(SliverOfHope & Theytookmyname)

Lucius nodded dully, "I'll stuff my bra more often, put on fake eyelashes, and wax everything. Then I'll put on some obnoxious poofy pink dress and try to flirt with guys. My name will be Lucy."
Jamie smirked at him and let out a small laugh. "Should we go sign the papers for that name change now or later? While we are out we could go find that pink poofy dress, maybe even get the waxing done too."
Lucius blinked, "We could get it done tonight while I got hunting." His face was like this > -_- the whole time. He chewed slowly on his apple before moving on to some chips. "Pink doesn't look good on my complexion. I think a baby blue would seem better." 
(I gotta go O.o )
( xD Okay.)

Jamie pressed her lips to a tight line, a few silent laughs making her shoulders move."Well it's official then." She says quietly. 'His face is so blank' She thought in her head, some chuckles escaping her mouth. She just shook her head and threw away her empty bag of chips, taking a drink from the water bottle before moving on to her orange.
Lucius wanted to smile, he really did, but he maintained his serious face. "Since I am a girl, can I do your makeup and hair?" He had the perfect idea, but it would only work if she kept playing along.
Jamie eyes widened slightly before narrowing in his direction. "Maybe, maybe not." She said slowly, not liking where this was going. "I guess we could do each others hair and make-up." She said with a small smile. If he was going to do anything to her then she would at least get something out of it. But that was only an if, right?
Lucius grimaced, "Let's not then. I'm afraid you'd use something permanent or butcher my hair." He popped a few more chips into his mouth and let out a silent sigh. "Then I'd never hear the end of it from the people here or you."
Jamie let out a relieved sigh. "Good and I wouldn't put on anything permanent, maybe just a few pink highlights in your hair in some spots. It would really help you stand out more." She gets up and throws away the all of her trash before sitting down again. "So what are we going to do next?"
Lucius threw away his trash as well, "I told you pink doesn't compliment my complexion." He stared at his watch, "We should go to the holding cells now, that's where we keep our "guests". We keep lower possessed people so we can mentor them through expelling the demons by themselves. When they are "cured", we wipe their mind and send them back on their way. You'll see a few tell tale signs of what lower class demons make people act like."
Jamie nods her head as he talks about the lower demons. "Okay. Hey iv'e been wondering about this since yesterday but have you ever had someone from the outside world, like me, be recruited into this type of job? You know, not erasing their memory if they are able to see demons."
Lucius shook his head no. "People who see demons and are not in the organization usually die at an early age or become possessed. If they can cure themselves, then we strip the sight away from them, wipe their brains, and then send them on their way. Like I said, you are born with the sight or not, it doesn't manifest out of no where. The council is curious about how you got the sight out of random, so they keep you around."
Jamie nodded her head as she followed him. "Well when you put it like that I feel like a lab rat." She mumbles, her eyes narrowing in front of her. "So if I didn't get the 'sight' out of no where then they wouldn't keep me around and would just wipe my brain?"
(I'm glitching out -_- )

Lucius shrugged, "If you didn't get the sight, you wouldn't have seen the demon, therefore you most likely wouldn't be targeted, and then we would have never met. What if's suck, if you hadn't already noticed. A lot of things COULD have happened, but they didn't." Lucius opened a door, and there were like prison cells holding a few people going down the room. Some were calm, others were talking, and some were hiding in the corner of the cells. The room smelt in general like vomit and human waste, but Lucius ignored it for the most part.
Jamie, again, resisted the urge to gag when the scent hit her. "Yeah, What If's do suck." She said, looking around at the cells with different people demon things inside, the reactions varying from talking to hiding. "So this is the prison. What are we going to do in here again, well besides look at how lower class demons work."
Lucius shrugged, "You can try to help someone. That's what we do on our free time, talk to these people and find out what is wrong with them so we can help them help themselves." Lucius brought a stool and leaned toward a cell holding an old man. The old man was mumbling, "She isn't dead, she can't be. I protected her, I am strong. She isn't dead. She isn't."
Jamie stared blankly at the old man, extremely confused. "Um, why don't you show me how to do that first? Oh and is that the old man talking or the demon?"
"The old man is clearly traumatized... Think of us a therapists or sorts. Though I don't particularly care about their problems, so I am not the best help in this category." He stared at the old man, "The demon is feeding his insecurities. What I can tell is that he lost someone important to something he could have stopped if he was stronger. Maybe it was a daughter, close friend, sister, mother, or wife. He wanted to be stronger, and the demon offered it to him, and now it is driving him mad. Most likely replaying the traumatizing event over and over again." Lucius stared at the man with blank eyes. He addressed him, "There was nothing you could do for her. It was her time, and she had to go. She's dead now, and you need to accept that. You ARE strong, but in a mental sense. That is why you can break free." The man started shaking, but the muttering did not stop.

"I tried," he shrugged. "Like I said, this is not my forte. I'm all for shooting the person, but these people are savable. The best we can give them is time and advice. Maybe he'll eventually come to realize it himself. Maybe someone will convince him, but that is the only way we know at the moment."
Jamie raised an eyebrow at the old man before looking over at Lucius. "There will be no point in getting me to try something like this. I'd much rather be killing higher level demons because doing this," she points to the old man who was muttering nonsense, "is something that I cannot do." Jamie wasn't one to try to make people get past things per say. Yes she felt bad for him, she wasn't heartless or anything. If she had to relieve some of her memories then she would probably go insane but she wasn't one to go to for comfort, or help of regaining you mental and physical stability. "No point in getting me to even try.
Lucius nodded, completely understand. "I can't do it much either. Last time I tried, I got frustrated and told the person to get over losing their whole family because they were wasting important time," he said. He knew it was wrong, but when he lost his family, he did not give into demons. He vowed to eliminate his parent's murderer. "I leave the talking to the ones who like to talk." He stared at the old man and stood. "Occasionally, the demon feeds enough off of the human host that it raises it's class, but it is not often."
Jamie follows him as her walks out the doors. "I mean I feel bad for them but I am not good when it comes to helping people. Fighting and, now, killing is what I am actually good at, helping people not so much." She sighs and blows her hair out of her face, leaving it to fall right back in place again.
Lucius checked his watch and sighed. "We can check the blacksmith before I go out to hunt. You may come along if you want." He locked the holding cells, and motioned for Jamie to lead the way. He was tired already, having to teach someone and explain things was not something he wanted to do, but he worked through it as best he could.

(I'm going to bed. Nighty Night:brb: )
Jamie led the way to the blacksmiths, happy to see her modified knives. "Here we are good sir." She said as she opened the door, closing it after they were both in. She looked around the small little shop area before walking inside the smith's office, a smile on her face. "So, Smith, are my knives ready?"


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