Slave Trade

Guard A opened his eyes, pulled out his ear plugs and drew his stun rod, turning the safety of making the rod emanate a crackling blue light waiting for at least 30 seconds when their hearing would be restored but their other senses would still be ruined before he began barking orders to the winged freaks; "alright i want everyone and i do mean every one of you to put your hands where i can see him and just sit tight we will be reaching our destination very soon!" he showed no disregard for Fredrick`s body besides from the fact that his baton was missing from it`s belt "And i want who ever has assertained any weapons to put them on the ground NOW!"


Location: Island project, west: Director Don-Cid`s office

Don-Cid sat in a very large genuine leather chair meant for people of power and authority, he was alone, not just alone in his Japanese styled office with cut bamboo shoots and water fountains that made it radiate a calming feel, making it look more like a psychiatrists office than a Director`s but he was alone mentally and sociably as well as just physically. it was always like this and would forever be like this, Don-Cid was having the flash backs again.

Everyone he was in charge of keeping alive where strapped to chairs in an interrogation room, but he was the only living soul there. Everyone else
had gunshot wounds to their heads making the floor flow crimson, there was a creaking sound to his right as the interrogation rooms door opened slowly, it was time. But would the the people on the other side of the door be his rescuers or his tormentors? - *Director....Director?.....DIRECTOR!* Don-Cid came to with a blink the voice was coming from an overhead speaker. "yes? what is it this time?" he inquired with a groan *Security Chief Folkvar is asking for a meeting with you personally he says it is about the conditions of the prisoners.*

"Send him in"
((Alright, lets see what I can do....haha!))

Allen grunted as the plane leveled out again, throwing a crate against him and, in effect, waking him up again. No, he hadn't exactly been drugged when he came on board. He'd walk on by his own free will, far to used to this to be dead honest. Years of plane rides, fights, it was a wonder he still struggled at all these days. He looked ahead, seeing the lead Aviate fall and shooking his head. Time to move.

With a hefty shove of his legs, he sent the crate against him away, tensing his arms. Bound, of course, but no matter. He stood, giving the rope on his wrists a firm tug and freeing himself. He sighed, hitting the button on the leather straps that bound his wings. New technology kept them against him, but he knew how to work the bands. He spread the blackend wings expertly, dodging forward and leaping over the pile of Aviates, standing between the guard and the winged ones.

His scars, new an old, shown in the light in a eerie way, haunting him and making him seem just as dangerous as he was. They told his story, told it well. He spread his wings lightly, looking back over his shoulder. His voice was deep and monotone, but had a tinge of command and authority that had never left. He was not broken. All these years and these humans still had yet to break him. "Take your time recovering, my friend; you're safe." He turned his attention back to the guard. "Come on, human, show me what ya got." He tensed, a slight smirk on his face. Welcome to his world.
Guard A did`int take Allen`s taunt like that idiot Fredrick would, instead of charging him with the baton he used his free hand to draw his pistol ,armed with rubber bullets of course, the Director still needed these freaks alive, he shot at the Avaite aiming two shots for the chest and one for the forehead. " know your place kid!"
Allen's wing whipped in front of him, making dull ting sounds as the rubber bullets made contact. Good. They weren't looking to kill. Which meant everything but deadly force was available to them, which was good for the aviates. He smirked again, lowering his wing once more. "Steel plated wings. I'm not some kid that was just recently picked up." Allen growled, flexing his wing again.

"I'm just a fighting Aviate that managed to make the right flight for once." He chuckled, dead and monotone, same as his voice. But his wings were steel plated, a modification made after his fifth win, when his owner at the time decided he was worth the extra coin. It didn't hinder his flying ability and only added more protection. "So try again."
Gin struggled to regain his footing. He was swaying hard and slamming into the ground with every attempt to rise. His vision was recovering but all the words he could hear were muffled and slow. As he fought to regain lucidity a winged figure appeared in between himself and the guard followed by what sounded like a reassuring word from the aviate. He couldn't make his words but he knew he was a friend. Sluggishly Gin pulled the electric baton from his waist and pressed it into his saviors hand.

