Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

Terry nodded in agreement. "Alright. Name your terms."

The woman, otherwise known as Carla looekd them over for a moment. "We have fights here. So you'll have to take down one of current residents." She looked to her husband. "Dave, could you go get Damon? Hes been itching to take a fight for the past three weeks."

She looked back at the two of them with a calculating expression. "So, which one of you will do it?"

Her gaze landed on Max. "You dont look like much. Unless theres more to you than meets the eye?"
Her Husband Yelled back in agreement as he heard him pick up the phone.

Max looked a little freaked out as she was trying to acknowledge him for the fight as he put his hands up "Really I'm not good at fighting at all" he said wanting to get the attention off of himself. A few moments later Max heard the door open to see a big man coming this way, who was Taller then a good foot over both of them.

"Are you going to be okay if we do this" he asked Terry as the man was smiling confidently.

(A Pic of the man:
(lawl, awesome pic xD kinda weirded me out a little)

Terry sized up his would-be opponent. He was big, but that didnt always matter. He took a deep breath, subtly trying to catch the guys scent to figure out what kidnve shifter he was. It could possibly be a key element to winning. " Worry about yourself. Where do you wanna do this?"

Carla watched the two start dealing out the tough-guy talk already. Talk about tiresome. No matter what the species, guys had to have some sort of pissing contest to find the pecking order. She turned her gaze back to the smaller kid. "If you cant fight then what the hell's a kid like you doing on the streets? Blondie seems able to hold his own, but why are you with him?" She raised an eyebrow. "Youre not mated to him are you?"
"Ma-ted?" Maxwell asked in confusion thinking for a bit before he remembered the meaning of that world. "No no I'm not Were just friends" He said completely embarrassed as his checks quickly changed into a crimson Red. "And I'm only on the streets because My house was burned down and my family was killed by the rest of the neighbors" he replied still completely embarrassed. "Did it really look like were mated" he asked looking up at Terry.

"Now Whose the person wanting to fight me for food" The giant said looking a the both of them.
Terry pointedly ignored Max's question. That woman was way too nosey for his liking.

Although they most certainly did NOT. Cripes who did she think he was? Some kinda cradle robber?

Quit stalling stupid. Youve got a fight to focus on. And hes not that much younger than you yknow. And kinda cute.

F&^k his subconcious.

He looked at his opponent. "That'll be me. How you wanna do this?"

Carla shrugged her shoulders. "Ive seen all kinds. Im just covering my bases. I dont want you bringing anything unpleasent into my home, including territorial mates." Her eyes narrowed again. "Why were you attacked by your neighbors?" her voice was not kind. She absolutely refused to harbor fugitives or dangerous people of any kind.
"Because We lived in a human Neighborhood" Max answered the woman a bit upset of her having him say everything.

The man scanned him and nodded walking outside all the way into a little space a few feet away so they were surrounded by a closed off fence. "No need to cause a public disturbance" he said before Facing Terry. "Were going to do this as in Last man Standing" he said simply getting into a boxer like stance.
Clara frowned a little. "Im sorry to hear that. Theres no chance of the humans having followed you, or knowing of your whereabouts?" As harmless as the kid was, she didnt want him bringing trouble unintentionally. Then she would actually feel bad when she had to have the kid offed.

Terry got into his own stance, something mixed martial arts and free-form street fighting. "Sounds good to me. Ready when you are." His muscles tensed then relaxed, his focus on the male before him. He could feel his claws and ears itching to come out but now was not the time, not until he saw the others form at least. And it always paid to have a few aces up your sleeve.
"No they haven't followed me, they think my ashes are mixed in somewhere with my parents" he said sadly.

The man smiled moving a lot quicker then he first appeared throwing a furry of neat jabs alongside his torso and face while also bringing his arms back fast enough to grab from grapples, though it weakened his punches a bit they still hurt if they hit.
(Work and school and ahghghggh)

Carla nodded satisfied with that answer. "Alright then, if your friend can beat Damoln youve got a meal and a bed for at least a night."

Terry nearly buckled under the rapid hits, realizing this guy is alot tougher than he originally thought. But thankfully, Terry had handled worse.

He ducked and pulled his arms in, making himself a smaller target and and went in for low jawbs to the guys sides, going right for the kidneys to weaken the guy. no matter what this guy chould shift into Terry was sure he could outmaneuver him. He put more strength behind his hits and jumped back before this 'Damon' guy could land another.
Jonah actually finding himself satisfied with that comment and sighed turned back to Carla " Thanks" he answered with as much of a smile as he could muster up given they're current situation.

The man grunted putting a hand on the injured area for a few seconds hating that he was showing a weakness to this kid. " You might actually get something for you and your mate to eat" he said as a complement unaware that they weren't. "Though you might now" he said suddenly charging and materialized his hand that was swinging down unti a tiger paw fully unsheathed and caught the end of his shirt and enough of the skin to make a scratch.
xD (Who the efff is Jonah? lol)

Carla watched the fight with a raised eyebrow. "Dont thank me yet." The fight could go down for the kid any minute now, Damon was getting serious.

Terry was handling his opponent pretty well. He was a tough sunovagun, but nothing he couldnt handle, but the mate comment threw him for a loop. "Hey! We're not-" But it seemed like the guy fricken planned it as his hand grew claws that were very similar to the blondes, the tiger paw actually getting traction on his stomach and making a scratch.

F^*k that answered that question!!

