Slave Trade

"Two clicks west, m'dear." Allen said, looking back at her softly. Flying wasn't easy, he admitted it, but he was much stronger than average. "We'll be there in no time." Flying low, undetected, was his specialty. Something he was rather good at. He was good at what he did, had been for years.
Emily nodded, although she had no idea what a click was. She figured maybe it was similar to a mile? Shrugging it off, she kept low as well. Hiding wasn't technically her specialty, and it showed. She had long purple-blue hair pulled into twin pigtails which flew behind her in the wind, and periwinkle wings to match that looked occasionally white in the correct lighting. She was glad to at least be over water where the blue helped her blend in, but on land she stuck out like a sore thumb.
Kira unfurled her wings and at command, leapt up into the air. She grimaced at first, due to the fact that her wings had gotten pinned against the wall of the plane and now ached slightly, but it wasn't horrible and so she went on, soon catching up with the others. She was quite glad when other blue-winged Aviate asked where they were going, because Kira had no clue. Flying was one of her strong spots, but if she had no idea where she was going, then it was pretty useless.

Beating her wings a bit faster, she pulled up next to Emily then slowed her pace to match hers. Now noticing the periwinkle coloring of Emily's wings, Kira smiled a bit. She had always wondered if her own blue wings were a defect, seeing how most other Aviates had either black or white, but now she knew it probably wasn't the case. When Allen told them the island was about two clicks away, of course Kira didn't know what a click was, but she hoped it was close. Dipping low, the black haired Aviate reached out and skimmed her fingers across the water, casting a spray of white water aside.
Darkawni suddenly appeared right next to Emily "Hey there." He said silently. His White and Black wings flapping slowly. After staying silent for a moment he said "Just call me Dar" he said and he slowly rose up and fell back down zigzaging and playing with the shadows of the trees and the land. "I say we head up to that mountain..." he said pointing to the huge mountain on the next island.. "Just say we find a hole and wait it out,"
Emily gave Dar a small smile. "I'm Emily," she said. She looked to where he was pointing and nodded. "Hopefully there's somewhere like a cave or something big enough to hide us all for awhile but small enough that it will be hard for the himans to find us..." she said.
"Yeah," He responded akwardly, First time someone had been nice to him in years. "I'll go tell my idea to allen then i'll be right back." he shot ahead and slidded next to Allen. "Hey, See that mountain" he pointed "Me and Emily think we should head over there to find a cave big enough for us but small enough to trouble the humans." He fell back and slowed down next to Emily. "Hey, Just thought you should know, if you think your whole color scheme is wierd, i have a secret i'll tell you when we land... I'll tell you now." he took a deep breath. "See how my wings are white? They aren't ALWAYS like that. Somedays i wake up a different person, Litterally, My wings are black and i'm just angry and agressive..." His cheeks grow red, this was something that embarassed him..
Kira turned her head to see the Aviate who'd blown a hole in the plane. Her eyes widened a bit, not having seen such a special ability before; the ability to weild light and shadow. It terrified her a bit, but at least he was on their side. Good thing she was over the ocean or she might have run into a tree from not looking where she was going. Instead, she slightly bumped into Gin. Snapping her head back around, she quickly apologized. "O-oh, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," she said, embarrassed. Flapping her wings, she moved to the side some in order not to get her own wings tangled up with the male Aviate's. "Flying is usually one of my best attributes but it doesn't work too well when I'm not paying attention," she explained in a slight chuckle. Even though the mood was so heavy and thick with danger that you could cut it with a knife, Kira tried to keep a light heart, but it was getting more and more difficult with the enemy right on their trail. If they didn't get to the island soon, they'd surely all be spotted.
Emily smiled and laughed a little. "I love my wings, they're my favorite color." she said lovingly. "What did Allen say about going to hide out in the mountains?" she asked curiously.
The smell of salt water was soothing Gin's mind. Every once in a while he what skim his hand on the cool water making small wakes on the surface. Every so aften fish what jump out of the water, some were snatched by seagulls. It was picturesque. Gin looked around at the group of aviates in flight and he realized that they were all in formation. He had never flown with others before but somehow they had all naturally created a V shape like a flock of birds, with Allen at the point, leading the way.

