Slave Trade

"Yeah i guess you are" He joked yawning. "But when i think about it I'm the exact same way" he said looking at Emily to see she was still shivering. Alexander sighed taking off his shirt and placing it over Emily as a blanket. "Tell her to give it back to me when she wakes up if im not around" He let Kira know going into a cornor of the cave. "I'll take you up on that offer for sleep for the night" He said yawning once again extending his wings and wrapping them around himself for nothing but a bit of warmth. "Night" He added quickly drifting off to sleep snoring lightly.
Kira watched as Alex moved over to Emily, took off his own shirt, and draped it around the shivering girl. She smiled at his act of kindness; he would definitely be a good ally and friend to the group. At his request on getting his shirt back, Kira nodded and chuckled softly. "Sure," she replied, "It's the least I can do." Stretching her arms, she yawned quietly, her heavy eyelids beginning to droop. Exhausted, the black-haired Aviate lay down on one side, tucking knees close to her chest and wrapping her slender wings around her body to help keep her warm. Closing her eyes, she hardly had time to think about the hectic events of the day, sleep overtaking her tired body in mere moments.
(sorry it took me sooo long. My recruiter worked us extra hard today. and aww 8.2 what happened? :( )

Gin awoke out of his sleep.. again.. He figured he must have been a lot more exhausted than he thought he was. He looked around at his companions, they were all dead to the world, some one was even snoring, though he couldn't identify the source. Gin stood up and stretched every muscle he was able and it felt amazing, all the extra rest was doing wonders. He crept over to the stream that ran through the mountain, careful not to wake anyone, and drank heavily from it. The cool, pure spring water felt fantastic running down Gin's dry throat, it was invigorating. There was no way he could go back to sleep, so he figured he would do something productive, after all there was no night watch. Gin walked to the mouth of the cave and sat on the small ledge just outside of it, so as not to disrupt the barrier. The night air was laden with earthy fragrances. Every tree in the woods creaked and swayed in the wind. Gin didn't have night-vision but his senses were razor sharp, and the light that the stars provided him was plenty to witness the beauty of the forest in the dark. The best thing about enhanced senses was not the edge they give you in a fight or solving problems. It was the ability to view the world in a way normal people didn't understand. Gin reached down and ran his hand over the mountain rock. It was still quasi-warm from the heat of the tropical sun during the day, he could feel every facet, crack, grain of sediment, and change in temperature. He smiled, this is what he loved to do, sit back and enjoy what the earth had to offer, everywhere he went there was always peace to be found if he could be alone with nature. Gin looked at the moon, it must have been one in the morning but he wanted to go for a walk. He decided he would go back to the beach and scan the horizon for signs of another search party. They wouldn't have given up so soon.
Alexander shot awake sweating having the same recurring nightmare about his parents. He huffed out unfolding his wings in time to see Gin leaving the cave.

"He was a bit curious so he got up leaving his shirt with emily and quickly left the cave gliding after Gin.
Gin felt a disturbance in the air. He looked up and saw Alex gliding towards himm. He could make out his silhouette against the starry sky. He paused and waited for his dissent.

"Hey, down here!" Gin called just loud enough for him to hear.
"Alex squinted down seeing him and quickly ducked in and stopped about a foot away from him catching himself.

"Hey just thought i'd join you in whatever you were doing" He said wiping the last of sweat from his forehead.
"I was going to check the shore line for agents," Gin smiled a motioned for Alex to follow as he started walking. " C'mon i need some one to watch my back." The truth was that Gin might as well have eyes in the back of his head, he could watch his own back, but he did enjoy the company.

