Shipwreck Island

He smiled as he looked at her, softly rubbing his thumb against her cheek as he caressed her face. He held her close to him as he softly kissed her back, briefly lingering against her lips.
Casey kissed him once more, but this time it was not rushed, it was relaxed. She pulled away slowly, and then looked into his eyes. She smiled softly before she laid her head on his shoulders and wrapped one of her arms round him, and the other slid down his arm to his hand. Slightly running her fingers over his knuckles and let her body relax as she let her head snuggle into the crook of his neck.
"Well, I do look good in anything, I must say," Ron said with a smirk. "I bet you look great in your equine wear. Do you ride Western or English?" He asked. He knew several things about horse riding, but not a lot. He thought it would be cool for her to teach him how to ride once the trip was over.
Daniel smiled as he felt her relax against him, his arm around her shoulders as his hand softly caressed the back of her head against his neck, softly running his fingers through her hair as his other hand held onto hers.

"I'll bet you do," Sky giggled and told him. "I ride Western, of course. English is too... sophisticated for me." She giggles as she looks back at him. "I have a four-year old appaloosa gelding back home," she told him. "You should've seen me at the rodeo last summer."
Casey looked up at him and smiled. "This is nice." She commented with as she poked his nose. She giggled softly and traced small shapes on his stomach. She was relaxed; the moment should have been frozen in time. It was perfect, like a fairy tale, almost too perfect.
He chuckled as she poked him and smiled as he watched her trace her finger on his stomach. "I agree," he softly whispered as he watched her, smiling softly.
Casey smirked and continued to run her fingers around his stomach. She turned the computer off and then looked up at Daniel. "What is your favorite way to spend time?" She asked him as she looked up with a curious smile on her lips.
As she asked him, he paused a moment and looked out the small window on the side of the room, lost in thought, mindlessly twirling her hair around his finger. As he thought a moment, he looked back at her and brought her hand to his lips and softly kissed it. "Being with you," he whispered as he kissed her knuckles, then her forehead.
Casey blushed, she rubbed the side of his face with her fingers as they laid together. "Daniel. You are so sweet." She told him before she kissed him. She pulled away and ran her hand up and down his side. She ran her fingers through his hair and laid her head on his chest. She listened to his heart beat, making her drift off into a light sleep.
"Appaloosa... those are the horses with the spots on their buts right? Or they are just polka dotted?" Ron asked. "I wish I could have been there. That would have been cool," Ron smiled charmingly at her.
He smiled to himself as he drifted off, holding her against his chest. He lightly caressed her hair, twirling curls around his finger as he kissed the top of her head. 
She giggled giddily at his question. "Yes, appaloosas have the spots mostly on their rump." She smiled back at him with a light blush upon her cheeks. "Really?"
(Finally here!!! Sorry, I've been carried away from other.. duties? But I'm here now, Lovelies.)

"Hayli, please stop with your bickering," Abbi pleads her younger sister, who's throwing one of her world famous tantrums as their small family finishes unpacking the rest of our belongings. "Asking won't get you nowhere," Abbi's younger brother, Jeydon, says with a smirk. "Yo, Hay! Shut the f*** up!" Abbi rolls her eyes before straightening her outfit. "Come on," she orders her bickering siblings. "Let's go up to the deck." Naturally, the pests stop arguing and hop up from their bunks. They all walk out of the small room, Abbi locking the door behind her, and walk up the steps.
Blake wrapped a protective arm around Madison before strolling across the deck, his eyes glancing over the passengers.

"Buck, come here," Maddie called, sitting down on a random chair to pet her beloved dog.

(mehhh. WB!)
Casey had fallen into a deep sleep, but this was not a good sleep. Her forehead became covered with sweat. She jolted awake; breathing heavily. She buried her face in Daniel's chest, not saying a word. Her breaths deep and heavy, and her body nearly convulsing. She had just woken up from a nightmare.

Maxx sat up as he heard new voices, he looked at all of the new passengers and smiled as he sat he lovely girls. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked across the boat. He grabbed a sweatshirt from his room and then began to make his way back to the deck.
((Renaming Buck to Magnum aka Mags because I forgot I used Buck already))

"Mags... Magnum, no. Stay!" Maddie shouted as Magnum bolted for the nearest person walking on deck. Magnum immediately jumped on top of them, almost knocking the stranger over. Madison ran towards the unknown guy, quickly apologizing over and over.

"I'm so sorry! He never does that!"
Daniel sat up quickly, holding Casey against him as he cradled her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. "Shh, shh," he whispered calmly. "Casey, it's okay, it's only a dream," he whispered as he gently caressed her cheeks as he looked, concerned, at her. "Just breathe, it's all okay." He gently held her as he soothed her with his warm, deep voice as he consoled her, bringing a glass of water to her lips.
Casey looked up at him, her body still slightly shaking. She closed her eyes as she listened to Daniel. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She took the glass of water into her hands and took a sip. Her voice was slightly shaky, "I... I thought that you had left me, and that I was alone and I was trapped and.. And." She trailed off, hugging him and looking up at him. "I was scared." She whispered softly.

Maxx took a step back when the huge dog jumped on him. "It's okay." He told the girl who was frantically apologizing. "I'm Maxx." He told her with a soft smile. He pushe the dog off of him and then brushed off his shirt giving Madde a small reassuring smile.
Madison grabbed for Magnum's collar and harshly scolded him, making him sit beside her. "Madison, or Maddie for short," she quietly said in reply. Blake caught the scene from a few feet away and walked over.

"You alright, man?" he asked to the boy in front of his sister. Maddie smiled up at her older brother and back at Maxx.

"And this is my brother, Blake."
Maxx nodded, "Nice to meet you three." He said with a slight chuckle. He looked at all three of them and nodded; smiling. "I'm fine. Thanks for your concern though." He told Blake, smiling happily.
"Deuces," Jeydon says as soon as they arrive on the deck. "Abbi," Hayli says, gathering her sister's attention. "Can I go too?" Abbi rolls her eyes and grabs her arm, pulling her through the crowd of hurrying passengers.

"There's way too many people," Hayli complains. "I feel claustrophobic." Abbi ignores her and sits down, patting her lap to save another seat for someone else who may need it. Hayli sits down on her lap and giggles at the pree-teen boys across the deck. Meanwhile, Abbi takes in her surroundings. Bar, check. She'll need a MAJOR drink later. She sighs, plugging her headphones into her ears to drown out the commotion.
Blake nodded and gave a slight smile before wandering away. He picked a nice spot by the rail to lean against and take in his surroundings. He eyed the younger girl, who seemed to be named Hayli from what he heard the other girl call her. He quickly looked away, wondering to himself if he should engage in conversation--he was never one to do that.

Madison smiled at Maxx before tugging Magnum away. ((so many M's! lol)) She felt too awkward and shy to really say anything else, so she just cursed at herself for having such a personality.
Maxx looked at Maddie; "He's a little big, isn't he?" He commented, pointing to magnum. "Hey, if I'm in you're way of doing anything you can tell me." He told her with a soft smile. He knew that she could have been shy, but he didn't want to be in her way.

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