Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

Maxwell actually thought about the question for a few seconds a little curious of why he asked but after another few seconds he had come up with an answer. "The fact that you haven't stolen the clothes off my back and even gave me food makes me confident I can trust you so much" he answered. "Besides there is just something about you that makes it easy to trust you" he added,


Guess that answered that.

He rubbed the back of his head and shrugged. "Well, seems I cant change your mind. We'll leave in the morning then."

He looked up at the darkening sky. "Now we just have to find a place to crash for the night." He glanced around the part of the woods they were in. "This place safe enough?"
"I think so" he said yawning at the mention of sleep. "I mean Iv'e slept here before If I have had a particularly bad day" he said finding himself walk back over to Terry's other side and laid down facing away from him. "This is supposed to help us keep warm right" he asked not really giving him enough time to answer before he went to sleep.
Terry looked down at the quickly passed out pup. Kid was practically a housepet, no idea how the streets worked. He'd get eaten or worse out on his own.

Why should you care? Youve only known him about an hour.

True, but despite his tough guy attitude, he wasnt an asshole and not really one to leave people in need when they could use his help. He frowned. If they deserve it that is. He sighed and shook his head before laying down too, using his arm as a pillow.

Before he finally dozed off himself, soothed by the softened sounds of the city, the insects and oddly enough Max's even breathing, he figured having someone else around might not be too bad.

( xD You get to start the next morning lol)
Maxwell had been shifting his his sleep all night like he always had since he started sleeping out here.

As the sun was already above his head shining brightly as he slowly began to creak his eyes open sun already finding its way in. When the sun had successfully opened he was sleeping towards Terry who seemed to be having a peaceful sleep himself.

Smiling deviously he remembered how sensitive his ears was and sneaked away without making a sound and grabbed a leaf. Kneeling down beside Terry he put the leaf up to one of his ears rubbing it up and down and turning it snatching it back every once in a while.
He was running for his life.

Through the woods, under the brush.

Away. Have to Get away.

He could hear it behind him, closing in. It tore the trees from the ground, or so he assumed as he was too terrified to look back and check. It would catch him if he did.

It snarled and growled and roared on occassion. The deafenin noises sending shakes of fear through him, fueling his fear and instincts to go faster.

He ran and ran, breathing hard and never seemed to get enough oxygen but he didnt dare stop. It would
kill im if he did.

Trees.Trees.Trees more and more trees and no end of them. The beasts breath was at his neck and in his mind his death was imminent. He could almost feel the teeth tearing through his flesh.

And the moment when he swore he felt the razor sharp claws reaching for him, he fell.

Down. Down. Down. But his fall into madness was stopped by a net, bracing his fall and softening his fall to the ground enough that he only felt a little pain.

The ropes were in his face and he couldnt get free, no matter how much he tugged , pulled or pushed.

But then he froze, and something made him turn his head to the left and there he saw a man.

He opened his mouh, about to scream for help but the sound died in his throat when he heard it. That same growl coming from the man.

The man smiled, showing razor sharp teeth, and slowly started walking towards his captured prey.

Terry scrambled and pulled at the rops which were rubbing his face from how tight they were on him.

The thing was coming, it was gonna kill him.


Terry's eyes split wide open and he woke in a cold sweat. A figure was above him , touching him.

With a snarl he launched at the figure and pinned him to the ground, sitting on him and holding his hands down above his head, growling in warning, hi ars and tail out, hair completly on end, and he was absolutely feral. A true predator that does not run when frightened, but returns the favor 3 fold.
Maxwell was having fun unaware of what was going on in his head when he saw Terry's eyes shoot open "Morn-" he was about to say when he was cut off by Terry pinning him painfully on the ground. "T-Terry" he began shakily looking up at what seemed like a totally different person. Max thought he was upset about him messing with his ears again and quickly braced himself from being struck like he expected. "I-I'm sorry Terry" he added quickly closing his eyes.
Terry's fists tightened around the persons wrists, he had to take out the enemy before it did him.

He snarled again his canines lengthening past his lips , he was just about to strike at them when the male flinched away trying to sheild himself,on the defense. DEfenseless. And it said something,

The red clouding his vision slowly faded away and the enemy slowly showed to be just a small tennage boy, terrified out of his mind.

He blinked slowly and loosened his hold a little, the predator receding. "Max......?"
Maxwell Flinched his wrists already in enough pain before they were being tightened again. When he felt the tight grip on his wrists loosen up he opened up one eye to see Terry calming down a bit. "Terry" he asked his trembling still noticeable even while under the him. "Your hurting me" he groaned, not making any effort to push himself up though because it would be in vain.
It took Terry an extra 3 seconds to realize what he was talking about when it hit him like a ton of bicks and he lets go of the bys wrists and pulled back, still somewhat sitting on him but not impeding his movement anymore. "Shit!! Im so sorry Max!! I didnt realize- I mean I was-" He shook his head. "Are you ok?"

Of course hes not ok. Hes shaking like a leaf and probably abou to bolt. Great going D-bag.

God he was an asshole.
"Whats wrong with you was it something I said" he asked siting up so that they were directly face to face. "I'm sorry for whatever I did I'll make it up to you for sure" he repeated. "I really don't want to be by myself again" was all he could think of as he slowly began to calm down looking apologetic. "Just don't leave me alone" He found himself saying by accident.
"Ah shit Max." Points to him for completely wigging the kid out. He looked like he was about to burst into tears, so hesitantly he put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down pup, it wasnt something you did. I had a nightmare and when I woke up I thought I was still in it, I thought you were someone tryin to hurt me."

