Slave Trade

(OH ok sorry i didnt know if evreyone was standing up)

Alexander kept his pace through the forest looking back evrey few minutes to make sure they were following.
( ..yup and maby Leman Russ`s charector`s team could be coming in from the other side of the island setting them in a pincer (if its not too much >.> )
((they fly, they'll be good :D haha))

Emily followed the others into the jungle. She wondered how far away this water was. She'd never been able to completely stop her cough she'd aquired on the plane, and now she realized she was just thirsty. Her stomach was grumbling as well, but she didn't complain. Once again, show no weakness. She also couldn't help but wonder how long the group had until they were discovered again...
"AFter another 10 minutes passed of walking Alexander pulled a big leaf to the side to show a small camp set up with a running stream and 6 fish set up on sticks roasting by a fire.

"Make yourself at home" He commented sitting down to make sure the fish didnt burn.
Gin kept pace through the woods Kira using him for support. His sensory perception became a symphony of information in his head, hundreds of different creatures, both insect and mammal, let loose their various chirps hums and shrieks into the forest. A myriad of smells filled his nose, plants, fruits, pollen, flowers, his fellow aviates.. they all produced their own set of sensory information that Gin could process and organize. He was tuning into his surroundings and he felt better already. He was usually light hearted and easy going but for the last two days he wore only a harsh expression, but for the first time his features softened, he gazed at his companions and actually smiled. He was among friends, Gin would be considered by many to be over trusting, one of the few flaws in his judgement, but he couldn't help that he wanted to see the best in others.

"Ben how far till our destination?" He had enjoyed enough of the day, there would be no more momentary vacations from the reality of the situation. He had to get his game face on.

As if on cue, Ben pulled a large leaf aside and revealed a pleasant looking camp.

"I thought i smelled fish!" Gin exclaimed excitedly and ran to the fire.

"Thank god.."
"There should be enough so help yourelf ill settle for berries tonight" He said to the group smiling.
(your the villains, you have creative control to steer the plot line. within reason of course, we can't always be fighting for our lives. oh and i was thinking later on, the director could figure out a way to get wings and powers maybe. we can discuss more on the character sheet if the group is interested.)

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Wingal said:
"There should be enough so help yourelf ill settle for berries tonight" He said to the group smiling.
(easy with the one liners. Its okay to be short during dialog, but give us some insight into your characters thoughts and emotions.)
Kira's eyes grew wide as Ben pulled back a leaf, revealing what looked like a small paradise after being in the plane for so long. Immediately, she scurried for the water, not stopping until she had completely submerged herself in the river. The plan had been putrid and hot, not to mention the muggy weather was beginning to take its toll on her. The cool stream water felt amazing on her aching muscles and helped wash away some of the dirty from her shoulder wound. Once she'd drank her fill, she climbed out onto the riverbank, dripping wet.

Kira smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck once more. She was a bit embarrassed at how she'd just plunged right in, but she couldn't help herself. She'd always had an attraction to water, her special ability being able to control it. Shuffling over, she took a seat in front of the fire, not bothering to use her ability to take the water out of her clothes. It was still quite hot in the forest and the water was keeping her nice and cool. She waited until Gin had his pick of fish before reaching out slowly and taking one for herself.
Folkvar sweep team were rushing in order to get there before the other team reach there. However Folkvar was quite thinking and thinking about the way how his team going treat the aviate when they reach there one thing for sure it wasn't going to pretty. Also the fact their were 25 minutes away from the crush site but he still have the feeling that other team reach before them. Driver ask if they should speed up, Folkvar gave a thumb up without saying that 'do it'. His crew speed up in order to reach the clash site before other team reach it.
Alexander couldnt help but laugh to himself mentally seeing the female aviant plunge into the water. "They sure are an odd bunch of people to get stuck together" He thought to himself as he observed their certain habits and traits.

"So can i know your names?"Alexander asked out of curosity.
The black haired Aviate paused her meal, glancing upwards at Ben. "Kira," she answered shyly. Now that they were out of the plane and in the daylight, a natural streak of light blue could be seen in her hair, matching the color of her wings. A large droplet of water slid down her nose and dropped to the ground. Reaching up, she quickly wiped her face, dispersing most of the water that was left. "Sorry, it was just so stuffy in that plane. It felt nice to cool off," she attempted to explain her interesting actions, a bit embarrassed. Leaning over, she took another bite of the roasted fish, almost able to feel the strength returning to her body.
"I'm Gin Rummy" Said Gin through a mouth full of fish. "I'd shake your hand but they're full at the moment" Gin motioned towards the fish in his hands. It was hardly seasoned but the meat was delicious on his bitter tongue. He walked over to the stream, finished his fish, then leaped into the water flapping once to increase the height of his jump slightly. While in the air Gin extra sensitive ears picked up a sound on the wind. Kill kill kill...

He dived into the water like he had seen the girl do earlier, it felt fantastic and rejuvenating. When he got back on land he felt partially restored. Gin quickly unfurled his wings sending shining beads of water misting behind him momentarily causing a rainbow. He felt good.

As if to interrupt his moment he heard it again: Kill kill kill... He didn't like it. It was music probably the search parties heading towards the crash sight about 2 miles from the camp.

"They're getting close," Gin said grimly to the group when he returned to the fire." We should get going soon."
Kira finished her fish in no time, then turned just in time to see the male Aviate dive into the water with a huge splash, his wings haven given him an extra boost for his leap into the stream. Gin, so that was his name. "Glad to see I'm not the only one who enjoys the water," she remarked. Laughing softly, she jumped to her feet and using her renewed energy jumped into the water once more, causing a small wave to wash over Gin. Waving her hand slowly, she manipulated a small ball of water to rise up into the air, swirling it into cool shapes before allowing it to burst and fall onto her head, splattering into a million tiny droplets. Swinging her arm, she even managed to send a small splash of water out of the river and onto Emily and Allen, hoping they didn't mind getting wet.

