Slave Trade

"Ben" He lied eyeing the group now that he had a closer look.

"And no but i was on a plane similar to this about a few months ago" He said looking at the wreckage.

"Did any of the guards survive the crash" He asked stopping about 15 feet away from the group.
Gin eyed the newcomer in silent observation taking in everything about him. He had noticed him earlier hidden in the trees but he smelled of aviate so he didn't mention his presence. His stance was strong and his chin was high but he was dirty, like maybe he had been living on this island.. If that was true, between him and Allen they had a good chance of evading the enemy with they're knowledge of the surrounding area.
Emily shook her head. "Not that we know of... I think one got to a parachute in time, but... He didn't land here, at least." she said. She didn't want to divulge too much information to 'Ben'.
"Damn" He muttered under his breath eyeing the group one more time.

"How many of you can walk and or fly "He asked.
"And you've been living here ever since?" Kira inquired, taking a step closer. She tilted her head to the side slightly, her eyes studying this stranger. He was rustic but strong, and definitely looked like he knew the area. If they could have him on their side, maybe they'd actually have a chance. Lifting a hand, she grasped her shoulder, wincing. " know of a drinking water source?" she asked the newcomer softly. Turning to Gin, she mentioned, "We all should at least get that much before moving on. Several are wounded and it would help to at least wash out the cuts and quench our thirst."

At 'Ben's' question, Kira slowly raised her hand a bit. "I believe I can," she answered.
Emily paused at the question. While she was wounded and weak, she thought she could fly. She examined her wings, coming across a few gashes and bruises she hadn't even noticed. She hoped it would be okay. She didn't want to show any weakness in this situation, whether she was in pain or not. "I can fly," she said quietly. She hoped she was right. Since she hadn't even felt the wounds on her wings, they might have some sort of trauma. But they would have to work for now and heal overnight.
"Well too answer your first question ive been living on this place for maybe around 4 to 5 months roughly" He said trying to thnik about it for a minute before giving up the thought.

"And second of all if you want the water source your gonna have to trust me first" He answered simply.
Gin nodded at her.

"Yes, we should definitely all hydrate before moving, and bandage what you can, we have to get out of here asap." Gin turned to 'Ben'.

"I can fly and i can carry one if necessary. Are we going to the island?" Gin looked to Allen then back to Ben, they were the one that knew whats going on.

(By the way we have one unconscious i.e. abraxas.. keep in mind.)
"I wouldnt suggest changing islands for now" He replied honestly.

"This one has food, alot of trees, and a water source" He said turning and walking towars the tree line.

"I say until were spotted by enemy or we see any sign of them on this island we make a shelter here and see what happen" He finished.
Stella moved about the house she was in, humming softly to herself. She ignored the other servants, all human, as she moved. She hated drawing attention to herself and besides the rest of the household hated her. Well expect her master. Well maybe him too.

Stella didn't really care. Her wings were invisible at the moment as they only drew more stares from the rest of the house and they were small enough for people not to hit unless they came close to Stella. No one came close to Stella.

The aviate moved so that she left the room, heading towards the kitchen.
"It be best that we did as soon as everyone is airworthy." Allen said, glancing at Ben but otherwise saying nothing. Did he trust this guy? No, he hadn't trusted anyone in years, but he could keep his mouth shut. "We can rest fully at the island then plan our next move."
Kira's shoulders slumped some. Her throat was as dry as a desert and her entire body craved water. How were they supposed to trust this strange character when they'd just met nearly thirty seconds ago. Feeling her knees wobble and threaten to give out on her, the black haired Aviate sunk to her knees and she stroked one of her wings gently. All her muscles screamed for sleep but her brain urged her to follow Gin's plan and get out. Reaching up, she felt her forehead and took a deep breath. She couldn't fall apart now, she just couldn't.

