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Realistic or Modern Shifters...Divided

"-Oh and then we just went ahead and offed and and the sound, what was that sound anyway? Oh! And someone is probably going to find the bodies. Oh I wish I could see their faces!" William laughed as they were on their way back into the forest where the Shifter Assassins HQ was located.

"Plus, I earned a lot of money. Who could have thought that shapeshifters were so rich? I love how everyone have so much money stored away in the pockets... It's so easy to take away~" William said, still filled with energy and smiling as he kept skipping a bit, humming on a few songs in his head too.
Kaden smiled very slightly, seeming more relaxed after a hunt. "what use is money? We live in the forest."
Dustin hated school. Like... a lot. Every time his teacher told him to do something, he'd do the opposite. And, for this reason, he was in detention right now. "I want you juveniles to stay quiet and blah blah blah-" Dustin tuned the teacher out. He had heard this enough times. You could call him a regular here. He set his head on his desk and saw him. It was the shy kid from science. He's in detention? How? Dustin wondered. He had never seen this kid get in trouble.
"Oh come on! You don't go to town? You know... enjoy life a bit? Normal life dude! Food, clothes, magazines, games, oh and weapons! Don't you know there's a lot of interesting things in the city, like watching television, but the blood they use are totally fake," William explained as he stretched his arms a bit, and kept skipping around.

"That's why the forest is so boring... It so quiet here..." William said as he looked around, but was met with nothing else than trees and the shadows of the trees, blocking the sun light out.
"I find the forest calming, myself." Kaden glanced around


(since no one else is on/shot got to go in thirty minutes, for work. First day!)

Kanara sat in detention, hitting her pencil on the desk. She sighed, not knowing why she was here. Well, she knew, but it was very much uncalled for. She glared at the Shifter a couple seats away, whom had picked on her. They got into a fight, and of course, ended up here.
Ashton caught his gaze. Oh no, this is one of the popular kids! He turned his head the other way. He didn't want to hear him make fun of him. That's why he was here. One of the other kids was calling him a wimp. He was used to that. But, the other kid took it too far and called him a loner. He mumbled for him to shut up, and the next thing he knew he was getting socked in the face.
"Calm is boring though... A little sound, a little ruckus. Trouble, it's so much better. Like how I was suppose to be at detention today, but I didn't want to so I went hunting with you. See? Trouble is fun," William said as he looked at the clock.

"Detention just started after all," William said and skipped a bit ahead, climbing in the trees, jumping on the branches playing a bit around, entertaining himself.

(Good luck on your first day ^^!)
Kaden watched William, leaning against a tree. "Are you a monkey now?"


Kanara glanced at the other kids, wondering what they had done.

Dustin chuckled at the kid. "Idiot." He whispered to him, before turning back around and looking at the two other people. "What are you in for?" He asked Kamara.
"Oh you got jokes now do you?" William said with a small frown and sat down in the tree as Kaden was leaning and stopped walking as well.

William felt the cold breeze as he removed his hood and mask, it was too tight wearing it around all the time and Kaden could definitely be trusted, that was not to be doubted. William laid down on the tree shooting an arrow straight into the air, hitting a bird as it fell down to the ground.

"I could shoot that with my eyes closed... It's no longer challenging shooting flying birds..." William sighed as he relaxed a bit more.
Kaden glanced at him. "Wanna spar?"


Kanara looked at the boy, surprised somebody talked to her. "Fighting." She answered simply.
"Now that sounds like fun! Kaden, when did you become... fun?" William asked a bit confused as he sat up looking down at where Kaden was leaning against the tree.

"Close combat, long-distance or absolutely anything?" William asked excitingly as he was ready for anything.

"I even got in detention for fighting too, who would have thought that kicking someone into the wall would not be allowed? He was the one being rude to me anyway," William complained as he hoped that the injury was big enough to at least keep him far away from school for a LONG time.
"She told me that I needed to learn how to raise my hand. I told her. "I didnt know this was a kndergarten class. You need to f*** off."He laughs again.
Dallas sat on the ground, Lost in thought about....Well nothing in particular. He thought about how mindless some people were, and how intelligent he seemed in comparison. Dallas yawned, and leaned backwards, and he was now staring at the sky. He liked to think about strange things, and distant life. It amused him.
Kaden thought for a moment. "Close combat."


Kanara chuckled a little.
(welp, I got to go be part of the productive world. I'll be on later today! CrystalTears, you can accept people in my absence.)
(I got responsibilities now... Wow O.o ) 
William pulled out his daggers, he knew that Kaden used a sword. Knowing how good Kaden was in close combat, this would definitely be a challenge, but there is no way he would back down. This was the funniest way to play with Kaden after all.

"Let's go!" William yelled out as he charged Kaden from above, holding his daggers down, reaching down to stab Kaden.
Tatum found herself for the first time in her schooling life...in dentention. She couldn't believe it! If her parents were still around she knew that she would have gottten the biggest lecture of her life. Tatum wasn't even really sure how she ended up here. There were people fighting in the halls and she needed to get to her locker and they were in front of it, so she tried to push herself around them to reach it. And of course with her luck, by that time a teacher had showed up and hauled them all here. She sighed as she hung her head and groaned. Tatum hoped that it went by fast and that no one bothered her.
Grace collected her notes of the desk grateful that work was finally over, well for her at least many of the teachers were still in seats marking their students homework. One of the luxuries to be just a teachers assistant she smiled to herself, maybe one day she would become just like them but the responsibility was definitely one thing putting her off. She didn't want to work herself everyday she liked just helping and getting along with the students rather than be the nagging bore at the front. She un-tucked her purplish hair from under collar, double checked she had everything she needed to take home when she spotted Tatum up ahead, she couldn't help but give a small smile. It wasn't her fault she was detention. "Hey!" she shouted breaking out in to a jog trying not to break her ankle in her heels hoping to catch up to her.
Rachel smiled at the simplicity of this job. The teacher that watched over detention, usually, passed her by on the street, and asked her on the spot if she would accept a payment to watch after kids in detention. "I'd do so delightedly." Rachel responded. Sure, it wasn't great pay, but all she had to do was sit in a seat for one hour in front of a bunch of hooligans. How hard could it be, right? So, Rachel waited until the aforementioned time, put a scarf around her neck, and got ready to walk out the door. She looked in the mirror, there was the slight shape of the crescent, there, and only someone who spent a lot of time around anti-shifters (am I the only one that says ant-E shifters?) or with higher than average vision could actually make it out. She sighed, walking out the door.

About an hour's walk later, she arrived at the school just as the bell for the school's let out sounded. She rushed through the halls, making it to the detention room only a minute before the first people arrived for detention.


"Now then!" Rachel said, standing up from her chair. The scarf dropped ever so slightly, making the crescent slightly more visible. "I will be taking roll." And she proceeded to do just that.

(I'd prefer it if I didn't make a post for every "here" or not, so I'll just do this..)


"William?" After hearing no response, she put an x next to his name.




After this, she sat back down.
(I love how since I was in detention, everybody ends up in it)

Dustin worked up the courage to speak to somebody that he didn't know, and that was a few grades higher than him.. He leaned over to tatum and whispered, "Why are you here?"
Tatum looked over at the boy who started to talk to her,"...I'm in here because of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. They were fighting in front of my locker and I need in before I was late catching the bus home. So I tried to get around them and ended up somehow being in the middle of it all and now I'm here. None of this was even my fault". She groaned again and hung her head.

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