Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

(w0000!! 100 posts!!)

SAandy smiled brightly at hm. "Thats great! And it is, everyone is so nice, and we all have our own jobs that help keep the place running! Like, I've got a job a a flower shop. Its pretty fun." She cocked her headat him. "So, are your parents going to come down here and join you?"

Carla looked thoughtful. "He would suck at manual labor until he beefed up." She looked down at the boy. "Hes got a cute face, I would say send him out with the girls and Jett to work the streets but hes probably a virgin, and despite how much tiger-boy brushes it off I think he'd go ape-shit at the mention." She looked at her husband. "Dave...if he's fast enough, we could just have him be a runner. Send packages back and forth." Money was hard to come by legally, and getting into the drug buisiness, as much as she hated to admit it, was one of the best ways to keep this place afloat.
Maxwell had a noticeable tich in his jaw at the mention of his parents as his face grew a bit serious to try and avoid snapping at the girl. "She doesn't know you can't get mad at her" he thought to himself before looking back up at her with a smile. "Please don't ever mention my Parents of Family while i'm here. . . Thanks" he said colder than what was meant but he had to say it anyway.

"I see what you mean there" the man said quietly massaging his chin to help him think. "How about this since it will be his first day we will let him do a bit of both" he said coming up with a quick solution. "The first half of the day we'll send him running to see how much money he can get off of that without getting caught" he said clearing his throat a bit before continuing "Then we will let him clean up here and send him out with the girls though we won't do anything to harm something he hasn't lost yet" he said in a deep throat sound. "We will probably only offer him as eye candy maybe even a decoration you know how the upper classes feel about Looks and a pretty faced boy like himself would fetch us a mighty dollar" he said before something came to mind. "Though we're gonna have to keep that other boy from looking for him after he got done with his day so I want you to keep him busy enough so he won't have time to think about anything else but to sleep and eat alright Carla" he said looking down at his wife.
Sandy flinched at Max's upset tone. "Im sorry....I didnt mean to upset you....." She turned back to her food andsaid softly. "My dad was killed by shifter-hunters when I was was awful and mom was never the same after that...I guess I was just..hopeful that your story was happier than mine...."

Carla nodded. "That sounds like a good plan. I'll have the tiger running ragged around here." She looked over at Max and gestured for him to come over. "And if we can get him working , we can open him up to alot of clientel."

Terry looked over at the head couple, talking nd looking in their direction. The hell were they going on about. He muttered to Max. "Careful. Somethings stinks about this place and I dont mean the boar-shifters..."
Maxwell felt bad about it after hearing Sandy's story and sighed feeling bad now "Sorry about a month ago my Parents were killed and my house was burned down just because somebody found out we were shifters living in a human neighborhood" He said a bit sad himself when he noticed the couple waving him over and then Terry whispering next to him. Max sighed looking over to him "I just started trusting them don't make me nervous again" he asked in a pleading tone petting his head before finishing the rest of his food off and got up quickly. After another few seconds he was already in front of the couple "Yes mam and sir" he asked politely.

"I'm pretty sure you know that your not going to be able to stay here for free, so we have decided what job your going to be doing for the while your living here" The man said grunting a bit. "Now first of all are you a pretty good runner and know your way around the city" he asked waiting for a reply.

Maxwell looked at them a little confused before answering "Yes sir Iv'e escaped a lot of people before with ease" he commented looking back at them.

The man nodded before looking back at his quickly and then back at Max "To help us be sure what job your going to be doing for a while your going to be doing wo diffrent ones tonight with a break in between" he said calmly. "My wife Carla here is going to explain the first one for now and after maybe 2 or 3 hours of doing it you can rest and make yourself clean and nice then your going o be given the second one" he said before walking towards the sound of a slight argument to break it up.

Maxwell nodded at both of them "Sounds fair" Maxwell commented happy to be contributing somehow.
Carla finished her food an sood tup and gestured for Max to follow her. "These packages are small but theyre important. When you are given an address to follow you take the quickest and most discreet route and you make sure you are not followed. You get there and back and nothing else." She suddenly turned and looked the boy dead in the eye. "And you, are not, under any circumstances, ever allowed to look into one of these packages. If you do, I WILL know and you will be down one eye and out on your ass in the street so fast that your head will spin." Her face came less than an inch away from his, so close he could counter scars and see the flecks of brown in her sharp green eyes. "Do you understand me?"

Terry finished his eggs, nodded at the girl who was talking to Max and went up to Carla's husband Dave. He watched Carla and Max walk away before looking back a the man. "So, I heard you had work available for me?"
Max shivered a bit feeling a cold shudder run down his back at the dangerous threat given to him from Carla and the seriousness she had in her voice. "I promise I won't open it at all and I'll go straight there" he said picking up a few of the boxes at once. "I guess I will leave then" he half said and half asked running over to the door. "2012 kings street" he muttered to himself looking at the first package as he slipped between an alleyway and was on his way.

