Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

Maxwell smiled glad he was able to get Terry to sleep in the same bed. Hearing his threat Maxwell giggled a little bit "Alright Alright" he said his back against the wall as he laid down on his side facing Terry. "This is a comfortable bed isn't it" he asked trying to lighten the mood for a little bit.
Terry stretched a little but the sting on his back reminded him to be mindful of his wounds, but nodded" Yeah, lot better than the ground." He glanced over at the dog-shifter, suddenly slightly self-concious. "Ah, y'know I hate sleeping in jeans if I can help it mind if I uh..." he let his voice trail off, hoping the kid wouldnt mind. God he'd ove to be free of the denim for abit.
"Oh No I really dont mind" he said laughing nervously when he remembered what it was Like to sleep in a bit. "Actually I slept more like that too" he said beginning to removre his jeans and shirt tp get more comfortable under the warm blanket.
Terry blinked at how quickly the kidd agreed and he laughed before pulling off his own jeans, Max getting a glimpse of black boxers before he joined him under the covers. Dear God this felt like heaven. He smiled and rolled onto his back. "G'night Max, see you in the morning."

He closed his eyes, part of him trying to ignore the warm body thats close to him, trying to focus on the softness of the bed, and taste of the breakfast that'll greet him in the morning.
"Alright Good Night" he answered smiling knowing Terry got a glimpse of almost the exact thing except they were blue boxers instead. As he eased down he noticed Terry turn on his back and quickly pass out. Maxwell deciding to take advantage of the situation quickly scooted up on Terry so they were now touching back to back. "He was so Warm or maybe it the blanket" he thought next before slipping off to sleep. (Your turn for morning post xD )

Terry didnt have any nightmares this time. On the contrary he was having a very good dream. he was warm, so warm, like when hes in his tiger form and hes subathing. Except there was something else too. He was with someone and they were close. He knew them, very, very well. He couldnt explain how he knew, but just that he knew this person inside and out and they were closer to him than most people and they were petting his cheek, then his neck, almost like a lovers caress. He sighed contently. He didnt want this dream to end. He'd never felt safer or peace with himself than in this dream. He didnt have it often and he wanted to savor it this time.

He pulled his warm body pillow close, arms circling it possesivly before he nuzzled it. It was soft and warm, perfect for sleeping the morning away. And it smelled good too. Odd, but not unwelcome at all. He sighed contently, this was the life.

His warm breath moved across the very much alive 'pillow' and the sun hit them both as it came throough the wall window in the room, the brightness much better than an alarm clock, the beams hitting Max right in the eyes, a very much unplanned wake-up call.
Maxwell opened his eyes to feel himself feel enveloped in so much heat it felt so wonderful. Max was so close to going back to school when he felt the arm rhythmic breath against the back of his neck and nudged up to see Terry holding him fully. "When did he do this" he thought gushingly but quickly calmed down smiling at the sleeping Terry. "Maybe Ill let him find use like this he said nudging himself into Terry's chest hard enough for him to wake up and Max pretended to be asleep.
Terry was content,completely curled around his pillow happy to keep on living in dreamand when he felt his pillow nuzzle him back.


He opened his eyes blearily and looked down to see Max curled against his chest, fast asleep and currently having a second blanket via the arms of Terry.

He flushed deeply and tried to fully comprehende the situation. Curled up, in bed, with an underage but completely adorable little dog-shifter, while being half naked. Great.

Ohhhhhshitohshitohshit. This is SO not good for my thought process.

Ok. Just, gotta be cool about this. He was just cold in the night right? Nothin weird bout that. Just gotta slowly scoot away...

He tried to scoot away from the little dog but he was way too damn close, he was sure to wake him. And he so didnt need him getting weirded out.

You could always kiss him awake..

GAH!! Eff youuuuuu brain! he wanted to shout. God he hated it when he started thinking with the wrong head. Especially in a delicate situation like this. Ok. Whatever. We can do this. He slowly tried to sit up, hopin that that the kid would sleep through it. He almost looks like an angel while alseep...

He closed his eyes tightly. Maybe he could just knock himself back out?
Maxwell shifted right on que under Terry and looked up gradually to see him still enveloped into Terry's arms. "Hey Terry" He said with a geunine smile making it easy to see that he enjoyed them in this situation. "I hope you slept well" he added reaching up and getting some of the hair out of his eyes.
"Ah...Hi Max, and yeah I did. Um, How about you...?"

So much for weirded out. Damn. He looks happier than a puppy with a new dogbone.

Maybe he enjoys it as much as you do?

'Gah, little voice, why do you torment me so?', but even so, the little buggar makes a poin. The kid couldnt be interested in him like that...could he?
Maxwell had decided between that short period of time from pretending to sleep to where he was now that this great of an oprotunity was to ghood to be true "So I must be in a dream" he decided firmly smiling back at who he thought was the Dream Terry. "Maybe this Terry would actually be intrested in a guy like me" he though with a smile coming back to his supposed False Reality. "Mine was Great but it's even Better now" he commented hugging the Terry in front of him.
(0o whoa tiny font lol xD )

Terry's brain short-circuited when the little dog-shifter wrapped his arms around him for a hug.

....Maybe the kid was just super friendly?

Aw hell who was he kidding? The kid had grown a crush on him and after the past few days and who could blame him? Hed saved his life, fed him, and practically took him under his wing. But hell, was it really a good thing?

He hesitantly let his arms fall around the younger kid. Man he was soft...and warm...a tiger could get usd to waking up like thi-

he heard a knock on the door and Carla's voice. "Dinners in ten!! Show up or go hungry!!"

