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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

The Queen ran to Rodwen and touched her back. "Lady Rodwen are you alright? Did the light hurt your eyes? I was sure I put a protection spell up before he transformed." The Queen rubbed Rodwen's back and frowned. She couldn't believe she was so foolish. How could she let one of her guests get hurt?
The Queen stood and helped Rodwen up. "The Harpies will carry you to the closest room if you'd like?", she asked. Two white feathered harpies flew over and waited.
Shaland sits in a tree watching people

Pass by silently wait ing for her victim to pas by that she was paid to assainate
The Queen waved her hand and a harpy brought a chair over. The Queen helped Rodwen sit down and said, "I am terribly sorry. Sometimes I can get too careless. If you want I have fine medical skills that can ease the pain from your eyes."
The Queen turned toward Jack and nodded. "Ah yes. My blacksmith has told me that it was hard, but his work is almost complete. About half an hour and it will be fine." Zaro sighed and said, "My lady. We should talk about these events before our 'other guest' wakes." The White Wolf Queen nodded and turned to Rodwen. "Lady Rodwen as soon as your eyes are better, we will have the meeting. Is that alright?", The Queen asked.
The Queen smiled. "Of course your not weak Lady Rodwen. Now if you would follow me, I will take you to where our meeting shall be located.", she said. She walked down a hallway to a staircase leading down. She walked down it step by step and waited at the bottom for them.
After walking down a tight hallway, The Queen arrived at a black door. She opened it and went in. Inside was a magnificent room with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. On each wall, a ceiling high shelf with millions of books. The Queen went to a long wooden table in the middle and motioned for everyone to take a seat.

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