Shards of Immortality

This is veeeeeery interesting indeed, both in concept and the buzz it has created. I'm going to assess my time commitments, and will possibly submit a character. If not, than I will most certainly lurk and enjoy.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Good Lord, it may well end up that the ENTIRE community ends up enlisting to this...
Captain Hesperus

That might be a good thing. I can already see a certain percentage of people going silent on us in this RP (it happened last time). Having as MANY people as possible is wonderful.
Just for fun, how many (IC) posts a week could this roleplay expect?
Well, like it says under gender, Onisti usually goes by whatever gender the impersonated individual is. The spivaks were mostly for backstory purposes.
Personally, I'll be waiting till the game is up to be posting my character, as it'll give me more time to study everyone else's characters, and more time to read the lore and ideas... this is just a cluster, hard to work with! >.<
Tempest said:
Personally, I'll be waiting till the game is up to be posting my character, as it'll give me more time to study everyone else's characters, and more time to read the lore and ideas... this is just a cluster, hard to work with! >.<
Are you still interested in playing though? I know you were one of the original players, So I'm just curious.
Finally got Illyasviel mmmmmostly hammered out, at least concept wise, but having trouble writing her up. I'll try to get her posted like... tomorrow. Is there an actual deadline for posting characters?
Tabby said:
Finally got Illyasviel mmmmmostly hammered out, at least concept wise, but having trouble writing her up. I'll try to get her posted like... tomorrow. Is there an actual deadline for posting characters?
No :D
AWESOME I CAN PUT IT OFF FOREV.... yeah gonna try to post tomorrow. Even if it ends up being pretty rough. Thankee!
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Are you still interested in playing though? I know you were one of the original players, So I'm just curious.

If I wasn't interested in playing, I wouldn't even bother posting here~ :D
I'm going to go ahead and lurk the RP for now, since it is so different than the more structured games I am used to. Once I get I feel for it, I will most likely submit a character. GL HF!
[QUOTE="The World Is Flat]I'm starting to see two 'factions' here.
Those who were loyal to the overlord, and those who used him.

It was like this last time. Too bad we didn't get far enough to where it actually made a difference.
[QUOTE="The World Is Flat]I'm starting to see two 'factions' here.
Those who were loyal to the overlord, and those who used him.

Hehe. I'm playing with that duality with my character actually. If it ever becomes a real problem she's going to be pretty torn.
[QUOTE="The World Is Flat]I'm starting to see two 'factions' here.
Those who were loyal to the overlord, and those who used him.

Geez, does that make my character the odd man out? He wasn't loyal to the Overlord and never used the Overlord.
How comfortable are the rest of you with playing with my necromancer...he fully intends to use most of you, :) If you guys arent cool with that, I do have a secondary concept.
No, no no, no. The Necromancer is cool, every roleplay needs a back-stabbing-then-making-you-into-undead guy.
Out of character, I have no problem. In character, Mordechai will be... less cheerful.
I should probably ask the same courtesy as Thorn, because I fully intend to use everybody, and especially use the people who use other people :D In fact, I might just use users. They're so...useful.

Good god I can't wait. Not even excited for combat or adventure or anything, I just want the General-to-General interaction.

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