(SliverOfHope & Theytookmyname)

(No, she moves from city to city, never really staying in one spot long enough to maintain a job.)

Jamie smiled a jumped on her bed, a happy moan escaping her mouth as she sunk into the mattress. 'Forgot then the last I actually slept on a bed was... or had a shower.' She grimaced as she looked down at herself. Jamie walked out of her room and into the bathroom, taking off her clothes and wrapping a towel around her body to wash her clothes in the washer and dryer that she found in the bedroom (They now have them in the bedrooms). Once they were getting clean she walked back into the bathroom and started her shower, glad to rid her body of the filth that coated it.
Lucius wanted to go to the bathroom, but he was a hundred percent sure that Jamie was in there. He sat outside the bathroom, waiting for her to leave so he could pee. Granted, he could always go through the halls to another wing, but the other bathrooms were to far, and his stomach hurt. He was tempted to just go pee in a bottle he had in his room (total guy moment right there), but he was trying to be patient.
(Ugh my brother did that once... and the bottle fell over after.)

Jamie washed every inch of her body, feeling better than ever as the dirt slowly peeled away. She turned off the water when she was done and stepped out, drying off her long hair and body before wrapping a towel around herself. She opened the door, seeing Lucius there, and nodded her head in a small greeting, continuing to walk into her bedroom. She got dressed in her clothes and pulled her knives out along with the one gun she carries, a pistol that has her name engraved on the side, and began to clean them humming to herself in the process.
(Ewwwww... It drives me insane when guys do that -.-)

Lucius did not stare at her towel clad body. He didn't, or that is what he told himself. He washed his hands, went to the bathroom, and washed his hands yet again. He jumped in the shower, washed quickly, and got out. He went to clean out his wounds, pulling out alcohol out of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Groaning, he placed the alcohol soaked towel over his still bleeding slightly stomach. He winced in pain, and then wrapped it tightly, somehow. Shirtless -he had gauze wrapped around most of his torso-, he walked out of the bathroom and went to one of the training rooms.
(Yeah, it's just not right.)

