Shards of Immortality

Question on the race stuff - do the physical details have to be identical to the descriptions? For example, can I have an elf with purple hair and white eyes? Rainbow polka dot skin? Not... actually planning an abomination against the very concept of aesthetics a la the example, just trying to get a vague feel for stuffs before I get too carried away with a character.
Tabby said:
Question on the race stuff - do the physical details have to be identical to the descriptions? For example, can I have an elf with purple hair and white eyes? Rainbow polka dot skin? Not... actually planning an abomination against the very concept of aesthetics a la the example, just trying to get a vague feel for stuffs before I get too carried away with a character.
Physical details should range pretty close if they were given in the Race's Lore. However if the description isn't entirely given we are allowing you to have the freedom of making your character individualistic.
Zerohunts said:
I rather like the simplisity of this character
Really? Thanks! I hope the ST's do too.

I had some other ideas, but this is the one I kept coming back to. The others were...

A Nymph who leads a pack of animals wolves or birds or something, I couldn't quite nail down what I had wanted.

An Elf or Tiefling who was a master craftsman and made weapons and armor for the Overlord's army.

A Human with Clerical Magic and was trying to start up a new religion that focused on showing the Overlord as a god.

Anyone can feel free to steal one if it inspires you.
I've written up the idea of the alchemical armorer and weaponsmith for the army, so I think I might have to say I've taken that. Might be posting it soon, don't want to drown the thread though.
Should make for a very exciting game lol. Curious tho, being that there r so many of us interested are there going to be seperate threads with limited people in them? hows all that gonna work?
Zerohunts said:
Should make for a very exciting game lol. Curious tho, being that there r so many of us interested are there going to be seperate threads with limited people in them? hows all that gonna work?
It will all be explained when the game goes up :D !
What kind of limits do you put on magic? You're allowing custom stuff, but I tend to get a little... unorthodox with my ideas.
JayTee said:
What kind of limits do you put on magic? You're allowing custom stuff, but I tend to get a little... unorthodox with my ideas.
No limit, subject to approval.
JayTee said:
What kind of limits do you put on magic? You're allowing custom stuff, but I tend to get a little... unorthodox with my ideas.
This RP doesn't have that many limits on the entirety of magic. Mainly just it put limits on your specific spells and skills as you build in power. The only real things I can think about are spells that control another persons character against that players will (without their permission), spells that prevent the Storytellers from doing their work, or spells that break some major law of the universe (which would mean they were too powerful). You should be fine for filling out the abilities/skills you have to do now regardless.

Edit - As Wizard said, everything is subject to approval but those are some common guidelines for abilities to avoid.
This does look phenomenal, Wiz, but I must admit that I'm not very experienced with any form of role play other than Nation Building games. Statecraft like it is with Uziel is a relatively new concept. I played NBRPG's before I knew Uziel and all I really know how to do is expand my borders across maps and yell at diplomats over trade agreements and human rights abuse. :oops:
[QUOTE="Comrade in the Shade]This does look phenomenal, Wiz, but I must admit that I'm not very experienced with any form of role play other than Nation Building games. Statecraft like it is with Uziel is a relatively new concept. I played NBRPG's before I knew Uziel and all I really know how to do is expand my borders across maps and yell at diplomats over trade agreements and human rights abuse. :oops:

You can still try if you want :) ......You know how nationbuilders have characters? Like that with out the nation building part.
[QUOTE="Arion Wind]-snip-

What does Pansexual mean?

I like what I've read so far by the way, Will finish it soon.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]What does Pansexual mean?

Sort of halfway between Bisexual and Asexual. While he is capable of recognizing physical beauty, it has no bearing on his level of attraction, and sexual attraction comes wholly from an emotional connection.

As a personal note, while probably not a universal trait for pansexuals, Asayal finds the act of sex itself distasteful and unpleasant taken on its own, but as a physical expression of emotional love he regards it as possibly the most amazing experience a living creature can have.
How weird may a character be? Can I play a sentient weather pattern? =D

Half-joke aside, I'll put together a character when I'm home.
I would love to join this, but I am to busy at the moment. 2020 is taking up all my role-playing time. Can I join this at a later date?
medelsvensson said:
I would love to join this, but I am to busy at the moment. 2020 is taking up all my role-playing time. Can I join this at a later date?
Would it be acceptable for me to join? I didn't see this thread sooner, and the idea is really appealing. The system likewise intrigues me.

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