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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom OOC Thread



New Member
"Tomorrow the world is going to end, do you want to continue?"
Here it is! The OOC thread for SMT: Freedom, a Shin Megami Tensei focused RP. Character sheets, OOC discussion, and other important info will be posted here!

In the year 2XXX, the world will end, and be turned into a newborn world, whose path will be decided by those who were allowed to continue. The only way to get the right to create the next world is to be the only group left standing.

"Gain power, choose your path, and ascend to the Throne."​

Also the rules are simple, in that they're what you can expect from an RP on here. No being a dick and no godmodding, that sorta thing.

Feel free to ask questions!
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In regards to the setting, I just about have a story path set up, with a few branching paths in the event the characters go in a different direction than I expected.
I probably won't be submitting my own character to the main team, since I'll be playing as the NPCs and antagonists. Not against being part of the main team, however.

As for the setting... Welcome to Sephirot.
Most of the time, SMT is set in Tokyo or a fictional location. Here it's gonna be a different, since it'll allow for people of all kinds of backgrounds to appear.
Upon the destruction of the world, the remnants were fused into one small "vortex world." Without much care for what goes where. There will be a ruined American city in one space, then just a mile away there will be an African savanna, then a short walk away there will be the ruins of some European monument.
Strangely, the ruins of the cities and towns look like they've been in their abandoned state for years, despite the world only having ended a few minutes ago.
In regards to the setting, I just about have a story path set up, with a few branching paths in the event the characters go in a different direction than I expected.
I probably won't be submitting my own character to the main team, since I'll be playing as the NPCs and antagonists. Not against being part of the main team, however.

As for the setting... Welcome to Sephirot.
Most of the time, SMT is set in Tokyo or a fictional location. Here it's gonna be a different, since it'll allow for people of all kinds of backgrounds to appear.
Upon the destruction of the world, the remnants were fused into one small "vortex world." Without much care for what goes where. There will be a ruined American city in one space, then just a mile away there will be an African savanna, then a short walk away there will be the ruins of some European monument.
Strangely, the ruins of the cities and towns look like they've been in their abandoned state for years, despite the world only having ended a few minutes ago.
Ah the sephirot since its a Kabbalah thing like Da'at
CS thread is usually a different one from the OOC thread,helps to keep things organized.

Anyway,I'm trying to narrow down my character ideas,basically got three so far.

1) A nun from a minor sect with Christian and/or Yahwist beliefs,who came to this location to administer a new temple/church. Partner is (Arch)angel or Sachiel.

2) A journalist who writes an occultism column for a periodical but doesn't actually believe in the supernatural...until now. Partner might be Spring-Heeled Jack (in the tradition of the Jack Bros.) or Cu Sith.

3) An actress who was filming a fantasy series when the letter arrived and showed up in costume. Partner would be Salome or Urvashi.
CS thread is usually a different one from the OOC thread,helps to keep things organized.

Anyway,I'm trying to narrow down my character ideas,basically got three so far.

1) A nun from a minor sect with Christian and/or Yahwist beliefs,who came to this location to administer a new temple/church. Partner is (Arch)angel or Sachiel.

2) A journalist who writes an occultism column for a periodical but doesn't actually believe in the supernatural...until now. Partner might be Spring-Heeled Jack (in the tradition of the Jack Bros.) or Cu Sith.

3) An actress who was filming a fantasy series when the letter arrived and showed up in costume. Partner would be Salome or Urvashi.
I thought our partners would be something more like Pixie or Daemon in terms of power since we'd just be starting out
Ah in that case, I'll make a character sheet thread!
Should you submit them here and I post them in the character sheet thread or should you just submit them in the character sheet thread and I approve them there?
Normally its submit to the thread and then you approve them.

For characters I was thinking someone in a cult, someone in the radio business, or an author (or some combination of it). I'm leaning for more of a support/status role for my demons but I can flex into whatever is needed.
CS thread is usually a different one from the OOC thread,helps to keep things organized.

Anyway,I'm trying to narrow down my character ideas,basically got three so far.

1) A nun from a minor sect with Christian and/or Yahwist beliefs,who came to this location to administer a new temple/church. Partner is (Arch)angel or Sachiel.

2) A journalist who writes an occultism column for a periodical but doesn't actually believe in the supernatural...until now. Partner might be Spring-Heeled Jack (in the tradition of the Jack Bros.) or Cu Sith.