" So you've been evading these.. agent people... for a while right? What do you know about them?" Gin inquired.
"Well" he said thinking. "One important fact to know is they travel in packs" He said looking around. "Also if you see the tinyest sign of any agents near-by avoid flying at all times since most of their trackers and sensors are focused on aviantes." he said. "There motto is shoot first ask questions later so dont try to confront if you dont have the advantage" He said." Thats pretty much all i can remember now" he said.
2 hours have past Folkvar was little fine but at the same time wasn’t. He start to move and continue to search for the aviate. However he is half tried to get up on his feet but it didn’t stop him. He then stop and start to feel that something is following him, he slow loaded his assault rifle slowly but the thing jump at him. Folkvar firing it with all the bullets that he used on it. The rifle made so much noise that people can pretty much hear it kilometers always from where he at...
"Have you ever heard of the A.A.R?" Gin spoke quietly as if the words would bring bad luck. The A.A.R was considered by many to be a myth. It was a resistance group made up completely of aviates and human sympathizers. Gin had hoped that they could find out more about them. They had to exist.
"Yeah theyre real theyve attempted to contact me a few times" He said looking a the moon."OR at least i think it was the A.A.R that sent me this letter" he said pulling it out of his pockets.When Alexander heard the first shot he immediatly became nervous not wanting to be captured.

"This is bad"Was the first thing Alexander made out hearing the repeated gun fire.

"They couldnt have found us already but if they have we need to get somewhere fast" he said paceing a bit now while searching through the woods constantly for any sign of movements not noticing the noise he was making.
Gin figured the gunshots were on the other island. He looked to Alex, he bore the same grim expression as himself.

"Let's get back to the cave, we have more to discuss with the others before we make our move." Gin looked at the moon.

"I figure we have about 4 hours before daybreak. We have to be gone before then. Let's wake the others."

(i'm gonna leave it there for the night guys. im going to bed.)
"Ok thats a good idea" He said following after Gin but flying low since he didnt want to be spotted.

As he was making the incline to go up the mountain he snagged his wing on a few rocks on the mountain face but ignored and countinued to the cave as a few feathers fell to the trees and moutain base below.
Kira, who was now fast asleep, was still by the fire, leaning against a rock. Her large, pale blue wings shimmered a bit, reflecting the light of the fire, and were wrapped around the Aviate creating a cocoon of sorts to help keep in warmth. Her breathing was soft and she didn't stir except for her chest slowly moving up and down in gentle motions to her breathing. The gunshots hadn't affected the black haired girl's sleep, for her entire body was purely exhausted and needed the rest desperately. All was quiet except for the crackling of the flames and the occasional call of a nocturnal animal from the forest below the mountain.
Emily was sitting on one of the ledges of the mountain when she heard the two Aviates returning. "Did you hear the gunshots too?" she asked. She handed Alexander back his shirt, blushing a little. "Thank you." she said. She shook it off and turned to Gin. "Let me guess, we're leaving?" She was clearly disappointed, but had expected they couldn't afford to stay in one place too long anyway.
"Oh no problem" He said to Emily before doing the same. "We dont know how far but its 4 hours til day and I dont think we can afford to spend that much longer in this cave" He said going over to Kira and shaking her lightly trying to wake her up. "Kirrraaa" He called quietly as he was shaking her.
Groaning, the cocoon shifted slightly and the wings parted a few inches allowing Kira to peer through and see who was trying to wake her. She blinked a few times then rubbed her eyes, realizing it was Alex. "Huh...?" she murmured, withdrawing her wings from around her body and tucking them behind her as she sat up. "What's going on...?" she mumbled, running her fingers through her hair groggily. Turning her head, she saw Gin and Emily were also awake and alert. "Did I miss something?" she asked quietly, looking up at Alex.
"Well a little i guess" he said sighing. "We need to wake evreybody and carry anybody who's too tired and move" He told her quickly. "While me and Gin were out investigating we heard repeated gunshots a few kilometers from here" He explained. "So right now is your time to eat, get water, or clen before we leave' he finished.
Emily listened and decided to eat and drink while she still could. They couldn't very well take anything with them since there was nothing to put it in. She ate some of the fruit and drank some water. She wished she could wash her clothes out; they'd all been wearing the same thing since before they were all abducted. Then she remembered the stream and pond she'd discovered last night on her walk. She told everyone of its location and said she would be back as soon as she'd washed her clothes and bathed, that it should take her no more than half an hour or forty minutes to return. She quickly dove off the cliff and flew to where it was. She had very little time, so she washed her clothing first, washing herself while it laid out to dry in the sun.