"Bust his ass!" Gin attempted to shout but he was sure it was barely coherent.
Guard A chuckled obviously not phased by Allen`s unearthly tone of voice, "Try again? is there really any need? In exactly 8 minutes we will arrive at the island and a strike team will board the plane, while i`m not authorized to kill your cherry --$ they are and they will eliminate those who don't cooperate!" he pressed a button on his baton sending more electricity up it making a buzzing sound to emphasize the word " cooperate"
Darkani Had a wicked grin across his face, After waking up instantly he heard what gin said, All he said was, "Watch." The Light streaming in from the windows instantly took form of an orb, The orb grew bright, and it shot off, Burning the guard alive. He spread his arms back out and returned the light to the outside world. he looked out one of the windows and saw the island nearly a mile away but clear in sight, the light returned to his hands an busted a hole in the wall. he Gestured silently.
Emily covered her face when the grenade was thrown in. Her sight remained while her hearing was taken away. She helped Gin up, very glad the plane had leveled out. She tried to help the Aviates as best she could. She looked out the window to see an island, and somehow she knew that it was their destination. "Got any other ideas?" she asked. Once they landed it would be much harder to escape. Her wings were still bound and she had no idea how to remove the straps.

A couple of the other male Aviates were attacking the guards, and Emily noticed that they all seemed to have special abilities just like she did. Though she hoped hers would never have to be used. It wouldn't so long as they all made it off te plane safely.
The Guard felt the impact of the orb and it hurt like hell, but he wasent burned to death his advanced armor had takin the killing edge off the attack and was partially burned though enough to see his chest his helmet and leg armor was still intact , he instantly retaliated firing the rest of the rubber rounds at the offending Aviate before he charges Allen with the electrified rod taking a swing. he missed. sending sparks across the rail of the plane that HAD been hit causing the carpet to catch fire.
Acrid smoke filled Gin's nose with the smell of burning flesh and plastic. Gin's senses were functioning at this point and he new what he had to do. he looked out the window and saw the island approaching fast they had to get out right now.

"We need to bring the plane down NOW!" Gin rose to his feet with Emily's help and sprinted past the burnt guard, still alive, toward the **** pit. He swooped low and picked up and electric baton. Gin kicked in the cockpit and didn't give the suprised pilots a chance to react, he quickly stunned them with the baton. Then he cranked the baton up to full blast and lodged it into the fuse box underneath the controls. Immediately the console began to crackle and pop sending tendrils of electricity arching over the control panel. Smoke filled the cockpit and the plane started into a steep dive towards a nearby island. They were going down.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Alright everyone at this point we are going to crash very soon. All those without wings that plan on staying alive must secure a parachute those with wings need to get off the plane before we hit the ground, the plane will land in the jungle the island is a couple of mile in diameter, all aviates are unbound asleep or no, assume they live)
"What?!" Emily exclaimed when he mentioned taking the plane down. The carpet of the plane was in flames and before she could catch Gin she felt the plane tilting foward. He'd stunned the pilots and now the plane was going down. She hoped they landed in the ocean rather than crashing onto the beach; at least the water could cushion the impact. But the plane might explode either way on impact. She felt her feet sliding again. She slipped backwards when the plane did a nosedive and she tumbled headfirst, her foot catching a sharp pipe. The force cut clear through her tennis shoe into the sole of her foot. She let out a small cry in pain and tore off her shoes, which would have hurt the injury. She didn't have the time necessary to heal the wound, so she instead slid the rest of the way up to Gin. "What are you doing?!" she asked in a panic. "We're gonna crash!"
Allen smiled, flicking the baton in his hand. Now this was more like it. But as the guard charged him, he was almost glad for the miss. He hated being shocked, was one of the few things that slowed him down. He knocked the baton away, shoving the man down onto the flames of the carpet while reaching passed him to the fire exstinguisher. Without much thought, he gave the carpet and the guard a quick spray. No sense in burning alive just yet.