The man looked him up and down before replying with a nod" Yeah I do have some work for you" he said walking out into a big field in the back which was sprouting with different vegetables. "I need you to harvest all of these and then resow replat and water all of the plants again" he said steadily handing him the equipment needed. "And I better not see one dent on any of them caused by you" he said sternly walking over to a chair in the shade to monitor him.
The streets were packed as Max went on his way, and he eventually comes to the designated building where a shady character opens the door and looks him over with a cold eye. "That the package?" The guy was almost 3 feet taller than Max and 3 times as dirty, and about a hundred times more deadly, seeing as his gaze looked like he didnt know whether to fillet the little dog shifter or just slice him up for kicks.

Terry looked at him incredulously. Damn, they dont ask for much. " got it. Do I have a time limit?" Consideron the fact that Terry had never used any of this shit before in his life. That miiight make things go a wee bit slower. Christ.
"Ummm yeah I have the package" he said nervously handing the man the package which had the addresses belonging to this place and shakily handed the man the package. "Uh here you go sir just what your ordered I guess not that I now what that is" he said extremely nervous. "I hope I can hurry up and get out of here" his mind thought in a shaking in his voice as he slowly was already looking at the other addresses from the corner of his eyes.

"No problem just take as long as you need to take" the man on the porch said smiling as he kept watching Terry rocking back and forth.
Th guy took the parcel and set it aside before grabbing the kid by his collar and hoisting him up. "You're awful twitchy for a delivery boy. They got you on somthin? Or did ya steal some of what was in here for yerself? Huh? Did ya you little shit??" He breath smelled foul, but he was susper strong.

Terry mentally groaned. THis is gonna suck..He grabbed a basket and started pikcing and harvesting what he thought was the right stuff and setting it aside. "So....where'd you guys send Max off to? I cant imagine youd be having him do grunt work."
"No No I promise I don't even know what's in that package i'm just the delivery boy thats all" he said coughing from the man's breath at such a close range. "Please don't hurt me I can't help being twitchy when I'm in front of new people is all" he replied honestly the shake still in his voice.

The man looked up from his Hat at the question "Don't you worry about Max we have him as a messenger with other people we know since he knows the way around this city the best" he replied dipping back down into his chair.
The guy dropped Max like a rock. "What the **** ever kid. Just get outta here." After tossing some money at Max he tuebned and slammed the door shut, laving Max free to go if he wished.

Carla waited impatientl for the kid to return. 'Lets hope he didnt mess this up' she thought. It would be a shame if a cute kid like him got killed.

Terry grunted, not sure if he was pleased by that answer. 'Hopefully he'll be safe...' He worked his ass off for the next 4 hours, but when he was done , everything was picked, replanted and watered. Covered in dirt and sweat and he grinned over at Dave. "Good enough for ya?"
Maxwell returned to Carla hours later with all the packages delivered and handed her a big stack of rolled up money he got off of today's deliveries. "There" he said sighing a bit to catch his breath. It was obvious he had been through a little bit by the dirt markings all over his clothing. "And nobody followed me at all" he added knowing that was going to come eventually.

"So what do I do know" Maxwell asked curiously hoping it was a step up from what he had just gone through.

That looks pretty good" Dave replied walking over there and reviewing the work. "Now then you see those planks of wood and hammer and nails" he said pointing to thee other side of the Field. "I need you to go fix the fence for me" the man said simply patting his back and walking back to his chair.
Carla snatched the money from him and counted it, making sure it was all there. "THi next job is going to be a test run for you." Points to a box. "I want you to put on those clothes and meet the girls in the lobby and go with them. Do as your told an you'll be fine." When he looked in the box its some basic leather pants and a tight long sleeved black shirt that shimmered a little in the light.

Terry looked at the wood, then looked at the guy. Was her serious? All of this work for one ******* meal? He grumbled a little, possibly rethinking this whole staying here buisines and got to work on the fences. "What do you do around here all day?" He noticed the guy was parked on his ass, just watching him.
Maxwell gave a little sigh" It looks like im not going to run though" he thought to himself and took the box into his room. After a few minutes he came out with the pants fitting tightly onto his body showing off every aspect from the waist down and the Shirt fit perfectly feeling almost like a 2nd skin as he walked around a bit trying to get used to the feeling when he found the girls Carla was talking about dressed similar to himself. "Hello" he said walking up to the group putting his hand up to signal a wave.

The man smiled at Terry as he got to work on the fence "I make sure everything is right with our Vegetables and barriers from the outside world" he replied snidely tipping the hat on his head again just like before.
The girls turned to look at him and some of them cooed. "Aww look, hes so cute." "Isnt he the new boy from breakfast?" "He cleans up good." "Ohh what a sexy little thing." All of these were said at once assaulting the poor boys ears. One of the older ones stepped forward. "Give the guy a chance to breathe girls." She strutted up to Max, long wavy blonde hair, curled to perfection, a short black skirt with thigh high boots and a red corset top that very much accentuated her cleavage as she leaned into get a better look at him. "Whats your name sugar? And howd a sweet little thing like you get roped into this job?"

