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Realistic or Modern Shifters...Divided

Dallas was on the verge of sleeping, when another thought came across his head: What would it be like to go to a school? Dallas was always homeschooled, well, more like self-taught, but he'd never been in a learning environment such as that, with much curiosity, Dallas began walking to the nearest school.
He frowned. "Sorry about that... I'm here for an actual reason. I told the History teacher to f*** off." He chuckled to himself again. "You're not the kind to get into trouble are you?" He asked.
Kanara listened to the conversation the boy she had previously talked to was in. She looked at the girl and blushed slightly, noting how pretty she was. "I'm here because I got in a fight. I hope it wasn't the same one that caused you problems..." She said quietly, not usually one to join conversations.


Kaden smirked and blocked with his sword, throwing William off.
Tatum looked at the boy she had been talking to with a quizzical expression. He told a teacher that? What was he crazy? Tatum would never have the nerve to tell anyone that, let alone a teacher. No wonder the kid was here. Tatum shook her head as she replied,"..no I don't. I usually stay away from most people for that simple reason. I seem to get myself stuck in odd situations in where I ended taking the fall with the rest of them. I call it a curse".

Just as she was done talking to the boy, a girl sitting in front of the boy spoke up. At her words Tatum felt ashamed that she was talking so badly about her situation. She didn't want the girl to feel that it was all her fault that she was here. "Oh, no it's okay, really. I just have the worst timing in the world when it comes to things like that. This isn't quite all your fault at all. I'm the one who shouldn't have gotten in the way. I apologize for sounding so harsh". Tatum looked away from them both and looked down at her hands in her lap
Kanara frowned. "Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. By the way, I'm Kanara. What's your name?"
Tatum looked to the girl and gave a somewhat small smile. "..I'm Tatum. It's nice to meet you Kanara". She took note of the girls looks and noticed that there was something odd about her. She smelt like a shifter but there was something else that was hidden there. Shrugging it off, Tatum never went back to the sunbject and instead thought about questioning what the fight was about.

"Uhm..if you don't mind me asking. What was the fight over? No offence but you don't look like the type of girl who would start a fight. Now him on the other hand, lookes like he starts fights everyday, just as a means to cure his boredom. Tatum did notice that the boy in whom the girl had gotten on the fight with, had a vibe about him. He looked like the type to start a fight just prove he was stronger. Tatum might have to stear clear of him.
Kanara shrugged. "I could start a fight....but anyways, he was basically being an ass to the point of no return. Trying to 'cure' me." She chuckled. "I don't have the best temper, so I punched him..."
Having heard of a local school with a rather.. dense amount antishifters Lillin decided to investigate, shifting into her vulturous form she took flight and began observing the students from afar, searching for one of her kin.
Dallas stood outside the entrance to the school, wondering what to do to get in. He sighed and entered the building, The Bulding was fairly empty, with only a few people walking. "Hm. Kind of...quiet here..." He said quietly. He wandered around, confused.
Spotting a promising looking boy entering the school Lillin descended down and shifted back where nobody could see her, she then followed him into the school and began to follow him, wondering why one would be arriving at school after hours.
Tatum nodded as Kanara talked. Well she didn't blame her for hitting him, though she was unsure what she meant when said that he was trying to cure her. With a puzzled look, she asked,"..what do you mean by 'cure'. Are you sick?". Tatum felt this was a dumb question but she was still curious nonetheless.
Dallas knew he was being trailed the moment the person started. He let it happen for awhile, but eventually he started to get annoyed. He turned around and looked his pursuer in the eye."Hello. Might I ask why you're following me, or are you heading somewhere?" He lectured.
Startled by the suddenness of his greeting Lillin jumped, trying to compose herself to make a good first impression she shakily returned his gaze. "I um... Was curious about why you showed up so late into the day..." She replied with as much confidence as she could muster, though something about this stranger put her on edge and it came out sounding rather weak.
"Oh....well that's...." Kanara fell silent, most of her wanting to keep her mouth shut. Despite herself, she went with honesty. It wasn't like she had anything to lose. "Because I like girls."
Talik was walking in the lobby, heading outside as his last class is finished.

(Everyone feel free to interact with him. ^w^ )
"Oh...well, I was just exploring. I still don't see why you had to follow me. Seems like an odd way to procure a question, wouldn't you say" He approached the girl slowly. "I suspect you don't quite understand how socializing works. It's quite okay, I'm much the same. I'm Dallas." He spoke.
Tatum blinked and shrugged. If that was supposed to scare her away, she was going to have to try harder than that. "Oh, well there's nothing wrong with that. You are who you are and if someone don't like it, well they can piss on, as I say. Nothing good can come from being around people like that. Besides, that's a stupid reason to pick a fight with you". Tatum gave her what she hoped was a friendly smile. She didn't talk to people much so she wasn't sure if she sounded friendly or not.
"O-oh.. My name is Lillin I'd heard that there were a few antishifters in this school and was hoping if I followed you'd lead me to them, but that doesn't seem to be the case so I suppose I'll be on my way then.." She replied as she began to back away slowly, hugging her doll to her waist.
That was news. "There are...others here? Others like me..." Dallas should've figured. "Thank you for the information friend" Dallas gave Lillin a sly grin before he started sprinting towards the exit, But, was stopped as he saw someone standing in the lobby. "Might aswell get myself known..." He mumbled. He walked up to the person, and spoke "Hello." He said curtly.

Still slightly throw off by being caught by Dallas Lillin decided to shift into her cat form and find a point in the school where she could listen in on any conversations that could lead her to a shifter or antishifter.
"I find that question offending, but If you must know, I am nothing like those anti-shifters. I am...a decent friend!" Dallas was slightly flustered by the anti-shifter stereotype

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