The change in the planes flying was enough to rock Allen on his feet, but he stayed standing. Far to used to this. Where was that button? He looked at the plane wall and smile, hitting the green button rather than the red. "Emergency Crash Landing, brace for impact." Came over the intercome system as the plane itself braced. They wouldn't die in this today.
Emily rushed back to the cargo area when the alarm went off. "We're going down!" she called out to all the Aviates. "We need to fly off the plane before impact to avoid injury!" she was trying to be calm and helpful. On the inside she was terrified. Her wings were still bound and she couldn't fly. She hoped someone knew how to remove the bonds, but was preparing herself for the fact that she might still be on the plane when it hit land.
"YOUR GONNA DIE FIRST!" said the guard face visible through a cracked helmet from his fall into the fire , outraged spitting foam out of his mouth as he flicked open a box-cutter he had a parachute attached to his back and had Fredrick's body slung over his shoulder, thanks to adrenaline he had somehow gotten past the two other aviates, letting Fredrick down he lunged at Emily.
"Back off!" Allen all but roared, tackling the one guard away from Emily. He was angry. He fought harder when he was angry. "You'll die before you lay a finger on her!" He growled, striking out with the baton. "Hit the button on the side of the band, girl, it'll free your wings." He said, still facing the guard.
Emily's eyes widened and she tried to brace herself to fend off the guard. Her wounded foot owever couldn't be put on the floor without a large amount of pain. As the man lunged forward, one of the other Aviates tackled him to the ground, then called to her about a button. She quickly examined the straps and located said button, pressing it. The straps fell to the ground and her small periwinkle wings pushed out. The shimmering feathers were the same color as her thigh-length hair, and it felt good to have them freed again.
Gin used his perception to find the fastest way out of the plane, everything slowed down and he weighed a thousand possible escape plans within half a second. Calculations on top of reasoning, on top of decision and action. Gin noticed the speed and intensity of the carpet fire, the rate at which altitude was being lost, the number of unconscious and conscious bodies in the vicinity, any minute detail was inspected and thought of thoroughly. Nothing escaped him.

"We hit the ground in 57 seconds!" He shouted and sprang into action. He ran into the cargo room to find the button in the cargo room that wouuld release the loading dock. That would open up a large hole in the floor where they loaded the cargo. He found the switch and activated it dropping half of the floor down so that they could see the ocean and half of the island they were heading for. Intense wind surged into the cargo area blasting packing material and wood everywhere.

"FLY!" Gin shouted above the roar of the wind.
Emily looked to the unconscious passengers and to the Aviate attacking the guard. She didn't know what to do about the ones that were still sleeping, though she assumed that if each Aviate carried a sleeper, they would all be okay. She looked to Gin, who seemed to be the leader of the group. She knew he wouldn't hear her small voice over the wind, so she simply pointed to the Aviates who were unconscious.
The baton struck Guard A in his now unprotected face;" D@-N IT! he screamed, stumbling backward dangerously close to the hole in the wall made by the Aviate with the light powers both his hands where clutching a broken nose, the box cutter and Fredricks doomed body fell through the hole drooping over the island.
Emily watched the two guards topple out of the plane. She quickly disregarded her decision to ask Gin what to do, instead taking it into her own hands. She wouldn't let a fellow Aviate fall to their death.

((Who of the Aviates are still unconscious?))
Gin saw Emily's motions but he had thought of this already. The bodies were at the back of the plane because of the planes incline earlier. Now that they were in a dive the bodies were sliding back into the middle of the room where there was now a giant hole. Gin pumped his wings hard fighting the downward momentum that they had built up from falling. As he calculated two of the 3 unconscious aviates fell directly towards him and he caught both of them just as he regained equilibrium. Gin watched from the air as the plane plummeted toward the earth. He struggled to keep himself and the two other aviates in the air. the last aviate would still be in the plane, the aviate was positioned where they missed the hole and would be sliding toward the door. It was up to the people inside.

--- Merged Double Post ---

KaitWink said:
Emily watched the two guards topple out of the plane. She quickly disregarded her decision to ask Gin what to do, instead taking it into her own hands. She wouldn't let a fellow Aviate fall to their death.
((Who of the Aviates are still unconscious?))
(gimme a minute to figure that. i was just leaving room for other people, any of the three that dont have a person behind them will just die or something lol.)
Emily picked up the last Aviate. With some difficulty, the delicate girl was able to get the Aviate and herself into the air. She looked at the others and nodded towards the island, motioning that she was going off the plane to take the Aviate to safety.
Allen smirked, wings spreading as he dove out the cargo bay. He hovered easily beside Gin. He lightly relieved the Aviate of one of his two burdens. Extra strength helped at times like these.

"I think it best we land before someone on The Island sees us." Allen said, pointing to the island lightly. "Once there, we can start with introductions."

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