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Sniper/Spotter - [Observer x Nijoloblob]



Sniper / Spotter Rp


~Basic RPN Rules Apply

~No God-Modding

~Swearing is fine - Just don't over do it

~Rules Subject To Change Without Notice~











Shaun was at a local bar waiting for his date. He had scheduled this about three weeks in advance and he was quite excited to meet the guy. He checked the time on his cell phone as he looked at the door: 1:21pm. Nine more minutes. How those minutes seemed like an eternity.

Shaun was sitting at the bar, beer in hand when he felt his phone vibrate. He looked at it and saw he had a call coming in. He sighed as he answered it.

"Hello?" Shaun replied.

But the reply he was expecting was not what he heard. It was his boss, calling him to say that he needed to get to the corner of Greenvile Rd. and Towers St pronto. Shaun understood and said he'd be there within five minutes. This was not what he was wanting to do today. Guess he'd have to cancel the date.

The young man asked the bartender for pen and paper. The bartender smiled and handed Shaun what he asked for. He scribbled down a note apologizing for the rude and unattended cancel of the date. He then asked the bartender to hand it to a man named Nick. The bartender said he would do so. Shaun got up and was half way out the door when the bartender started yelling at him to pay for his drink. Shaun's response was yelling back at him to put it on his tab.

Shaun then bolted to his silver, convertible Stingray Corvette and made no attempt to open his car door. Instead he jumped the door and landed in the driver's seat. With the key in the ignition, he backed out and gunned it down the intersection towards his destination.​
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Markus, on the other hand, had been there since the start. His evening jog had taken him past the jewel of the city, Windside Tower. Windside stretched up past the other buildings that had grown with the city, funded by bigwigs of all types. Even the second closest skyscraper, Murdon Banking, only came three-quarters of the way of Windside's majestic height. Although, the recent construction near the top of Murdon suggested they were about to make another push to get past Windside's record-breaking height.

The foot of the towers was another story, though. Far below the glittering towers of the city, muck and filth were everywhere in the semi-shantytown that had been crafted in alleyways and roads. A roadside vendor sold questionable meat in something resembling a burger, and it was while Markus had stopped to consider if he was really that hungry then three large, black vans careened around the corner without warning. Screeching to a halt, hordes of ski-mask-wearing, military-grade-weaponry toting brutes burst from each van and swarmed into the building. The mob of troops battered their way through the flimsy steel door and quickly tazered the solitary and very surprised security guard sitting on a chair within. Civilians were brusquely shoved aside and warned with silent glares not to interfere until finally, the last of the troopers slammed the steel door shut and the street was left in complete silence.

A second later, the spell was broken. Phones came out and the street was abuzz with chatter with phone calls to police about the incredible sight they had just witnessed. Markus too made a call, but to a very different number.

"John. We've got an alert. Get the Minutemen."

Shaun had to run through several red lights to get to his destination in the time he said he allotted. After getting through several intersections, being clipped by a car at one intersection, and Shaun found himself at the corner of Towers St. and Greenvile Rd. He came to a sudden and quite loud screeching halt. As he sat in his car, he looked at the scene before him.

He noticed three large but very suspicious, black vans parked at the foot of the front doors of the Windside Tower. Something not usually there at this time or anytime for that matter. Shaun's first thought was that there was a robbery. But Windside Tower wasn't a bank. And no one was stupid enough to park at Windside Tower and walk the three blocks to Murdon Banking. So Shaun tossed out the robbery as an option. The only other option Shaun could think of was that Windside was part of a global trade network.

Shaun then took note of the abundance of people outside the building on their phones doing one of two things: filming the situation or calling - what Shaun thought would be - the cops. He looked around the scene again to see what else could he could see. That's when Shaun noticed his partner, Markus.

"Markus!" he shouted to him, waving his hand to get his attention. But his call was drowned out by the wurr of a police sirens. Something defiantly was going on and he was going to find out. Getting out of his car he ran up to Markus.

"Mark, what's going on? What happened?" He asked quickly, concerned about the situation.​
Markus was standing a little while away from the main commotion of flashing lights and quiet chatter of police radios. Leaning up against the wall of a nice quiet alleyway he had found, he was about to take a quick gulp from his flask just when a familiar silver Stingray pulled up. He quickly spun the cap back on and tucked it discreetly into his civilian clothing.

"...Shaun" he acknowledged his partner with a tilt of his head. The afternoon sun slipped behind a cloud as he walked slowly over to shake his partner's hand.

"You wouldn't believe it. Three vans, military equipment...no demands, nuthin'. They just stormed in there and we haven't heard anything since. John's sent some equipment our way, our orders are to just recon discreetly until the Minutemen get the go-ahead. That moron, Captain McMurdoch is trying to shove the op over to his guys, this new outfit he's called Snake Force. They've been stealing guys from all the other units - Marines, S.W.A.T., SASR...all over the world. Even tried to bribe a Minuteman into their ranks! Me! 'Course, I told 'em where they could stick it." Markus huffed indignantly.

"Mark! Shaun!" a young man clad in police clothes and too-big bulletproof vest called out to them back at the main hubbub. "Your stuff's here! You two going in?" he asked, clearly hopeful to see the famed Minutemen in action.

Shaun slowed down to a walk as Markus approached him. He took his partner's hand and greeted him with a smile. He then looked at the tower, as Mark spoke about the situation. As Mark was talking, Shaun started observing the windows. He crossed his arms over his chest glancing over at his partner.

"And there is no sign of any movement inside?" He responded, shortly after a pause, he continued; "This would be easier with binoculars. Eh, what the hell, I'll just use my sniper." Shaun then turned his head to his partner and gave him a peculiar look.

"They tried recruiting you? What ever on earth for? And why is Captain Moron trying to take over?"

Shaun's thoughts were then interrupted by someone calling his name. He looked over his shoulder to see a young man, a police officer, calling out to them. Oh this aught to be interesting. Shaun thought, slightly annoyed that this young man was dealing with their stuff.

"Shall we head over?" Shaun asked as he spun around and started heading in the direction of the police officer.​

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