Emily examined her foot and wings. All scratches, bumps, or bruises had healed overnight. She smiled and tucked her wings behind her. She wished she had some shoes, but was used to being barefoot since she really had no home. She'd just found the tennis shoes she'd lost on the plane the week before her abduction. Shrugging it off, she took just a couple minutes to relax in the cool water before getting out. A towel would be convenient, but instead she put on her dry, sun-warmed clothing and started back up the mountain.
"Alexander groaned hating the idea of any of them leaving on theyre own, at least while they knew somebody was out there loooking for them. "So" Alex said trying tot ake his mind off the whole subject for a few moments "Anybody have a special power" He asked leaning back on the cave wall pulling back the hair from his forehead before letting it droop again.
Gin turned to Alex, the letter he had seen was still heavy on his mind.

"Let's talk about that letter first. What's it say?" If this letter was the real deal they might actually have a chance a making a difference. Gin didn't just want to escape, he wanted to get even. He had always heard the abduction stories but he figured he would be safe if he stayed under the radar. Now that he had witnessed this cruelty first hand... He couldn't just run away. The A.A.R would be able to use him.
Emily flew the rest of the way back up the mountain, passing through the barrier. She had only been gone about twenty five minutes, and was proud of herself for beating her own estimate. Now that she was clean and dry, she was ready to take on the long trip she assumed was ahead of the group. She sat down nearby where she would be able to listen in to the plan but far enough away she wouldn't be bothering anyone who was trying to prepare themelves to leave. She looked at her feet, which were already dirty again from trudging through the jungle, and sighed. It was still worth the trip. "What's the AAR?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she ran her fingers through her long hair, using them like a comb to untangle the blueish mess.
"Oh yeah of course" Alexander said slaping his forehead with his palm as he reached into his pocket and pulling out the note. Alexander cleared his throat as he began "We are glad to see your safety has been confirmed after the crashing of the goverment agency carrier" it began. "We understand you must be shacken but we ask you not make yourself known and stay staionery until one of our scouts can come to retreive you" He read. "If you dont recieve word from an A.A.R member by the end of the week you are welcomed any of our base locations" He continued. "The closesst one to you is on the next island over from your plane's crash site" He continued. "We are sorry we cannot give you anymore info about our location but we hope to see you, and good luck. Sicnerly the A.A.R" He finished putting the note back in his pocket. "To put it simply" Alexander said turning to Emily. "There like the aviant rescue and resistance team" He replied.
"G-gunshots?" Kira repeated, now quite awake. She quickly rose to her feet, brushing herself off. "You can't be serious...just when we think we can rest for just a few hours," she sighed, rubbing her forehead. At Alex's suggestion, she nodded then knelt down by the food stock, eating a few fruits as well as a roasted fish from the night before. It wasn't much, but it was going to have to work. Looking down at her clothes, she pursed her lips together. She'd been in the same grimy attire since her capture a couple days before. Not to mention the plane crash had soiled them with soot and ash as well. Seeing Emily stride back in, looking much cleaner and more refreshed, she hurried over to the blue-haired Aviate. "Is there anywhere you know of that I could wash off?" she asked, "It looked like you found somewhere." Rubbing the back of her neck, she smiled sheepishly.

Turning her head, Kira listened intently as Alexander read the letter from the A.A.R. "AAR? That sounds strangely familiar, but...I just can't put my finger on it...," she mused out loud, glancing over at the piece of paper in Alex's hands.
Emily nodded at Kira. "I can take you there," she said. "It's not far." She turned back to Alexander. "Resistance? So, they plan to fight back against the humans then?" she finally got her hair to be managable and tied it back into a ponytail. "Sounds like a group we need to get in touch with."

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