Shipwreck Island

He smiled and blushed lightly as he gently pulled her close and held her. "Casey..." he muttered as he gently leaned his forehead against hers... "I'm glad I've met you." He smiled as he held her close, softly breathing in her scent with a smile on his face as his neck tingled from her touch.
Casey smiled and felt herself blush, "Im glad that we met too." She agreed, as she moved her head from his neck to his chest. She placed her hand over his heart, and kept her other hand running through his hair. She kissed his cheek and then smiled to herself as she closed her eyes again.
Daniel smiled as he held her against his chest, closing his eyes gently as his heartbeat pounded within his chest, nervously worried that she might hear or feel his heart rapidly beating beneath her. "What are you doing?" he whispered. "What are you doing in France?"
Casey smiled softly as they laid together; their bodies going up and down together. She wrapped her arms around his neck before she closed her eyes yet again. The soft and steady beat of his heart hummed her to sleep, her body becoming limp, and her arms still clasped around Daniel's neck.
Daniel held her tightly against him and kissed her forehead as she peacefully slept, his gaze wandering above the horizon as he smiled to himself.
Casey had a quick little nap, she woke up, a bright smile on her face. She remembered him asking what she was doing in France before she fell asleep. She looked up at him and poked his chest. "I'm vacationing in France. What about you?" She asked him with a flirtatious yet curious smile.
He smiled, seeing she'd waken up. He chuckled softly and poked her nose. "I'm vacationing as well as meeting up with some of my family." He smiled back as he looked at her, looking in her bright, light brown eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Casey giggled and buried her face in his chest. She looked up and pulled herself up so she could look him in the eyes. "That sounds fun." She said to him, as she pressed her forehead against his. She placed hand on his shoulder and continued to hold one of his hands in her other hand.
He chuckled and looked back at her and smiles as he threads his fingers through hers and gently kisses her soft lips. "Would you wanna come with me?" he smiled and held her close as he nervously anxiously waited for her answer, afraid of a potential denial.
Casey smiled, blushing softly, she gently kissed him back. She looked into his eyes and nodded with a happy smile spread acroS her lips. "Of course I would!!" She exclaimed, smiling happily. She hugged him and let her head fall back to his chest. She ran her finger along his chest and down his stomach. She couldn't help but smile.
He smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair, holding her close against him as he smiled to himself watching her, thinking and wondering to himself about what it'd be like having Casey with him and Skylar in France.
Casey found herself drifting back asleep, however, this time she stopped herself. She slowly sat up and repositioned herself. As she readjusted, seagull flew by. It pooped in her hair, with this, she shot up. Her cheeks heating up, and her eyes nearly swelling with tears. "Sorry." She said quietly before running into her room. She put her head under the shower, trying to get all of the poop out of her hair.
A few minutes later, Daniel stood at the door to Casey's room, lightly knocking and calling to her through the door. "Casey?" he called. "Are you all right? Do you need some help?" he stood there, worried about her, waiting for her answer as one of the cabin attendants passed by and offered a few towels and containers of soap, apparently having been alerted of the incident.
Casey walked to the door, the tears still swelling in the corners of her eyes. She got up and walked to the door, when she saw Daniel, she took his hand. "Can you please help?" She asked as she welcomed him inside of her cabin. She walked in to the bathroom, leading him by hand. She felt bad for causing a scene, but what else was she supposed to do?
"Hey" he said and stopped her, holding her face in his hands and wiping away her tears with his fingers. "Don't cry. Please," he muttered. "It's okay, it's no big deal. I'll help get it out, and you'll be fine." He softly kissed her and looked in her eyes "stop crying. you're too beautiful for that."
Casey stopped in her tracks, she looked at him as she stood in his presence. "Thank you." She told him, as she wrapped his arms around his neck. She kissed him, mabey a little longer than the others, but she didn't care. She pulled away and walked into the bathroom. She put her head under the sink and looked up at him. She smiled, her face now dry from the tears. Her hands gestured for him to come closer, she continued taking out the poop from her hair. The discusting smell waivered around her head like a cloud.
He smiled and gently covered her eyes as he began to wash out the poop from her hair, gently pulling/shaking it out as he went, his other hand covering her eyes from getting anything in them as he attempted not to pull her hair and hurt her but to remove the rest of the gull poop, threading his fingers through her hair as he removed the rest of it through her hair, rinsing it thoroughly.
Casey placed her hands on the edge of the tub, she took deep breaths through her nose, trying to keep the water out of her mouth. She coughed a little bit as some water trickled down her nose. She didn't care if he had pulled, because it wouldn't have hurt her. When they finished, she wrapped a towel around her hair and quickly dried the top of her head. "Thank you." She said to Daniel, as she hugged him, and smiled softly.
Daniel held her close tightly as he kissed her cheek and smiled. "Hey, everything's fine, Casey; don't worry about it. That's what I'm here for, right?" he smiled and looked at her, looking into her eyes and holding her reassuringly.
Casey smiled, "Yes, that is what you're here for." She agreed, blushing softly after he kissed her cheek. She looked into his eyes, and leaned in. She softly kissed him on the lips, pulling away slowly. She ran her fingers through his hair, as she remained close to him.
He softly kissed her back as he held her close, his arms wrapped around her as he kissed her, this time for longer than the others before he slowly pulled away. "Casey..." he whispered softly into her ear as he kissed her jaw. "It's like I can't stay away from you..." he whispered softly.
Casey wrapped her arms around his neck. She rubbed the end of her nose against his and then pressed herself against him. "I can't stay away." She whispered into his ear, before she pecked the top of his ear, and rubbed his shoulders. She looked into his eyes, and smiled. She playfully blew his hair back, giggling ever so softly.
He chuckled softly as he held her close, smiling at her as he loved hearing her giggle, loved hearing her voice, loved feeling her pressed against him. He softly kissed the tip of her nose and then her lips, softly pressing his own against hers.
Casey let her hands rest on his neck, one grazing his hair, and the other wrapping around his neck. She kissed him, longer than usual, she smiled as she reluctantly pulled away. She laid her head on his shoulder and looked up at him. She looked at the time and then back at him. "Do you want to stay in here, or go back out there, or??" She asked, giving him a silly expression.
He smiled looking back at her and kissed her forehead softly. "We can go or do anything you want, Casey. They have pretty much everything on this ship."

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