(SliverOfHope & Theytookmyname)

Lucius rolled his eyes, and started maneuvering his way through the halls, every once in a while, they passed other people who waved or stared, but Lucius paid no mind to them. He opened the door to the kitchen and motioned for her to go get something. People were raiding the fridge and cupboards and he said, "You might want to hurry if you want to eat."
Jamie rolled her eyes right back at him and looked at the kitchen, seeing a stream of people everywhere. She maneuvered her way through the crowd quickly and easily, her petite body being able to duck under everyone, and grabbed a granola bar. She made her way back to Lucius and took a bite of the bar. "I know it isn't much but I'm not that big of an eater." She simply shrugged her shoulders, chewing the food in her mouth slowly before swallowing and taking another small bite.
Lucius stared at her, and with a sigh, he stood up and shoved through the people. They kind of parted for him, probably just because he looked pretty tired and highly irritable. He grabbed an orange, and then slipped through the parted crowd. He offered her the orange.

He said, "I don't need you passing out from starvation. You didn't seem to have eaten the night before." He sat down after getting himself coffee. He drank it slowly, pacing himself with her eating.
Jamie chuckled and shook her head but still took the orange he offered. "One day without food won't make me pass out." She said softly as she finished her granola bar and began to peel the orange to eat it, more for his sake than hers. Once she was all finished she threw away her trash and walked back up to Lucius. "Ready whenever you are."
Lucius put his empty cup in the sink, and led her through the maze like halls. "I hope you are counting because I won't be able to guide you through these all the time." He opened a door and they stepped into the armory. "I'm going to talk to the smith about your knives, you can look around and if you see anything not labeled that you like, feel free to take it and bring it to me."
She gave him a mock salute, straightening out her back. "Yes sir." Jamie watched as he walked into the Smith's room before letting herself wonder around. Maybe she could find some duel pistols she could use for herself, always finding them easier to use and more effective since you can get twice the damage with both. She nodded her head to herself, confirming those plans, and walked to wear the guns were.
Lucius was having a heated discussion with the smith. "I need you to work with those knives of hers. This is a order from the council and a order from me," Lucius growled out.

"I don't work with already made things, Lucy. You are going to have to have her change weapons to something I already made," the female smith returned with a smirk.

"Look here. You were brought here by the council head to make weapons to keep people safe. If you stop doing that, I will report you and have you removed. Don't call me Lucy," Lucius snarled.
Jamie picked up these two pistols she had been looking at for awhile, spinning them a few times on her fingers and aiming them before smiling. This was something she was going to get. She walked over to where the Smith and Lucius were, hearing the end of the conversation before walking completely inside. She looked at the Blacksmith, clearly agitated and annoyed by him, and asked him a question. "What will it take for you to work on those knives. Do I need to prove how useful and skilled I am with them or something?" She said the last part jokingly but still had a serious edge to her voice throughout the whole thing.
The lady rolled her eyes, "I just don't work on weapons that were made by someone else. To respect their work, I don't want to change it. It's nothing personal."

"You are just being difficult," Lucius complained in a angry voice.

"Look, Lucy, I made those guns of yours, and I do maintenance on them. If you happen to piss me off, I could just make a mistake on them, and next thing you know. You are dead," the lady replied casually.

"Look here, you little brat, you are going to fix up those knives of hers. If not, you won't be doing maintenance on my guns, you'll be out there in some makeshift hole dead because you threatened me," Lucius growled lowly.

The smith rolled her eyes, "Let me see those knives, little lady," the smith was a tiny person, but she still addressed Jamie as little. "We don't want Lucy here to sh*t kittens, now do we?"
Jamie smirked at the smith while handing her the knives. "I wouldn't mind seeing that, but I would feel bad for those poor kittens." Jamie took a step back, her eyes wondering to the pistols the had on the side of her pants before she turned to Lucius. "Oh yeah and I like these." She holds the guns up and shows him.
Lucius nodded, and motioned for her to give her weapons to the smith. "This old lady will work on them while I educate you. You can take the guns, and we can have them marked and registered under your name. Anything else you want to grab?" Lucius pulled a dagger out of his combat boots and handed it to the smith, who glared at him.

"This isn't your dagger, Lucius... This was-" the smith started, but Lucius cut her off.