Gin smiled and thought to himself: Pretty impressive.. Must be aviate instinct..

Gin heard the others discussing a mountain on the island they were coming up to.

"I like that." He looked over. " A cave would be nice but we have to have an alternative exit in case we're discovered." Between all of their skills; 'constructing' an emergency exit wouldn't be too hard.
"No response, Doesn't seem like he really is paying attention." he took a pause. "I think you wings a pretty" he complimented Emily. "Well I'm changing direct to the mountain, Hopefully Allen notices, Mean while, Cool Trick time." He paused for a moment and focused all his energy and created a shadow opposite of him and Emily and made them shoot and the island they weren't heading too. "Hopefully they don't know the difference as i reflect this light..." he said shoot a blast of light in the direct of the pursurers, Should throw them off.
Emily nodded. "Okay," she said when he said he was going to redirect the group. He sent off shadows in another drection to throw off the humans, then he went ahead to change their course. Emily looked around and noticed the V formation, giggling a little. It was quite a sight. Their wings looked beautiful hovering over the ocean and catching light from the sun.
Kira turned her head and looked off in the distance at the mountain Dar mentioned. It appeared to be a good hiding place. It was tall, which meant it would be hard for the government to pursue them on foot, it was sturdy being made out of rock, and it looked like there might be a cave high up where they could take shelter. Spreading her light blue wings to their full wingspan, she began to rise slowly as they came up on the mountain. "I'm a quick flyer, I can scout out for a cave with maybe one other to look for an emergency exit," she suggested thoughtfully.
Dar just silently scanned the mountain looking for possible entries. He shot instantly forward. They had to have been about half a mile from hitting the beach. He fell back like a messenger. "About halfway up the mountain i noticed a stream of water. I think we should head to that. Streams on a mountain comes from caves. so we enter from the stream start point and set home." he informed Gin, Emily, and the Others. Hopefully they would survive..
Emily listened to both of them. They should definitely go where there was water, since they needed fresh water to drink and eventually bathe. They should also scout out a food source where they could aquire fruits an other foods, and find a hidden area where they could fish without the humans spotting them. She voiced all of these opinions to the others so that they could decide as a group where to go.
Sweep team finally reach the plan clash site but however it look like someone else was there before they got there. Folkvar look those guys and their part of 5th sentry unit which was bad news for him. However they reach the clash site but one squad were guarding the jeeps and using the radio. Folkvar got out of his vehicle, did try to protend to not see them but he know their right there. He gave his order "I want two squad to stay well check anything from the damage plane. Okay rest yo-" he was looking at a tree when he spot a feather which made him climb up the tree. However his team thought he was going crazy but they didn’t spot the feather. Folkvar took feather well on top of the trees he took out telescope looking left and right slowly he found another feather just 1 mile away from where he at. In his mind will he fail or success? Folkvar put the feather in his pocket and came down told rest of his order to his team. "One squad take a jeep and go other side ASAP! Well rest of team we move straight and run fast." however one of his soldier ask "Why should they run straight Sir?" Folkvar didn’t answer his soldier’s question just running straight and fellow the left over feathers on the tree top.
"My vote is for stream entrance, i mean Fresh Water, Bathing Water, Fishing Water, and i can do a nifty thing with shadows to make it look like there is no opening!" he prided himself on his opinion. He Slowly said "We are like 100 feet from the island" Dar slowed down and landed on the beach. Giving his wings a rest he then hit a tree and got Mangos. "Lets go up that mountain!" he said as he shot up towards the stream
Gin pin pointed the stream Dar had mentioned. It looked perfect, internal streams would have catacombs within the mountain and there were probably multiple exits. When Gin heard Kira's suggestion he said:

"Sounds good, scout ahead, take Dar with you, he'll be able to light the caverns." Gin looked at Dar but he was already half way up to the stream. " We'll meet up with yall in 15 minutes, Emily and I will try to gather what food i can find down there." Gin pointed to the vegetation at the base of the mountain. He looked forward to Ben and Allen.

