(SliverOfHope & Theytookmyname)

(It's fine)

Jamie held her place when the girl, Alice, dove forward, aiming her guns at her as she dove to the side, still holding her place. "Thanks for that compliment girly, your not that bad either." Jamie replied smoothly, her eyes slightly narrowed, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.
Alice, the demon, giggled, "I haven't had much practice, Lucius here doesn't like to bring playmates cause they tend to freeze up when they see me."

Lucius shrugged, "Alice gets fairly violent with the trainees, and I'm not allowed to let them die." Alice went to tackle Jamie. Her claws swiping, and she was laughing insanely. Lucius took a few steps away from the girls and stood next to the door.
Jamie ducked under Alice, still getting a decent sized cut on her arm, and turned around. She aimed her guns as she ducked down, one pistol resting on her knee, and let loose a few bullets through the little girls side and chest, smiling as a scream pierced the room. "I see what you mean about the violent part." She called back to Lucius, still standing in her position just in case Alice came after her again.
Alice was screaming in a sharp pitch tone, making Lucius ears ring. Then Alice whimpered in a normal voice, "I'm still here. Don't hurt me! Someone help me! Please, I need help." She started sobbing. Lucius sighed.

"You won't convince her, Alice," Lucius said.

Alice outstretched her hand to Lucius, "Lucius, make her stop! Please! It's me Ally! Make the pain stop!" 
(I gtg)
Jamie flinched when the girl started talking but still aimed her gun at the Alice's head. She pulled the trigger and a bullet flew out, followed by the sound of a thump against the ground. She stood up and wiped her hands off her pants out of habit. Jamie knew the girl was too far gone to be saved but that didn't mean it was completely easy to do. She took another glance at the body before turning to Lucius. "How was that?" 
Lucius nodded, staring at the body that was slowly disintegrating. "It was better than most out trainees. They are raised most of their lives, preparing for things like this, but most can't handle it. Unfortunately, they don't have much of a choice, if we could let them go, we would, but we have to assure the safety of the association, and all in all, the safety of those who can't protect themselves." He looked away from what was left of Alice, "I was her mentor and her partner, she was just a trainee, but they sent her out on that assignment. I may respect what this organization does, but I don't fully agree with how they work."

He sighed, "I am not going to stall anymore, I need to teach you these things so you are prepared when they start sending you out. The council believes that the hunters should learn through experience, but they rush the process. We are humans, not machines, and they seem to forget that sometimes."
Jamie bit her lip a little harder as he talked about Alice and how they just sent her out there, her agreeing with how they work either. She couldn't do anything about it though so she just sighed quietly and looked over at Lucius as he finished speaking. "Okay, whats next?" She asked gently, wincing slightly as her hand rubbed against the cut on her arm.
Lucius sighed, "We'll get your arm checked out and then I'll explain the levels of demons, possession, and the process of exorcisms. After that, I'll take you back to check your blades. Feed you lunch, give you examples of possession levels, and then test you on what you learned. If you do well enough, and if you want to, I'll take you to run routes with me." He walked through the halls navigating through them, "I really do hope you are counting cause I responsible for you now, and I have to clean up your messes if you can't."
Jamie followed after him, hearing how much she had to learn about demons. "Okay, looks like we have our day planned out and yes I'm counting them." She rolled her eyes with a small smirk on her face, counting just like he told her to. They arrived at a door after walking for a short time, she assumed that this was the place where they were going to get her arm looked at.
Lucius opened the door to a medical station. There were no nurses or doctors in at the moment, but Lucius knew a little about medicine. "Go clean it out well, I don't know when was the last time we cleaned Alice up, we don't want you getting some weird disease." He pulled out some gauze, alcohol wipes, anti bacteria cream, and medical tape. He waited patiently for Jamie to come back.
Jamie came back after a short moment and sat down on a nearby chair. "Have you been doing this all of your life, fighting demons? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." She was just a little curious about his life but she didn't want to be pushy, only wanting to get to know him a little better.
Lucius rubbed the wipe against her arm, then smeared the cream. He wrapped the gauze around her arm, then the medical tape to keep it together. "My parents worked here. Like I said, once you join, you can never get out. They had me, and I was forced to learn how to be a hunter. So yes, all my life I was trained and hunting demons."
Jamie ignored what he was doing to her arm as he talked, nodding her head when he was done. "Doesn't seem like it's been that fun of a life huh, but I guess it's good cause your helping others." She said a little thoughtfully. She now has to live like he does, slaying demons for the rest of her life. She honestly didn't mind much, I mean what else would she do? Continue to roam the streets while hoping for a decent meal each night? She shook her head to rid them of those thoughts and looked down at her arm, bending it a few times. "Thanks." Jamie says to Lucius, standing up from the chair she just occupied.
Lucius nodded, "Now to start the long explanations about demons, possessions, and exorcisms." He sat down on a bed, "You may want to sit down, it is a long topic, for the most part."
(Ha, I like your new profile picture and signature.)

