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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

my body suddenly evaporated and left my clothing on the bed. my soul was a tiny little orb that trailed around each head in the room before it went into lady byrd's belly area.

(she was closer! #Echotheaunt #byrdthemum do let me know if you don't like it @sitanomoto @xoloveox )
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Golden's head bobbed as she watched the ball of light, her eyes dilating like a cat's. ((even though im a werewolf lawl
(Just gonna make a post and see where it goes.)

The butler woke with a gasp, trying to regain the breath he had lost chasing nightmares. He remembered... a blade. Something so small it couldn't hurt. Then a pain in his shoulder. He saw blood, he felt himself fall to his knees... then he woke up. Just like every time, he never saw the results. Tony shifted his shoulder, putting his left hand at the top of the bandages. It was time to get moving, judging from the color of the sky.

Pulling the chain off his leg and jumping out of the tree he had been sleeping in, Tony make a small thud, then spun the chain back around his right wrist. Straightening out his vest and pants, He stood tall and sighed, missing the cigarettes he had grown accustomed too. He bit down the nostolgia, and sighed, then got moving. He had a lot of ground to cover...
Zelkova said:
(Just gonna make a post and see where it goes.)
The butler woke with a gasp, trying to regain the breath he had lost chasing nightmares. He remembered... a blade. Something so small it couldn't hurt. Then a pain in his shoulder. He saw blood, he felt himself fall to his knees... then he woke up. Just like every time, he never saw the results. Tony shifted his shoulder, putting his left hand at the top of the bandages. It was time to get moving, judging from the color of the sky.

Pulling the chain off his leg and jumping out of the tree he had been sleeping in, Tony make a small thud, then spun the chain back around his right wrist. Straightening out his vest and pants, He stood tall and sighed, missing the cigarettes he had grown accustomed too. He bit down the nostolgia, and sighed, then got moving. He had a lot of ground to cover...
((Would you like to bump into my character?
Echo had finally jumped off of Issac's back, letting Issac have some alone time with the commander she couldnt felt she could trust. Maybe Issac felt the same way about the other soldier, but whatever. She continued her path through the woods, balancing on the heart of her feet. It was natural for her to walk like that sometimes, being a nymph and all. She continued her way through the comforting woods, until she heard a thud.

She looked over at the male, curiosity peaking her, as if always did. Slowly approching, she decided what she would say. "Hello?" She hesitantly said, looking over at the male. @Zelkova
GoldenCharizard4 said:
my body suddenly evaporated and left my clothing on the bed. my soul was a tiny little orb that trailed around each head in the room before it went into lady byrd's belly area.
(she was closer! #Echotheaunt #byrdthemum do let me know if you don't like it @sitanomoto @xoloveox )

Have him put in a Chrysalis that the Lady can watch over. I really prefer to NOT have the lady pregnant.)

(I'm cleaning up this section and from now on could we keep it in the chat area or in PM?)
(Please no one be surprised if posts disappear, ok? I'm keeping all of the IC posts and a few others. Everything else needs to be moved to chat.)
Tony spun, chain dropping from his wrist, the end wrapping around his gloved hand before dropping to the ground, smoke and ash rising off of it. The butler stared through his glasses at the nymph, the chain shifting as reeled it back around his wrist, the smoke and ash disappearing as he watched her. It wasn't time to show what he could do.

"Who are you?" He asked, putting a hand in his pocket and smirking. "Thank the gods above." He said quietly, taking a small white stick, barely smaller than a finger, watching the tip light and putting it to his lips.
She raised an eyebrow at the man. That was an interesting introduction on his part. "Who are you?" She asked, continuing to look at him, continuing to inch towards him. When she saw him put the cigarette to his lips, she made a disgusted face. "Ugh." She said out loud, glaring. "Do you know how bad that is for our environment?" She teased the man, winking as she said that. @Zelkova
Ellarya swept into the room where the small orb hovered dressed in a loose, flowing, shoulderless, low cut, white dress, pulling her thick brown hair over one bare shoulder 'Oh gods! What the hell happened? Did the black magic not work! I saw it regrow! I burned my hands for it! What the hell is happening?' She turned to the orb, and then to the lifeless corpse. 'Oh my god .... is he dead?' Ellarya looked up fearfully
The Lady muttered something and then smiled. "No, sweet Marth, not here." The small ball of light moved from her belly to her palm. As she whispered to it, a small white coating appeared and began to weave itself around the soul ball. She looked at Ellayara and shook her head. "No, he is simply being reborn." She watched as the coating finished wrapping around the soul ball and connect to her necklace.


yjWally said:
its not spam its just it want me to post ten times before i can do stuff im sorry if i upset you
(Aw it's ok!)

(I'm not upset at all!)
sitanomoto said:
The Lady muttered something and then smiled. "No, sweet Marth, not here." The small ball of light moved from her belly to her palm. As she whispered to it, a small white coating appeared and began to weave itself around the soul ball. She looked at Ellayara and shook her head. "No, he is simply being reborn." She watched as the coating finished wrapping around the soul ball and connect to her necklace.

(Aw it's ok!)

(I'm not upset at all!)
Tony didn't answer her, simply letting the cigarette hand from his mouth before sighing and taking it from his mouth. He let a small puff of smoke then glared. "I do know it's nothing worse than anything else. Smoke and fire have been around longer than you or me." Tony grumbled, shifting the chain again just in case this woman was some form of hippie. "Who the 'ell is Drago?" @subject 635
She pushed her hair back, continuing to inch her way closer to the man. "I suppose you're right..." She muttered, then looked back at one of the trees. "Yet... Think of it this way, sir." She said with a sarcastic tone. "Though it may be old, its still destructive." She said with a small frown. "It burns thinks if the wind pushes it enough." She continued, thinking of how a whole forest could burn that way. "Regardless. Who are you, again?" @Zelkova

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