Jamie finished cleaning her weapons and heard a door close. She walked out of her room, seeing Lucius go down the hallway, and decided to follow him. There was nothing else for her to do. She watched him enter a room that she didn't see before and walked in after him, happy to find that they ended up at a training room. "Wow this is nice." She commented, looking at the targets as her hand twitched slightly in the direction of her knives, itching to throw some and practice.
Lucius stared at her and shrugged. "We need to train our hunters well, or they die," he said simply. He went to a desk, and pulled out a bucket of rubber bullets. He didn't want to waste his precious ammo on plain targets. He went to the corner of the room and flipped a few switches, the lights dimmed, and the targets started moving in random directions. He let out a breath, and then started shooting.
Jamie walked over to a moving target, bouncing on her feet lightly, and took out her knives. A smirk traced onto her mouth as she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and waited. She kept her eyes close when she threw the first knife, a satisfying crack echoing throughout the room as the blade embedded itself in the target. She didn't open her eyes once as she moved around the room with graceful and light steps, taking a breath and holding it during each throw like her dad taught her to do.
Lucius stopped shooting and watched as Jamie threw her knives. He thought, 'She isn't helpless. The association could probably train her and set her with a partner for a while, if she didn't mind. Whoever taught her how to work with knives taught her well. She may be better than our recruits.' Lucius put his guns in their holsters that were attached to a belt on his pants. He moved back to the desk and watched as she threw her knives, thinking about what to do with her.
Jamie opened her eyes as soon as the last knife hit the target. She loves to do things like this, it's a great skill to have if she ever gets in a fight. She looked around at the targets, each knife landing right in the middle, and nodded her head, satisfied with her work. It was only then that she realized there were no more sounds of a gun being fired so she turned around, spotting Lucius behind a desk watching her. "So, what did ya think?" She spreads her arms out for a bit more effect, a smile still on playing on her lips.
Lucius nods his head in approval. "If your blades were edited by our blacksmith and weapon specialist here, you'd be able to easily kill a lower class demon or a middle class demon. Exorcisms, though, are currently out of your reach. You could easily be trained as one of our hunters, if you wanted."
Jamie nodded her head, liking the idea. "That sounds good but don't we have to ask one of those council guys?" Being a hunter for them would be nice, not exactly the part about risking your life but more of the fact that others would be more protected. She walked back over to the targets as she waited for him to reply, gently taking out her knives from the targets and putting them back in her pouch.
Lucius shrugged, "I'll discuss it with them. I'm sure there will be little disagreement. They are confused as to how you can see the demons." Lucius stood, going to the corner and flipping the switches off. The lights flashed back to their bright selves, and the targets stopped moving. "You'd have to be taught a few things first though, and go through a few... trials or sorts," Lucius said slowly.
Jamie blinked a few times, getting adjusted to the sudden bright light, and looked over at Lucius. "You said 'trails of sorts' a little hesitantly. Okay not hesitantly but slower and more careful than the others. Is that something I should be worried about?" She questioned him, not getting a very good vibe from the way he said it.
He shrugged, "It depends on your morals, I suppose. Nothing that will physically ruin you, but it.... changes you." Lucius stretched slightly, wincing a bit when he sort of reopened the wound. "I believe you'll do fine, but you might be slightly mad at me and the rest of the group."
Jamie looked at him weirdly, a bit confused on the whole situation. "Okay..." She trailed off slightly, not sure what else she should say after listening to him talk. 'What did he mean when he said it changes you?' Jamie shrugs her shoulders and sighs. 'I guess I will have to find out soon anyways.' She realized she was still staring at him and tore her eyes away quickly, feeling a little awkward. "So should we go ask them now?"
Lucius nodded, and turned to out everything he touched back in it's place. "Are you sure you want to ask them this though? Once you join, you can never turn back. As dramatic as this sounds, it is true. You doom your future children to be stuck in this place either as hunters or prisoners." He navigated through the halls and stopped at the door, waiting for her answer.
Jamie followed him, thinking about what he said. "I'm sure. I don't want them to wipe my memory and I don't want to just stay a prisoner here so becoming a hunter would give me something to do." Jamie stood in front of the door next to him, waiting for him to open the door.
Lucius opened the door and motioned for her to go in and sit. He shut the door behind them, and everyone got quiet. They questioned why they were there, and Lucius motioned at Jamie. "I believe you can tell them what you decided you wanted to do."
Jamie glared at Lucius for second. 'Yeah leave me to tell them.' She mentally remarks as she faces the others with a small, barley noticeable smile. "Well, um, I have decided that I would like to be a hunter for you guys and help out. I'm extremely skilled with knives and know how to use a gun. All you need to do is modify them and I will have my weapons, as for training and everything else, that's all up for you to decide." She felt a little awkward speaking to people she didn't even know but she just pushed the feeling to the back of her mind, waiting for someone to respond.
The member who addressed them before nodded his head. He looked to Lucius, "She's your responsibility, you found her, you take care of her." He motioned for them to leave, and they yet again broke into discussion. Lucius stood, and motioned for her to follow him. 'Why should I take care of her? They have mentors out there for a reason. I am not a baby sitter,' he thought. "That room from before can be your permanent room, or I can relocate you to a bigger one if you like..."
Jamie waves her hand in a dismissive way. "It's okay. The room I am in is good." She walks down the hall and arrives in front of the door that connects to her bedroom. "I can start training in the morning if it's fine, unless you prefer a different time." She opens up her bedroom door and closes it softly behind her, heading over to her bed she lays down on top of it and looks at the ceiling, thinking about everything that has happened to her today.
Lucius nods and goes to his room. He slides into the bed, thinking about how he needs to move his stuff at home to here, seeing as he would be spending most of his time here now. He was wide awake, this time usually being the time he went to hunt, so it was unusual for him to be relaxing. His body screamed for him to work.
Jamie growled as she woke up in the middle of the night again, her eyes glaring at the dark ceiling as they adjusted once more to her surroundings. She din't know how long she stayed awake, her mind going faster than she could ever speak, but eventually she fell into another deep sleep, not waking up until the morning came.

(Time-skip to morning because I am assuming it was night.)
Lucius banged on her door, "Wake up. I need to feed you then get you moving." He wasn't hungry, but this girl most likely didn't eat the night before, so he was going to get her something to eat then train her, have her weapons turned in, and then he needed to teach her the basics. "We have a lot to do! Come on."
Jamie tensed up when she heard someone banging on her door, only to relax when she realized it was Lucius. "Shut up! God I'm coming, I'm coming." She mumbled as she got out of bed, ran her finger through her long hair, and grabbed her weapons. She walked out the door and looked at Lucius with slight annoyance making a shooing motion. "Lead the way."

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