With a jolt, Terry jumped up and got away form the way too damn tempting jail-bait. "We'll be there." He then walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

Ok...what the hell did he do now?
Maxwell thought he would move in with a kiss on how this dream was going after erry hugged him back when he heard the ladies knocking which scarred him too causing him to fall back onto the bad as Terry ran into the bathroom. Maxwell sighed laying on his hand for a few seconds" Somehow Carla knows how to get into my dreams as well as nightmares" he thought bitterly standing up as he began to slip his clothes back on.
Terry washed his face and tried to clear his head. 'Ok, Focus.'

Survival is the main goal at the moment. Get settled, then figure out if they can stay here.

First though, food.

He went back out calmly and pulled his pants back on and winced when he realized his bandages had come undone in the night. "Shit....ah Max....can you help me out?"
Maxwell sighed shaking his head to try and wake himself up/ "How am I gonna get Terry to like me back" he thought sighing.

As if on que Terry came walking out asking about his bandages again "Oh sure" Max replied going over to the first aid kit and putting it on the bed. "You know the drill he commented patting to a spot next to him on the bed.
Terry sat down and moved his arms a little so the pup could fix the wound. He watched him for a moment as he redid the bandages and cleaned the wound once again.

After a pause he asked, "So......if we can would you wanna stay here? Or try to move on?"

If they could stay, it would be nice to have a stable place. Hell maybe Terry'd be able to get a job and help pay for stuff around here. He was considering his options when he had a thought. "Max, were....your parents the only family you had? Any aunts or uncles or anything...?" If the kid had any other family...maybe beuing with them might be his best option.
"Well We did try hard to get here and I do think we should be safe but I don't really trust the people yet" he replied honestly as he began replacing the lossened bandages on Terry's back. Maxwell seemed to freeze at the mention of any other family other than his brothers. "Please dont bring them up" he said uncharaceristaclly quite. "They didn't come looking for me when My parents died and I don't feel like sticking my neck out to look for them" he thought finishing the bandages wih one less squeeze.

(Worm come back to the Chat box :3)
Terry winced at the squeeze applied to his wound but raises an eyebrow at Max's sudden bitterness. "Huh...well if youre sure." he was quiet for a moment whle Max put the first-aid kit up, then asked. "Theyre shifters too right?Do you think the reason they didnt come after you was becuase they were in trouble too?"

He normally wasnt this nosy, but this intrigued him. He wantedto learn more about this kid while keeping him safe.
"There were plenty of chances to help us before the house burned down" he replied bitterly. "I never even met any of them I saw pictures and everything but they didn't care about us enough to drop by and visit" he said sighing putting the first aid kit up and walking owards the door. "I dont want to talk about my family anymore" he snapped curtly before walking out to the dinner table.
Terry blink rapidly, definitely not used to that side of the kid. 'Guess theres alot more to him than I thought..'

He got up and followed Max to the dinner table where over a dozen other shifters were sitting, Carla and her husband at the head, smiling and helping pass around food. He saw Max take a seat next to girl with light brown hair and she smiles at him. "Hi, Im sally, whats your name?"

Terry took a seat on the other side of Max, and was too busy stuffing his face to really pay attention to anything else. Holy God was he hungry.
Maxwell seemed to snap back into his normal self as he noticed the girl sitting there. "Oh umm Hi" He said nervously eating slower then he was usually was. He didn't mean to but he always had a kind of anxeity with new people espically when they come out of nowhere.
The girl, sally smiled at him. "Youre one of the new guys Clara mentioned right? Its been so long since there were any newcomers, its kindve exciting. I heard that the other guy who came in with you was your mate, is that right?"

Terry nearly choked on his sandwhich. What the F&^k was up with these people making that assumption??
Maxwell found himself blushing even more coughing on his sandwich as it went down the wrong pipe. After a sip of water he turned back to Sally "Were really not mates Terry just kinda found me in the alleyway and we've been sticking together ever since then" he said in a reassuring tone messing with his food quietly and slowly thinking about the comment "I wouldn't mind if we were though" he thought to himself.
Sally smiled brightly. "Oh, you're unmated?" She scooted a little closer to Max. "Me too. My mother doesnt like any of the guys I've ever been interested this rate I'll never have one..." She sighed a little sadly but then her smield returned as she looked over at Max again. "Are you going to be staying here long with your friend? Weve got plenty of rooms if you guys are intersted in staying the long term."

Terry lightly glared at the girl from Max's other side. Moves fast doesnt she? He looked ahead and tried to ignore it. Maybe Max can find somone nice here.....He shooked his head and tried toeat, looking around at everyone here. he spotted two bear shifters right off the bat. Big size and slow movements were always a dead givaway. He smelled what could possibly be a fox shifter or two and some other feline type shifters. And down at the end was a fish shifter, drinking glass and afetr glass of water like it was going out of style.

Seemed like the place was a good spot to stay, the vibe was good and everyone seemed happy. Maybe they could stay here....he looked up and saw Carla and her husband Dave come in and sit down.

Carla looked at her husbad. "So....think we should let them stay? Some of the others think we have enough mouths to feed as is..."
Maxwell looked at the girl shyly. Of course being himself, Max was oblivious to the whole reason she was doing this and thought she was looking for a friend to talk too like he had with Terry. Max scooted back one seat thinking she wanted to be closer into the center of the table and just smiled back nervously "I think I want to stay everyone here seems fun" he commented finally starting to eat again. "At least I have one friend other then Terry so he could rest sometimes" he thought looking at him from the corner of his eye.

Her husband looked at Carla thinking about it" Well we could always do with the extra hands on deck and that older boy can make some money off of manual labor" he said before thinking about Max. "I don't know what that scrawny boy can do on the other hand" he replied "He looks as if he has never worked outside a day in his life" he added before looking back at Carla. "You have any idea" he asked with a southern drawl.

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