At Ben's words, Kira nodded quickly in agreement. She needed to rest or she wouldn't be able to fly very far. She attempted to stand once more, but her legs felt like jelly and barely moved at all. She'd been through so much just in the last forty-eight hours. She'd been ripped away from her loving family, beat up, thrust into a stuffy plane, and almost blown up in a crash. Her logical mind kept telling her to get up and move on, but her body kept refusing.
Hashal and Joel sat in the back of the roof-absent Jeep#7 which was leading the drive towards the crash site Hashal had his two best men accompany him in his squad, the drivers name was micky, and riding in the passenger seat was the only one of the four without his helmet because it got in the way of the cigarette he was enjoying, Ronnie had always been a heavy smoker but he was still best sniper on the 5th sentry team.

Hashel seemed to be in an unusually good mood and even gave micky a CD to play in the raidio for the trip ( music link to you tube:

) and told him to play it on full blast, the other jeeps where not to far behind. they would reach the crash site in about 10 minutes if they kept this pace up.
listening to Rugged Monks: kill kill kill made him think of the things he was going to do to the aviates before they died and trust me none of his thoughts where pretty, each image Hashel made in his mind made his smile brighter and brighter, Hashel soon found himself singing along to his dead nephews favorite song to play ever since his parents where killed by aviates. if Jeep #7 found the aviates he would play it as he toutrued them one by one....

( i do NOT own the music disclosed in this post)
Alexander winced mentally eeing the bad shape they were on.

"Cmon if you want water and I should be able to afford to share enough food for you" He said still not sure what he should think of them but looked between the two male aviants seeing them as the leaders of the group.
(idk she'll write herself in appropriately, just let her do her thing)

Gin stepped forward to help the black haired aviate girl. She looked rough and tired like everyone else. For some reason they had been in the same spot the whole time. He could almost feel soldiers moving in on their positions, and he didn't think it would be rubber bullets this time either.

"Let's move, you lead the way Ben." Gin nodded to him motioning for him to lead the way. Gin's stomach rumbled, he couldn't remember the last time he had had a decent meal, he hoped what ever this guy had wasn't grubs and berries. He wanted meat.

"Does anyone have any major wounds?" He asked to the group at general.

"If so i think we have a healer.." He looked at Emily who's foot wound was now a minor cut.
Emily blushed a little when everyone looked at her. "Yes," she said, twiddling her fingers a little. Her naturally shy demeanor had finally returned, and the in-control girl from before faded away with her strength. Her wings took longer to heal than her skin, but would be completely healed by morning, and she announced that to everyone. "I can also heal others, to an extent. I'm getting better at it, but I've never healed anything fatal, so I don't know if I could heal something that was fatally serious...."
Allen only shook his head, but followed, folding his wings and pressing the button on the leather bands again. He didn't need them, and the bands kept them stable. He had to be careful because they had a little extra weight to them with the steel plates. The leather bands kept them in place, kept them from getting damaged.
Kira shied away from Gin at first, embarrassed at her weakness, but seeing he was genuinely trying to help her, she allowed him to, grasping his shoulder for support as she stood. "T-thanks...I'm sorry, I've just been through a lot and I've mostly been running on adrenaline. Now it's all starting to hit me," she explained meekly, her gaze towards the grass below. She listened carefully to the conversation, then smiled a bit at Emily. "A healer?" she asked, making sure she heard right. Kira knew that some Aviates possessed certain unique abilities but she'd never come across a healer before. Using her wings to balance somewhat, she managed to stand up straight, thought she was afraid her legs might give out on her again. Slowly, she began moving forward, just putting one foot in front of the other, following the stranger. Every once in a while, she'd stumble over a rock or vine, but for the most part she was somewhat stable.
Emily nodded a bit, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's one of my gifts." she said. She didn't mention the other 'gift', as it seemed unimportant for the others to know about.
Alexander saw them getting up and motioned with hi head to follow as he slowly started off into the trees.
( i dont know when it would be convenient for the story so Mowgli should cue me as to when the 5th sentry would be near maby mention something about hearing the music in the distance when your ready)
Wingal said:
"Well cmon let me know when your ready to leave" He replied leaning on a tree.
(I already motioned for you to lead the way. Just pick up and we'll follow your lead.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Sounds good, I'm thinking like as we sit down to eat we hear the music, make a run for it, bad guys with guns and conflict yadayada.. cool?)

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