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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

The guy smiles and laughs a little. "Usually, people either bow or run away. A pleasure to meet you Axel. King Gregor Terro." The man said, not shaking the other one's hand. He still felt a sort-of aura from him, something he felt a long time ago. "I guess you could accompany me to where I wish to go, but be warned, it won't be what you would expect."

@Axel Kumori
Nonalaka said:
"......work zone..Is that even a word?" Isaac shook his head and laughed lightly "oh really, sounds like I'm to much of a dork to be friends with" he said shaking his head a bit and chuckling.
"Ah, right" she nodded in agreement "I need to be the same...... well..minus the sweat part......." she chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "You are a dork." She said with a small smirk. "But, honestly, Issac, what would you have wanted me to decribe you as?" She asked him, looking towards the window. Were people outside?
xoloveox said:
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "You are a dork." She said with a small smirk. "But, honestly, Issac, what would you have wanted me to decribe you as?" She asked him, looking towards the window. Were people outside?
"Eh?" Isaacs expression dropped from a smile as he furrowed his brows slightly. That was a question he'd never properly thought about "I....I don't know what I am to you really" he admitted, scratching the back of his head, but he supposed perhaps it didn't really matter, as long as he got to spend time with her.
Ulfgar laughs, as he eyes up a nearby forge. "Yeah, that'll do fine." He comments as he begins to separate the gold nuggets.
"Can I help?" She asks, she wanted a little break from the palace to stretch her legs a bit so she needed a reason to stick around while Isaac was too busy to notice her absence otherwise she'd probably have to go back.

Ulfgar eyes up Rose, looking her head to toe before giving a satisfied nod. "If you think you're up to it, I could use the help." He agrees.
AnnoDomini said:
The guy smiles and laughs a little. "Usually, people either bow or run away. A pleasure to meet you Axel. King Gregor Terro." The man said, not shaking the other one's hand. He still felt a sort-of aura from him, something he felt a long time ago. "I guess you could accompany me to where I wish to go, but be warned, it won't be what you would expect."
@Axel Kumori
(sorry bro, I felt asleep watching a crappy anime)

Axel withdrawed his hands and moved them behind his head. "I would rather bow than run" he bowed in front of him in a pretty light manner "And I am now in a habbit of encountering unexpected thngs, dont worry, so, Lets go King Gregor Terro" Axel still didnt know if he was a king or not as it was highly unlikely of a king to walk around without a pack of guards or maybe some sorcerers. He continued to walk with him humming a monotonous tune. I dont know if I have ever met him before, but the name sounds kinda familiar, I guess i should be cautious from now on as it could turn out bad judging the way he speaks.

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BlueHawk said:
Ulfgar eyes up Rose, looking her head to toe before giving a satisfied nod. "If you think you're up to it, I could use the help." He agrees.
"Yay!" She clapped her hands together as she made her way over "So~, what do I have to do?" She asked as she looked at the nuggets.
Ulfgar picks up a nugget, holding it out to her. "I'll probably start out with teaching you something simple, like a ring." He says, taking a small gold ring out of his pocket as he shows it to her. "First, we need to get the nugget up to temperature."
"Okay" she nodded, she rolled up her sleeves and took the nugget, watching his every move with determination, this looked kinda fun, so she really wanted to try.
Gregor followed him, putting his helmet back on. "Tell me Axel." He says, in a low voice, almost sounding like a thunder. "Do you know what necromancers are? I am sure you heard tales of them." He says, as if he recalled some old memory. His armor did not cling like most did, and sometimes, it looked like it was unholy lit by a mysterious light.

((No problem mate.))

@Axel Kumori
Ulfgar took the cart over to the forge, before picking up a spade and beginning to shovel the nuggets into a small bronze bucket above the fire. "First, you have to melt them down." He explains.
AnnoDomini said:
Gregor followed him, putting his helmet back on. "Tell me Axel." He says, in a low voice, almost sounding like a thunder. "Do you know what necromancers are? I am sure you heard tales of them." He says, as if he recalled some old memory. His armor did not cling like most did, and sometimes, it looked like it was unholy lit by a mysterious light.
((No problem mate.))

@Axel Kumori
"Uhmmm....Yea heard about them, why tho? dont say you have met one of them? " he chuckled as he walked alongside him "Necromancers are those people who revive the dead to fight with them, right, those who are adept in dark arts and bend the natures law of death" he continued as if he was ineterested to know more.

