw everyone gathering in one place and she went over there; she got down for the hut's roof and started running towards the place where Kat, Jean, and Shady were.
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Daniel Almas he sighs and smiles "I am sorry Miss. But your best soldiers aren't girls. Captain Levi and Commander Erwin are the best soldiers. I am not saying we don't have good female soldiers and in fact we have alot."

he then looks at her smiling "You know what. I am bored so I am going to ask you this. Would you like to duel with me? It would be fun. And we can even make a deal. If you win, I'll admit the best soldiers are girls... If I win you never speak of the King like that ok?" he has a smirk on his face

he decides to follow her. What could go wrong? He was having fun.
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Ymir "Mikasa and Annie best them by far." was her only response while she ran. Then, she didn't pay attention to what he said. She didn't care, to be honest. She watched the surroundings and the poor people struggling to live, until she got to the place where everyone was. And there, was Eren.

"Where the fuck are the others?" she asked him impatiently. "Watch your language, Ymir." a sweet voice came from behind them. She looked back, and there, was Historia. She rushed and hugged her. "Where have you been!?" she lashed out while she entered into the hug.

Ymir mumbled to her ear: "Well, it's been... a ride. But I cannot tell your right now, I can only tell you that we are going to kill the King." Krista looked surprised, but she nodded.
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Daniel Almas "What? You can't do that! You have no reason to do that!" he heard their conversation. He lands next to them "We aren't survey corps members for that!" he looks at Ymir. "Y-You can't be serious right? It was joke right?!" he laughs

Though I don't care about what happens to the King, I need to get out of here... Why are those girls saying that... Should I report this? yes I should... that will make them make me rank up! And if I am not a rookie anymore... I can find some secrets! he thinks of all that while he is laughing. He then stops "You aren't serious right?" he says it now, but the voice was different. It was a serious voice
Jean Jean smiled, he hated when he was called horseface but it was starting to be tolerable. He smirked, "Well Kit-Kat, I'll collect my prize later, I'll let you know when I intend to," He wanted to mess with her, and he knew putting it off like he had some plan would tick her off. But he did have a plan, she just doesn't know about it yet.

And at that moment when Krista hugged Ymir, a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders; everyone else came out of 'hiding' too. Jean had already found Marco, so he didn't really share the same excitement over finding everyone else, but he was still glad everyone was okay.

Pat walked outside the building and walked around looking for the group to tell them what he found.
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Ymir "Get out of my face!! And Krista's!!" Ymir shouted angrily while she stood up before Krista. "I don't know how you heard, but no, it's not a joke. The King must die. He's leeching off the people. Put an use to your brain for once." And with that, she took Ymir by her hand and went straight to Kat and Jean. "We need to go somewhere private, and safer."
Katelle Ackerman

Kat growled at him, kinda pissed that he had a plan and wouldn't tell her what it was. She could be a bit of a control freak. She wanted to know anything and everything. It bothered her to no end of she didn't.

She turned to Ymir. "Follow me" she said as she fixed her tie. With that, she began walking towards a building no one in the group but her had been in before. The Guardian Regiment's headquarters.

Reaching the door, she had to scan her fingerprints and state her name. Her old one, anyways. "
Director override Katelle R. Smith. Change name to Katelle R. Ackerman." There was a beep, and the print turned green, changing her name in the system.

Turning to the group, she cleared her throat. "Jean Kierschtein, Marco Bodt, Krista Lenz, and Ymir. Please step forward, scan your finger, and state your name. This will give you access to the Guardian Security Headquarters for the time being, until I take it out of the system myself. However, you will have very limited privileges to begin with. There are still some things you aren't prepared at all to know."

Jean Jean raised an eyebrow, he had seen that building before but he never even thought about what it was for. Must be pretty serious. He stepped forward with Marco in toe. He held up his finger to be scanned and said, "Jean Kirschtein". Marco followed in his footsteps and did the same thing.

They waited for the others to do the same thing. Jean's thoughts wandered,
what would did they use this headquarters for? Why was it so secured?

