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Fantasy Shura Academy: How Strong is Your Punch!? (Martial Arts/Super Power/ School RP) OOC

Just wanted to pop in and apologize for not saying hi. Heya Kloud. Hey YungJazz. Hello Dante. Hi Cyanide. It's been a long time.
Sociopaths are very social don't you know :3

plural noun: sociopaths
  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.

Just wanted to pop in and apologize for not saying hi. Heya Kloud. Hey YungJazz. Hello Dante. Hi Cyanide. It's been a long time.

Heyyyyyy man! The whole gang's getting back together at this rate! xD
plural noun: sociopaths
  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.

Heyyyyyy man! The whole gang's getting back together at this rate! xD

Damn you got me there ok how about a psychopath ?

"The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, he lacks conscience and empathy"
Another update: I'm super duper ill and idk if I'll be able to think straight enough to reply. :(

If this headache goes away then I promise I will try my best, real sorry to those I'm interacting with. D:
Idea Idea Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais
Dang.RPN doesn't support emojis
It does support gifs though. So if you wannna give someone a cookie, do it like so:
Dante Verren Dante Verren would you like to rp with Bakuto?

Well in the meantime, I'm making a sky pirates fantasy roleplay (hunting mythical creatures,treasure and trying to not get killed for the bounties on thier heads etc.) for anyone that would be interested.
Well, since we're advertising, I have a boku no hero roleplay if anyone wants to check it out. Of course, I don't want to steal roleplayers though, so if you don't think you can have two roleplays at once, feel free to just come check it out some other time <3


Anyone (not on a Student Council or the Grand Council) want to join the Student Aid Committee (SAC). The only requirements are that your character is willing to help others in various (legal) ways, has been at Shura Academy for at least one previous year, and is not on a StuCo (as they have enough responsibilities as it is). Of course, people are always able to join IC but this is for those who want to already be on the council prior to the new year.

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