Nonalaka said:
"Eh?" Isaacs expression dropped from a smile as he furrowed his brows slightly. That was a question he'd never properly thought about "I....I don't know what I am to you really" he admitted, scratching the back of his head, but he supposed perhaps it didn't really matter, as long as he got to spend time with her.
"Then don't be upset when I cant describe you as anything as a worker, alright?" She growled at him, her anger building up. She didnt mean to be upset, but she had wanted a diffrent answer to her last question. "S-sorry." She muttered, trying to calm herself down in the slightest.
xoloveox said:
"Then don't be upset when I cant describe you as anything as a worker, alright?" She growled at him, her anger building up. She didnt mean to be upset, but she had wanted a diffrent answer to her last question. "S-sorry." She muttered, trying to calm herself down in the slightest.
"It's Alright..." his voice trailing off "I think I have an answer for you, but I cant answer because you can be confusing at times...and quite frankly I dont know if Its the right one" he replied, his gaze averted to the side "What do I describe you as then? or, what would you like me to describe you as?"


BlueHawk said:
Ulfgar took the cart over to the forge, before picking up a spade and beginning to shovel the nuggets into a small bronze bucket above the fire. "First, you have to melt them down." He explains.
"Okay, I don't need to write this down do I?" She asks, "How long does the melting take?"
Nonalaka said:
"It's Alright..." his voice trailing off "I think I have an answer for you, but I cant answer because you can be confusing at times...and quite frankly I dont know if Its the right one" he replied, his gaze averted to the side "What do I describe you as then? or, what would you like me to describe you as?"

"Okay, I don't need to write this down do I?" She asks, "How long does the melting take?"
She sighed. "I dont Issac." She said, looking towards the window now, twidling with her thumbs. "And what do you mean: 'you dont know if its the right one'?!" She said, looking at him, now.
Ulfgar strokes his beard for a moment as he thinks. "Roughly two hours or so. You need to melt it at a low temperature for a long time. A high temperature will burn the gold and cause imperfections." He says, before facing the forest. "Tell me, why do I get an uneasy feeling about that forest." He asks as he motions to it.
xoloveox said:
She sighed. "I dont Issac." She said, looking towards the window now, twidling with her thumbs. "And what do you mean: 'you dont know if its the right one'?!" She said, looking at him, now.
"well, I care about you a lot and after the...uhm..kiss we had I-I thought maybe....but you said those aren't serious and....." his sentences were broken as he spoke in a low nervous, rambling manner as he looked at the ground, twiddling his fingers.

"Ah, the forest..." she looked in the direction of it, "It isnt as safe as it used to be... something is a miss there...I cant quite explain it myself..."

Ulfgar shrugged as he rose a brow in suspicion. "Interesting. People venture in there though right? Explore it?" He asks as he leans against a small wooden railing, as he squints at the edge of the forest.
She nodded "Yes, but normally the creatures there aren't bothersome, but lately..." her voice trailed off a bit "We almost lost a dear friend to a Wyrm, they arent even in these parts mostly..." she continued, sitting down on a nearby stool. "Its odd..."

"Hmm." He hums. "A wyrm, definitely don't have many problems with them up in the mountains." He says accompanied by a small laugh.
BlueHawk said:
"Hmm." He hums. "A wyrm, definitely don't have many problems with them up in the mountains." He says accompanied by a small laugh.
"Ooof they are Ghastly things" she replied, crinkling up her nose at the thought. "I still have some bruises on my arm from healing my friend even"
He peers at her arm. "And you managed to slay this thing?" He asks, while mixing the bowl, pushing the gold that has yet to melt to the bottom.
BlueHawk said:
He peers at her arm. "And you managed to slay this thing?" He asks, while mixing the bowl, pushing the gold that has yet to melt to the bottom.
Rose laughed, "Of course not, My brother would never let me try such a thing" She poked at the bruises a bit "I'm a healer, only trouble is, instead of getting rid of someone's wounds, I transfer them over as my own, but I heal quicker than most, If these were on another, they'd still be gaping wounds"
"You willingly take someone's wounds as your own?" He says, slightly surprised at the selflessness of the act. "You're a better person than me for doing that." He says chuckling.

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