He tried to smile reasurngly. "Im not leaving or goin anywhere ok? Its my bad. Now c'mon, did I....hurt you real bad?"

He hoped to God not, he already felt guilty enough.
When Terry had seemed to have reverted back to normal he listened to what he had to say, and After hearing the explanation Maxwell had finally gotten himself to calm down all the way which allowed him to stop trembling. "No you didn't hurt me too bad" he answered back rubbing his wrists a bit. "Do you think we can go ahead and go I'm kinda hungry" he said quickly wanting to put all of this behind him as soon as they could.
"Yeah, we can go." He got up off the kid and extended a hand to help him up. "I know a place where we can get some free breakfast if we hurry. Its onl about a block away from the Shifter community so we should get there pretty quickly."

He gave the kid as much information as possible so he coul forget about what happened.

The hell was wrong with him? And what the hell was up with that dream..? He'd never dreamt anythin like that before...perhaps he was nervous about goin back to the shifter community? He sure as hell knew there were a few nasty characters there that hed have to be sure to avoid. And make sure Max avoided.

Whatever it was, it made him go apeshit. Something hed have to prevent in the future.
"Alright then" Max answered back nodding accepting his hand and stood up next to him stretching.

"I've never been in a shifter community before" he said some of his old excitement suddenly returning. "Well you can lead the way I cant wait for some actual food again" he said excitedly.
Terry smiled. Kid was like an energizer bunny. "A'right, A'right keep your shirt on."

He gestured for the dog to follow him through the forest, using his nose to guide him back to the streets and where he wanted to go.

"Its actually no that hidden, its just out of the way. You ever been to 27th and King? The privately owned buildings? Those are apartments for shifters, and the back-alleys and old warehouses around them are fighting and training areas."

They walked through the streets, not going down into any of the subways or using the buses.
"Alright" Max said nodding again as he followed close behind him in the woods until they reached the streets which made him cover his eyes from the dust blowing along the sidewalk and the light shinning directly on them. After letting his eyes adjust he quickly followed Terry again in tow.

"Really I've been around there before but The people there didn't look like they would want me around" he replied.
Terry nodded. "Sounds about right. They could probably smell that you were a shifter and were protecting their territory. We'll have to go in formally, ask for Sanctuary or however the hell they wanna put it. Some of em are like my parents and just require background checks or some shit like that, or they could be pure primal shifter and one of us will have to fight to be allowed to stay." He looked down at the dog shifter. "And believe me that is NOT a fight you wanna lose."

When they were closer to their destination he asked. "You know anything about fighting at all?"
Maxwell was listening to the explanation which seemed pretty fair but got nervous again hearing about fighting ."What happens if you lose" was what he wanted to ask next bu Decided against wanting to know the answer.

As they stood outside from the building he looked back at Terry hearing what he asked "Not really" he replied rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.
Terry frowned. Not knowing how to fight or defend himself was gonna make surviving out here alot harder.

"We'll fix that eventually, I can help train ya and stuff. But for now leave the fighting to me ok?"

He stopped at a sidewalk and looked across and what was practically a gated community for shifters, but not as flashy or obvious as what the beverly hills folks would have. He scanned the opposite sidewalk and the buildings. "Do you see anyone?"
Maxwell looked around and at the gated community which seemed to be pretty nice like what him and his parents used to live in.

"So I can learn how to fight like you" he asked thinking of what that could be like which was of course over exaggerated. Max nodded again being happy that it seemed he wouldn't get hurt. After doing a quick lookout himself he turned back to Terry. "Nope nobody's here" he assured him.
Terry frowned. "Well..guess that means we should go knock."

He walked with Max up to the biggest building in the middle of them all, but instead of going in the front door he went down the side towards a smaller door with astrange symbol above it. He knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer, hopefully it being somone who wouldnt rip their heads off.

A woman with curly black hair and dark skin answered the doort. She frowned. "State your purpose stranger."

"We just want a place to rest for a while, if thats alright by you guys. Furs not always the best protection y'know?"

Her narrowed as she considered them, then she called out behind her. "You might wanna come check this out."

(aaaaaand dont be shy to jump in with the side characters!! xD Have free rein!! Im just going off the top o my head at this point.)
Max was half hiding behind Terry as the woman came out. He didn't want to interrupt either of them so he just stood there waiting to see if they could get an answer.

Close to when the woman said that a Man a little taller then Terry and by what he could saw well developed muscles in his arms and legs, Stood next to what he guesses was his wife.

"So you two would like to enter" he stated looking over the two strangers at the door. "Ever since the last person that tried I wouldn't let any of you into the house but if you can give me a good enough reason we can talk about getting you some food." he offered simply.
Terry mentally steeled himself against the male. "We're two kids, hungry on the street and nowhere to go. If you want we can work for the food, but we dont want any trouble."

He sighed. "Look, if we cant help each other out who the hell are are we gonna turn to? The humans? Im sure that would go over awesomely. JUst let us take whatever test needed to get through, or whatever. We'll do it."

The woman looked back at her husband, still very much untrusting. "Should we put them through the test...?"
The husband was actually waiting for the whole chance to let kids go through the test again "Sure If they really want it then they should be ready for it right" he asked mostly to Terry. "And if I was supposed to help every shifter I couldn't afford this place and the comfortable life me and my wife are trying to live" he told in response to Terry's speech. "Now why don't you handle the test at least for the beginning" he asked his wife before walking back inside.

(Have no idea what the test is xD so letting you handle that)

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