Ymir Ymir looked back at Shady and put her finger in her mouth telling her to keep it silent. Then, she looked at Jean and Marco scanning their fingers and then looked back at Krista and smiled. Krista returned her smile. Afterwards, she looked above, at the grat building. Maybe, she thought, her enemies were there, too. In the future... who knows?

She ended up walking boringly to the scanning thing and said, "Ymir". Krista repeated the process and looked at Ymir with a face that denoted confusion. "I will explain later." she murmured to her.
Katelle Ackerman

"There. I've entered a setting that only allowed four new members into the building. This being said, any attempt to get anyone else with you will fail. So, Shady, you can come out of hiding. It's useless."

She turned to look at her, and then back to the group. "As you will soon find out, I am not an idiot. Far from it. So, do not try to get anything past me. Because trust me, you will be caught and punished depending on the severity of your transgression. Do you understand me perfectly clear?"

She nodded at them and instructed the four to follow, before turning and proceeding into the building. Upon sight, there were very few people in this regiment. It was very elite. In the building, there were people working on plans, tactics and strategies, everything. Upon seeing Katelle, they all stopped and saluted. He put them at ease, and informed them that she would be going down into "her office"

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Ymir Ymir and Krista followed by large passageways with many doors at their side. Ymir was quite disgusted with all the rulery and strict conduct that Kat had conveyed. She was more fond of group and cooperative decisions, when it should be necessary. As it was obvious, she didn't like rulers. But for now, she kept silent, it was not the time to engage in philosophical conversations and be thrown out of the operation.

Ymir reassured Krista that it was all good and started mumbling to her the plan they had come up with. Historia, surprisingly, smiled. She was proud. Ymir was quite surprised by this. But Krista had always shown signs that she was not the sweet, complacent girl that she appeared to be, that was only a fraud, a mirage. And Ymir smiled too, because she knew for certain, once again, that Krista was with her again.

After going through some stairways and turning left, Kat stopped.
Shady uses gear to launch herself up the large building into a window. Nobody noticed as she was quiet and there was a shadow over that side of the building. She grabs her sword and fainlty traces the glass, making cuts.
Katelle Ackerman

One of the soldiers had been in this sector of the building alone, working on plans. He had a few candles that illuminated the room, and allowed him to see his work.

Hearing scratching noises, he turned around and saw the girl trying to get in. "Security breach!" He yelled, causing a few more soldiers to come in. There were only three of them, but they were Guardians. You couldn't defeat them easily. They were like gods.

Meanwhile, the group had reached the doors to Kat's office. Unlocking the door, she led them in before closing it once more. Walking over to her desk, and sighin as she sat down, she closed her eyes. Opening them again. "Sorry about that little display back there. I swear I'm not a dictator to my regiment. Group decosions are the way we go. But I knew Shady is going to try to follow us in. They probably already caught her.Anyone have any ideas they want to discuss?"

As if on cue, she heard the shouts of the soldiers. She sighed again. "
My point exactly" she said as she stood up again.

The soldiers had one sneak outside and up behind her quietly. Grabbing a rope, they knocked Shady to her knees and tied her up, dragging her to the ground level. "
Go get the Commander. She will need to see this." The soldier nodded and ran inside, to Kat's office, causing her to look up, a brow raised.

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Jean During this time, Jean decided to fill Marco in. Jean wasn't sure how Marco would react, he knew that Marco stood for the king and wanted to serve him. But if Kat trusted Marco to be a part of this group, then he needed to know exactly what he knew. The look on Marco's face was one that Jean had never seen before. It was one of utter confusion. "Kill the king? Jean that's absurd!" After much convincing, Jean knew that Marco would stick to his side.

After hearing all of the commotion coming from outside, Jean spoke up,
"Alright, what the hell are we going to do about her? She's becoming a problem. Too nosy, if ya ask me."

Katelle Ackerman

She sighed and looked up at Jean, "I don't know. Official discipline isn't up to me entirely. It's up to my uncle, as he is the supervisor of our regiment as well, since we serve under the Corps."

She blinked. "But yes, I agree. She is incredibly nosy, and I don't like it at all. If she is this intent on sneaking into the compound, full of elite soldiers, she must have a reason. If it were to be part of the plan, she would've tried to appeal to me to join the regiment. We don't know if she's loyal to the king or not."


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