Shipwreck Island

Skyler smiled and watched Priscilla leave the deck for the cabins. She looked back as Ron spoke to her and registered his question as his head was tilted. At the spot where his hand touched her shoulder, some short of shock was sent through her body as she smiled shyly. "Actually, yeah, somewhat," she mumbled.
Casey nodded, after shaking his hand, she looked at the beautiful orange sky, and then him. "What are you going to do in France?" She asked Daniel, brushing some hair out of her face. She yawned a little bit, but then told herself that there would be no yawning until it was time to sleep:
Daniel simply smiled at Casey, glancing around at the ocean before looking back at her. "My sister and I are going to visit some family and have a little vacation not far from the coast," he told her. "What about you?"
Priscilla had been in her room and gotten it all set up and comfy/cozy. Love Bug's cage was set up and she had remade the bed with her blanket from home and favorite green fluffy pillow. She had kept all of her clothes in the suitcases except for her dresses, which were now hung in the small closet. Priscilla had let Love Bug off her harness so she could stretch and fly around. "Ok I'm going to go back to the sun deck" she smiled and caught the creature as she jumped and flew from the lamp to the dresser. "Let's go" she hooked the harness back over the little rodent and petted her head. The after Love Bug got into the loose pocket on her baby-doll styled dress. It was tight around the torso and at the waist it loosened. The colors were deep blue with peacock feathers printed along it. It was a lovely dress, and of course a cute dress was paired with a pair of sweet heels. Too bad Priscilla was an athlete though because on her feet there were only black cloth flats that had a cute little bow above her toes. She couldn't risk tripping and injuring herself, if she was going to tryout for the Olympic team next year she had to be in great condition. Her red hair had been taken back down and sprayed with hairspray so that it now looked 'natrually' windblown.

Walking along the sun deck once more the red haired girl would keep her hand in her pocket to comfort Love Bug. This part of the deck wasn't very busy this early in the morning so Priscilla took the time to get a little practice in. She was listening to a lyrical piece that had once been used for a solo in dance class. Tucking the MP3 player into the torso of her dress so it would stay in place and also making sure her pocket was buttoned she'd burst out into a lovely ballet dance. Twirling three perfect pirouettes and leaping toward the railing both hands would grab it lightly as her left leg lifted backwards up to align perfectly with her straight against the back of her head. Her leg would drop gracefully as she took four small steps and jump into the air performing a switch kick. She would land and end with a two steps to a sweet and softly landed aerial (no handed front hand spring) and finish with a small bow. Lifting her head she would see that a few bystanders had come to watch her and she even got a little applause, Priscilla wore a sweet and innocent smile. >they should see me on the balance beam< she grinned and then just continued walking toward a little smoothie bar and had a seat. She ordered an orange and blueberry smoothie which was handed to her with a little pink umbrella in it. The gymnast sat there and enjoyed the beginning of her vacation.
Ron smiled. "Here," He said, as he wrapped his arm around her, giving her a little smile. She was slightly cold. "Would you like my jacket or are you fine?" He asked while he bit his lip.
Casey nodded, she rested her head on her knees as she sat on the deck. "I'm going for a solo vacation, to try new things, and be dependent for once in my life." She told him, smiling softly. She looked at him and then the deck. "I can leave if you're busy, I mean, I did come over here unplanned." She told him, standing up slowly.
Sky smiled shyly back at Ron as she squeezed closer to his warmth. She peered at him nervously and mumbled, "I'm fine, thank you." 
Daniel gently reached for Casey's hand and gently pulled her back, patting the seat beside him and giving her a warm smile. "No, I'm not all that busy," he said quickly, looking at her nervously. "I mean, please stay," he mumbled.
Casey smiled, she walked over to the seat next to Daniel and sat down. "I'd be glad to stay." She told him, with a soft smile. She leaned back a little, and then noticed that they were still holding hands. She didn't mind though, so she continued to hold his hand, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and the fabulous vacation. She looked over at him and smiled, a brilliant, warm, and happy smile.
((Alright im just gonna jump in right now sorry for being late :P ))

Johnathan walked up the boats rickety walk way and he went to the front. He was leaning on a rail out on the front of the boat. It was a great day the sun was out and bright along with the wind pounding agianst his face.

But although the ocean was a scene to enjoy Johnathan longed for home.
Tony yawned as he walked out of his room. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head, and then stepped out on to the deck of the ship. "It's so pretty here." He said to himself as he took a seat on one of the deck chairs. He put his sunglasses on, he knew it was a sun set, but the sun was still shining brightly.
Ron smiled at Sky and watches the sun in the sky. The boat was going to leave for departure soon, and he was hoping to spend some more time with Sky. He shifted his feet. "So, uh, what do you like to do?"
Johnathan got up from where he was perched and sat over on one of the chairs by Tony waiting for the boat to set sail hopefully soon. Johnathan saw the man but just simply ignored him and enjoyed his rather comfy seat.
Priscilla made her way down the deck listening to her music through her headphones. There hadn't really been anymore 'free shows' as everyone was returning to the deck of the ship to watch it set sail. Her brown eyes settled on an empty chair in the middle of Johnathan and Tony and sat in it relaxing and looking up at the sky sighing lightly. Vacation was amazing and soon she'd be with her brother whom she had not seen in ten years. Life was fantastic. Love Bug the sugar glider would climb out of her pocket and lay down on her stomach, as if she too were sunbathing. The skinny redhead would look from one side, seeing Tony she'd smile if he was looking, and look to the other, seeing Johnathan and also smile, in a silent greeting. Priscilla was an extremely friendly girl after all. She had already met three peopele and the boat had not even left port yet.
Johnathan saw Priscilla lay down on the chair next to him and he smiled back at her

