Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Name: Spencer Anne Hanning

Nickname: Spence

Age: Sixteen [16]

Gender: Female

Crush: “That’s for me to know and you to try and find out.”

Bf/Gf: None.

Fiance: None.

Spouse: None.

Appearance: View attachment 1177

Other: Personality – Spencer is extremely intelligent and does extra credit work for fun, most teachers love her since she always turns in her homework, gets A’s and raises her hand to answer questions. Her peers don't seem to like her too much. She is an overachiever and very competitive. All her life her sister was the one who got all the praise from their parents and she was the one who took the blame even if she had done something superior than her sister. She does not get along with her sister who already graduated. Even though she is not what can be considered “popular” bullies don’t even try to bully her because they know she can always defend herself and what she believes in, she also has a huge confidence even though she is not exactly pretty. She always tries to think logically but also considers her feelings and is very determined and focused. When Spencer is determined to do something she sometimes forgets about other people’s feelings. Though she is very intelligent and focused she does not forget to have fun and is rather funny at times.
Name: Maygen Bird

Nickname: May

Age: 16

Gender: female

Crush: youll find out

Bf/Gf: non yet




Other: She was adopted and hates all of her parents
Just one question can I use an anime pic? Or does it have to be a real person pic...I just don't like using them because I got into some trouble using a real person pic last time.
Name: Flower A moon


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: None

Fiance: none

Spouse: NO


Other: She's a loner and tends to be shy around others. Sometimes she puts on a means side to keep from getting close to people.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Logan

Nickname: none

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Crush: none

Bf/Gf: none

Fiance: none

Spouse: none

Flower: I walked around holding a opened book in my hands. As I did I wasn't really paying any attention to where I was going. However stopping for a second a smile was put on my face. I had covered the title so no one could know what I was reading. Ok it was my sisters old diary. Reading about her old crushes made me laugh till I came to the part about her complaining about me. I rolled my eyes and then sighed.
Rachelle and Sylus walked down the hall hand in hand. She pointed to Flower, it seemed a little weird to be reading a diary on school. She could tell the title was taped over. Selene was walking with her head down and didn't notice Flower in front of her until she walked straight into the girl. "Shit, I'm sorry." she said. "I'm Selene." She pushed her neon pink bug eyed sunglasses back
Flower I shoved the book away as I spoke in a soft shy like voice. "Um....Yeah..I'm flower." I said as I pushed my bangs away from my face. I had odd white hair that made me stand out. However I still seemed to be the one that isn't noticed alot.
Selenemnodded and pushed back her similar hair "Cool. You must be new around here right?" she asked with a faint hint of a british accent.
Flower: I held my arm as I normally do when talking. "Um yeah...why?" I said still in a shy voice. Looking at her again I tried to smile but then ended up just looking down.
Selene shrugged "You didn't look to familiar. Silver Valley is a small town if you haven't noticed." she said and did one of those weird girly waves where they wiggle their fingers at a guy.
Flower: I looked around and then nodded. "Yes I noticed." I said as I put my arm down. "I just moved here a few days ago." I looked back at the floor.
Maygen sashayed down the hall her poufy black hair making her rhinstone tiara seem to shin even brighter. She adjusted her purple ruffle top, tugged down her vest, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She noticed Selene talking to some girl with shockingly almost white hair she plastered a smile on her face waved at one of her many admierers and walked over to Selene her heels click clacking on the way. "Selene deary, who might this be?" She arched one of her perfect black eyebrows and pointed a manicured nail at the girl.
Selene rolled her eyes at Maygen and frowned "This is Flower." she said as she shoved her hand away from her face, seeing as it was just a mere half inch from her. She snatched the plastic tiara off her head and broke it in half as she said "And we were just leaving." She grabbed Flower's arm and led her outside to a bench.
Flower: I blinked having no idea what just happened. I tried not to stubble as she tugged be along. "u-um who was that?" I said slightly pulling my arm away. I didn't know what to do. I used my free hand to keep my hair out of my face.
Name: Anya Dardanos

Nickname: none currently

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Bf/Gf: none

Fiance: none

Spouse: none

Appearance: tall, blonde, blue eyed, thin

Other: Anya is a teenage sociopath. Born to wealthy, if neglectful, parents, she has been left to her own devices most of the time, particularly as she grew older and her parents began to sense that something about her was not quite "right," and then to fear her. Anya enjoys manipulating people to perform her will and causing pain or strong emotion in people, because she so seldom experiences true emotion herself that it fascinates her to watch it in others. Anya does not cause people physical pain on her own, but has no problem manipulating them or others into doing so in order for her to enjoy watching. Anya is asexual truly but uses her sexuality to manipulate others. She has a habit of giving everyone condescending nicknames and is very intelligent and perceptive of others and their insecurities.
Maygen followed closely planning revenge on Selene for breaking her tiara and she heard Flower's question. "I'm Maygen" she said in a sickly sweet voice "Oh and Selene dear it was a simple question, no need to get hasty."
Selene clenched her teeth "Why don't you go order your 'royal court' around." she said and spat on Maygen's newly painted toes.

Flower: I sighed. "I'm not getting in the middle of this." I said as she walked off. Putting my hair back behind my ears. Going back into the school I sighed and leaned against a wall hoping I didn't upset the girl. I didn't want to get involved in the cat fight.

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