Shipwreck Island

Casey nodded, she looked at him, then moved herself so she was standing at his side. "Do you want to see if there are any movies available?" She asked him, smirking softly. She held onto his hand and looked up at him, she was happy. The happiest she had been in a while actually.
He looked down at her with a smile on his face. "Sure. Anything for you, dear," he whispered as he raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles.
Casey blushed a soft pink; almost like a tulip. "You're crazy. But so dang adorable." She told him, poking his nose with her fingertip. She walked out of the door and down the hall with him. She looked at the plating on the door as they walked. Finally, she found the theatre. She opened the door, where surprisingly, a movie was playing. It was "Pirates of the Caribbean." She smiled to herself and walked to a seat. She sat down and looked up at Daniel, sh playfully stuck her tongue out, and then smiled with a little laugh.
He chuckled smiling at her as he took the seat next to her. "Maybe I am crazy," he said as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "But I'm crazy about you." He smiled and kissed her cheek as he turned back to the screen, laying his arm around her shoulders.
Casey felt herself blush immensely, she kissed him before the movie started, enjoying their connection. Se laid her head on his arm and smiled at him. "Thanks for comming with me." She said to him, as she rubbed his arm with a smile on her face.
Daniel smiled as he pulled her close. "I'll follow you anywhere you go, Casey, you know that." He smiled at her. "Have you seen this one?"
((Sorry, I was in St. Louis and didn't have time to do anything))

Ron smiled at Sky. "Horses are cool. I don't think I've ever rode one, though. I've heard they are very relaxing and a uh, escape if you will. I'm more of a sporty person, though."
Sky looked back at Ron. "Yes, they do help me escape, quite often. Horseback riding is definitely a sport, though I play others too," she muttered, nervously shifting her position. "Would you ever consider learning to ride?"
Casey blushed again, "You're adorable." She told him, pecking the tip of his nose with a kiss. She smirked a nodded, "Yes, but it was a while ago." She told him, "Have you seem it?" She asked him, moving closer to him.
Daniel smiled. "I believe I have, but it's been quite a while for me too." he told her as he pulled her close and lightly kissed her.
Casey nodded, she laid her head on his shoulder and laid soft little kisses on his neck. She smiled to herself and turned towards the movie. As it started, she jumped; the bass was booming, and the title introduction scared her only a little bit. She took his hand as the movie continued, and couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah, I think that would be kind of cool," Ron paused. "I play some other sports as well. Let's see... there is basketball, football, baseball, golf, and others. Sports is kind of my things," He smiled at Sky.
"Would you ever consider letting me be the one to teach you to ride?" Sky smiled back as she asked curiously, looking at Ron. "Are you good at the sports you play?"

Daniel smiled as he held Casey's hand, watching the beginning of the movie and chuckling lightly as the bass sound frightened her.
(( OoC:// Yo, I'm here. Your lives are now suddenly better. Haha, I'm kidding. Anyone want to chat with the lovely, pessimistic Valerie? :b ))

xxxxxValerie sat on a seat outside of the boat. She liked the wind blowing her hair back, even though it always left her hair in a rather disastrous condition. She noticed people that began socializing without much of a problem, but kept to herself. She didn't want any drama, love, or really anything to cloud her mind.

xxxxxAll she really wanted was to attend her friend's wedding, maybe drink some alcohol, then come back home.

xxxxxOf course, then there was the flirting. "Way to make yourself look like a freaking outcast, Valerie. Aren't you jut charming." She muttered to herself. Valerie wasn't jealous, but there was kind of that pang, of, "What's wrong with me?" when she was practically the only one that wasn't chatting with a stranger.

xxxxxIf there was anyone on the boat she would want to be friends with, Valerie chose Priscilla, though it was really just because she had a freaking cute animal with her. Val had a weakness for anything furry and cute. In all honesty, she would prefer an animal over a human anytime... Pathetic, I know.

xxxxxAs the girl silently watched people go about their business, she noticed a few couples that had taken a slight liking to each other. The way they looked at the other person was undeniable. From the names she had gathered, the quickest were Daniel and Casey. Watching them click together was like watching a romance movie take place before her very eyes. At least until a bird decided to ruin the moment by using the toilet at an inopportune time. Valerie had to stifle a laugh at that one. She'd nearly fell off the boat trying not to laugh out loud, until she saw Casey run inside to the cabins, embarrassed.

xxxxxValerie felt a bit of guilt, but it went away just as quickly as it had came. Shrugging, Valerie turned her view to the water over the boat, the waves looked as if it were trying to swallow the vessel, but only harmlessly slapping the side. Soon, she was lost in thought, watching the ocean below her.
Casey rubbed her fingers over his knuckles as she calmed down. She really didn't get very scared; it was more of a quick frightening. She looked over at Daniel, not minding that she wasn't watching the movie. "I have his on DVD at my cabin. We can watch it there if you'd like." She whispered with a small smirk.
Daniel smiled as he looked back at Casey and lightly kissed her cheek.

"Sure, we can go back there, if you would like that better," he told her, only wanting to make sure she was happy.
Ron thought about it for a moment, then nodded his head. "Yeah, sure. It would be fun," He said with a smile. He then replied to her other question, "Well, I think I do. I'm successful in most of them I guess. Mostly baseball, though," Ron told her.
She smiled warmly at him. "I'll bet you look mighty fine in that baseball uniform," she muttered and giggle as she bit her lip.
Casey smiled, "Im happy whenever I'm with you." She told him as she stood up. She pulled him up with her and kissed him. "Let's go." She said as she began to walk with a smile.
Casey leaned against him, she let her head rest on his shoulder as they walked. When they arrived at her cabin, she turned the handle and walked in with him. She turned the lights on a little, then searched for the movie. She wasnt even sure if she wanted to watch the movie anymore. "Do you want to watch the movie? I don't care, but if you want to, we can." She told him, as she turned to look at him with a smile spread across her face.
He smiled and looked at her as he gently pulled her close and held her face in his hands. "I want to do whatever makes you happy," he whispered, looking in her eyes. "As long as you're happy, I am too."
Casey placed her hands on his, "Being with you makes me happy." She told him, looking into his eyes. She turned her computer on and pulled up Netflix. She found 'Cold Case' and played an episode. She snuggled up into his arms and watched the crime show. She knew that if she got scared, she could look away and up at Daniel.
He smiled as he held her, watching Kathryn Morris and Danny Pino's faces flick across the screen as the episode began. He threaded his fingers through hers with his other arm around her shoulders as he softly kissed the top of her head.
Casey let her head slide to his chest, she held his hand as the episode continued. She looked up at him and smiled before returning to the show. She pressed her lips on his, not minding that she was missing the show. She pulled her head away and ran her hand and fingers through his hair.

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