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Fantasy Shura Academy: How Strong is Your Punch!? (Martial Arts/Super Power/ School RP) OOC

For most part, despite whatever relationships her friends have with each other, Yoru is a friend to everyone, whether they're close or just acquaintances varies though XD
Not gonna lie, I love how Contractors are described as the more law-abiding, civil types while the Martial Artists are supposed to be the rowdy, show-offy 'who needs pants?' types, and yet so far it's been almost the exact opposite (barring a few exceptions). Got a contractor making a scene as a fuck-mothering dragon, who then tries to pick a fight with the Contractor Disciplinary Officer. Then another contractor comes hopping out of a helicopter to railslide on a cruzerboard tossing out fliers for some mansion party.

Meanwhile the Martial artists are being rather civil and not causing a lot of problems.

Shenanigans, I say!
Maybe it's just how they think? Maybe the martial artists of the modern era are escaping from their roots and believing the exertion of their freedom is in doing as they want and they want to act in a polite fashion

While the contractors are being less civil but think they are doing so to achieve the proper function of justice/the system or something along those lines?

Could do for an arc
So anyone looking for interaction? Still going through the IC to figure out what is happening. I think I will add a power or two to my character, plus 1 personality trait I forgot.
So anyone looking for interaction? Still going through the IC to figure out what is happening. I think I will add a power or two to my character, plus 1 personality trait I forgot.
Me and Kloudy Kloudy are interacting right now in the hallway of the school. Vasek and William. If you want to jump in feel free man.
Oh this little place called Digimon Forum Roleplay. Fell in love with the rules and systems there and I checked it out.
Nice. I started on the Bethesda forums participating in elder scrolls roleplays. Which can be amazing if you got the right people and premise.
I'd be down for Vasek and Dante knowing each other. Vasek is known for going against the grain so him having a friendship with someone who's not a contractor is right up his alley.
Same could be said for Dante. His general philosophy is that if you're a good person, the faction doesn't matter. Even if they aren't exactly "friends" they could at least be on good terms.
I think "can be amazing if you get the right people and premise" goes for any roleplay :P
True but if you ever participated in a elder scrolls rp, they are extremely fun thanks to the already established lore and world building and the variety of different races, and if you're a elder scrolls lore buff like myself, oh man the possibilities are almost endless.
True but if you ever participated in a elder scrolls rp, they are extremely fun thanks to the already established lore and world building and the variety of different races, and if you're a elder scrolls lore buff like myself, oh man the possibilities are almost endless.
Ah I see. I can really appreciate that, as a passionate world builder. Now if only these games didn't cost a fortune.
I'm gonna write up a quick reply for Vasek and you'll be good to interact. I think some of the other convos have like 3 or more people active in them. Ours is quite small for right now. Idea Idea

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