Kira's fun was soon interrupted, though, as Gin tensed up before saying that the soldiers were getting close. The blue winged Aviate pulled herself from the water and wrung out her hair. "How can they be so close already...?" she asked, her voice returning to a frightened whisper. Any joyful emotion that had risen up in her slipped away as she slowly made her way back to the group.
Emily took one of the remaining pieces of fish, nibbling on it. He asked for their names. After all this, she supposed he was trustworthy. "Emily." she said quietly. She didn't look up keeping her eyes trained on her hands or food at all times. "And now, 'Ben', I think you should tell us your real name..." she'd seen through the lie the second it escaped his lips. If he was to be trusted, he could start with his name.
Allen ate little and swam less, more to relieve the tension in his muscles than enjoying it. It felt little better here than it did in his cell on The Island, the team far to close for his liking. "I agree, Gin. It's not safe here." Course it's not safe anywhere. He knew it very well, had lived it to long.
Emily heard Gin's warning. The team who was after them was getting close. She started eating a little quicker, determined to finish the meal so she could get her energy back. She would need it.
Alexander heard a distant thump before stuffing his mouth full of berries and looking back at emily.

"Ill tell you this if we can survive and get away from these people ill tell you anything you want to know about me" He said putting his jecket on and quickly putting out the fire.

"I am not going to get captured again" He thought in his head.
"Alright everyone get ready two leave in 90 seconds, we have to get out of here fast!" Gin looked to Allen.

"Hey you have to lead the way to this island, fly low and fast! I'll fly in the back." Gin unfurled his wings and prepared to take off. Before taking to the air though he filled up a canteen he found by Ben's tent and he grabbed another fish, which he promptly swallowed whole. He leaped high into the air and hovered just below the tree line.

"Everyone ready?"

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(Hey guys i'm going to sleep, i have pt tomorrow so i need rest. Don't go too far with out me, we can pick up tomorrow. peace.)
"Im ready anytime your ready"Alexander anounced widening his wings which were the same color as the clouds and caught a glint of the sun.

"How far ae they now" He asked as the thump began forming into the words kill,kill,kill which sent a shudder down the back of his neck.
Allen only nodded again, clicking the button once again and freeing his wings again. He lept lightly into the air, the breeze catching him easily. "Keep up, but if you need help, tell me. I'll give you a hand."
the personnel of the 5th sentry team could smell salt as the jungle got thinner and thinner. 7 jeeps pull into the crash site parking in a semi circle around the wreckage, Captain Hashel tells Micky to cut the music so he could pull out the megaphone from under his seat and order the squads to dismount and organize into a formation, it took a but a few moments for the 24 men. Sqauds1-6. to form columns and rows facing Captain Hashel his the other 2 personal favorites plus Joel who where standing with their backs to the wreckage.

The vindictive captain traced back and forwards along the lines of the small formation, all eyes where on him as he spoke through the megaphone that would amplify his commanding voice, his mood had vanished with the music leaving him to give a speech that would taste as horrible as the salty sea filled with the deification (waste) of many many angry fish; "As we can all see here we where too late to catch the d@-- dirty Bas---ds at this crash site!" Hashal slurred "but they can not have traversed far from this place! I need squad 1 to radio a status report to Director Don-Cid and stay here in case they come back and guard the remaining jeeps , squads 3 and 4 will take there jeeps and patrol the beach side! in the mean time squads 5 and 6 will trace backwards to the way we came on foot in case we missed them. And finally me and Squads 2 & 7 shall check the forest areas that we have yet to cover! remember to shoot to kill if you feel like capture is impossible or unnecessary! now lets get us some b***h`s!"

two jeeps began driving across the shore line while the other squads bid as they where told checking there weapons before setting out or digging in, Ronnie put out his smoke and put on his helmet leaving the pure salty smell of the sea ravaged by unholy whips of Tabasco as the 7th squad went towards the direction of the aviates`s camp squad two went in another direction (another trail that did not lead to the aviates) Hashel had a felling that the number 7 was no longer lucky for people with wings

the 5th Sentry team was on the hunt!
"Alexander wanted to go but stayed to make sure evreyone else had taken flight first. "Im such an idiot risking my life for people who i just met" He thought hitting his forehead.

"These people better be worth it" He thought again looking up at male aviant.
Director Don-Cid was getting impatient, he received word from the 5th sentry team but the aviates where not at the crash site they where probbly turning the the local flora and fauna upside down looking for them but he had not yet heard from Folkvar`s team, the Director radioed in the sweep team "This is the Director, our 5th sentry team is currently on site. you had better get a move on if you want those doctors Cheif Folkvar." Don-Cid lazied himself bacwards in his chair and let his impatient nerves be attended to by the sounds of rushing water.
((This is Ooc, Sorry for not keeping up i checked on it last night or whatever and it was like at page 4, Can anyone quickly get me up to date...)

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Darkani looked gently at allen, realising he has said not a word to anyone. He smirked. "i'm darkani..." he gently Blasted himself ahead of the group with a shadow that transformed rapidly. "Just one of my tricks." he suddenly dissapeared from sight. How was he moving so fast? only answer he controls light, and can travel on it.
Emily lifted up in the air. Her wings definitely hurt, but she would be fine so long as they moved quickly. She followed along behind the rest of the Aviates. She could hear two vehicles heading in the direction of 'Bens' camp. There would never be any going back there once they discovered it. She hoped the new island could hide them for awhile so they could actually recover, rather than being chased all the time. She wasn't very good with directions, so she called over to one of the Aviates leading the group to safety. "Where is the island from here?"

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