"You two should keep eeyes on the beach while we're down there. In case they try to sneak up on us."
"Aight." Dar slowly replied as he Shot up with kira and Entered the stream. He got a bit wet but not too much. Nothing some INTENSE LIGHT CAN'T HANDLE. The Cavern lit up and he had one word to describe it... "Beautiful" he said as he Scooped up water from a pool and wiped off his face. The water was clean and clear and he noticed different hall ways that strangely shaped into rooms. "Aight this seems good, Lets start making it homely.. " dar suggested as he stepped outside and slid down the the group. he said to emily. "Grab Leaves and head up soon. I have to ShadowLock it..." he took a breath and said "I'll explain when we are all up in the cave. He Silently shot back up.
Emily listened to the plan and watched as Dar and Kira fly away. She hoped that she and Gin would be able to find enough food to last the night in case they couldn't come back out. "What about a fire?" she asked. Lighting a fire in the cave would normally be a bad idea and give away their location, but if Dar could make the cave appear dark they'd have no issues. "We might want to gather firewood as well."

Dar returned and said something about heading up soon. She nodded and egan gathering some berries. Whe she went ro pick some up, she noticed a periwinkle feather on the ground. She looked around and saw a feather here or there. Looking out over the ocean, she saw almost a trail. Worried, she told Gin. "I think we left a trail." she said. Black, white, and blue feathers would lead the humans right to them...
Dar started figuring out his lock screen... Maybe some way to make it visible to aviates? this was a puzzler.. Then it hit him.. He'd do a multiscreen. He'd do ray of light for every two of shadows, there fore... Nah. He has it! He will make a signinal around it. This will not seem odd to the humans... but the aviates will know what it will mean. He will remove all the shadows in the area except for the fake wall. "Yes." he silently whispered to himself.
Kira nodded in agreement and pumped her wings hard, shooting up with Dar towards the cavern in the mountain. They reached it in no time and she flew inside, softly landing on the hard ground without a sound. Strolling around, she ran her fingers lightly along the rocky walls while listening to Dar's instructions. After he'd jumped from the cave down to the group, she trotted over to the river, examining it with her eyes as it ran across the floor and dropped off at the cave's entrance, creating a waterfall. A gentle smile touched her lips; it was so beautiful.

Kira then noticed a dip towards the right of the river and placed her hand on her chin thinking. "Hmm....I wonder...," she mused to herself, looking at the river then back at the dip. Taking a deep breath, she put her hands out in front of her. Moving them in fluid motions, some of the water from the river began to move. Concentrating hard, she pulled that water from the river and moved it through the air over to the dip, beginning to fill it. Before long, the floor indent was full of water, creating a small pool of still water about waist deep. Proud of her work, she wiped her hands on her pants. Now they'd have a secondary water source just in case they needed it. Her graceful blue wings reflected the water's shimmery surface, creating ornate patterns upon the cave wall.
Gin nodded to Emily,

"Yes, you get the food, i'll handle the wood. Then everyone meets back at the treeline in 15." Gin put his hand in and mocked a football huddle with an enthusiastic:

"Break!" On cue he dashed into the forest spreading the tendrils of his mind. Between sight and smell alone he found large quantities of burnable wood within 30 seconds. He quickly began stacking wood at the base of the mountain next to the small waterfall created by the stream above. He looked up to Dar, swirling patterns of shadow and light were working around him.
"Nice work, Since we are showing off it seems a bit dark in here." dar bragged as he instantly Lit up the room and started gyrating his arms, the cave looked like a light show spots of light and dark. This was quality work. "Ima go get the rest." dar said stepping outside. He jumped down and landed silently. He said to them "Emily, Gin, Come on, we are ready and its been 30 minutes. Looks like you got nuff food.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Sorry for Double post, Just goinng to merge em.) As they all entered the cave Dar shot out one last shadow and sealed the door. "Ok i've done some science crap. and so aviates and pass in and out, because of our feathers. If a human tries, Well it'll just be a wall. he said as he Sat down in a pile of leaves.
Folkvar was rushing and crash in a lot of brushes, trucks, and many roots. However he look back and his sweep team was not seen anywhere like there gone. However it didn’t bother Folkvar that much. It did in fact made him start remembering a lot of his past and the guilt the he have done to his own homeland. Start to walk near a river and just sat there but also made him start singing the Norway anthem (

) and still repeat over and over know that will calm him down for at least 1 hour...

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