"It became mine, old lady. Get over it," he growled.
Jamie nodded her head as he talked and put the guns on each side of her waist for easier access. "No them this is all." She watched as he pulled a dagger out of his boots, handing it to the smith. She saw how Lucius cut the smith off in the middle of her sentence but decided to ignore it for now. even though she was a little curious about it.
Lucius nodded, and said, "Let's put you through a bit of training then." He left the smith staring at Jamie

"He's like a bitter old man," the smith complained. "He'll get used to you though." She then turned around and went into the back. Lucius was not going to wait long, if Jamie took to long in there, he would leave her to wonder the halls.
Jamie chuckled at the smith after she finished talking. "Of course he will, I grow on everybody." She watched the old lady go into the back before she walked out the door and spotted Lucius, going over to where he was and stood next to him. "Okay, so what kind of training will we be doing today?"
Lucius replied, "You could hit targets fine, but I'm curious to see if you are able to take the real deal on. Are you willing to try?" He stopped in front of a door, and they could hear screaming. Like bloody murder screaming. Lucius stared at the door with blank eyes.
Jamie bit her lip and considered what he said, ignoring the screaming going on in the room in front of them. She sighed as she looked up at him. "It would be easier with my knives if I had them but I'm pretty good with a gun," she holds up the two pistols she has, "so I guess we can try."
Lucius opened the door, and it was originally a white room, but the walls were stained with blood and it reeked of vomit and decay. Inside, was a little girl chained to the floor. Her hair was blond, but there was blood in it and she was screaming. When Lucius opened the door, the child smiled, and her hair fell out of her face. It revealed that her eyes were freshly gouged out. "Middle class demon, possession level one," Lucius said slowly.

"Lucius, you came to play again," she squealed, but her voice was like hearing multiple voices at once. "And you brought a friend! YAY." Her voice cracked. "Help me please, they chained me up here," a childlike voice whispered out.
As soon as Jamie walked into the room she resisted the urge to gag, breathing only through her mouth. She looked at the little girl that was chained to the floor, something seeming completely off about her. Jamie watched as the girl's hair moved, revealing gouged out eyes on her face. Jamie nodded her head when he talked, the only sign that she heard him. She winced when the girl finished talking, her eyes never leaving her face as she spoke in the same voice Lucius had. "Something tells me I shouldn't listen to her." She mutters with a sarcastic edge to it.
Lucius shrugged, still staring at the demon. "This is usually what we deal with. Demons who posses humans and devour their souls. Some can act very well. This one, "Alice", was possessed and the demon consumed her soul already. Some hunters have.. issues.. with putting out these type of possessions. They aren't comfortable with shooting a child, granted there is no child anymore." He paused, "Alice was once one of us, but she was possessed by a demon due to her wavering. We may hunt these things, but we are still vulnerable to being possessed."
Jamie nodded her head, taking in what he said. "So really anyone can be possessed be a demon. How do you become possessed by them anyways, you said her, Alice, was possessed due to wavering. Is that the only way?" Jamie just wanted to have things become a little clearer to her, how this whole thing works. As she waited for Lucius to reply she looked over the girl, taking in a vulnerable she was in that position.
Lucius explained, "Alice wanted to leave Sanctum, she was sent out on a order to assassinate this little boy, a demon possessed boy, he was mostly lost, almost past the point of retrieval, but Alice thought she could save him. The demon saw the fact that she wanted out, and it offered her the option to leave. It could give her the power to get away, but with a price. Alice did not automatically turn down the offer, and through her doubt, it entered her, and took over her mind."
Jamie looked at the girl a little sadly but continued to nod her head, knowing that emotions would only get you in more trouble in situations like this. "Ah so that's what you mean by she wavered." She looked over at Lucius before looking at her guns on her waist. "I'm assuming it would be too easy to just shoot her while she is in that vulnerable of a state."
"Pretty much,"Lucius said. He shot the chain that held Alice, and it snapped. "Demon, if you eliminate this girl, I shall allow you 5 minutes to run free before I hunt you down," Lucius looked at Jamie, "You kill it, you live. Simple enough? I'm pretty sure you can do it."

Alice stood giggling, "Lucius, I love these games you play. The last batch you brought me were terrible, but this girly looks like she can hold herself fairly well." Alice's nails sharpened and lengthened. She dove forward then jumped to the side at Jamie. 
(I'm sorry, I didn't notice the alert)

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