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Realistic or Modern Shifters...Divided

"So you are like my sister..." Talik nodded and sighed, looking away from the Antishifter.

"We should go somewhere safe to talk." Talik said.
"Do you know anything about Shifter Assasins?" Talik asked once he landed onto the roof and shifted back.
Dallas perched next to Talik "Why so glum?" Dallas asked. "It's not like any of them are around, I'm sure I'd know if they were!" Dallas said, trying to be reassuring.
"It just that... They killed someones close to me and I'm hunting them down..." Talik sighed, looking at the ground.
"Oh...Man, why you gotta make me all sad! How the hell was I supposed to know that? You know, this is exactly why I don't like talking to people!" Dallas said before he leaped off the ledge and flew away.
Having listened in on Dallas's and Talik's conversation and curious about the Shifter Assassins Lillin shifted into a vulture and flew to the roof to talk to Talik.
"Dammit... I can't catch up with something that fast.. I guess I'll try and catch him tomorrow" Lillin thought to herself, remaining perched on the room to see if she could catch any other interesting people.
((Noone knows about the Shifter Assassins yet. That is specifically stated on the overview page)
The ground suddenly shook violently for a few moments, and in the distance a huge roar was heard.
"W-What the?! A roar?! Not the Antishifters..." Talik stopped mid-air and turned to the source of the roar, flying to it.
Kanara gripped the desk, holding until the ground calmed.


Kaden looked towards the sound quizzically.


In the distance, a large dragon was destroying homes
William was laying on the ground completely exhausted from sparring with Kaden, as he knew he would lose his fight with the close-combat. Kaden definitely did that on purporse, what a dirty cheater he thought to himself. He closed his eyes for a few moments, finally being a bit quiet and relaxed as the loud roar entered his mind, and he looked over at the dragon.

"Kaden, What in the world is that...?" William asked a bit speechless, but also slightly impressed at the large creature, sitting up to see its destructive powers.

(Sorry for inactivity. I didn't get alerts about anything happening here for some reason >:T)
Tatum held her hands to her ears as the loud roar shook though the school. She squeezed her eyes shut and and curled up as much as the desk would let her. "What the hell was going on?!", she thought to herself.

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Taking flight from the roof Lillin headed to the source of the roar and began circling to see how this would be handled, and more importantly... by who.
William climbed into a tall tree, quickly as he got a better view of the dragon in the distance, smirking and laughing as he was almost dancing while looking at its destructive ways, destroying homes like they were barely flies.

"Hey! Take a look! It's a giant flying reptile thingy! I fought this last year, man they go down easy if you know how to!" William yelled down to Kaden, smirking from one side of his mouth to the other.

"Should we go, or wait to see if anyone want to do the dirty work for us?" William asked, as he seemed amused by the dragon's appearance.
Kaden eyed the creature. "Wait. Let's see how the Shifters handle this." he smirked.

Kanara looked out the window with wide eyes

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