3) An actress who was filming a fantasy series when the letter arrived and showed up in costume. Partner would be Salome or Urvashi.
I thought our partners would be something more like Pixie or Daemon in terms of power since we'd just be starting out
Yeah, even if we won't be using "levels" in this, I say the initial partners should be demons found around the 1-20 range. Not the strongest selection but gonna start somewhere. Cu Sith, Spring-Heeled Jack, and Angel/Archangel sounds great!
an_awassi an_awassi one more thing,where did the letters summon us to? Was it an invitation to go to a physical place where we all meet up,or did it magically transport us into the Sephirot?
Ah for affinities is there a level we should aim for total like +1/-1 or higher ones?
As in a total amount? Since we're just starting out, I say +1 in 2 stats and -1 in 1 other stat
...I haven't thought that far ahead, sorry!

an_awassi an_awassi To answer your question in the character sheet thread I think it would be nice to have an example one to reference
Got it!

an_awassi an_awassi one more thing,where did the letters summon us to? Was it an invitation to go to a physical place where we all meet up,or did it magically transport us into the Sephirot?
It is an invitation to a physical place.
As in a total amount? Since we're just starting out, I say +1 in 2 stats and -1 in 1 other stat
...I haven't thought that far ahead, sorry!

Got it!

It is an invitation to a physical place.
No need to be sorry what you seems consistent with what i could find on it (one free point then balanced out)
Think there'll still be at least one slot available for me if I wait until tomorrow to do it (it is late for me, and I want to wait for the npc example as well, which hasn't been done yet)?
Think there'll still be at least one slot available for me if I wait until tomorrow to do it (it is late for me, and I want to wait for the npc example as well, which hasn't been done yet)?
You can join, no worries!

As for when we'll start, how about see if we can start in a week, perhaps? Think that's enough time for me to prepare and everyone to make their characters
Alright, here's some character concepts I cooked up! You guys let me know which one sounds the best to use for the roleplay!

The Forgotten Scholar

  • Background: Once a reclusive academic obsessed with apocalyptic literature and mythologies, this character has been preparing for the end, though in a more theoretical sense. The events turn their life's work from theory to harsh reality.
  • Demon Partner: Thoth (Egyptian mythology)

The Doomsday Prepper

  • Background: This survivalist was always prepared for the worst. With a stockpile of resources and a fortified bunker, they survived the initial chaos. Now, they must adapt their survival skills to a world filled with demons.
  • Demon Partner: Chernobog (Slavic mythology)

The Disillusioned Veteran

  • Background: A former military officer who has seen too much war, this character struggles with their past but finds purpose in the chaotic new world, seeking to bring order.
  • Demon Partner: Valkyrie (Norse mythology)

The Streetwise Scavenger

  • Background: Grew up in the back alleys of a megacity, knowing how to make the most out of nothing. Skilled in theft, evasion, and street-smarts, this character is a survivor by nature.
  • Demon Partner: Kitsune (Japanese folklore)

The Cult Escapee

  • Background: Once part of a doomsday cult, this character broke free from their brainwashing. They have inside knowledge of cult tactics and rituals, which proves invaluable.
  • Demon Partner: Lilith (Jewish mythology)

The Alienated Scientist

  • Background: A brilliant mind in quantum physics and cosmic sciences, they were ostracized for their radical theories about other dimensions. Now, their knowledge is crucial.
  • Demon Partner: Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
Alright, here's some character concepts I cooked up! You guys let me know which one sounds the best to use for the roleplay!

The Forgotten Scholar

  • Background: Once a reclusive academic obsessed with apocalyptic literature and mythologies, this character has been preparing for the end, though in a more theoretical sense. The events turn their life's work from theory to harsh reality.
  • Demon Partner: Thoth (Egyptian mythology)

The Doomsday Prepper

  • Background: This survivalist was always prepared for the worst. With a stockpile of resources and a fortified bunker, they survived the initial chaos. Now, they must adapt their survival skills to a world filled with demons.
  • Demon Partner: Chernobog (Slavic mythology)

The Disillusioned Veteran

  • Background: A former military officer who has seen too much war, this character struggles with their past but finds purpose in the chaotic new world, seeking to bring order.
  • Demon Partner: Valkyrie (Norse mythology)

The Streetwise Scavenger

  • Background: Grew up in the back alleys of a megacity, knowing how to make the most out of nothing. Skilled in theft, evasion, and street-smarts, this character is a survivor by nature.
  • Demon Partner: Kitsune (Japanese folklore)

The Cult Escapee

  • Background: Once part of a doomsday cult, this character broke free from their brainwashing. They have inside knowledge of cult tactics and rituals, which proves invaluable.
  • Demon Partner: Lilith (Jewish mythology)

The Alienated Scientist

  • Background: A brilliant mind in quantum physics and cosmic sciences, they were ostracized for their radical theories about other dimensions. Now, their knowledge is crucial.
  • Demon Partner: Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
The scholar or scientist might make an interesting addition to the party

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