'Time to up the ante' he thought. He let his own claws extend and decided to forgo his usual martial arts stances and crouch low, his white tiger tail and ears out as he charged like a wild animal, moving fluidly as he let his natural instincts take over. His claws caught on the guys stomach giving him a similar wound.
( xD sorry Thinking of the wrong Rp)

Maxwell grimaced at the scratch on Terry's stomach. "Don't get hurt now" he called worriedly from the porch watching the fight tensed all the way up.

The man was now on guard even more receiving the similar injury to his stomach. The man then let more of his transformation come out but not entirely. His muscles suddenly seemed to expand and he could move like a wild animal too charging in to make a devastating slash on the boy's side.

(Really want to get the fight scene over with xD )
(Lawl yeah, me too xD )

Terry watched him carefully, moving fast and dodging what he can, he snarled and landed another blow to the guys shoulder but got hit in the side in return. Soon it became a battle of endurance, exchanging blows and turning into a grudge match.

Carla watched with a bored expression as the males fell into a pissing contest. Ugh. At this rate they were going to be nothing but subborn males with injuries making them useless. "Alright boys thats enough!! Id say youve earned your keep."
"Really thanks" he said smiling at Carla before Running up to Terry the Same grin. "You are awesome" he commentated to him excitedly.

The man sighed realizing that Carla was right and shifted back into a human rolling his shoulder injured or not. "Good Job kid maybe I'll see ya around again" he said beginning to walk off but say Maxwell run up to the boy and smiled giving Terry a thumbs up and mouthing the words "Go for it" Mostly just to miss with him not understanding how He really felt.
Terry stood up straighter when Clara anounced the fight was over, relieved and pointedly ignoring the pain on his back from the wounds he received. He smiled at Max who rushed up excitedly, congratulating him. God damn the kid was cute. He took another glance at his opponent and sawn his would-be encouragement. The younger tiger flushed a little in embaressment, vaguely wondering if the male can read minds. He rolled his eyes at him and then focused on Carla.

Carla crossed her arms and then just walked inside motioning for the two to follow her and he led them to a room in the building. "This is where you can sleep for the night. Breakfast is at 7 and you can find a first aid kit to fix yourself up." She turned away for a moment then turnd back. "Despite proving yourself youre still here as guests and if yo mess with anyone else that lives here, Ill beta your asses myself and the leave you out in the alley."

She then turned and left them in the one bed bedroom.
"Well isn't she a charming lady" Maxwell commented as soon as she was out of earshot and then remembered Terry's scratch. "Your injured" he said concerned as he found the first aid kit in a ragged cupboard and began getting some of the alcohol out on a piece of cotton. "Now take your shirt off" Maxwell demanded suddenly so he could check for more wounds.
( xD Dont stop reading my mind.)

Terry raised an eyebrow at the little dog's eagerness but shrugged and sat down on the bed. "A'right." He peeled his shirt off revealing his well-cut and distinct pectorals, and very defined abbs, turns around to show off his back, and along with back dimples and rippling muscles, were very nasty claw marks from the fight were visible and still bleeding. He turned his head to look at him. "You uh...youve done this before right?"
"Ummmmmm No but it has to be easy right" He asked blushing intensely as Maxwell found himself mesmerized by all the designs of his muscles intentions. "You have cute dimples" he said embarrassed at his own statement and looked away humiliated putting the alcohol dipped cotton into the wound in hopes Terry wouldn't think he was weird.
Terry was suddenly worried about the kids lack off experience in the healing department. He was about to turn around and coach him when he was thrown by his next comment. He blinked rapidly and turned his head to look at him in confusion, not sure he heard right. "I have what- agh!!" The sudden alcohol connecting to his back stung like a *****. He let out act-like hiss. " F*&k!!"
Maxwell Suddenly jerked his hand back worried at Terry's random outburst. "Are you okay" he asked concerned hoping that he never heard what he said "Please don't tell me he heard me comment about his dimples" he thought to himself going to a small bottle of water. "Lets just try this" he said laughing nervously pouring water slightly over the wound patting it up and began to apply a long bandage around his body having to get close to reach around the front.
Terry shook his head, thinking he imagiedn the dimple comment. Wishful thinkng.

Hes just a kid.

Ugh. Why cant these voices go away? And why do they have to show up when hes so damn close.

He looked down to watch the little dog wrap his wounds, only afew inches away from him. "Yeah Im fine. Just watch the alcohol ok bud?" He gave him a quick smile, glad that they got this room. "So, interesting place huh?"
"Y-Yeah" he commented quickly still looking away blushing. "He will think your weird if you act so much into" he said peering back at Terry only to see him looking as tough as ever. "You can have the bed I mean you did all the work" he said messing with his fingers nervously.
He looked at him, raises an eyebrow. "Trying to pull the chivalrous routine Maxy?" He gives him a half smile half smirk. "Dont worry about it, you take the bed, Ive slept on worse than a..." He looked down a the ground. "A lightly cemented floor with more then likly no soft spots." He shrugs. "Just toss me a blanket and Ill be fine."
Maxwell couldn't stand the thought of Terry sleeping on that hard floor when he got an Idea mostly to benefit him. "Why don't we just sleep in the same bed tonight and share it" he asked tilting his head in a innocent smile.
Terry looked back at the pup and how...fricken sincere he was. And God damn could he pull off the puppy dog look!! He sighed an rolled his eyes before flopping back on the bed. "Ok. We can try it out for one night. But Im warning you now, you snore and Im booting your ass onto the floor got it?" He scoot over to make sure there was enough room for the smaller boy, ignoring the little remarks the devil on his shoulder was making.

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