"All sort of pretty girls are on this boat" He thought to himself

He noticed the creature laying on her stomach and he tensed up a bit

"Uh-W-What is that thing? looks like something you would see in a book" Johnathan said a bit spooked

Being it was a bit rude not to give a appropriate greeting he was a bit spooked but still curious.
"Hmmm?" The red haired gymnast would sit up slightly causing Love Bug to crawl up to her shoulder. Looking at the man next to her she would smile and giggle to herself "She's a Sugar Glider, and she is perfectly safe" she would pat the little rodent with one finger "Plus she's on a harness so she can't run off" Priscilla would motion toward the thin black leash attached onto her pink wristband on her left arm. The line would run to the back of Love Bug's body and hook to her harness. Running her right hand through her hair the girl would close her eyes "Her name is Love Bug" her eyes would open as her red hair fell back around her face. She hestitated for a moment and asked "Would you like to pet her? She doesn't bite unless your hand smells like food." It was actually the truth, Love Bug had bitten her father after he had held a banana... But it wasn't her fault she thought he had some for her.
Daniel smiled warmly as he looked back at Casey, her hand warmly within his own as he just relaxed in the sun on the deck of Shoreline.

Sky openly smiled at Ron as she thought how to answer his question. "Well, I'm an artist as well as a sports player..." she muttered. "But what I love most are animals. I've always absolutely loved horseback riding. If I ever need to go anywhere, I can just ride. Sometimes, I just like to go down to the beach, or the creek, when nobody else is around and just sit by myself and think," she whispers as she looks out across the horizon, seemingly lost in thought as she brushes a strand of red hair that keeps falling in her face behind her ear again.
Casey looked at Daniel, she leaned her head against the back of the chair and closed her eyes to let total relaxation take over her body. "What are your interests?" She asked him softly. Her vocal tone was more quiet than normal. She took deep, calming breaths as she opened her eyes with a smile on her face.
Daniel smiled back at Casey as he watched her light brown eyes flutter open again "art, poetry, literature, nature, people," he muttered slowly, his tone low and melodic. He casually brushed his hand slightly against hers. "What about you?" he asked her, "Tell me about you, Casey."
Casey nodded, she got goose bumps as he rubbed her hand. As his melodic tone of voice helped a little too. She looked over at him and smirked. "Sports, nature, being active, I love adventure, and I love thrill." She told him, smiling softly. "What else do you want to know about me?" She asked him, fluttering her eyelashes with a casual smirk on her lips. She felt a funny feeling, but figured it was only her nerves, and her stomach acting up. She sighed softly and turned her attention towards Daniel.
He smiled warmly back at her. "Do you like animals? What sports do you play? Do you have siblings?" Daniel smiled at her as he casually and slowly brushed his fingers against hers, glancing to her hand as he gently holds it in his own.
Casey smiled, slowly, she put her head on his shoulder. "I love animals. My favorite is either a giraffe or a golden retriever." She told him smiling, "I play basketball, track, soccer, softball, and volleyball." She responded. She chuckled a little bit, she knew that was a lot of sports, but she loved a busy life. "I have one older brother who lives in Minnesota." She said with a faint smile. "What about you?" She asked, playfully poking his nose. "Do you like animals? Do you have any siblings? What's your favorite season?" She asked with a giggly and happy smile.
He chuckled softly. "A giraffe and a golden retriever are two very different animals, you know. You keep yourself mighty busy with all those sports, don't you?" He smiled. "I have one younger sister who lives with me." Daniel gestures and points over to Skylar sitting by Ron. "That's her over there. Her name's Skylar." He looked over at Skylar and back at Casey and softly chuckles as he gently grabs her finger from poking him and softly kisses the tip, lightly blushing. "And I've always loved animals. My favorites are either..." he stopped to think and consider his answer "monkeys or dogs, mostly retriever or husky types. My favorite season is most definitely spring." He smiles as he watches her smile, realizing that he likes hearing her giggle. "How about you? What's your favorite time of year?"
Casey laughed, "I know, and I love it! I think that there is no better way than to spend your time, doing what you love." She explained. She felt herself blush softly as he kissed her fingertips, she looked over at Sky and nodded. "She looks like you." She told him, chuckling softly. She smirked and looked over at him, "Ah, a monkey and a dog. Two very different animals." She said, placing a soft little kiss on the tip on his nose. She felt herself blush a little as she rested her head on his shoulder again as enjoyed her time with him. "I love spring and summer." She responded, winking a little bit.
He laughs softly and smiles with a light blush as she kisses his nose. He softly kisses the top of her head as he gently wraps one of her curls around his finger. "What's your favorite part about spring and summer?" he asks her as he leans his head gently against hers as he looks out across the horizon.
Casey smiled and nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. She smiled when he kissed her forehead, and then closed her eyes. She place one hand on her stomach as she contemplated her answer. "The freedom, no school, being able to meet new people, and seeing new places." She told him, looking up at him and then out to the sea. She moved her hand up to his neck, and placed her hand on his shoulder. Slowly, she reached her hand up to his hair and ran her fingers through his hair.

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