"Could of told me that before I got up." Jamie replied but pulled the chair back out, sitting down once again while she propped her feet up on a nearby table just to get comfy. "Okay, I'm ready. You can begin." She says as she looks at him, waiting for him to begin to explain.
(Thanks xD )

Lucius leaned back on his arms, staring at the ceiling. "It's fairly simple, how we rank demons. You have the lower levels, the average, and the higher levels. You split the levels into ranks of three, with three being the weakest. So let's say you have a low leveled demon rank 3, it should be a easy kill. Higher the level and rank, more powerful. Possessions... You say the level the demon is on and the possession ranking. 3 low is light influence almost nonexistent, 2 low is higher influencing enough to get you to lie, 1 low is temptation it will influence you to do things you usually don't want to do. Lower leveled demons use people as hosts, but do not devour their souls. We usually have issues with the lower and higher demon possessions cause they are harder to spot. The average ones go from temptation to completely changing a person. The middle class demons can devour souls, and they can maintain the body after the soul is gone. Higher class demons aren't something you should worry about, seeing as there aren't many of them. Exorcisms are rare, we don't really do the work for that other than talking. It is the person themselves who need to expel the demon, we can't do anything for them, but put a bullet through the head." 
(-.- I'm going to bed, my eyes burnnnn...)
(Oops forgot to post this earlier)

Jamie sits there and closes her eyes, rubbing two fingers on each hand against her temple. "And I have to remember all of that? Ugh my brain." She groans out, her nose scrunching up slightly. "Good thing I have a good memory." She mumbles, more to herself than anything. After of few seconds she opens her eyes and looks over at Lucius. "Well at least I can understand all of this stuff," She flops her hand about, waving it through the air to somehow show her point, "better than I could before. I was a little confused when you said something about that demon in the alley being in the middle class."
Lucius nodded, "It was a middle class rank one. The soul was already devoured, and the demon had changed the human's form to it's liking. Like how Alice's nails elongated. I honestly don't believe that demon was the brightest though." He put his hand to his injured stomach.
Jamie let out a sigh and shook her head. "Everything has a weakness or vulnerable spot. If you were going against Alice with, lets say a pipe or something of that sort, and you had nothing to use from a long range, as in a gun or some knives, it would be best to damage her claws or hands because it's what she uses most as a weapon. You also need to look at how they move, you might find a pattern in their steps." Jamie sat back again, her arms crossed over her chest.
Lucius shrugged, "Impale her with the pipe, since it won't kill her. Her teeth hurt just as much as her hands. Our guns, bullets, knives, swords, and any other weapons you may have chosen are made out of a special metal that was blessed so we can kill these things. Your pipe would just distract her for a while."
Jamie huffed slightly. "I said that breaking her hands would work just fine. It would be rather painful for her to grab you with broken hands, not really letting her get a chance to sink her teeth into you. If you wanted to watch her suffer you could also brake her legs somehow, getting them to squirm around with broken hands and legs." She rolled her eyes as a smirk formed on her face. "Lets go get something to eat before we start training again."
Lucius nodded, "Think you can find the kitchen?" He was somewhat hungry, but it wasn't that bad. He stood up and waited for her to lead him to the kitchen.
Jamie raised an eyebrow but walked down the halls, counting doors and remembering what turns to take. "Your lucky I started counting yesterday." She grumbled as she found the kitchen area and opened up the doors, gesturing her hand for him to walk in first.
Lucius walked in, "I didn't know I was a lady, but that is fine." He opened the fridge, grabbing an apple and then grabbed a granola bar and a bag of chips from the cabinet. He sat down, snacking slowly.
Jamie grabbed another orange along with a bag of chips and a water bottle before sitting down next to him. "Who knows, you could pass off as one." She remarks as she opens the bag and pops a chip inside her mouth, chewing softly. "Just need some make-up, maybe have you hair grow out longer... oh and those fake squishy ball type things that pass off as boobs. Yeah that should do it." She chuckles slightly. "I can see it now."

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