Terry had to hold back a snort. Yeah, right. He sighed and got to work on the fance, just wishing this day would end already. As he worked and pulled on the fance, it was only the fantasy of a hot shower and soft bed that kept him going.
Maxwell was blushing intensely hearing the comments coming from all of these girls at once. "I'm not that cute" he said shyly stepping a back a step losing his newfound confidence and watched as another taller women stepped up looking nice but her cleavage was very big "My name is Max, Mam" he said unsurely at the fact of being called sugar again. "And I don't know what I'm doing the lady just told me to put these clothes on and follow anything you say" he replied looking back up at the women.
The older woman straightened back up. "Oh you poor little thing. Dont worry sweety, Darla'll take good care of ya. You just listen to me y'hear?" She and the other girls walked on out to the streets and some of them dispersed while Darl and a few others headed off in a group towards the busy section of he city where the strips and clubs were. Bright lghts flashed and party goers and ravers were out and about in a druken haze, the saturday night life exploding. Darla turned to Max. "Now, sugar you gotta tell me, you got any experience, boys or girls?" The other girls started enticing men, one of them getting into a stranegrs car to go with him already*
"Ummmm" MAxwell said trying to think of any experience he might have had and then sighed looking back to Darla "No I don't have any in either gender" he said innocently wondering if that was a bad thing as he saw some of the other girls get into other peoples car already. "I wonder where those girls are going" he thought in that same innocent fashion as he kept those thoughts to himself for a minute before looking at Darla "Is that bad for whatever we're doing" he asked curiously.
(omg hes so cute)

Darla sighed and put her hand to her head. "Oh really are an innocent one , ah well you see honey, us girls and possibly you in the future, goout and le men or women spend money for us with them." At his blank look she tried to elaborate. "You know...have a romp inthe sack, do the deed, get intimate?" She smiled, hoping these would across to him.
"Wait but then that means" maxwell said taking a few seconds to put two and two together when he looked a Darla shocked "But isn't that kinda illegal" he said blushing at himself feeling truly uncomfortable in these clothes now trying to pull his shirt down a bit. "Isn't there something else we could do thats like close to it without all the" He said stopping for a few seconds to consider the phrasing "Stuff" he finally finished looking at Darla. "I mean I;m only 16" he added thinking that might be important at this moment.

(Lol I try :) )
Darla looked at him surprised. "Oh honey. half the stuff Carla and dave do to keep that place running is illegal. This is a regular thing. And 16 isnt that big a deal. I was 14 when I started. You're actually at the perfect age." She stepped closer to himand slid an arm around his shoulders to try and be comforting. " Dont worry, I doubt youll get any action tonight, I think carla just sent you out here to see how much attraction you got. But I gotta warn ya hun, if it looks promising for her, she might keep you on this gig. So i you dont wanna lose it to some random joe, Id find someone who'll help you out with the basics at least." Her smile turned sad. "None of us really have a choice when it comes to our assignments, Carla and Dave's word is Law, or else we'd still be on the streets and alot worse off."
Maxwell was even more shocked at her words about how things were ran over at this place "I guess you can't blame them they do Do a lot of good under all of the bad" he thought with a sigh hearing Darla's explanation. After seeing her get sad it was Impossible for MAxwell to feel any worse by how he acted about not wanting to do this. He sighed before standing up straight and looking back up at Darla "Could you well ummm" he said trying to get the words out. "Teach me the basics of all of this" he finally got out blushing a little bit.
Darla blinked in surprise at the kids readiness. "Well, you got spunk honey and thats a very good thing." She smiled. "I doubt we'll get into anything practical tonight but, heres how to reel em in. You ever felt...hyper and giddy all at the same time? Like you wanna pull a prank on someone but nothin mean? JUst feel like that, and you smile, maybe wink a few times, but stand relaxed like you expect them to come to you. Make them want your buisiness, like youve got something worth buyin." She smiled and gave a wink herself, showing off her bright eyeshadow. "Now, tell me at least one thing sugar, you at least got a preference? Boys or girls?"
Maxwell thought about that feeling and cheered up a bit trying to match it like she explained. "Winking" he thought to himself doing it a few times as practice trying to match Darla's speed. "After doing everything she said he kind of felt a shudder go down his back at the next question. "What am I gonna say now" he thought to himself biting the tip of his thumb to help calm his nerve before he looked back at Darla "Not really I've never been in either so I don't know the difference" he replied innocently.
She smiled brightly and almost cooed at him. "Oh youre still experimenting. Thats so dang cute. Well I guess it means youll get to try em both out soon enough. But for now just practice your flirting." She smiles ad looks out at the street but says softly. "But, Im serious about finding someone. You seem like a nice kid, and it would be real shitty if your first time was with some greasy joe off the street who wont care if he hurts ya." She glanced down at him. "And I guarantee Carla wouldnt hesitate to sell off your virginity to the highest bidder.......and I can tell you deserve better than that sugar." She looked back up at the streets, her age showing for a moment her face suddenly not as young or perky, but lightly haggard with age and too much time on the job. " I sure wish someone'd said that for me."

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